ff .! -J v - n .. '",:j; 1 ' $ M$W; J, - ljf $&5. .- ' N- ,.'.. - 4 -4.lfV' ' .-4...wtw-,-Jvsafci- -v v.j v,,. Datlv 'i x J gflt XLbe 1R e be a b k a n V . Vol. IX. No. 70. GLOOM HANGS HEAVY IN BASKETBALL CIRCLES LOSS OF WOODS AND INGER80LL SEVERE BLOW TO NEBRA8KA. HUTCHINSON MAY BE OUT Of CAME Two Regular Guards Have Not Reg istered In 8chool for Coming Sem ester and Chances for Missouri Valley Championship Weak. With the winning of the games in the 1910 schedule from Drake Nebras ka stock took a big jump. The chances for the winning of the chanfplonship of the Missouri Valley In basketball never were better, and the champion ship of the northern section was al moat secured. But over the rosy 'sky a dark cloud of disappointment and gloom appears. When, tho game has been won by two orthreo men on the team, to lose these men means defeat. That at least two of tho strong men on tho team will be out of the game and the Cornhuskor t five may go down to defeat from tho loss of these men is the outlook. Wl bur Wood, tho star guard of tho Con busker quintet, has not registered ip school for the. coming somester, and tho loss of thty Stellar player will be a severe blow to tho hopes of tho Cornhuskor supporters. Wood has played on tho Nebraska team for tho past two years and has held down tho position of .guard. Wood. Good Forward. This year Wood has beon shifted to the position of guard and his work there has put him in tho first class of basketball men in the Missouri Valley. Ills work -there keeping his opponent from scoring Held goals bus "won him a place ns the best guard In tho Mis sou'rUValley. With hits loss tho tonm will bo Beveroly handicapped, it wal kthrough hls good work in dribbling tho ball down the field that Nebraska won tho games she did from Amos' and Drak.0. Wood is a graduate student, having received b'is degree last spring. This year ho ItagVtaken work In tho univer sity, and having only been on tho team for two years was eligible this .-year, Hls-school-work-has-been-Hitch-thut. ho was enabled to do outside .Avor4Ljriil8iat,prcsont-Intorforo8wlth his studies, and thus ha hns been unr ablo to register In tho university for this semester's work. Ingersoll Goes. With ,thc-lpes.of: Wood, Damo For tune was' loath to be satisfied ahdtiio Cornhusker -quintet must oIsppbo the other guard pn tho team. This is A. E, Ingersoll. Ingersoll won his letter in basketball Jast year, and this year -haH-fihowWjr-very-Btrong In offonslyo playing. Ho hos hold .down a regular position on the team so far 'this year and his work has been ,. of excellent duality. IncorBoM luiK not raciHtnrinil in Acnool for the coming, somoster,, as lie-receives his degroe Pobruary 15. Whllo there are a few games to be played yet before Ingersoll rocolves his degree, tho committee on tho eli gibility of athletes has decided that lie cannot partlclpiito-ln thoBo contests because ho is not a registered Btudent u tho time thoy are played. ' ' AmJTher Loss. ! Another loss which' has nofyot been 'confirmed, Ib that of Hutchinson, who has not registered. '"Hutch" 1ms alter nated wlth'Bchmldt at forward and has dono excellent work. It was through somo tjmely'goal'shpptlng pn.hls part In the last game with Ames that the 'Cqrnhuskers .were onablecT'to comoout of! tho cogtost with a victory. That ho wjll not be in school next semester is as yet not definite, but h,o will de cide In a fow days as' to whether ho will .remain in school for tho coming semester or. not, ? ., With lha Inao nt it.nnn . t. ,. j " " " 4ru? " i"cc man mo vprn- UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, huskor basketball squad is severely weakened. Anihersen has shown tint ho will develop and has dono good work during tho time that he has re lieved any of the rcgulnr men. Jones at guard has also dono some excellent workT-and-hiB-chancoB-of-taklng a rug- ular position through the loss of tho other two guards Is excellent. Hilt ner as subBtltuto center has also dono good work, but ho lacks experience In the collego lines of tho game. This leaves tho team without any rogulnr subs and theso are needed to fill tho places of tho subs who go up through the Iobb of tho regulars. RECEIVED THREE 'GOOD 80NG8. 8ong Committee Will Not Announce Awards Until End of Week. Q Tho sdng commlttooanuounced yes terday that thoy had throe songs which they considered particularly good. The contest for a university Hong was to have closed February 1st, but tho commltteo announced last evening that thoy would extend tho timo limit until tho end of this week. At that timo tho awards' wlllbe made. NEBRA8KAN WINS PRIZE. Former University 8jtudent Wins First In Essay Contest. - Vem S. Culver, 'OB, of Albion, Neb., a former student at the university and collogc 'of agriculture, recently won first-prize In an essay contest hold by the Nebraska Dalryn;en's Association. At a recent meeting of the association tho papers on the subject of silo and Its relation to tho Nobraska stock farm wore read and the prizes were awarded asfpllows: V.S. Culver, ?25; E. W. Dargor, $15, and n.-AJ. Berber, $10. TIME EXTENDED TO THE TENTH. Pictures for the "Cornhusker" Must ' Be Taken by. That Time. The time during which Juniors and seniors may have their pictures taken at Townsendli .studio for tho "Corn busker" has been extended to Febru ary 10th. This oxtonBion was made because of tho fact that many of tho upper classmon had neglocted to havo them taken bofore the first of. the month. ThoV majority of the pictures have been taken, liowover. This -is one of the big pieces of work connected with tho publication of tho year book, and TO completion means that tho atten tion of tho editors can be fixed on some of tho other phases of the. work. The material .for thp book Jb. pouring In rapidly, and if present indications hold true for the remainder of , the -year the -editors, feel tfiat thoy ought to got out a better publication than has "ever been. Issued at Nobraska. MI88 THERESA WILBUR 'HERE. Natlona'l Student' Secretary for Y. W. C. A. Arrives from Kansas. ' The Y.'WvXJ. L meetings will begin, in earnest today., Tho leaders are here and everything- ready for a vigor ous 'anU " oftthus'laBtic religious com- 4'nlgn. MIbb Florence Parmelee has been on tho ground for sceveral days and MIs Theresa Wilbur arrived yester day afternoon. Miss Wilbur lias VlBlted tho unlvori slty b'efprp "and those who mat pccasipn nave notmng but love " . . ' and admiration for her; She will speak at Ihe Wednesday and Friday evening meetings and also at four o'clock Sun day afternoon College glrhraro Miss Wilbur's spo clalty. She Is personally acquainted with hundreds of thorn. Every luifvor Blty girl Bheuld mako an effort to be come acquainted with her..Sho Is an lous to meet them and has something of Interest to say. , . ' . Baked beans. hikn? nn tha m.amiDA and 'served hot with dellcIbTfirhrewir , - -n uw UiiuiBU( Bread, 10c.. at Th'n Bostoa Lunch. y y n I PlUDIfPU II. HI, U. A. bflmirilbN STARTS THIS EVENING FACULTY .AND 8TUDENT8 WILL MEET AT SUPPER IN TEMPLE. MASS MEETING TOMORROW NIGHT W. D. Woatherford, "Dad" Elliott, Ar thur Jorgensen and Other Prom inent Y. M. C. A. Men to Speak at Large Mass Meetings, Tho Y. M. C. A. roliglous campaign will b tart this evening with an Infor ,mnl supper in thq Templo; W. U. Woatherford and ;,Dnd". Elliott will bo the principal speakers and tho slipper will be In tho naturo of a conference bctweon inombors of the faculty, local pastors, Btudents and' secretaries. It Is the aim of thoso having tho cam paign In charge to securotho active co-operatfon of the faculty and stu dents of tho university, ntid it is hoped l...i'll.f,, ,i1.,,wi.tn i i i .1...4 "'k mm Diii'iiuKi.Tvin ui! u mvp III LIIIIL direQtlon. Both W. I). Woatherford and Dad Elliott .aro hore and they deslro to meotovery ihan in tho university dur ing tho campaign. Nature of Campaign. This Boven days' campaign will Do largely in tho nntut'o of conferences between leadors, faculty members and students on tho problems of cPllngo men add tho best and most effective means of solving them. It .Is tho deslro of college -men gen erally lo originate somo means by .which university; life can Jio imado most effective'. and healthful for all. concerned. Tho. Y. M. C. A. has un dertaken tho work and as u result these religious campaigns are being held .under the supervision of. tho col lege Y. M. C. A. In nil of the big schools In tho United States and in Canadn. TTJie'men in charge of the campaigns aro widely known "and experienced Y,. M. C. A. workors and it Is their -aim to mako these conferences point out the things that hinder effectivo work In colleges and to provide remedies for thorn. The results thus far have been highly satisfactory. First Meeting Tomorrow Ufll&Ui .It; ! lit m.ttt tomorrow eyenlnc at 7:45 In tho Tern pie theater and owing to the absence of Chancellor Avery, Dr. Condra will preside. W. D. Woatherford and Arthur Jor gensen. will be tho spoakors of the evening, and their Bubject will be "The College -Man's Problems.'' Both of ! these meh are very Interesting speak ers and their talks should be of In- terest to every oho who attends. The music durlntr the caninni will be-'ItL charge of E. D. Plum, n well known tmlveraltv alno wim ---.- w...0 . ... nghigerij! quartet, will sing 'several selections- n't the meeting tomorrow BBBBBBBBBHHtKrt'nSBBBBBBH BBBBBBBLFVvir'SBBBB - BBBBBBR:,:."'T IVBH ' BBBBBBBM iBWBBb1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbI ' BKL BBBBBBBBBBBBBLiBr3nfiBBBBBBBBBBl ' W. D. "wEATHERFORa FEBRUARY 1, 1910. oveniug. W. D. Weatherford. One of tho leaders of tho. campaign will be a man who Is as yot unknown to Nebraska Btudents. oxcont bv ronu. tnllon. W. D. Weathorford ft a native of Toxas, and gradualoU from ono of the colleges in that stato In 1805. Ho thohs ontorod Vandorbllt University. U'llnrn Un tnrtr Itm .!....... 11 . m. a., nkwi. d. whllo in Vnnder- but ho wnsxtho lead.or of. the Alpha Tau Omoga fratornity, played on tho basketball team, and was considered the rineBt gymnast orlils day. While a student Woatherford Vas also prom inent In other athlotlrs'anX was pres ident of tho collego Y. M. C!A. Tho other speaker at tomorrow's mooting, Arthur Jorgensen, gotter known os "Jorgle," is no strangoh among Nebraska students. Jorgle graduated from Nebraska with the class of 15)08. Whllo hero ho was president and general .secretary of tho Y. M. C. A., a member of Phi Koppa Psl and Phi Alpha Tau fraternities. an Irinocont, and odltor-in-chlef of tho Cornhusker. Slnpo loavlng Nebraska, Jorngcnscn hns hold tho position of gendrnl Becrotary of the Y. M. (!. A. at Wisconsin University. NEW MI880UR) COACH. Former Princeton Man to Lead Tigers on the Gridiron Next Fall. Edward Dillon, Princeton '08, former quarterback and captain of tho Nassau olovon, Svns solcctod, -by the athletic committoo of tho University or Mis souri to coach Missouri's 1010 football team. Tho salary stipend was not made nubile, but it is believed to bo $2,500or over. Tho solection of Dil lon means that Roper's Princeton stylo of football will be used again next yea jind presages another victorious season for tho Tigers, flopor bas promised to help Dillon prepare tho MIsBourJhns for their Thanksgiving nmo against Kansas, and.it is believed that the athlotic committee chose Roper's formeV pupil upon his own recommendatitn. , BENDER COACH AT 8T- LOUIS. Will Have General Supervision of All Athletics at Missouri Institu tion Next Year. . I nlm Tf T)nrw1m Hin fAHttmn f T I ... L .slty of-ebraska-athletehag-latclrr""11 ''"" rccotvod no-deflnito-in been elected director of athletics at SLLouIb- University -He-hnd-boen taikod of as football coach fpr No braska for the 1910 season, but It was stated, at the time tho athletic board elected that he had another position In view. The peslflpii at St. Louis will keep him there the entire school year and he will have general super vision 'or, nil athletics. Bonder was perhaps tho greatest' athlete Nobraska over had. After his graduation ho played;, professional baseball and lator was coach of tho -V"iy.0-"8,ty of Washington football team. This year Ho is football and baseball' coach at Haskell Indian school at I-awrence, Kan. CIGARS WITH EXAMINATION. Missouri Professor Passes Around the Cigars to Class In Horticulture. Members, of tho class In horticulture at tho Missouri Stato -University wore recnnMv tnirnrtanri l. lm.ri.io Aii.nu, lMBBiHT avotmd dtirlng a recent exam- I ipatlen In that subject. The Dally MJsseurlan tells abeut tho incidents follows: "'Well, boy, have a smoke?' '.This Is. tljjoJatesOnnovaTflon in giv ing examinations at the university. If promises to bo pqpular with tho stu dents. When tho students take one of the courses in horticulture gath ered In the office of thejr professor Dr. W. L: Howard, to take their sera- wnvu. exuiHtnauon,. ur. woward passed nrmttwl life FfirIA Uwm.1 around his favorite brand pf cigars. Arter all had 'lit up he gave them the questlonos which they answered . at leisure." . Price 5 Cents, WILL FRESHMEN BE PRESENT ATTR0M7 ' FIR8T AND SECOND YEAR MEN CANNOT QO, 8AY8 HATHAWAY. ncCtSSART TO MAKE IT A SUCCESS Power of Committee to Limit Dance. QuestionedEntirely in Hands of JL . , Junior Class , According 8oclal Committee. to Will ho go to tho Junior prom? That depends. If ho Is l6cky enough to bo a sonlor or a Junior ho will be tliore. If ho is a sophomoro or a rresh man he will not. Suchls. tho decision of the commlt teo at a recent mooting and Chairman Hathaway Btates that this rule will bo strictly adhored to. This action. hoj-oyB, is not takonwith any inten tion of sotting up arbitrary class 1Ih tlnctlpns, but Is it product or necos--Blty. Tho dnnco had to bo limited lit ordor to mako Ita success. . With tho largo domand ror tickets no alternative romnlnod but-to give, tho alumnao, sonlors and Juniors tho" privilege or nttondlng. Tho ract that- tho lower classes will havo othor op portunltios or attondlng similar func tlons in tho yoars to como prompted the commltteo to mako this docislon. Many Had Dates. That thoy should net bo permitted to attend is boyond tho comprehen sion of many or tho rroshmon and flophomoreB nnd considerable discon tont has boen manlfostodl Many ,of tho under classmen "had "tho only girl" dated for the event, and had cab, dMes suit and other accessories to a gppd timo at tho prom engaged. Somo of theso men quostlon the power of, the dancp commlttop tp limit tho number of couples .present nr in discriminate as to tho class rrom which the nttendnnqo shall como. Chairman. Hathaway, however, considers that the danco, being givon by tho Junior class, Is not a genar 1 University function, but Js under tho-control'and direction or tho class. Consenuontlv siruciions from tho class retrardlnL' Iheinanagoment-ot the -dance. the chairman censldors that tho commit teq has full power to limit tho dance according to its own discretion. ' Cannot Interfere. Miss Ensign, chairman of tho nm... mltteo on student organization and 'so cial functions, when Interviewed on tho subject safd that as lone as tin, dance was -hold In conformity with tho ruies or tne university tho commltteo of which she waa'chalrmatycoqld sop no cause fer interference She cen- sldercd' that if the under classmen thought that thoy Had any complains to mnHe -it-should be madetb, tho Junior class. Tho chairman of tho dance 'committee she considered to bo acting ontlrely within tho authority delegated to. him 4jy tho class., Several other annouoncemeifts word made yesterday by Chairman Hath- away relative to tho conduct of tho dance. No-one will bo admitted af the door who does not have a tinknt This means that the chairman Intends to carry out his declaration as to lim iting tho dance. Tho time for the srrand march Ir set for 7:45, and according to the an nouncopents made yesterday tho dance will begin promptly on time, re gardless of the number of couples present. Tho arrangements for tho1 I- details df the prom are nearly com. pieted. . Decorations, bannuet. Mituslc '. and all 'of the othor detail -ninc- in make up a successful formal have boon .-4 ..- ..." carerully provided for, nnd it is bo. lieved by thoso in nharm that tiin dance will bethe most successful of fa university season. nv.i y V. I , f j