The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 07, 1910, Image 1

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Vol IX No. 58.
Price 5 Cents.
University Y. W. C. A. to Give New
8tunt In Place of Annual
County Fair Popular
in Past.
Tomorrow night will bo tho big
fitlght of tho year for tho university
?. W. C A.
It has ocen customary for tho laBt
f$W years for thlB university organi
sation to glvo an annual county fair
fof th6 purposo of raising funds, for
Its work. Year after year these en
tertainments havo proven to bo among
too most popular of tho school year,
and tho fair this year will bo no ex
ception. Tho persons In charge this year aro
planning something differont than has
ovor been presented. They havo
changed thp name from the original
"County Fair" to. "The Streets of All
Nations.' Tho Armory, which has al
ways been tho scono of these affairs,
will appear as & midway at a world's
fair tomorrow; night Tho customary
"barkers" and "spiders" will bo very
much In ovldonco, and everything will
h.6. na "show-llko" aa It Is possible to
tnhko It
Booths for Nations.
Tho booths will bo representative
of different nntions and will bo filled
With protty glrlB and resplendent with
fancy costumes. Bosldes those booths
thoro will bo othor attractions and tho
free shows will bo characteristic of a
One of tho biggest features, at tho
faW will bo a lecture by Doctor Cook,
tho; Arctic oxplorer. In vain havo tho
many, persons interested In Doctor
COok attempted Co locato his whore
abouts, yet this has boon accom
plished1 by tho Y. W. G. A. girts, who
aro determined to mako the-, county
fair a- suedes, Not only .have they
'iBcavapfr ttt-mHcU-talked of explor
er, out nave porsuauoa nim 10 appear
tpmorrow evening and addresB unlver-
ajty students in an effort to, dofonq
tymBolf against thoso who aro trying
tp dishonor him, Surely this, wl ho
something thai wlU bo of interest to
qveryono, especially as Dr. Cook's
presence In this section of tho coun
try has been, unknown up to this, Irao.
Tho TJnlvorsity Dramatic Club,
w.h.lch, has, gftin.0,4 such a, XaYpra.h.10,
reputation this, year, will produce, two
farces on a temporary stage to bo con
structed ia the- Armory. The names
off these playlets are not to bo made
tyiown until the evening of tho "hig
aljow." Tho only facts that havo
lpaked out aro that these productions
wjll bo filled with marvelous escapes
s$d hair-raising climaxes;
Coney (stand There.
One of tho nCad-llners will bo an
exact representation of Now York
City's Coney iBland. This attraction
liaa been, originated and perfected by
d local Boromy and all the work is
to, bo dona, by girls in that organiza-,
tion. Tdro. wllfbo toodancors wff
walkers,. and loop-the-loop, elevated
rallw5s an.p an, a.ftshlp t.ha wl fly,
from ono end of the armory to the
qVhor, Seldom' ar guph sights soon
In Lincoln and never before have such
ta,8ka. boon undpjtqkon, by school girls,
Another uniquo feature pn tho mid
yajf will bo a- booth of "lemonB." All
o tho characters will tie girls well
known in tho university. These
lemons, wjill, eer.Y.e. le.mqnado and sing
"lemon songs." Every ono should
uak& ari effort' to see who tho" real
"lemons" In tho university no,
'Your car fara would pa? for a nice
Idnph a $. Boatpa Lu.noh, Wfcj a
Professor Fossler President of Sec
tion of Language Association.
Tho fifteenth annual mooting of tho
central division of tho Modern Lan
guage Association of America was
held at Iowa City, la., December 28,
29 and 30, and was very well attend
ed. Tho University of Nebraska was
represented by Prof. Laurence Foss
ler, head of the Qerman department;
Prof. Fogg of tho English department,
and Miss Sarka Hrbek of tho Slavonic
department. Professor Fossler acted,'
as chairman of the departmental
meeting concerned with Qermanlc lan
guages. A paper written by Prof. Paul
H. Qrummann on "Ibsen's Symbolism
as Illustrated In 'Master Builder' and
'When Wo Dead Awake,' " waB read
before tho meeting by a proxy, as
Professor Qrummann was unable to
bo present.
A signal honor camp to"tho Univer
sity of Nebraska at this meeting In
that Prof. L. M. FosBler waB elected
to tho position of presldont of the cen
tral division of the association for tho
ensuing year. The next convention
will take place In St. Louis, Mo., at
some time other than tho Christmas
Good Program of Violin Numbers at
Convocation Yesterday.
At convocation yesterday August
Hagenow pleased a fair audience of
faculty and students with a, violin re
cital. The selections were up to Mr.
Hagenow's usual high standard and
the program was one of the most en
joyable of the year.
No convocation is announced for
this afternoon. There still remains
ono of the graduate college series to
bo held at the Friday period.. This Is
Chancellor Avery's address. It will
be scheduled for a date within the
noar future.
President of First Yearltes Announces
At the meeting of tho freshman;
class yps.tqrday class, committees were
named by tho. president. Goo. Bui
chanon was made chairman of tkq
constitution committee, with Miss,
Dutton, Miss. Davis, Mr. Emerlman,
and Mr. Robinson as assistants.
The color committee was: Mr. Cof
fee, chairman; Miss May Paddock,
Miss IiQBtotler, Mr. Griswold and Mr.
Constitution, to Be Formed and Other
Important Business Transacted.
The sophomore class will meet at
11:30 Tuesday In Memorial hall tq
transact several important matters of
The" moBt Important matter to be
settled is the formation of a class
constitution. Tho. constitution com
mittee will offer its report and the
class will voto upon the document
It Is understood that some radical
changes in the ordinary -methods
organization may-be -proposed.
Other business of tho meeting -will
IfeS V& W 9.1 ft 4ta&Ut WJ
of tho publication board.
Editor, am fcuslnesA Manager off Dajly,
Quit at Close of Semester. '
Tho resignation; of y, B, mift a
editor and W. A. Jones, as business:
manager of the Daily Nobraskan have,
been received by tho secrota.ryi pf the
Btudent publication board. Tho board.
will meet within a few days to pick)
their successors fconli the! list of- ap-r
pllcants. .
G. C. Klddoo, present assistant bush
ness manager, has filed nqtlco of his
made vacant by Jones' resignation.
Chairman Fordyoe Announces That
There Will Be Plenty of Room
on Good Floor With
Fine Music.
Promptly at 8:30 tonight tho first
university formnl dance will bo hold
af tho Lincoln Annox. With careful
preparation the seniors havo been
making the arrangements for their
annual prom and the occasion prom
ises to bo ono of singular moment.
Not In years has so much real work
been done to make a class dance a
success, if the statements of tho com
mittee count for anything. Othor
schools havo been canvassed for
Jdeas; original plans havo been worked
up by the individuals of the commit
tee; and tho management of tho Lin
coln has given Its aid towards tho of
fering of -new features.
Not less than twenty-five alumni
aro expected to bo present for tho for
mal, somo of these coming from their
homes outside of the city for tho oc
casion. This is a considerably larger
number than has attended former
senior proms.
To Take Picture.
Tho grand march will begin at ex
actly 8:30. This is guaranteed by
pT pv r F T flfc T ? "fc p t " p t f
Manhattan, Kan., Jan. 6.
(8peclal.) Tho Kansas Ag
gies unexpectedly defeated Ne
braska in basketball tonight by
a score of 27 to 16. The vic
tory of the Aggies was a. total
surprise to Coach Hewitt's pu
pils. k. jfe k. jfc. 2. k. jfe .ife. k. A fcfi. i g
"F 'F "F" P
Chairman Fordyce and ho haB author
ized tho announcement that ho will
take no account of the, absence of
part of the dancers, in caBe they de
lay coming until a, later, hour. Dur
ing the grand march a photograph of
the scene will be taken for the use
of the Oornhusker.
"there, will bo no, supper. Tho man
agement decided, to, dispense wth this,
formality, and spond tho money which
would necessarily be devoted to it for
better musla and decorations. Conse
quently these will be of; n, higher order
than could otherwise bo tho case.
Walt's full orchestra will furnish, the
It is desired that the, filling up of
programs in advance of tho danoe be
dispensed with entirely. This Has
never interfered to any groat extent
with dances at Nebraska, as it has in
some other schools, but it is an evil
Which affects, the formate more than
any other function. Means have been
taken to'proYentbeneJQclal Tsults for
ofJogQ who gftatdt. ttv"prbgrams
luaforentkM evening arid the a o
risks, the displeasure Of- the danco
management may also; run the risk of
considerable embarrassment when' ho
receives his official list of dances.
Need a Crowd.
Chairman Fordyce yesterday empha
sized tho need of further purchases of
tickets, by seniors and others, if the
dance is to bo a financial success. The
anti-formal agitation has. cut the In
terest in the prom to some oxtent,
and, there, la no, danger whatever that
tonight's dance will be crdwded, Bays
the chairman.
''Not one need oxpeot a crush' ho
states. "Ta.ere'wlll bo' plenty of- room
for an; enjoyable. paVty. Wo expect
over, treaty alunaal baok, but that wilt
leave lots of space, for RBdergrads
So far wo havo booh somewhat dls-
appointed In our tlckot saleB, but wo
oxpoct many will turn out Friday.
"Tho dnnco will begin, promptly at
8:30. Wo plan to havo It a most ptoas
urablo affair. Manager Richards of
tho Lincoln has guaranteed that thoro
will bo no troublo with a poorly
waxed floor, such as has Inconveni
enced somo past functions. Tho floor
will bo all right, as will all features
of tho danco."
Upper Classmen to Unite on One Can
didate to Retrieve Lost Class
"It novor rains but It pours." ThlB
old adage has again proven )ts
This time It is In tho political cir
cles pf tho university. A third candi
date is out for the presidency of tho
senior clasB for the coming somostqr.
Yesterday J. A. Scotney announced
that he was an aspirant for presiden
tial honors and stated that ho had
started his campaign. Tho other two
candidates for this office are W. A.
Jones and Jess Clark, both of whom
announced their candidacy a couplo
of days ao.
Scotney, who Is tho third candidate,
Is registered In tho collogo of arts and
science, but Is taking the six-year law
course of tho university. Jiq Is pap
tain of tho Pershing Rifles and of com
pany I In the cadet battalion. He Is a
member of the Palladlan Literary So
ciety, but as a barb ho says ho Is not
baoked by any "clique." Ho has been
very -active in class politics ovor slnco
he entered school, and Is now asking
tho support of his classmates in this
campaign for class honors.
Caucus Possible,
That the announcement of a third
candidate has created, a large amount
of interest among tho mombers of tho
senior class has been noticed and tho
action of the engineers in supporting
tho other two candidates has yot to
be heard from. A prominent engineor
stated yesterday when only two can
didates were out that the action of
the class In that college would depond
upon whether a third man came out
or npt. If- a candidate announced him
self It was highly possible that a cau
cus of- tho engineers would be held in
order to detormino which of the twa
engineering candidates they would
Tho engineers fool that in the past
that they havo, lost out on tholr share
of clqsf honors, because there were so
many strong men wb,q wore candi
dates for, varlouq offices and tyls
caused a split in that college and, con
sequently thoyy lost PM on. ctyl8 hon
ors., tf ow. that a, third candldcito has
boon, announced, ty is; highly, probable,
that a caucus of tho engineers. wJH bo,
held, and tbo upnort pf th,, somqr in,
that college;, wll be. cen.tqro.d. UPPH one.
Junior Rumors.
The" pdlltlcatsituation in the Juntaf
class as yet has not takorf any defi
nite shape, but rumors of tho candl-
daoy of. one of the' prominent "barbM
mombers 6t tho' class has been current
about the campus for the past two
days. This man is seriously consid
ering tho matter and will announce
his intentions in a few days.
The politicians of tho various
classes in the university have aroused
unusual interest .this year in, political
anairs on account of the early cam
paigning as the senior election 'as yet
is about six weeks' distant and- the
Junior lectio U (o;bo held aWui a
week later,
Erratic Burglar Spends tho Evening
Smoking Clgarets and Falls In
Love With a New 8ct of Mon
ogram Silverware.
Shrouded In doop mystory and- in
splto of tho fnot that strenuous offorts
were maro to keep tho dotails of tho
affair socrot, startling facts rogardlng
tho robbory of tho Alpha, Phi sorority
houso, 1325 H, camo to light yester
day. Tho houso waB ontored by a
burglar somo tlmo during tho Christ
mnB rocesB and somo valuablo silver
waro was taken.
But this Is not all. Although whon
interviewed on the subjoct tho mom-
bora of tho sorority refusod tq glvo
any of tho dotails to the publlo, somo.
unlquo traits havo dovolopod. In th
burglar which may onablo an ambi
tious Shorlock to unravol as, dcop a
mystory as has ovor puzzled Plnkor,
ton's band of trained sleuths.
Narrative of Theft.
Tho following narratlvo of tho rob
bery is as authontlo ns Is posslblo to
bo obtained owing to tho rotlconco of
those In touch with tho facts. Tho
burglar it appears ontored tho houso
some tlmo during tho Christmas vaca
tion, and once In ho scorned to like
hlB surroundings. Acocrdlng to he,
ovldonco In tho ensp ho romalnod. la,
tho houso at least ovor night. T$e
remains of clgarot stubs, all with, tho
label "Murad," woro found spattered
about the building, and it 1 roported
that many pthor evidences, at a
lengthy occupation aro present. The
burglar In fact seems tq havp mado
hlmsolf at home, building a flro 1n thp
grato. and making things as cozy as,
possible during his sojourn.
Many other peculiarities, of the er
ratic individual woro obsorved. Tho
sorority had Just recolvcd a prpsent
from Its alumnao of a now sot of. sil
verware with tho monogram of tho
sorority engraved on tho pieced, This
beautiful set seems to havo caught the
visitors' oyo to tho exclusion pf alt
olse. He ignored quantities of Jewelry,
which aro reported tp hayp boon, in,
ovidenco in the houso at the. tlinp, and
on his departure took only tho. coTfo.Pd
set of silverware.
Reveled In Luxury.
All the splendid oppprtuqlties, ppen
tp, the burglar pf the comiqpn, yarlety
wpre neglppted by this, inUv,i(Jua(,
Aftqr royollng In, luxury hp s.tploj avyay .
at tho dead pf night wltl a, spt pf,
silYprwa.r,o, w.ich ho til nopi bo,
ablo to dispose of becausp of ta. ma.rk
lngs, tuckpd pndpr his coat ndlpf.t
a glittering aray of, J.pwplry; and, other
valuables bphlnq,
The story of tjao rpbley, wth thp
details, pf Its. audaqity and, erratlq
form, ar,q causing cqnsldpr,a,blp t1 PH.
the parnus aV- pr'pjpuL o ) he
burglar? No common thq pydeny,
A. man with a taste for and a supply
(which In Lincoln Is strange) of Mu
rad clgarets, and a docided' Aversion
to Jewelry, together with' arf affinity
for Alpha Phi monogram sl'lvorwaro.
And besides this, ho Is af man caphle
of making himself at home1 And en
Joying tho comforts which' he? finds' un
intentionally provided for him.
Itris ap'paferitly no conimbn' robfiery,
but a case with" as many tangled knots
as any' on the criminal records' at tho'
present time. ThoN label on? ihor clg;
arets, the morio'gram on the sliver
ware, and the queer' tfotloW of the1
bwl.r. are surteleiit! elaea" KoweVer "tl "
give the ambitious' Sherlock at least '
starting point- Tho wliolev affair iaf atl
present wrapped in deep mystery.
. ''
, ""
..I ,. .,. iii I,, ., r . i