et m? '' '"' ''iLM sEjua SPftflPyW im& fi 'I mmwpm U5Z&4 t THEAEL,Y NEBRASKA 1M "T?,LVi"iffnAiVI7 r" T A rJJ,? J ad -v IMH' c lII ". . x - r . . v, si- :. .SiUL . iy! IBVER THEATRE iisiv NEBRASKA TEAM ARE FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS DEFEAT MI880URI AND WIN HIGH PLACE IN SERIES TODAY 2:30 TONIGHT 8:15 KLAW A. ER LANDER'S Stupendous Produethh of , Sir GILBERT PARkEIVS ttdRY TH 5 , i i l t i 5 -. r ' it it s ! i i RIGHT OF WAY Eve. $1.50 to 25c. Mat. 75c to 25c LYRIC THEATRE Mats. Wed. and 8at. Price 15c & 25c Beginning Monday Evening, Jan. 3. THE LYRIC 8T0CK CO. Will Present The 8creamlng 4-Act Farce Comedy THE MANIAC By Horace V. Noble Every Evening at 8:30 16c, 25c, 35c Nevt Week "ON PAROLE" A Thrilling War Drama ORPHEUM WEEK STARTING JANUARY 3 EXTRA CHARLES THE FIRST The Nearly Human Monkey AND 8EVEN MORE BIG ACTS Matinee at 2:30, 15c and 25c. Evening at 8:30, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Phones: Bell 936, Auto 1628. TEAM TAKES ATLANTIC flKT HONOR Game Played it New York City and Witnessed by Big Crowd of Middles from Batieshlps. -Pitts Dancing School 'Bglnnore' Class Wed. nnd 8ot, Advanced Olnw Monday JLOth and O Social Fridn; I honb B405 MHMMS ftlflMtt LinttHlHKSri mUWfr Any Suit Or Overcoat to your meastfre during this month $20.00 L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St. Lincoln ' If tho Cornhuskers could1 not win tho championship of tho Missouri Val ley linvo tho conBolatlon of winning tho championship of tho Atlantic fleet. Rocontly an oloven compoHod of mar InoB on board tho battlcHhlp Ncbraskn nnd olovon men from tho battle ship Mlflsourl mot on tho gridiron for the honors of tho Atlantic fleet In foot ball. An enormous crowd of fifteen thous and men witnessed this game and the hotting was hoavy on tho roBiilt. In teiiHO Interest wob nroiiBod and many llghtH took plnce, but these wore soon sottlcd without tho Interference of the police. The Game. Tho proBB aayB of tho game na fol lows: Tho footbull team of tho battleship Ncbraskn defeated tho team from tho battleship Missouri at American leaguo park hero this afternoon by the score of 28 to 0. Nobraskn scored 11 points in tho first half. No lntorcolleglato football contest ever aroused moro intense feeling on both Bides thnn this gridiron battle, which wns for tho championship of tho north Atlantic fleet. Tho officers nnd men recolvod something like $500.- 000 ifrom tho paymasters a few days bo foro Christmas. Tho greater portion of whatever survived tho holidays was put up on the game. Tho odds favored tho NobraBka eleven by 3 to 2. Fifteen thousand free tickets wore lBBued for tho gamo, all of which were oagorly Biiappod up by tho sailors and their friends several days ago. Many Wost Point cadots nnd promi nent otflcerB of tho army arid navy woro among thoBo who accepted invita tions to attond tho gamo. j$ii'.tjibvl'J't jTj Hrtito V'v f WJs?3TnrW.i :)fjiit''.if .?:('': i.iV .V V"' ." "''. Vv,,'v' V'VVi. O K I Men's Furnishings This woek we are offering our entire stock of MEN'S DRESS ACCESSORIES at the Specicl Discount of Twenty Per Cent. Not an item of our stock has been restricted, but instead wo offer our entire regular stock at this special saving. It's a Good Time to Buy at 20 per cent Discount MR. JOHN CLAY 13 TO SPEAK. Lindsay Gas Lamp t v COMPLETE JaRt tno Light for Htudonts 2r Special.. oc Owl Pharmacy, 14th & 0 SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Handkerchiefs Hosiery Smok. Jackets Shirts Underwear Collars - Belts Scarfs Mufflers Qloves Lounging and Bath Robes Suit Cases Trunks Bags, &c i UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN CA Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0-STREET, YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited 8enlor Member of Clay-Roblnson Com pany to Address Students. "Days on tho Range," will bo tho gubjoct of an nddress by John Clny, nt tho Tomplo theater, January 8, nt 8 o'clock. Mr. Clay sneaks under tho uusnlcos or tho Agricultural club. Mr. Clay Is the sonlor moinbor of tho Clay-Robinson company, one of tho largeut commission housen In tho world, lie Is also hoad of tho Clay banking company of Chloago, and was provloiiBly' manager of one of tho largoat English syndicates In Wyom ing. A Scotchman by birth, Mr. Clay Is un expert in agriculture and in tho work of tho oxporlment station. Be- sldos being a groat promoter of tho llvo stock Industry of tho country ho has Acquired a reputation aa a writer and speaker on agricultural subjects. It was Mr. Clay who presented tho ag ricultural college with Its flock of Shropshire sheep. .All university stu dents aro Invited to hear tho address. Supply your present as well as your future needs this week. Sale Closes Positively Saturday Night, January 9th Men's Department, First Floor Furnituro Department RUDGE & QUENZEL CO! ob I THEY WILL GO TO CHICAGO. Campusv Gleanings jfljj Frey & Frey. Professor Howard will not meet his classes today. Dr. J. R. Davis, Dentist. 1234 O St. J. R. Smith, 1909, Alpha Theta Ohl, Is now employed with the Nebraska Telephone company in Omaha. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O street Gentlemen's Pumps. Ladles1 Even ing Slippers. Beckman Bros., 1107 O. Professor Aylesworth of the. depart ment of political science and sociol ogy spent several days of tho vacation period at North Bond. Chapin Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Have your eyes examined. Q. W. Howe, 319 No. Twelfth. 56-st . ' Try a lunch at the Y. M. C, A. Spa. 13th and P Stfl. See Lincoln Dancing Academy dis play ad. 5C-58-59 i.3t L I Bring Your Next Job qf Prla'tla lb 1 ' v AN TINE PRINTING CO. i and Get Sati.factory IUwfc na nn M a ...1 . ... im V io-iou no. iih ac ABQ rWf ' r j .v:' i. Thi First Trust i Sav ings Bank 4 Per Cent Interitt A $1 opins an aooiunt Comer 10th & O Strut I Hot Drinks aw now la sewpn. Do you know any place where you can get u QUICK SERVICE ; u you MB at.purnew tore? No -; . ' nd of wlog crowded. Lincoln Candy ' Kitchen S. W. Coraer Former Nebraska Professors Have .Been Appointed to Midway School. Professor W, C. Wehster and Pro fessor A. S. Johnson, both' formerly mombors of tho Nebraska faculty are soon to Join tho University of Chlca-J go. Alvln S. Johnson, late professor of economics, at the University of Texas, has been appointod associate profesqr of political economy at the University of Chicago. He was professor of econ omics at tho University of Nohraslta from 1906 to 1908. He gave a course at Chicago during tho winter quarter in tho department of political economy. His particular line of work will be in accountancy and insuranco In which ho has had exceptional training. It is also rumored that Professor Hutton Webster of Nebraska will go to tho Unlvorslty of Tgxbb In the placo of ProfedSor Johnson. Tho report has not as yot received any. authentic ver ification, howovor. 10 to SO Per Cent Off on Everything Before Invoicing-Except Waterman Pens, Single Stone Diamonds, Howard -Watches Gillette Razors and Society Pins. ESTABLISHED 187 HALLETT 1143 O STREET TtX A. G. SPALDING & BROS. THE! Fred L. Humphrey, 1896, a Denver lawyer, visited with Lincoln friends during the vacation period. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 11119 So. 12th street. Charles B. Allen, Phi Delta Phi, 1908 writes that ho has recently been ap pointed clerk In a Seattle Justice court at an excellent salary. i, . Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. ' . Jokes, poetry or any other contri butions .suitable for tho Cornluiskor should be dropped in tho mailboxes lo cated in the various buildings on tho campus for that purpose. Frey & Frey, choice flowers. O St.; north side. " w ' 1338 Ed. It. Walton, 1905, Delta Upsilon, of Mllwaukeer-vlsltod in Lincoln last woek. Mr. Walton is now employed by tho AlllB-Chalmors company. New term begins Wednesday. Spe cial rate to Btudcnts. Lincoln Dancing Academy'. See display ad, 56 Tho engineering society wll moot tonight at 7:30 p. m., in room 200 in the new mechanical onglnoring labora tory. Engineers' are requosted , to, npto tho change In. place of meeting. li Hrfve4yout"'" clothes pressed it Weber's Sultorium, 12th and O. Spalding Trademark- (Mftl) (a known troughout tb world aa Guarantee ol Quality are the Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Equipment FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES IFYOUM v sport you noma luvo a oopy of the bpaldlngcatalogue. It's aoomplet eonoyolo Kaift of WbfU's New i Mport and la sent id a of Wliat' free on roquont. i A. G. Spalding & Bros, 147 Wabash Averiu, Cnktfo' - e A i s