The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 15, 1910, Image 1

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v r-v' WPr','''J'
Vol IX. No. 64.
Price 5 Cents.
' I
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Members of Phi Alpha Tau Back of
An Enterprise to Form Oppo
sition to the Students' De
1 bating Club.
A now student debating club 1b tho
probable outcome of a meeting to be
held next Wednesday evening. The
session Is more or less shrouded In
mystery, but It is understood that the
members of the debating frntogilty,
Phi Alpha Tau. are largely back of the
enterprise. Among the irlmo movers
are H. B. English, Jl. C. MnrcolliiB, aifdi
A. M. Oberfelder Is another who has
a hand in the enterprise.
For pevoral days there have been
rumors of a new debating organiza
tion which would attempt to enter tho
field now dominated by the Students'
Debating Club. Tho rumors woro at
first extremely vague and supposed
promoters of the scheme declined to
discuss tho matter For somo reason
they seemed to think that secrecy was
demanded In the organization of such
a representative organization as they
wished to found. It has leaked out
however, that Lhc first meeting of pros
pective members of the club will bo
held Wednesday and that announce
ment of Us scopo will ho made immed
iately thereafter.
Details of Plan.
While no one Is. vllllng to acini owl-
edge tho leadership of the movement,
several of tho details ot Its proposed
organization have been learned from
excellent authority. The club will
be limited in Its membership, twenty-five
being tho probable maximum.
Membership will bo by vote of the
'membors, tho exact porcentago noc
essary to a favorable ballot not yet
-being decided. It la understood that
tho membership' provision of tho pro
posed constitution has caused somo
disturbance In the? ranks. Somo dosiro
a majority or two-thirds yoto to per
mit the entrance of candidates, while
otherB would seek Jo Install tho black
ball system.
The purpose of the club wlll bo to
offer frequent practice In actual de
bate. For this purpose the members
will debate with one another, and if
possjble, lntor-socioty debates will-bo
held with , tho fitu dents.' Debating Club.
At other- schools of tho Central Do-
bating logguo It has been noticed that
the (nter-soclety scheme has worked
well. At Wisconsin In particular It
has been highly doygjpned. In tho
badger institution tho ability to win
'thoTlnter-soclety-dobator'lB considered
almost as great an hoiibr as its mem
bership in tho intor-colloglate team,.
Have No Objection.
Members of tho Students' Debating
Club said yesterday that tho now or
ganization would help rather than hln
dor', the older 'club. With two clubs
intor-soclety debates could bo develop
ed In a mannei4 which would give both
orguijjzatlons life. ' It Is extromSoly
hard, say tho Student's Club men, to
nmlptaTn life In ndobatfng club which
has no opponent. Competition would
. rovivo tho interest to a largo extent.
'Tho new club wllr-take-in freshmen
as well as upper classmen and will,
Hi fact, seek to dovolop debating Inter
dst among the freshmen. Among its
charter raembersvlll bo several freBh
raoif who have made good in high
school debating,1 although some of
thorn have not taken pijyt'ln university'
work. , ,
Willie Phi Alpha Tau Is largely re
sponsible for tho lfo of tho now en
terprise, It is claimed that tho fiater-v
. nlty wlll'ln no "way seek to control
thp new organization. Profo'ssorTbg
is understood to bo heartily back of
the Hchcmo aird to be assisting In tho
formation of Kb organization.
President of fowa State College Talks
on "Burled Treasures.''
. The State Superintendents' and
Principals' association, which was in
BOBsfon at the Temple, Thursday and
Friday, had a Tory Interesting and
profitable meeting. The enrollment
waB between 250 and 1100. The Coun
ty Superintendents held a meeting In
tho music room at the Tomple during
tho Bamo rjmc,
Tnoro was a large attendance at
tho banquet Thursday night at tho
Wncoln hotel. Superintendent Fred
11. Huntor of Norfolk, Nebraska, '05,
was toastmaster, and L. E. StormR of
Ames college delivered an excellent
nddrcps on "Burled Treasure."
Professor 8tates IKat System Needs
a RevlshTm
In a recent lecture, before one of
Ills cIubbcs, a prominent professor at
the university stated that thorc wob
a needed revision in tho present sys
tem in our modern teaching methods.
Tho remedy was thejieed of abolish
ing superannuated teachers and put
ting them on a pension. Tho pity of
the American public wishcB to keep
people on the teaching forc6 who have
out-lived their usefulness, but Btlll re
tain their positionR because tho public
docs not feel financially able to sup
port them on the pension system.
That the age of service Is alBo to bo
taken Into consideration but at the
same time .keeping all things equal,
talent and ability should becolisldered
before length of sorvlco If modern and
up-to-date methods are to rule" In tho
dispensation of knowledge.
Students Begin Preparation tor the
Tests at End of Semester.
Final examinations fox tho first so
mestefwlll bo hold week aftor next,
January 21-29. The examinations will
Btnrt Monday morning and will con
tinue through Saturday. It Is under
stood 'that approximately tho usual'
program will be followed.
With the tests only ten days In the
futuro, u spurt of activity Is ovldont
among students. In many courses'
thesis arc due and these are being
rushed to completion. Students who
ni-e somewhat delinquent are getting
-their work- in"Bhapo uud-ouUind-but
cramming will bo in order next week.
Registration for tho second somes
ter will be conducted during the exam
ination week and no delay need bo
experienced in startlngtlio work "off
on. tho following Monday. .. .
Applications Must Be In to Secretary
Clark by Noon Monday.
No election of a staff of tho Dally
Mnlirnukn wnn mil do fit tho mpotlmr'
of the student publication bonrd yes
terday. Tho resignations of the pres
ent stuff woro road and 5.00 p. m., oil
Monday was set as tho time for tho
election of their successors. All 'up-'
plications for positions 'as editor, -nian-agin
editor or business manager
must bo in at tho offico of tho secre
tary, E. H. Clark, Administration
building, not later than noon Monday.
Tho board granted credit to thp
members of the present staff as rec
ommended. A report of the finappial
condition ,wag read. A nominating
committee was appointed consisting
9I Professors Gass ''and Aylesworth
and student Member J-ynn Lloyd. An
auditing 'committee was .alsp named,
and George Wallace was appointed to
devls'e a system for tho -business man
agepaenj; during the eoBuIng year.
H ' tH
Reed and Campbell Only Men -for the
Hundred and Two-Twenty
Good Mate'rial for the
Long Runs.
With a severo scarcity of material
in some departments and a fnlrfylgood
line-up in other siKirts, tho university
track men are looking forward to a
Boason which promises to develop
Home new "material,., and pcrhapB
npilng somo .surprises. In the Bhort
d'sinncc dashes there 1h room for sov
cial good men ami there is also a
pcnrHtx in tin- hurdles and the high
The failure of somo of laBt year's
athletes to return to ncliool and tho
Ineligibility of others for ono reason
and another, aro tho causes which may
hurt Nebraska during tho. coming
track season. In the short distance
runs, Heed and Campbell are almost
tho only men now out who have a
record of successful performance be
hind them. In thu hundred yard dash
Reed made a record of ton fiat In the
Ivy Day meet. .In the regular varsity
dashes Heed was not allowed to run
last year, slncn ho wns needed In the
New Men Needed.
Campbell Is good on tho IW, but
he probably excels in the 220. He
starts well and has good ondiwunco.
llee.iL and Campbell nro both counted
upon to muko good In th'oso events.
Two men aro not enough, however, to
develop a successful team and there
Ib an excellent chaitce for others to
make good.
In tho 440 Burke Is tho only regular
man available. Reed ran this raco
last year, but ho Is needed In tho
shorter runs novand cannot bo,
spared exclusively for tho quarter.
UnlesB' now -material dovolopB it is"
possible that Reed may bo forced to
try for all three of these events,
wAich .-would bo a serious disadvan
tage to tho Cornhuskcr team.
, The shortness of material In the
wort runs Is in part accounted for
bv the ineligibility of Swanson. Swan
Boniva3 a freshman last year and -was
counted upon to dovolop well , this
year. He showed excellent speed And
was good nt starting. This Bomostqr,
he- Is not In school and It Is under
hao thafcMio "will not ba ollglblo'even
If ho returns next somester.
Lack Jumpers.?;, t ,
In the high jump Hummoll is almost
alono. Graham, last year's star polo.
vaulter, may possibly return to schopl
and if ho does hoTnny nialrgood"jn
tho Jumps. This Is ly no moans cer
tain, howoYer.
In tho broad Jumps the material
is good, Perry and Munson are both
good in this evotit. Mnnson has mado
1 feet and .1 inches, whllo Perry holds
he university record of 22 feet and 3
If Graham returns for tho pole-vault,
both he and Russell are capable of
good work. , .
In the hurdles Flack; and Russell are
practically the only men who havo
done well in past years and who are
now eligible. Both men are able run
ners, but nolther can come up to Dale
McDonald, last yoar's track captain,'
who completed his allotted term of
track athletics with his wqrk last sba-,
son. ' t
Good In Long Runs. ,
In the long runs thero is good ma
terial, Amberson for tho half mile
made good last year, coming within
a second of the university" recoi'4 In
the Kania1p?eprask . hidot. McGow
an, a freshman laftt year, is another
good hair-mllor. ' ' , . ' ' '
For tho mile, Batos, a freshman last
year, will probably be ontorrd. Hates
1b, not in school this year, but he Is
understood to bo intending to return,
McGowand ,nnd Anderson are two
other BophomoroB 'who ought to make
good. - ' .
In tho two-mile Cable, winner of the
KnnVms-'Nohrnskn two-infllo runf liiHt
yrar, and Anderson aro the llkoly as
pirants. Anderson came in second-in
the cross-country nt Chicago last year.
Others of the croBB-counOry men may
enter this event.
Presidents of Neighboring Colleges
Visit Campus Yesterday. '
Prosldcnt A. B. Storms or Iowa
Slate Collego at Ames and President
Waters or Kansas State Agricultural
college at Manhattan were .campus vis
itors yesterday.
President Storms 'Waujiu tho city to
address the association of -prufcl)ulH
and superintendents, which Is holding
Its annual session. Ho came up to tho
campus yesterday afternoon and
viewed the buildings.. Fie Insjioeted
the now ong'noorlng building and
seemed pleased with Its character.
Chancellor Drops Students From the
Medical College.
Two students havo been suspondod
from further university privileges bo
cniiBo of cribbing in written tosts.
The suspensions aro both in the niedU
cal collego and nro tho result of flag
rant cheating in a rccont examination,
in both cases tho suspended students
were nlrenfly on the probation list and
likely to fall In their work.
Thoso suspensions nro tho first to
be made this semester for cribbing,
August Molzer and Other Artists Ap
peared at Temple Theater1. -
Tho first concert of tho KomonBky
plub was given Thursday ovoiUng In
the Temple theater. August Molzer,
violinist, hud tho leading part In tho
program with Mario Meek of Omaha,
plunlst: Lillian pnrfitt, soprano, and
Jusslo Clark, "accompanist as others
on tho program.
,The program was ulmost entirely
chiHsicul. A good growd was In at
tendance nml was pleubpd by tiro high
class renditions.
Plans Complete For Enjoyable Hop at
Lincoln This Evening.
Tho annual freshman hop, tho first
dance-gjven-by tho-univorslty-3lebesr
wlll be held, at the Lincoln tonight.
Plans aro laid for a moat enjoyable
dance and It is expected'TfiaTa crowd
of .average size will be present.
Chairman Prank Clark yesterday
said that ho .did not expect to have
any difficulty in attendance.' He.wJir
not allow moro than u limited num
ber to be on tho floor, however.
Eugene Holland Is master of cere
monies of the hop.
Planned to Convert Big Indian Insti
tution Into Trade School. ,
Haskell institute, vulued at $750,-
000, the second largest Indian school
In llujnltedLSjEtaaJJoofreTetl
to tho stateNof Kansas. "Us -a site for
tho establishment of a day trade
school, according to Superintendent
H. B.' "Peairs.
Mr.(Peqirs, who has Just 'been ap
pointed supervisor of Indian fvchools,
says ho has discussed' the matter with
R, G. Valentino, United States cbra
misslone'r of Indian affairs, and that
ho looked with favor on the proposi
tion. The, Kansas legislature wll) . be
asked to appropriate 'money for main.
tenance 'nnd then allow white stu
dents to enroll at the Institution with
out tuition. , -.,.
Event Proves to Be Financial Success
and the Debt of the Engineer
ing Society Will Be Ma
terially Reduced."
A "howling success' n "dandy, fine
show." Theso and similar remarks
were heard on all sides at the closo of
tho engineer's vnutlovlllo-whlch hold
dowji tho boards at tho Tomplo theater
last ovonlng. Examples of fftudolirilfo-"
anfl genuine vaudeville stunts were
mixed with appropriate euro through
out tho bill.
The show on the whole was aB good
as any which has bcon produced by
any of tho student organizations for
somo length of time. On every hand
woro hoard tho commonts of tho fair
sized audlenco as It passed through
the doors of the theater satisfied over
thu excellent program which -theoni
glneors hnd rendered for their bone
fit Hydraulic Class.
The opening number-on tho bill wus
a scone laid in a university class
room and portrayed tho Ufo of the
membors of tho cIubs in C; E. 29, or
"hydraulics," as it is moro gonorally.
known about tho campus. While wait
ing for tho nppearanco of tho profes
sor the .class spent their time in roast
ing each other and singing a parody
on "Dbb Garten Haus." The wlticlsms
of tho various profossors and some 'of
tho students wero givon froo-to tin? "
public in this -act. Among tho various
fuculty members montioifcd wore Dean
Richards, Professors Morsp, Chatburn
and Heck. Bozart, as the professor of
the class, laid special emphasis upon,,
the fact that the members conducted
thomsolves more like freshmen than
Many havo gono to tho Orphcum
woek after W6ok. to hearlpoororlng
crs than Glen Mason and ho "was vlg
orously applauded at tho closo of ovory
song -which ho sang. Hfa excellent
tenor voice' carried to the farthermost
parts of the house and he wfts encored
over and'ovor again:
" ' Comedian Makes a Hit.
One of tho big hits of the evening
was Leonard Henry the black-faco
comedian. Ho gave somo good advice
to tho -ladles aswoll as the married
men ntnl iva eapenlnlly free- n- his
distribution of candy. Tho engineers'
quartette, composed of membors 'of a
surveying gang, also 1 was ono of tho
most popular numbers of tho -bill.
Glen Mason, Vanborg, Plumb and Mit- .
chell sang some of the best quartette
music which liiis heon heard TTtUfo"
university for somo time. "Cy" Ma
son, as the leyel man, made a decided t
hit when ho gontly reminded the rod-
man to hurry- up and quit sleeping.
Hazel, tho trJckestor, and the Mitch
oils, gymnasts, concluded tho program.
D. Mitchell, with .the assistance of his
brothensmade a decided hit and they
were WUedN back for an encore.
Financial Success.
The vaudeville was a financial sue
ces"3('splfo"lho fact that therb were"
several "social functions on the calen
dar at the samo time: The program
given, many woro heard to say, de
served a better attendance. Despite
this fact tho financial success , of, the
show will go a lonsf wnya to coyer the
indebtedness of ho qngince.rlng so
ciety caused by poor business, ma,nigo
ment of tho lat,' year's Blup Prlnt.
The members of the soclojy, ar,o ,
planning on making this sjhflw auvan
nua. affair,,, , u'li, VM
Baked beans, baked on tWe premises
an( served hot with delicious brows
"bread, 10c. at Thu Boston Lunch.-
H . ' nutf ! ?! i
( 1