V - - 15, THE DAILY NEBRASKAN lit If i fr I ! . 14 TheJQaily Nebraskan TUB PROPBUTY OP the UNivransiTY of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nobmnka. - DY THE STUDENT PUB. DOAilD. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Victor B. Smith Mnnnalno Editor K. P. Frederick , Aiioclnto Editor Cart J. Lord Associate Editor T. M. Edgecombe BUSINESS 8TAFF. Manager W. A. Jones Aaalitant Manager Q. C. Klddoo Circulator V. C. Haicall Anlitant Circulator P. T, Sturglt Editorial and Dullness Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Centa Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 2683. 1- INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will bo charged rormi wo rato or jo contn por Innortlon for ovory fifteen wordB or fruatlon thoro of. Faculty notlcon and Unlvornlty bul letins will bladly bo publlflhod froo. Entorod at tho poatofTlco at Lincoln. Nobranka, nn nnoond-clanH mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want ad column should be left at the business office, basement Administration build ing between 10 a. m and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; three Inser tions twenty'flve cents; five Inser tions forty .cents. O0000000000000 O O 00000000000 8 " ' CONVOCATION Rev. Z. S. Batten 8 TLESDA Y 8 8 O 00SO0030000000OQ)00000000 o ff TUESDAY, JANUARY 11. 1910 INTERCLA38 DEBATE. LhhI i our shortly after tho Intorcol loKiato (IoI)ii(oh wore over n move wiih Inaugurated for a r.orloH of IntcrchtHH dobatoH which woro calculated to en couriiKo donating niuoiiK Htmlonts who might not have tho I lino or tho ability to innlce tho debating nqund hh wo II U8 umoiiK tlio wqund momhorH tlioiti Kclvos. Tho endeavor roHultod In n HorloH of debated which aroiiHod con Bldorublo IntoroHt and which appar ently mot tho (IohIioh of tho promo te rH. From all Indication. tlio nt tempt wan a worthy one and one which miiv In the January number of tho School Review, cornea to tho defoiiBo of the system In her article. "Coeducation Again." Without considering the ar guments for or against woman's right to a higher education, she deals only with the best method and place of ob taining it, and with tho reforms of wrong conditions now existing In tho coeducational institutions of thfc country. .MiHH iiiiiHciaie concludes mat co education has never been afforded a fair trial, tho housing of the women ami tho social sido or their lives In the educational Institution, has never boon wisely considered in America as at Oxford and Cambridge In England. i no iiiouc or living winch women students are ptill obliged to adopt in the majority of educational institu tions, oHpoclally state universities loaves much to be desired. Without traditions of their own, and without guidance from educational authori ties, the women modeled their Boclal life after that of tiro men. Side by side wllh tho fraternity and rrntornlty house sjirang up tho sorority and sor ority house. Seldom wns a suitable patroness placod at the head or this, but it was rather loft to tho direction of tho 12 or 20 Inexperienced girls who woro roHpoiiBlblo for Its existence, though not ono of tho number could pioperly overneo a home. Hero the 'hop or the rrat' house and the socle- AT THE THEATERS. Good Orpmsum Bill. There may bo homller races in Lin coln titan that iKJBsessed by the mes senger boy In the Orpheum quartet this week. IJut lr there bo such it Is saro to say that he 1b hiding in dark places and keeping Ills countenance Tar from the light or day and human flight Said. moB.songer boy Is surely the ugliest specimen seen on a local stage In some time. Hut ho can handle the funny man's act better than any one else on this week's bill. Woro It not for tho "Tuscavy TroubodourB" tho quartet might take tho honors as "best of tho week." The Troubodours are good, ovory one of the six having a voice or attractive ability. Tho rault or the bill, if it be a fault, Is the large numuer or musical num bers and the luck of real side-splitting run. IJut what run there is is refined. In ract In this respect the present bill is tho best in weeks. Besides the troubadours and the quartet there Is a dual, musical stunt, a novelty pluno-vlolln-voc.nl entertain ment, a strong contortionist act, a short farce, and some good clay modeling. IF YOU ARE WILLING -Td will Dye for You or Clean, Press, or Repair your Garments TED MARRINER 235 No. Ilth Street Just opposite tho Windsor Hotol Auto 4876 Bell F1609 Expert Hatter, Gleaner, and Pressor Dyor of Ladies' and Gonts' Gannonts .-IMlHiMBMBMIHHHH FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders, Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I WHITEBREAST GOMP'Y 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 - SoplhiQini&oire' iEaffonnniedl Frat Mall I Walt's Orclhiestra Tickets $1.25 At convocation' this morning Itev. S. Z. nation of Lincoln will speak. Dr. nation's subject will he "The Kealu J'tlon of Values." Gloss Patents sa.so budd IT IS TIME to get acquainted with this up-to-date store if you have not done so. Our Baked Goods and Confections are the Best. Give us your order for Sandwiches and Punches. 1307 O STREET Enagiiruees"s Jarauaary 14 1910 w well he perpetuated. Last year an In terclass demiting hoard was formed with powers of continuing tho de bates. Tho board will begin very shortly to make arrangement!) for 1910 debates. With additional time for more careful preparation the sorlou could ho made of oven more vnluo than last year. TO GAIN POWER President Lowell of Harvard uni versity addressed the students of tho University or Wisconsin lust week. Me brought out forcibly what ho deems to bo tho real function of edu cation. Power, not knowledge, ho placoH as an ultimate to be gained. HIb romaks may bo summed' up as follows: "Ono goes to a university, to gain not knowledge, but power; not to learn to know things hut to learn to do things. We must loam things to enable ub to reason, to grasp prob lems. You get Just as much out of your education as .you put into It in onergy. Tho larger your start horo.tho largor your caliber in lator achievements. "Tho main thing In tho dlfforenco In men's success is in their1 standards. Tho university affords you tho -place to sot for yourself high standards. They form tho way to achievement for mankind not to personal happi ness. Tho university affords you a place to measure yourself and your standards. ''U "Greater, better, higher than all you get from your college career should bo your Btandard. If you have not "'Eh standard whon you have "Tlnlshed, you have missed tho most es sential part of your university education." DEFENDS CO-EDUCATION. Contending that in its forty years of trial, co-education has not beon given a fair test, Ellen C. Hinsdale of Mount Hollyoke collego, writing ty lady's 'afternoon' aro attempted with tho oxpondlturo to bo covered by sacrlllcing somo ordinary propriety of housekeeping. "Not until tho question of residence has boon much more wisely considered than hitherto will coeducation have re colvod a fair trial. State universities should provide Iioubob for women stu dents where nice personal habits and the graces of social llfo can bo fos tered, nnd women of culture and bo elal position should preside over those. At Oxford and Cambridge, tlje halls for women are in the care or ladles of very high connections in the social, political and lltorary world. "The creation or tho olllco oi dean of women Is a beginning of the need ed reform, though prejudice has some times accorded scant oourtesy to women's deans. In the concluding pnragraph tho writer discusses tho educational and Boclal aBpecta of tho woman's college, which, without n stronger resistance than at present, will change Into a new sort of finishing school. "However, tho social llfo or the woman's collogo Ib not altogether per fect. That such an institution is thu host placo for many girls Is true. Nevertheless a closo examination of tlio 'college llfo thoro shows too great a leaning to tho boarding school. Tho aoclal sldo of tho woman's col lego Is threatening to ovorshadow the educational, If it has not already done so. Not long ago, a prominent lady In one of our cities, herself a college graduate and a person of fine scholar ship, said to tho writer: 'I wish my daughter to have tlio college llfo, but I do not care whether she learns any thing from books or not.' " NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY Whun you want to Kot ClonnliiK and PioHsinir dono by lmnd and not by miuhluory brlnS your clothe to JOE The Tailor who in nlno n Hpovinlist ou ultorlnir nnd rotltt Iiik your olotl.oH up-to-dnto. Special attention to Ladle's work and Uniforms. UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN fi VAUDEVILLE m una fill &xj r uu?EML?2T Q jfm pf Fifty men wero recently chosen In a competitive examination held in Pekln, China, who -will bo 'distributed among various American universities. The Chinese government will pay tholr expenses. University Bulletin January. 11. Tuosday, 11:00 a. m. U 112, Fresh man hop committee. 11. Tuesday. 11.00 a. m. Convocation, Itov Q. Z. Batten. . 11, Tuesday, 11:S0 a in., Memorial Hall Sophomore class. 11, Tuesday, 8:00 p. m., 220 No. 2Cth Latin Club 12, Wednesday, 8 p. m., Temple toha- tor (1. A. Ramey, "Farm Ma chinery." 13, Thursday, 8 p. in., Komensky club inuslcale Prof. Molzor. 13, Thursday, 11:30 a. m., Memorial Hall Engineers rally for vaude ville. 14, Friday, 8 p. m., Temple Theator Engineers' vaudeville. lf, Saturday, Lincoln hotel Fresh man hop. 15, Saturday, Chorus party. 18, Tuosday, 7:30 p. m., N 2. Forest club. Prof. Barbour. 21, Friday, Fraternity hall. Sopho more informal. 21-22, Friday and Saturday -Basketball, Armory. Nebraska-Amos. Informal danco Saturday. 28-29, Friday and Saturday. Basket ball. Nebraska vs. Drake. Infor mal Saturday. Limkcolira fioteH WALT Tl FresHmazi Hop v .25 Janvtiaary IS LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" nTD sFgT AUTO 4477 C. E. BULLARD, U. of N. 'OS, Manager $El 1311 SOCIALS-Fridays 8 to 12 P. M. CLASSES-Wed. and Sat. 8 to Jl P. M. Saturday Night Fancy Dances and Social. University Night, University Orchestra Best Orchestra furnished for parties, etc. Rates Right. Satisfaction Guaranteed. New Term Just Sterling. ENROLL AT ONCE. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. SPECIAL RATE TO STUDENTS Fraternities Sororities We can save you 12 per . cent on your fuel bills Semi-Anthracite $8.00 IS THE REASON u.u.BMf. Gregory The Coal Man ..mo. ) feS i ! '' - rw'T ' ' i p "'i r