MBftffftMCTw Msww.yaavmJU9mBU t t. rtwwtmwMwwHiwMwaiaw'iKi ' Tmmtmmmmtmm e"wiwwWMirii-lrrriyi.iY.rili-aii,,wi ., ...i ii,i MMtwwmfclfeaAl M THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i. i r- 4i'MM4khm The Daily Nebraskan . l'HENrPROPERTiJ OF,. THE UNIVERSITY OP. NEBRASKA, I- ' Iilnooln, Nobnmkh.. BY THE. BT.yPENff TUB. BOltP. . EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor Victor B. 8mlth Managing Editor K. P. Frederick AMOdato Editor.. .ic"r' J'- P Atiociato Editor T. M. Edgecombe BUSINESS 8TAFF. Manager W aViS2a;I Assistant Mariager .O. C. Klddoo Circulator V. C. HatoaU Aialatnnt Circulator P. T. Sturgl ejiiiMlal tntt Rnalnoaa Offlr.n! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ., poitonice, ttiaxion , umwin, i"U. SUBSCRIPTION PRIC, $2.00 PER YEAR Pnynblo In Advance. - single Copies, 5 Cents Each ' Telephone: Auto 1888. Nluht Phones Auto 1888; Auto 2683. : (- INDIVIDUAL NOTICES w bo charaod for Ht" tho rnto of 10 cbnta per IntfoYtlon for ovory flftoon wordB or fraction thoro of. Paculty notices and Unlvorolty bul letins will bladly bo publlnhod fnio. Entored at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as socond-clann mall matter under tho Aot of Congress of March 3, 1870. . Advertisements for the waht ad column should be left at the business office, basement Administration build ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; three Inser tlqna twenty-fivo cents; five Inser tions forty cents. rvnsvrvrarwturarwMV'WVnrttU-KFraM O IS V - - - m M-firs. I UUJVUUA?IJUI Vi f . ft '. I High, School Orchestra Pawnee City THURSDAY. 6oocoooooooooooooooooooooooso WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1910. "Tho Toturnfl Tor tho laut term of scholarship mnrks nt tho ofllco of tho dean' of tho collogo show an uncom monly' good record for the moh of the football squad," says tho Yalo Alumni Wookly. Bettered scholarship has synchronised with tho training of. a championship toam, and, porhapB, tho best toum that has ever represented Yalo on tho gridiron. Such a result ' for a Blnglo season Ib not, of course, concluBlvo. It may possibly bo a co incidence rather than a co-relation of nthlotic and mental forces. But It does mako protty strongly for tho Idea that In caBO of tho Individual athloto Into tho conference and promises, to bo good. Michigan shows no Imine .diato lntontlon of taking any such ac .tUm.and Is making up her 1010 sched ule without asking tho consent of tho conference mentors on the disputed points. On tho Michigan schedule Minne sota Is given a place. Now Chicago demands that this game bo cancelled. If tho Gophers will not drop Michi gan, Chicago announcoB her willing ness to leavo Minnesota off the Maroon list In 1910. With this situ- i-ntlon In tho conforenco it seems quite poBslblo that the Gophers will Beck a release from their agreement with Michigan. If this action Is taken, Michigan will havo an oppn date, and It Is said that she may consider Ne braska for tho place. If played, it Is understood tho game would bo in Omaha. Whether or not such an arrangement will go through Ib problematical. Nebraska, students can, however, well afford to bo Inter ested In the outcome of the conference quarrel. FROM THE FAR EAST. Onco ugaln is tho progressive ntti tudo of tho races of tho far cast brought directly to tho attention of Nebraska students. It Is "how nn announced that a native Korean, en rolled In tho university, is giving mil itary training to a group of hiB coun- as WIsconBin -and her student body Ib generally healthy. Sanitary condi tions aro not bad. It la well, however, ovon nt Nebras ka, for careful medical oversight to as groat nn extent as Is necessary. A stop has been taken In that direction by the request that all cases of stu dent sickness bo reported at onco to tho registrar's office, that" propor at tention may be rendered If necessary. This request should bo generally un derstood and carofully followed. Its obedience will not matter to a major ity of BtudentB, but to a few It may mean much. ADDRESS BY ELECTRICIAN. E. F. Shurig to Speak Before Ne. braska Electrical Engineers Jan. 18. The University' of Nebraska branch of tho American Institute of Electri cal Engineers announces an open meeting for January 18th, 1910, at which Mr Edwin F. Shurig will apeak on "Electrical Engineering Contract ing." The mooting will be held In Room 10G M. A at 8:00 p m. Mr. Shurig Is a man of wldo expe rience In, this work and has traveled over a largo part of the globe. For tho last five years he haB been con nected, as president and treasurer, with I ho Standard Electric Co., of Omaha. Ho comes to Lincoln to give UiIb lecture by special Invitation of tho A. I. E. E. DRILL TANS 13750.' gUDD thoro is "no oxcubo for his charging athletics ylth his low scholarship stand if ho has one." A CONVOCATION NEED. - Ever Blnco tho beginning pf tho someBtor tho Nobraskan has boon call ing attention to tho lack of studont IntorcBt In tho soml-wookly convoca tions. Tho fact of such a lack can not bo denied, but It may bo that n wrong has been done In ascribing it ontiroly to fault of tho students. It Is just possible that tho convocations are to bo blamed. In looking over the announcements for several weeks, it appears that tho locturo convocations those hold on Tuesday aro largely, if not almost ontiroly, dovoted to highly Intellec tual addresses. - Tho programs aro calculated to uplift tho listeners and as such they are highly to ho com mended. But thoro Is lacking in tho university a series of addresses on currant topics of interest to students, '.expressed In common-day language. It -may bo that tho convocation po riod is not the tlmo .for such a series. If that ,1a tho caso then tho Friday afterrQqnt. period should bo devoted i&Ctlthlsou&o. Questions of moment aro but imperfectly discussed 'in the dally papery land- many students havo not -jth.0 .Umo .to rend widely In tho press. lAiHhort r.esumo of leading events of ib week by men. who aro in a position- to Snow would .bo a valuahlo .rawing card. Either this or a series ptr addresses, oach completely cover ing some upto-date question, would result In greatly Increasing convoca tion interest trymon who aro studying in tho schoolB of Lincoln. Theso men aro doing JhlB with tho deflnlto purpose of preparing themselves In order that they may In tho futuro bo of aid to their country In caso of conflict with Japan or other powers. What 1b happening hero at Nebras ka is occurring In many American uni versities. In almost every institution of any slzo will bo found ono or more groups of tho--oastornorB, sometimes Iorean b, sometimes Japanese, and somotimes members of other races. Every group Is earnestly ondeavorlng to abBorb tho maximum amount of western culture and knowledge during Its stay in this country. Within, a fow years theso men who are now studying American methods and principles will bo tho leaders In the east Their influonco there and tholr success in introducing western Ideas In an eastern civilization may mark tho destiny of tho world. ' In any caso it will havo a powerful effect on tho foreign relations of this coun try a score of years hence. In all of which Nebraska university is doing its llttlo part, which Insignificant as It may bo, Is "nevertheless counting towards-tho ono result. CONFECTIONS Fresh Arrival Huyler's Gunther's and Lowney's Chocolates and Bon Bons 1 wmmC j' CTH' (7e?m'tih aJhlStcrcr i IF YOU ARE WILLING Ted will Dye for You or Clean, Press, or Repair your Garments 235 No. Ilth Street TED MARRINER Just opposito tho Windsor Hotel AutO 4876 Expert Hatter, Gleaner, and Pressor Bell F1609 Dyer of Ladios' and Gonts' Garmonts Soplfoomniore' Iraformal Frat Hall January 21 . i., . ; P Walt's Orclnestra TicKetB -$1.25 if ,. IT IS TIME to get acquainted with this up-to-date store if you have not done so. Our Baked Goods and Confections are the Best. Give. us your order for Sandwiches and Punches. ZA&m 1307 O STREET NEVER KNOW m you NEVER TRY When you want to got Cleaning and Pressing dono by hand and not by machinery bring your clothes to JOE The Tailor who Ib alBo a BiioclalUt on filtering and refitt ing yonr clotLes up-to-date Special attention to Ladle' work and Uniform. UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN mBsBsSBssssssssssssm Eraggiiifceers Jai&umry 14 19HO m VAUDEVILLE Temmple Tlneateir 8 P. lyfi. BZ5SSSSSSJS2S5SS;2S2K;B3 University Bulletin . MICHIGAN POSSIBILITIES. .- -Tho present wrangle In tho west ern conference" may haVo direct reeulta - on.' the Nebraska football schedule rfor 1910. Chicago is lnslBt Ingjthat' all 'members- of the' confer ence rigidly aVoId con testa with Mich-IgH-.untlMhat institution comes back A MEDICAL ADVI8ER. Wisconsin has just installed a med ical adviser who will treat nil students free of cost in caso of illness when thoy cannot afford tho services of regular physicians. Asldo from these duties he will be charged with a gen oral oversight of tho physical condi tion of students, including personal physical examinations and sanitary In spection. To pay for theso services each student will bo charged a fee of ?1. ' t Such a system as that just adopted by tho Wisconsin authorities may-well bo considered by other universities. At Nebraska the nee'd of. 'such an of fice Is ndt yet strikingly evident. 'Ne braska. Is not so .large an institution January. 12, Weduosdny, 8 p. m., Temple teha- ter G. A. uamey, "Farm Ma chinery." 13, Thursday, 11 a. m., freshman hop committee, U 112. 13, Thursday, 11 a. m. Convocation. . , Pawneo City high school orches tra. 13, Thursday, 11:15 a. ra., Dr. Clapp's ofllco. Inter-frat athlotic board. 13, Thursday, 11:30 u. m. Senior class meats. Announcement senior play. 13, Thursday, 11:30 a. m., Memorial Hall Engineers' rally for vaude- vlllo. 13, Thursday; 4 p. m. Sophomore bas ketball candidates meet in Memo rial hall. 14, Friday, 5:00 pv m., publication board meets. 15, Saturday, 8:00 p. m., English 'club meets with Miss Syford. 13, Thursday, 8 p. m., Komonsky club muslcale Prof. Molzer. 14, Friday, 8 -p. m., Templo Thoator Engineers' vaudeville. 15, Saturday, Lincoln ..hotel Fresh man hop. 15, Saturday, Chorus party. r ILimcolirn Hotel WALT FRESHMAN HOP $1.25 January 15 LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" nTHiRDSFLooRT AUTO 4477 O. E- DULLARD, U. of N. '02, Manager BELL A1311 SOCIALS Fridays 8 to 12 P. M. CLASSES Wed. and Sat. 8 to P. M. Saturday Night Fancy Dances and Sociali University Night, University Orchestra Best Orchestra furnished for patties, etc. Rates Right. Satisfaction Guaranteed. New Term Just Sterling, ENROLL AT ONCE. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. SPECIAL RATJE) TO STUDENTS SUBSCRIBE NOW for The Daily Ncbraskan n