THE DAILY NEBRASKAN v ! i i the Daily Nebraskan .;. f T 1113 PnOPEIlTV OF. TUB UNIVERSITY OF NBD1UBKA, .uincoini mowrnnKH. DY TUB 8TUDMNT PUD. nOAHP. EDITORIAL STAFF. m t Editor ... Victor B. Smith Managing Editor.'. K. P. Frederick ArtoclnteEdltQr.. - iic"lrJ,- Lod ATsTolatpHEdltor T. M, Edgecombo BUSINESS STAFF. Manager W. A. Jones Autatant Manngor 0. C. Klddoq Circulator V. C. Hatcall Assistant circulator......... P. T. Sturgla Editorial and Business Offlco: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, StatlonA, Lincoln, Nob. i ' ' ' SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Conts Each. - Telephone! Auto 1888, Night Phonos Auto 1888; AUto 2683. 8 eRARKRTRAIjl. O ' ft T 1 8 p , r 0 oo ,jjL iJT!fri r e 8 INTORMAlr- TONIGHT OOO0&)O0Q)O0OQOiSC)0OO00OOOQ00O00OOf INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo chargod for nt tho rato of 10 oontfl pot lnuortlon for ovory flftoon words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notlcca and 'University bul lotlnn will Madly bo publlnhcd frco. Entered nt tho. poBtodlco at Lincoln, Nobraaka, aa second-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. '- !, I !,! II !! I I I I I I II Advertisements for the want ad column should be loft at tho business office, basement Administration build Ing between -10 a. mi, and 12 rrt., or between 2 p. m and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; three Inser tions twenty-flVo cents; five Inser tions forty cents. - SATURDAY. JANUARY 22, 1910. With this Issue, the present . staff of the Dally Nebraskan finishes Its work.... According to custom no paper will be Is sued during examination week. Beginning with the edition . of JTjjesday, February 1, the new staff will assume charge, . T. N; E. DISBANDS. Tho nnnounconu'nt of tho (Unhand mont of Thota Nu lQpailon will como coiiBhlorcd critical. It Is perhnpB al together nn til ml and proper thnt ho Bliouhl bo a0. Tho Ideal procesH of higher educntlon 1h one of enroful ex amlnntlon of premises and .logic. And surely criticism b aa essential to the proKi'UBH of collenu organizations ub It Ib In the larger Holds of lifo. Hut the dangoiB attendant upon crltjclrun cannot ho too strongly em phasized. Too much of the criticism of n college campiiB "knocking" la porliops moro explicit Ib boBed oh hasty hap hazard Judgments only. No Investigation of the facts has been mode. And secondly, a great doal of college criticism Is negative, as the alumnus BUggcsted, not .poaltlvc. In Bteatl of proposing methods and moans of Improving prosont condi tions the "knocker" Is content with condemning the existing order and thoBo responsible for It. In vlow of those- conditions It may lirt woll in vnninmhnr fntir fnp.tur TiMrat.. tho students of former yoaiB linyo been unlimited by a love of their alma muter JubJ. as strong as that or tho presold generation. Second, present organizations are the result . of a Mow, persistent development- Third, effectjvo criticism must bo founded on a' careful, Impartial, investigation .of the facts. And finally, destructive criticism, that is, criticism without positive constructive olonuMits is gon orally of luslgnlllqant value. Oborlln Review. theso deaths the jpupers tell us. I. will leave that to your own judgment, In nine cases out or iu tno row injuries that arise In football aro duo to a. poor Hold and Impropor preparation. Tho game Ib strenuous and ovoryono who plays ought to know that only the best of training will ullow a man to go through a full game." $2.95 SHOES COURE8 IN NATURE STUDY. 'PlirVf ni'ii nffmn,1 In tlin mnntrtf department In the, second gomoate'r two courses of Interest tnteachora who desire workjln nntuVpBtudy. Pro fesBor. Darker will give u two-hour course in nuture study Involving two hours attondtfneo and four hours of Hold laboratory work, which is of CBpeclal yftluo to teachers. The course In ornithology by Professor Wolcott Isfi one-hour course Including nn hour of locturo and two hours .of Inborn- tory work each week, or a Hold trip Saturday forenoon. A,i largo number of lantern slides have been secured for this course which will furnish an abundant opportunity for Illustration, and to those who desire a familiarity with .our common birds and some knowlodgo of their habits and cjcqn. omic valuo, this courso Ib recommend ed. Both cour&ca. arc open to all stu- dontsTVuo previous- work being re quired All SouiS Church, Unitarian ' , Corner of H and .12th Street t ARTHUR L. WEATHERLY, Minister. SerjiicesJLa-m Sunday-Schooli0a7-m7- AH students are cordially Invited to attend its services ALL PEWS ARE FREE , , : : . ! Sunday. Jan. 23 Sermon Subject: Action A Condition of. Qrowth." Social Ethics Class -12:15. Prof. L. E. Aylesworth, Leader, Prot. Fosslcr will cpftinuc the discussion of Ibsen's "Brand". The Studeht's Liberal Religious Union will meet in theVlusic Room of the Temple Sunday, at 4 Mr. C. S. Allen, President of the Boardof Regents will give the address. A11 students are invited. I can't describe the excell ence of them when a fact ory offers me $5.00 msjes at a low enough price so that I can sell them at $2. 95! Gee I nab them-for you. BUDD 1415 O St. as a mirprlso to tho undergraduate body, fow of whom know that any Bteps wore" being taken against tho organization. Tho surprlso is how over a pleasurable one and the ac- -tlon of tho fraferhity will find favor with both students and alumni. Tho notion of tho organization, ii slnceroly followed out, means thnt unoof tliu"-iuost-i)omIclo(i8-infllfltlonH which the university has hud to. en- dure-fpc a jitimbor, ot-yehrs Is now wiped out. T. N. E. has not a pur pose In existing other than tho mu tual GbnofH of Its own members. It 4 any wiworing 'decision. from their announced has proven' itself peculiarly detrimen tal to tho Interests of tho undorgrad untcB and to tho80qf tho university as a wholo. AH thlsNielng so, tho action of yesterday Bhould. bo re as a distinct aclilovomentfor tho betterment of university undor graduate affairs, It Is to be hopod that the action of tho local chaptor will bo followed botlt literally ond in spirit. The university mother If ho could go to a -football authorities, should seo to ItVthat thi4amo: rsho refused him leave, and .Is done If the men concorneashow ho went out and immediately hanged DIRTY PLAYING. Dirty playing In "football has como In for a rap on the part or tho critics in several instances. In connection with, tho recent agitation of tho dan ger of the game it is Interesting to note what Gil Brown, Harvard varsity end has to say on the subject. Ho writes i ' horeniTe-TrT?rcnTTiTTni3-cluniciyH"To" be dirty in a game of football. One hears-nr iot-nbout drrty football; but In a)l the years that I have played football I doubt If I have seen any act dono on tho football field that was surely dirty. Thore havo been llBts compiled of the fatalities in football ... i this Bea8on. I .fit me. rend to you ic fow of tho cases that aro Inclducd iu the 30 fpotboir fatalities of this 'seay son. .. I know that 'these aro right, for I took tho trouble to-looU Into hem. t "One of the 30 tragedies huppened to a stycar-old boy. He asked his NEVER KNOW if m you NEVER TRY When you want to got donning nud Pressing dono by hand nud not by machinery bring your clothos to JOE The Tailor who lu nlso n Specialist ou ultorlng und rofltt Ing your clotLoa up-to-dnto. "SpocialTittenUon- to Ladflp'i " " work and Uniform. UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin NEJBRA8KA GAINING. - Twelfth place in the enrollment ranking of American universities is now accorded to Nebraska. This in stitutlon has gained two points in tho ranking during the post year nndnow Ktands'nhoad of Syracuse and Yale, both of which schools formerly load the' CornhuaTterBw-, ( -The, steady growth shown by -tho figures! which .give Nebraska this ranklqg su,owg no abntemont. ' This year the enrollment Is still Increas ing aa fust as ever. Nothing but serl- . "" , ous disaster or1 continued lack of fl- , r hanclal uldHcan stop the Improvement ?& ln7nuallty . and IX siz of Nebraska's 'f' highest Educational Institution. .- - 'r : STUDENT CRIT.ICI8M, , r The. college student Is, generally himself. . Brutal football. ."Another enso was a youngster who wns playing football with a friend on a lawn. There was a big hole in the lawn and the first thing thnt hap pened wns tho falling of the little fel low into tho hole, and the subsequent discovery that he had broken nock. "A third fellow, after a hard gamo of football contracted-pneumonia and died. In another case a hero ,pf a pro-- paratory school football victory in Con necticut, tried to escape from a dem onstration aftor thq game by climb ing down from his room, Ho. slipped and fractured Jits- skull fatally. . "The last Indictment of football fa talities contained 1 these 30-ivns that of an oljJJTmnn who had played foot ball twenty yeorss Hp yas, 'drrvlng lnhls oarrlago ope day across a rail road tracki and was .struck, by a motive and instantly killed, "Football Is responsible for n.11 of -Barb February. 4, Friday Junior prom. 6, "Saturday, 8 p. m., Armory moot. 8, T.uosday, Temple pluy try-opts. 9-10, "Wednesday and Thursday Bas ketball.. Nebraska-Drake, at Dos Moines. 11, Friday, 8 p. m. Intor-Frnt meot, Armory. 11. .Friday, 8:15- p. m., Tomplo The aterGorman play. llrfiFrlduy, Germdn Play,- Mosor's Comedy, "Konornlckor StraiiBso, No. 120." S il-12, Fr14ayand Saturday Nobras-ka-Ames, nt Ames. Basketball. 14, Monday, 8 p.. m., Armory Basket ball. Missouri vs. Nebraska. 14, Monday Basketball. Nebraska Missouri. Armory. 21, Friday', 5 p. ,m. Special convoca tion, Memorial Hall. A. A. GUI inaib 31, Fjrfday, 8 p, m., Tempjq Pnlladlan "Club meetfl. 21,- Friday, 4 p. m. German Song Clubmeots. Temple; 22,' Saturday, 8 p; nl. Swedish Club meets. 2135 K. ' 22, Saturday, 8 p. m.; 1.87-Solith ' ;GathqIcClub. LlHlCOllTi -fit Feb. 4 9 Junior Prom tt Walt's FnalS OrdnestFa i ii i i , Br r 11 clI 1 1 H L m mi' 't?r?vv -I ilVSRy, w Wj and (US?)) V. CONFECTIONS Fresh Arrival Huyler's Gunther's Lowney ?s Chocolates Bon Bons if ' i ? .-J7T-T777jf W j ifc f"YMB''ril V I ' I I I Febr. 5-Non-Frat Febr. 1.1 -Inter-Frat . Febr; 15-Barb-Fra:t l . 'J. -'4t if . Season Tickets 75c Twd Inf ormals Mark It Down that Satisfaction will result if you order your Sandwiches, Ice Cream, and Punches at We make Our Own Candies! 130? O STREET, - c LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Binclng School" THmisFlooRXJ AUTO 4477 C E. BULLARD, U. of N. 02. Managor DELL A131r SOCIALS Fridays 8 to 12 P, M. CLASSES Ved. and Sat: 8 to 1 1 P. M. Saturday Nfght Fancy Dance and Social. University Night, University Orchestra. - . ' ' Bt Orchestra lurnisbed for partlesr etc. Rates Right. ' Satlsfacllon Guaranteed. New' Term Just Starting. . ENROLL AT ONCE. WE LEAD-OTHERS FOLLOW. SPECIAL RATE TO STUDENTS l $ I .M j,