X X .1. fl&M BAtLY NBSRASJKAfl S v -.wt--- y Y i J i Ct v V OLIVER THEATRE TONIGHT 8:15 IN "A MATINEE IDOL" Prices $1.50 to 50c DP W 0 1 T HOPPtR Frl., 8at. and Sat. Matinee Jan 21, 22 MR. TIM MURPHY tYRIC THEATRE Mats., Wed and Sat. 15c and 25c. BEGINNING MONDAY, JAN. 17. ""Chas. H. Hoyt's Political Satire A TEXAS STEER Will Be Presented by THE LYRIC STOCK CO. Eyening at 8:30 15c, 25c and' 35c LABOR TEMPLE BENEFIT Monday Evening, Jan. 17. Next Week "An Innocent Sinner." ORPHEUM - - WEEK STARTING JANUARY 17 MR HYMACK M'CONNELL & SIMPSON FOUR DANCING BUGS BARNES & CRAWFORD BALLERINI'S DOGS KATCHEN LOISETT THE ALDEAN8 Matinee at 2:30. Evening at 8:3b 15c and 25c 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c Phones: Bell 936, Auto 1528. I SELECT PUTS' SLECT DANCING SCHOOL BEGINNERS CLASS WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Sptolal Rates to Students SOCIAL FRIDAY AND MONDAY Ladles Frc Monday 16th and O St. Auto 5405 I SELECT SELECT Mil iraras MiKM Any Suit or Overcoat to your measure during this month $20.00 L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St. Lincoln The Owl Pharmacy Northeast Corner 14th and O Streets Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros; TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH jT I. TYPEWRITERS All makes rented with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in y Rebuilt Machines .Lincoln Typiwrltir Exohingi xAuto 1155. Bell 1181. 122 No. llth BSBBBBBBBasaMBSBaaahJ UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN. C. A. tucker ; JEWELER S. S.Shean S " ' OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT K - Year FatrMe-5oUcite4 Jj;CmpU8Jj Gle&nings w C, H. Prey, florist, 11330 street. . The fxeshmnn color committee will meet today nt 11 a. m.. In II 112. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, llr-119 So. 12th street Miss 'Esther Devalon, ex-1911, of Omaha was n visitor nt Alphn 'Onii corn PI house over Sunday. I Green's Sanitary Barber 8hop. 120 N. llth. Clnrk Denny of Omaha, n former unl versify Btudent. visited fraternity brothers Saturday. Chnpln Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. The freshman constitution commit tee will meet In U 102 at, 11 a. m to day. ! Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. Have you tried the EvunB Laundry? Their work deserves your patronage. 62-5t ThornbuiK's Orchestra. Auto 5877. For Rent Furnished rooms in nil modern houso; hot water heat La dles preferred. 1225 U St. Auto 2588, Hell F2737. 63-5t . Shoo sale. Beckman Bros., 1107 O. A course In beginning Spanish will be j;lven next semester at 9:00 a. m., dally, in rase" ten students desire-the work. Those interested In the course will pleaso report by January 22, TJ 301. ' 04-ot Wanted A "room mate. Address box 1T8B. Sta. A. ', 0l-3t ' Edward Schurlg of Omaha will ai -dress -the Nebraska . .branch - of the American institute-ofeloctrical-GngK neers in the engineering building to night at 8 o'clock. His subject will ho "Electrical Engineering Contract- lug." Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Suitorium, 12th and O. Eh I J I 1 Discount on Furnishings 1 ULtAY and Hats Better Buy 1325 O Street Now F. A. Crltes, 1909, of Omaha, was nn over-Sunday guest at Sigma Nu house. The junior class meets at 11:30 to day in the Temple to elect -members of the Inter-class debating boa.rd. Qtber matters of business, Including committee reports, may come before the meeting. -J f fitudonts expecting to, enter tho De partment of Philosophy tho ensuing semester are requested tansk aftlfe. registrar's ofllco or nt the" ofllcoB "of the department (rooniB 111, 110, -Li brary iHisenienfJ'for copies of tho "do7 partmentnl announcement. Besides a'fuli list of available courses, these announcements contain tho depart ment's 'Suggestions to Students," de signed to guide those unfamiliar with" tho work In the selection of courses. . Notice is hereby given that any sub scrJperv whoyantsJiJ8. ..subscription, discontinued at the qnd of the present semester must notify the management of the Nebraskan of that fact; other wise his copies will continue to be sent to Station 'A, and he will be charged with next semester's subscription. FJailure to taTtehls papers ffom Sta tlon A will not constitute such notice. This requirement 'Is simply made tb protect the management from toss, as the potsoffice furnishes 'no records of papers which are not called for. ' A moment's thought will show the necesi sity for this request, and if subscrib ers will act accordingly, the manage ment will be saved a considerable amddni of expense and trouble'. I 63-7t ( Notice. All reports and maps assigned' in gfeograh'hy IX and field geology V and vnmuBt bo hnndod In boforo Jan. 25,- 1910, In- order to receive full credit. Rimless glasses. Special rates to students. Howe.o optician, 319 No. Twelfth. Monarch Pool Hall und Bowling Alleys, 1134 N. PROM TICKETS ON SALE ' TO JUNIOR CLASS ONLY GENERAL PUBLIC MU8T WAIT TILL LATER IN WEEK. INNOVATION INTRODUCED THIS WEEK Third Year Men to Have First Chance at Prom Privileges Commit tee Reserves the Cab Rights Also. Junior prom managers are going to Introduco an Innovation this wook in the sale of tickets. Instead of open ing up tho sale at once to the general university public as has been tlto cus tom. Chnlrmnn Hathaway will toduy soil tlckots to juniors duly. This sys tem will prevail until Thursday, on which day the public will be given a chance. Tho prom Is to bo limited to eighty couples. This Is the statement of Mr. Hathaway, "r will give you my word," he Bald yesterday, "that only eighty pnid tickets will be sold. All told there will bo only ono or two more than ninety-live couples on the floor." Tho scheme Introduced by tho Juniors is a new ono at Nebraska. It has been tried ul other schools, but nover before here; "TJie Idea at, tho bottom of the plan Is ithat the dunce Is primarily a Junior class affair. Con sequently It Is believed that Juniors should have the first right to tickets. Reserve Cabs Too. The committee plans to go even fur,ther.lhan this in JLts assuring the juniors, first privileges. Already most of the party cabs in the city havd boon resorved for the evening of the prom. Tho commltteo has made ar rangements to reserve all other party cabs, including those operated by the smaller liveries. Theso will be held for By -and By. 'for Juniors until Thursday. Every ticket sold to a Junior will carry with It tho prlvllogCHif a cab reservation. Tho cab scheme grew out of the de sire of some students to havo the reservation as a part of tho ticket privileges. It was proposed thai. the commltteo take over all the cabs at a lump sum and then sell, them to tho ticket purchasers, including tho cab price In tho cost of the. ticket. In stead of doing this, liowqvcr. the. com-,, mlttee will simply see to It that the juniors hayo tho first chance on tho cabsr " ' " JUnlors Meet Today. Tho juniors will meet in the Temple a 11:30 today to hear commltteo ro-J porta and to elect members of the inter-class debating board. At that tlmo tho prom commltteo will further stnto Us plans. "We are surq of a good attendance," said tho chairman yeBtordny. "Wo do not need to niako hney diTtho 'prom, howeter, and wo do .not Intend to. We wnnta good dance and are not going to crowd it. Tho Hmft 1b meant, and I feel personally responsible for lmnirjng tho -faithful performance' of Ibis .promise. Tho fakes that t havo been made' in, tho past make students uriwllllng to believe" tho sincerity of such statements. But in this caso it Js Bincere, and 'late purchasers will flild out tho realness of it to their cost" . 'n . , - , . , amcoiopu. mo rraterniues ai uorneu) havo suffered from .flro o t"he extent of 340,997.33. .- . AmiOurico, during tho ronmindor of tho wook, A Clearance Sale of Men's Shirts Cluetts, Inter-Ocean, makes, as well as $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Values now t t 95 Plaited and plain regular styles, fash ioned of fine woven or printed madras in a big collection of desirable colors and patterns. Coat models, cuffs attached. Sizes range 14 to 17 1-2. This sale will prove a big event to those ac quainted with the quality'of these Shirts now marked, at these extremely low prjees. These prices are brought about solely on account of our determination not to carry these Shirts over from one season to another. FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orden. Give Ui Trill Ordir. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . SSirS'T ' ' ' WHITEBREAST GOMP'Y 11060 STREET . .JiS-yi - - --- LOST! , 'tt'- IfyotiKavc lost or found att ' K icles. rooms fo.rjfentjorbooks.to. sell, advertise & WANT-AD , ; column Our rates are low and .. weifgct results. , ,,r, ...- - -.- -4 IT PAYS TO . ADVERTISE li Patronize Ovr Advertisers Ferguson & McKinney our own Label Shirts 49 ( V $1.00 and $1.25 r Values , now . . . . AUTO 3228 BELL 284 i i' i ,v..wrrii. ft , J.L ....MIW U 4 ir t, ! in the Nebraskan's , 'ftfyt ..V i..'.c-.. 1 .Midiiii' ?; ; ' I A ' . . 'V if ,( ' i. W A . - f I V I - i 'a -j