) . gr- v THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 'O0000000000000 O O 00000000Offi05 a $ CONVOCATION SELECTIONS- 8 "f- f W .! . f CONFECTIONS 141' raw 4KwJl l ' The Daily Nebraskan THE) PROPEtflTY OP TUB UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, Lincoln, NobraMtA. BY THE STUDENT PUD. BOARD. EDITORIAL STAFF. m Editor v...1. Victor B. Smith Mnalno Editor K. P. Frederick Aiioolato Editor Carl J. Lord Attoolnto Editor T. M. Edgecombe BUSINESS STAFF. . , Mannaer i . . W. A. Jones Assistant Manager O. C. Klddoo Circulator.. V. C. Haeoall Assistant Circulator ,P. T. Sturgla Editorial and Business Offices BASEMENT. ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2,00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cent Each. -i Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phonei Auto 1888 Auto 2683. 1- INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for nt tho rato of 10 aontn por Insertion for ovory flftoon words or fraction there of. Fnaulty notices mid Unlvorslty bul letins will Madly bo published froo. Entered nt tho postofflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, ns socond-closs mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 1, 1870.- Advertisements for the want ad column ehoUld be left at the business office, basement Administration build-1 Ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rato of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; three Inser tions twenty-five cents; five Inser tions forty cents. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY ID 1910 REQENT8 SHOULD ACT. Tho nnlvoralty regents HhpuUl not long tloltiy action on tho proposed campus oxtonsion. TJioro hns noon tnlk of nn cnlnrgod enmpus nt sundry timea during tho pnat ton yews. At tho prcBont tlmo tho agitation hna renchod n moro doflntto point than In any previous year. Tho only thing now delaying tho preparation of plana for a propoaed- now campus Is the 'do- termination by tho board of tho di--, rcction of tho oxtonsion. This tho board should ioso no time In docidlng. Tho matter is one of primo impor tance, of great Interest to citizens all ovor tho stnto as "well as to Lin coln roBldents and university studonts. NEW DEBATE CLUB. A now dobatlng club is to bo or ganized ' tonight, composed largoly of studonta who havo alroady had somo oxporionco In public speaking; That thoro Is an opening for bucIi a club Is'vldont and It Is to bo hoped that tho now clu"b will recolvo all support necessary to make it n buccobb from tho start. Tho club, according to tho plans of Its promoters, will Infringe on nolthcr tho'prosont Students Debuting Club or tho debating fraternity of Phi Alpha Tau. It will occupy a field dis tinct from either of thoso and ono which Nebraska has not yet devel oped. At sovoral othor universities tho society or olub plan of developing debaters for tho Intercolloglato teams - has-been found to bo successful. Somo - of tho schools "which havo 'boon "wln ' nlng from Nebraska In tho Central '. DQbatlnELeagpj?, Jxo. adopted, this plan and It has been successful against tho unorganized methods hero pursued. Unquestionably Nebraska has not been meeting recently with tho sue cesswhlch eho' should havo In de bate. Her representatives have been defeated In threo our of four contests during tho past two years. Thnt Is a record-whlch no school should conn- tnanoe-rwlthoutfltfenuous efforts to yecqvor tho lost ground. Thoro was a time, u few years ago when Nebras- j ka ranked at th,(j top, of tho list In tho west. Since tho formation of the debating Joaguo and tho development of organized debatlng-at other schools, sho has fallen behind. The fault haB . largely been that the othor schools developed their methods progressive- ly, Nebraska had tho sTart 'in tho movement, but sho has remained, sta tionary. Tho recent series pt defeats. should cause new efforts for a better sobeme of developing tho intercollegi ate speakers. The now club Is a first Cluett Shirts $1 FAUST UNI CHORUS 1 0 00000000005Q$0000OQ00090OSO0 o Blop.ln 1Mb direction nnd, It mny boIvc tho tiimcuity. COLE ANOTHER YEAR. Coach "King" Colo has again been oloctod -to train tho Cornhuakor foot ball team In tho art of gridiron war furtf. Following a lengthy discussion by students and othcrsV of the. com parative merits ' or various conches, tho nthlotia board lias voicod its con fldouco In tho ox-Michigan man by a unanimous voto. Tho Ibbuo is now up to Colo and It Is understood that he will accopt the tender of his old posi tion. With tho election by, the board, tho conch question Is scCtled, and thoro should bo nono who will not so regard It. Thoro woro undoubtedly a num ber of studonts who had preferences for other men than Cole as tho 1010 football teacher. There was also n strong organization of outsiders work ing agalnBt tho re-olectlon of Colo, those men -being opposed to his se lection partly becauso of Colo's fatluro to put forth a championship team In 1909, and partly becauso thoy speci fically deslrod anothor man for tho place. Dospito tho antl-Colc Influences, the board picked him from n sqund of fif teen ns tho best man for tho place. It considered that ho was tho best coach to bo obtained and it believed him cap able of turning out a good team if the right kind ot. material woro forth- During my Rampant Sale-all classy $1.50 and $2.00 Cluett coat shirts fall patterns. coming. Tho board was undoubtedly Interested In tho conch question moro so .probably thnn any other group of persons. The tnombera have not acted hastily and tholr judgment should bo accepted. Thoso who op posed Colo should realize that tho best authority has considered him tho man for tho place. They should fur ther recognlzo that falr-plny demands thnt Colo bo given firm support nnd havo a chanco to do his best noxt fall. Thoso who point to tho"1909 fiasco ns an evidence of Colo's Unfitness as a coach1 should look baqk alBo to 1907, when ho gavo tho CornhuBkers n championship team. Thoy should re mombdr oIbo 1908, when it Is con ceded that a .schedule of undue sever ity was tho only thing to prevent a llko result. Further, In vlowlng tho 1909 season, thoy should recollect the pessimism which hung nbout athletic, affairs during the first 'two we"oks of practice. At that time thoro was a striking Jadcot-jnaterlttl evident and few oxpected anything llko a good showing for tho season. Then came the Minnesota gome and Cornhuskor stock went soaring. In tho slump which followed,, whon the first proph ecies began to come true, tho team nnd Colo were measured not by tholr work early In tho year, which was the real indicator, but by the phenomonal battlo at Omaha. Tholr backers wero - kUsappoln raised to a .high pitch, and tho con frast was responsible for much of tho later agitation. If Cole accepts 'the position tendered him, his past work should bo romom bered as. a whole, not merely the un favorable parte of It. Ho should not bo hampered with a lack of support IWthor his doubters should glvo him additional aid in order that if ho does fall they .may not themselves share the "blame, - .. But with the right sort of support, and with good material, Cole will not fall:. 5 THURSDA Y Y. W. C. A. Noon Leaders; Monday, J. L. DerKindore. n Tuesday, Clara Plorson. Wednesday, Miss Wolpton. Thursday, OHvo Monn. Friday, Mrs. T. F. A. Williams. Tho Wednesday. mooting vlll bo of especial Interest ns Miss Wolpton Is a missionary JuBt roturned from India, SOPHOMORE INFORMAL FRIDAY. Small Crowd Expected at Hop to be Held at Fraternity Hall. A considerable difference will bo ovldont botweon tho condition pro vailing at tho freshman hop last Sat urday and thajt at tho, sophomore In formal next Friday, If tho ostlmateB of Chairman Clark of tho lattor dance nro worth anything. Chairman Clark says that tho sale of tickets indicates that tho crowd is going to bo small. Whllo ho Ib worrying somewhat qvor tho financial success of tho danco, ho is on tho othor hand glad that tho floor will not bo so overcrowded as to bo uncomfortablo for pleasant dancing. P. D. Roon Is master of ceremonies of tho danco and tho following aro op tho commltteo: J. D.-Pomorono, Q. C. Flack, W. L. Davis, K. F. Warner, B. F. Frolden, Marguerite Kllnkor, Mil dred Bovlns, Graco Holman, Martha Doll and Irma Herman. Dr. and Mrs. Condra, Professor and Mtb. Conant, and Miss Mary Graham will chnper ono tho hop. BUDD 1415 O St. NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY When yon want to'Rot Cloanlnpc and Pressing dono by hand and not by macblnory bring your olothos to JOE The Tailor who InalBO a Specialist on altering and refitt ing yonr clotLco up-to-dato. t Special attention to Ladle's work and Uniform. UPSTAIRS, 1328 O S.T. LINCOLN University Bulletin January. 19, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m Temple Unlvorslty Republican club. 19, "Wednesday, TVlvtrn., Debate Squad room Organization or now dqbatlng-club. ,., ., .,; . u 20, Thursday, 11 a. m., U112--JunIor Prom Commltteo. 20, Thursday, 11:30 a. m. Freshman class meets. 20, Thursday, Convocation. Universi ty Chorus and Soloists. Selec tions from "Faust" 21, Friday, Fraternity hall. . Sopho more Informal. 82,""Friday and Saturday Buskutr ball, Armory. ' Nebraska-Ames. Informal dance Saturday. 28-29, Friday and Saturday. Basket ' ball. Nebraska vs. Drako. Inform inal Saturday. ,,' February. 4, Friday Junior prom. -5, Friday and Saturday Nebraska Minnesota. Baskotball. Armoryi 8, Tuesday, Temple, play try-outs. 9-10, Wednesday and Thursday Baa- kotbalh Nobraska-Drako, at Des Moines. -. 11-12, Friday and Saturday Nebras- 'Ita-Amea, at Ames. Basketball. ' Fresh Arrival ffuyler's Gunther's ancLLowney's Chocolates and Bon Bons yelhtih iyp,y ?M mmumt ttt j.yjt-Bav', j I INDOOR ATHLETICS Febr. 5--Inter-Frat Febr. 11 Non-Frat Febr. 15Barb-Frat I I I Season Tickets 75c I Mark It Down that Satisfaction will result if you order your Sandwjches, Ice Cream, and Punches, at . - We make Our Own Candies! LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" 1m rooof1 AUTO 4477 C E, BULLARD. U. of N. '02, Manager dell A13U SOCIALS Fridays 8 to 12 P. M. CLASSES Wed, and Sat. 8 to J I P. M. Saturday Nlgbt Fancy Dances and Social. University Night, University Orchestra Best Orchestra furnished for parties, etc. Rates Right. Satisfaction Guaranteed. New Term Just Sterling," ENROLL AT ONCE. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. SPECIAL RATE TO STUDENTS Sophomore IiAformetl January 21 Walt's Orchestra Lincoln Junior Walt's Full Orchestra JP YOU ARE WILLING ., Ted will Dye for You . or Clean, Press, or Repair yoiir Garments 235 No. llth Street TED MARRINER Juat opposite-the Windsor T Hotel Aut6 4876 Be!lF1609 Dyer H gfgxtm. cur,7$t7& I I Two Inf ormals 1307 O STREET Fraft Hall Tickets $1.25 Feb. 4 Prom 5L-1 $3;00: & J2 Expirt Hattir, Gliamr, and Prissir ' Dyer of Ladles'' aifei. Gents' Garments .j - t -v- - "8 : ' 4 ;&g & h1 r , I mil i i,