t m mr S J t . J fc X ) J if. f . f V-AF ft' ttbe 2)ail IFlebraekan VoL IX. No. 63. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRISDAY, JANUARY 14, 1910. Price 5 Cents. V NEBRASKA SIXTH OF STATE UNIVERSITIES FIGURES COMPILED FOR 8CHOOLS HAVING 8TATE AID. A VERY LOW COST PER CAPITA Nebraska Educates Her Students Lower Figure Per Pupil Than Any Institution of Like Size and Class. at C&ClC&CC&C&C&CC&C&C&C& .J CK ft aA cTWodern Soliloquy By a "Republican Hamlet Tho United States Bureau of Edu cation collects each yoar statistics of stato universities, and other Institu tions of higher education partly sup ported by the state. This Information has just been published as Bulletin No. 422. The statistics cover the yoar ending June 30, 1908. Using thlB compilation as a basis of comparing Nebraska with other Institutions of the same class, tho following facts have been ascertained: ' " ' Numtier'of Students. ' ' Minnesota 5,066 Illinois 4,972 Cornell 4,859 Michigan 4,554 Wisconsin 3,585 Nebraska '. 3,611 California 3,558 Wisconsin is placed above Nebras ka although tho showing of students is less. This is accounted for by the fact that Wisconsin failed to report for tho year 1909 to the bureau of ed ucation, and consequently the figures lor 1908 were substituted. None of the other Institutions reach ed the 3,000 mark. Salaries Paid. The maximum salaries paid profes sors of tho various classes are given, but there has evidently been some confusion In tho reports. Thus, for instance, under "professor" some In stitution designate a dean's salary, others the salary of tho head of a department. In many Institutions no distinction Is made between tho salar ies of' deans and of other professors. In one Institution where the maximum salary of $5,000 .is reported, it is known that tho report relates to only a single dean, and that the average sal ary paid to a professor in that insti tution Is lower than that paid in o braska. Wherever tho professor 1b given a house in addition to his sal ary, $500 has been added In making up this comparison. Tho list of max imum salaries runs as follows: Cornell $6,500 Iowa 5,000 California 5,000 Illinois 4,500 Missouri 4,500 Okjahoma 4,000 Wisconsin 4,000 Minnesota 3.700 Rutgers Collogo , 3,600 Michigan . 3,500 Maximum Figures. Colorado' School of Mines, Connecti cut Agricultural College, Dolowaro College, University of Georgia, Michi gan Agricultural College, Montana Stato School of Minos, Pennsylvania Stato Collogo, University of Texas and tho University of Nebraska, pay a maximum salary of $3,000 each. Most of ttio other Institutions pay salaries lowor than these, and these figures Bhould not bo- taken to Indicate In any way tho average salaries paid in tho various 'Institutions. It is inter esting to note, however, that there Is no special relationship between tho size and tho fame of a school and the maximum salary paid.- For Instance, Oklahoma reports one salary of, $4,000, while tho maximum in Ohio stato Uni versity Is given at $2,800. Tho lowest figure reportod as tho jhaxlmum salary of a professor In any Institution, Is f 480 with a house, This Is In ono of tho state colleges for col ored ajtudenta. The lowest ..maximum professorial salary reported In any t To InBurge. pr not? That is the quostlon: Whether Ub nobler In Republicans, to suffor Thp slings and arrows of an outraged people Or to take arms against a sda of Cannons And by opposing, and them? To InBurge to fight No more and by a fight, to say we end The boBB and all tho thousand natural grafts A senator is heir to 'tis a consummation Dovoutlv to be wished. To Insurge to fight To fight! nerchanco. to loso av. there's the rub! For in that fight and less what costs may come. When we have shuffled off this mortal graft Must give us pauBe, there's tho respect That makoB calamity of politics; For who would bear tho whips and scorns of loss, Tho bosses' wrong, the Republicans' contumely, The pangs of vanished hopes, tho law's dobaugh, The Insolence of office-holders, and the spurns That patlont morlt of tho Insurgent takes, When ho himself might his qulotUB mako With a bare bodkin? Who would oppression bear. To grunt and swoat under Cannon's rule, But that tho dread of punishment and Iobs The inevitable country from whoso bourn No reformer returns, puzzles tho voter, And makes us rather bear tho boBB wo have, Than fly to others that wo know not of? Thus conscience does mako cowards of us all; And thus tho natlvo hue of voters Is sicklied o'er with tho palo cast of thought; And entorprlseB of groat pith and moment, Ab Insurgency, their currents turn nwry, And loso tho name of notion Soft you now.. Tlie fair Insurgency herself Is hero. Nymph, in thy OrlsonB Be all my sins romembor'd. Should I lnHurgo7 INTERFRAT BASKET BALL A CERTAINTY 8CHEDULE OF OAME8 13 BEING MADE TO BE PLAYED 800N. institution for whito studentB, is $1,500 without a house. Tho salaries" of presidents range from $10,000 per year, Including a heated and lighted houBo, to $2,200 without a house. The lowosfc salary including a house, Ib $1,200, paid to tho president of ono of tho stato col leges for colored students. If a thous and dollars a year bo assumed as tho valuo of a heated and lighted house, there are thirteen presidents "who aro rppolvlnp- Inriror nnlnrlnfl than iifild in Call Nebraska, six tho same salary, while balance of J hose reporting receive a lesser amount. The figures for the total income for the year aro also somewhat uncertain since fost of tho institutions do not wind up the year's business on Juno 30th and in some instances tho grand total for tho year represents tho re ports given for 1908 Instead of for 1909. Annual Expenditures. Tho expenditures of tho various In stitutions aro In part as follows: Illinois $1,693,999 California 1,505,664 Cornell : 1,438,707 I Minnesota 1.276,246 Wisconsin - 1.1G5.55U Michigan 1.162,397 Ohio 783.726 Stato College of Washington 664,711 Nebraska ! 647,830 Missouri 640,197 IoWa Agricultural College... 604,022 Iowa State University 548,110 University of Washington... 502,000 None of tho other Institutions show an expenditure of more than $500,000. These figures Includo buildings as woll as current expenses. The following shows tho quotient obtalnod by dividing tho total expendi ture of each institution receiving more than $500,000 by tho total number of its students: Illinois $340 California 432 Cornell ! 296 Minnesota 251 Wisconsin 325 Mlohlgan .' 255 Ohio ....!. 309 State-College of Washington 534 Nobraska, 3J9 Missouri 252 Iowa ' Agricultural College 229 Iowa Stato University 221 University of Washington 298 Tho principal conclusion to bo drawn from tho figures presented is that Nebraska Is educating its stu dents at a very low rate per capita, and a reasonable Inference Is that the. professors here are putting In a nmxU mum amout of time In teaching and' that many of tho classes aro too jargq for tho host development of tho stu' dent. " INSURGENTS TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT UNIVER8ITY REPUBLICANS MAY DECIDE TO DO THINQ8. . MEETING WILL BE TUESDAY EVENINO Is Issued for a Session of Anti Cannon Students to Perfect an Organization. R STREET IS THE DIVIDING LINE Twenty Minute Halves, Intercollegiate Rules and No Professionals Are the Lawe Governing These Contests. Your car fare Would pay for a nlqe lunch at, the Boston Lunch. Whj go homo? Will Nebraska studonts lnsurgo? That is tho question which will bo put boforo a mooting of university men In the Temple next Tuesday oven ing. Tho meeting will bo composed of all men who aro in sympathy wltli the republican insurgent movement and will be held in scionco hall of tho Tomplo at 8 o'clock next Tuesday evening. This means that Nebraska students nre again to tako an active part in tho political affairs of tho day. Ballinger and Plnchor havo,up to tho present time been names that ponotrated but Boftly to tho scholastic ears within tho confines of tho campus. Insurgent has boon a term about which only tho dim mists of history clung. But tho lethargy which has pervaded tho political atmosphere at Nebraska is at length to bo torn to shreds and tho stern cry of tho Insur gents will echo from tho administra tion building to Nebraska hall and back again. Result of City Movement. Such is tho portent of the meeting to bo hold Tuesday night. Tho meet ing 1b called forth by tho same feeling that brought about tho recent meet ing of prominent Lincoln men who en dorsed tho Insurgont movomont as rop resonted by Sonators Dolllvor, Cum mins, LaFollotte, Nelson and Brlstow. A club of university men who aro In favor of this trend in national poll tics may oven bo formed. Although all men In tho university who aro In favor of "Insurgency" are urged to at tend tho meeting, those, in chargo say that no ono will ho pledged to take any definite stand by their attendance. Not only are tho students of tho university to tako an active part in tho meeting, but it is repqrted that prominent Lincoln men, together with members of tho faculty, will bo in at tendance. Addresses on the history of "insurgency" and tho proposed or ganization In tho university will bo given. Strenuous efforts are being put forth by tho BCholarly-lnsurgonts already In terested in the movement to awaken their less volatile brethren to action. Tho exact magnitude of the movement in the university at tho present time is difficult to ascertain. The call to arms has boon made. Tho roBults cannot be foretold until Tuesday. Others Insurgmg. The dcslro to "lnsurgo" haB nrlBon In tho university as a rosult of sim ilar movoniontB on foot In tho city and olBowhore. A masB mooting of Nebraska Insurgents will bo hold at tho Oliver theater nxot Thursday nf tornoon. Similar meetings aro roport od for Omaha In tho near future. It Is oven planned by thoHo in chargo of the work In tills city to hold a ban- quot In Lincoln In tho near future Recent Inquiries mado by the oom mlttoo has elicited reports from many counties over tho stato. Gos'por county has telegraphed that It will tako ono hundred platOB at the bqnquot and Douglas county may oven tako a bpo clal train if tho prosont plons aro car ried through. With this agitation going on In vari ous parts of tho stato and with occa sional accesB to a nowspapor it Is not difficult to see how tho movomont haa at length penetrated tho seclusion of tho university. Followers of Ropro sontatlvo Norrls, who Is leador of thlB movement in tho Iioubo, and of Sona tors Dolllvor, Cummins and IaFol lotto, loaders of tho movomont in the senate, aro at length to havo an op portunity to consolidate and form an organization, tho strength and influ ence of which ennnot ns yot bo estimated. HAWLEY WANT8 PRESIDENCY. Arrangomonts aro nearly complete for tho Intorfrat basketball schedule At a meeting of tho Intorfratornlty athlotlc board yestorday It was finally decided that tho baskotball Borloa bo tween tho different fraternities of tho school would bo a certainty. Somo tlmo ago at a mcotlng of tho Intorfrat athlotlc hoard a suggestion waa mado that a loaguo for tho purposo of play ing a basketball Bchodulo bo adopted. This suggestion mot with instant fa vor and tho action of tho board yon tcrday flnnlly completed noarly all nec essary plans. A commlttco wob appointed, and this committee will havo chargo of making out tho Hchodulo for thoso games? Tho games will be played Junt an fact as It Ik poHHlblo. and thin moann that pos sibly threo games will bo played on tho Hnmo (Into. Some of tho games will be plnyod on Saturdays and thin means that It will be poRnlblo to play more than threo gamoH on Oioho dayn. R Street the Line. At tho meeting youtorday It was do elded that It ntruot would bo tho di viding lino of tho frnt league- and this would allow six teams on a eldo. Tho gamoH will bo played similar to tho banoball series which .aro hold in tho spring. The winners of tho series of games on tho north sldo will play tho winners on tho south sldo for tho final championship and tho wlnnorB will bo nwnrdod second and first placo pon nants. Tho games will bo under tho regular colleglato rules and will bo played tho name ns all of tho intorcollogito games oxcopt that twenty minute halvos will ho played at thoso gamoB. Rulos woro also ndoptod disqualifying all profes sionals In all intorfrat contests. This will tend to establish all thoBo con tests on an equal basis and much spirit has boon developed over tho promises of tho coming schedule of games. 8ophomore Politics Take a Definite Turn With Announcement. It. D. Hawloy haB announced his Candidacy for tho presidency of tho sophomore class. With this announce ment sophomoro politics aro given something definite on which to contor. No other candldato has yot appeared to contest with Mr. Hawloy. Hawley 1b a freshman law who has taken ono year of academic work, thus fully qualifying' as a straight sopho moro. Ho Is a member of Sigma Nu. SENIOR PLAY ANNOUNCED. HIGH 8CH00L ORCHE8TRA. "The Climber,!' by Clyde Fitch, Colce of 8enior Committee. A breakfast surplus of $6.10 and a' prom deficit of nearly $50 were tho packages handed the senior class at Its meeting yesterday. These revela tions were made In the course of a series of committee reports. The roport of the" masquerade com mlttco called for a decision by th class on whether or not 'the mas quarado should be open to the public. The class decided to admit seniors only. Trio play committee announced "The Climbers by Clydo Fitch as tho ve hicle for tho production ot the class dramatic effort rpwenty-two' places are provided in the cast Pawnee City Musical Organization Appears at Convocation Yesterday. Attracted by tho novolty of tho ap poaranco at convocation of tho Paw nee City High School Orchestra,' 'a' largo crowd gathered at Memorial Hall yesterday. Tho musical or gap I zatlon Is composed of about fifty hjgh school students of tho Pawnee City, school. Professor L. F. Stoddard, who Is director of music in tho Paw nee City schools, conducts the orches tra in a highly efficient manner, as shown by the excellent program rend ered yesterday, They are In tho city under Invitation from tho superinten dents and principals' meeting which is in se8Blon this week. Seldom lias a more pleasing program been given. Bach member seemed to enter into the spirit with enthusiasm. Tho audlenco-showed Its appreciation by applause, Tomorrow morning tho orchestra appears before the Lincoln High School. Yesterday's program was: SweetheartMarch . , f . .Pry or Osaka Japanese Intermezzo . , Morris On the Rivera March ... .Greunwald Cupids o'n-dPanede vi . . . , ... ,-. .).,,..; . Jack In the. Box, J - ,.Vl.v.yAlfe Kinky Kinks ; Fulton a r - . t'