The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 05, 1910, Image 1
- I i- s. 4 -vsjftfcfVW-v . y Vol IX. No. 56. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5. 1910. Price 5 Cents. ' '- " I , .' 'ft ". '! ''iWtt Iftebtekari abe Daih GLEE CLUB CONCERT TONIGHT AT TEMPLE ODERLIN COLLEGE ORGANIZA TION ON ANNUAL TOUR. BASKETBALL FIVE TO START ON FIRST TBIP A OOOt) PROGRAM IS PROMISED Wlllard Kimball, Director of School or Musk, Has Good Words for Or ganization of Young Men, Tonight music lovers-of tha unlvor slty will have tho opportunity of hear Int the Oberlln College dloo Club which will give a concert In tho Tom plo theater. Tho club comes to Ne braska highly recommended and their concort Bhould provo a valuable ad dition to tho list of university enter tainments. In tho program for tho concort to night will bo found songs of real ar tlstlc "merit, athletic songs peculiar vto Oberlln, and a number of student Hongs. In Dio varloty of tho program full opportunity Is afforded for the dis play of tho 'qualities which have won for tho club their high position In the musical world. . . . ... BlVjiBbBA'-IB' nSHHaHBi JKm 1HHi B&i. HyEiBx 1 Ht IBl'IV& '"BH ' "--BW BBpBBH BjBV !HIbV bH BiiVn JktK-liK 'BiiH BBBBT BBiiH friBB BSiKiSH BBisH'iBB'HB IsBBBBm BBBBBM BBbBR BBBBBH L JbBBH HUSVJIH BBBBBA iJBBBV 'WBBm BBBVSA BBBBi BBsVnBBBBBBBsli -TBBbI flHSI 1H BBBBBB-'BBBBuViBBl ,BBbV3SBBbW BBBhL.BSBSBSHbVSBsV bH JH BH BBBBBBBBBa BIBBIM BrFBBBK BBBBBW4tfiBrBBIBBM' Bj . BBBBBKVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmvVaBBBB BBBB'tff'IBBB .BBBBBI bbbbbbb 'tbbbV -JbbLbbb 'bK-IM'SsBkB VbbBl -MhMm1Ah1 IB flfSI HHfB rSfSKvBBBBBABBW'9flBfSriBlfWfSftBBrSriBBHBl 'AWAm-sBl BHrJ EBBBBBBB, s5 BvBDK1Bb9 BSBKiBSilBBBB 9HBBBMPIbBk!3BbV r'aBBlBBB-BKBB BBBBBI BBBBBBH . ,aVBBHHL""JVBBBBBBVBBaBBBB 'BBBBBB-.BbV BBBS BBMBbVIBbS 1BBBS BBBBBBBtxflfMfJBBBBB9BBm3HPBHPB BBBBBBS BH aAkV flTBTBBB MHwBBBbI BBBV:iFTMBBHr49 wAwH bYbWB bWkS&tI sW&VsnT Aw&w&wa BBwVBBBVBBBBHIMH fBBBBm 'Y-IHBT'SHh 'BBBl VBBfc' BBBBBBBBBh tBBBBMMBBBBBBWSBBBWVrBsS'MKV 'AbbBbbbB bbBBbbBVbbBbbBKbbbBbbBbW 'BBbVK aftHBH bVaYbWbWbWbWI HBamHbYHBlB mBH AbbbbbbbbbLH HHfti BHHHHHHHk VBBsWsWsWsWsWsWswsWsWsWsWr BBWsWsWsWsWsWsWsWsWsWsWsWsWsWsWJ BWsWsWsWsWsWsWsWsWsWsMbV BbBBbBBbBBbBBbBBbBBbBBbBBbBBbBBbBBbBBBT 4H kaBIUllMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn bVbVbVbVbVbVbVbVbVbVbVbVbVbVbE&YbVbVb Cornhusker Athlets Leave Tomorrow Morning. WILL MEET KANSAS COMPETITORS Aggies at Manhattan and University Men at Lawrence to Be Oppon ents In Three Game Series. where lt gave a really notable concert to a crowded house. "As disclosed by this program, the club was found to consist of a num ber of agreeable voices, cultivated beyond the wont of college gleomon, and tralhed as well for effects of deli cacy as of strength. The spirit and flniBh of the choral work made a moBt WASHINGTON MEN CELEBRATE. A Notable Club. During the past ten years the club has visited tho largo cities In nearly every state In tho union and every where they have met with an enthus iastic recoptlon. BeBldes visiting Lin coln several times they have appeared at'Otttaha, Hastings; Grand Island, and Fremont in this stato. Tho club comes to Nebraska under tho auspices of the students volunteer favorable Impression.' band. Tho proceeds from the enter- f talmnent will ba devoted to a fund for the purposo of sending various dele gates to conventions, Tho monoy will be loaned to the delegates and thus become a permanent fund for this pur pose. The best recommendation tho club cam receive for a university audience te given ,by Wlllard Kimball, an'old OfcetUn College 'Graduate and present iHractorrf the university school of anisic; who Bays: !As tho conservatory of music In connection with Oberlln college has btoa fojr many years one of tho strong estrin 'tho country the lee club natur ally reflects tho work done In thlB school. It has always received the greatest encouragement from tho fac ulty, and Its leaders have always been fine musicians. The program which Is presented' this; year Is .one which will appeal -Wfaje -student body and con tains a great variety of- compositions. Regardless of-iho fact that the pro coeds are for the benefit of the Y. M.. 0. A. tho, program is ojMntrinslc merit, and this; concert shpuld receive the hoarty support-of university men and women." Given Good Words. Tho press reports from various parts of the country contain nothing but praise for tho .work of the club. Tho Chicago Inter-Ocean says: "Thoso who attonded the concort given by tho Ob orlln College Glee Club expecting ai ordinary College boys' Blng-song were surprised. Those who anticipated an evening of horse ,play and musical pranks were agreeably disappointed. To the credit of the Oberlln boys, be It aad, they rendered a high cIubb prpgram In a decidedly artistic man ner, and a largo and fashionable audi ence signified Its complete approval of the Innovation by demanding an en coro to every number on the list." The New York Evening Mall, in speaking of tho club says: "Between seeing Now York by automobile, lunching In Chinatown, exploring the Italian and Jewish quarters, supping ut the Cafe Boulovard and projecting a trip to Ellis Island, thp'&Oborlin Col- 'logo Glee Club, twentyJ8trongf found Obezlin College Qlee Club SOPHOMORE PLEDGING ABOLISH ALL RUSHING THE8E FEATURE8 OF RESOLU TIONS OF WOMEN'S ADVISERS. THE (ONfEREKCE TAKES ACTION Judge Snell Entertains Nebraskans at His Tacoma Home. Tho University of Nebraska Seattle Club met with Judge 8nell of Tacoma on tho evening of December 17 and re port a very pleasant session. A spe cial car left Seattle at G:1G for Taco ma lor the benefit of the Nebraskans, returning in time to .catch the last cars out of Seattle. " "" Judge Snell Is one of the two first graduates of the university and he is still a loyal alumnus, despite his abBenco of nearly forty years from ac tive life on the university carapua. The session nt Judge Snell'a home was the first anniversary of tho annual bannuet held In 1908 at the Hotel Washington, when Professor Posslor addressed the club. At that time ho presented tho club with a bronze seal. There 1s a movement on foot to make this date, December 17, permanent as the annual, gathering of tho club. University Women Meet in Chicago I and Adopt Statement of Needs for State Institutions. CHANCELLOR ATTENDS MEETING. Dr Avery Present at Association of American Universities. Chancellor Samuel Avery is at Madi son, Wisconsin, attending tho annual meeting of tho association of Ameri can universities. Dr. .Avery will be. ab sent until tho latter part of tho week. Ho will not appear on the program, but will h&vo a part In -the discussion of the Important questions to come be fore thd session. CONVOCATION THUR8DAY. August Haflenow to Favor University 8tudents With Recital. University students are to be espe cially favored at Convocation Thurs day by a violin recital by August Hag enow, The .program will bo as fol lows: Gartenmelodit Schumann. Serenade Drlgo-Auer. Mlnuett In G Beethoven. SouvGnlr DrdW. Fantasto Caprice VIeuxtomps, time to appear at tho fAstor gallery of the Waldorf-Astoria'' last night home! Your car fare Would pay for a nice lunch at the Boston Lunch. Why go y r 4i Miss Allco Ensign, adviser to Women, has returned from Chicago, whero she attended during vacation, the fourth conference of the deana and advisers of women of Btato .universi ties. At this meeting some Important matters were acted upon, although tho entire action of tho conforenco Is whol ly advisory. Its decreoB hnvo no bind ing force. Tho conforenco reaffirmed tho reso lutions of the procpdlng conference, and In addition adopted eight further propositions. It declared itself in fa. fpr of a still moro careful and compre hensive supervision of tho work of stu dents during the freshmnn year. 1( whb apparent that tho advisers be jloved thoroughly In close faculty con trol of first year students. More Technical Courses, . A recommendation was passed fa voring the Jn.qreaso, In both juimbor and varloty of technical courses of Interest to women, such as courses In homo economics, dairying, poultry hus bandry. Journalism, philanthropy, li brary work, business management, etc. Tho conforenco emphatically favored tho establishment of university resi dence halls, otherwlso known as dor mitories, wherever possible. It was believed that these Institutions were an eBBentlal convenience for college women, especially urn me coniorenco condemn exhorbltant laundry rates, Which "put a tax upon cleanliness." Private dormitorleB should bo under University- supervision. Would Stop Rushing. It was further resolved "tliat soror ity houses should stand in as closo a relation as posslblo to tho university through the co-operation of students ond chaperones; that It is recommend ed that no fraternity conventions bo held during term time; that we con- qur with the national Pan-Holepc .as sociation in recommending sophomore pledging, tho abolition of, rushing, and nj scholarship requirement far member ship In fraternities. "That satisfactory progross has been made In the segregation of womon. stu dents in approved houses; (that thoro should bo sanitary inspection of all lodging Iiouscb; thnt tho social cub toms In such Iiousob should bo ap proved by tho unlvorslty; and that womon Btudcnts should bo pormlttod to llvo only In such approvod hoitBos. "That tho unlvorslty employ a woman physician to mafte a tliorpugS physical examination of all entering studonts and prospribo corrective work whorover nocossary, and tli$t such physician glvo d thorough' dourso of instruction In hyglono; and tho pniploymont of a visiting nurso Is also recommended." M'CLEAN IS IN FAVOR OF IT. former Chancellor Has Faith in Uni versal Language, it Is not a-y.iln hopo that somo day a universal- tongue, such as tho much talked of Esperanto is touted to bo, mny bo realized, according to Presi dent Georgo E. MncLean of tho Unt vorBlty of Iowa formorly chancellor of Nebraska, who addressed tho mooting of tho central division of tho Modern ianguago astoclatloq of America. ProBidont MacLean laid much stress upon tho phonetics of language and while not putting tho stamp of appro val upon tho RooBovoltlun spoiling, ho commended tho trend of tho efforts In no uncertain tones. Tho langungo men from tho leading unlvorsltles of many surrounding states, who had come to gether to'dlscusB their favorito ton gues, were unprepared for tho sugges tion that they consider tho attainment of a new and universal language. Pres ident MacLean In a moro academic voln declared that tho .sclentlflo study of languages had settled onco and for all tho quarrel between, tho ancients and tho moderns, for It had established that they wore, aftor all, of ono family. Thursday morning tho basketball toam will Btart Houth on tholr first trip of tho season. Throo games will bo played, ono with Mnnhattnn Thurs day night, and on Friday and Satur day tho CornluiHkcrs will moot tholr old rivals, tho JayhawkorB. TIiIh trip will mark tho opening of tho season or 1010. Captain Perry Iuih a good bunch of mntorlal nnd undor tho tutorship of Coach Howltt it ban boon well dovoiopod. Klvo of thlr year's toam are "N" mon, and throo of thorn played rogular all last sonnon. Tho threo regulars of laBt yonr's toam loft over for this yoar aro Captain Por-i ry, PotraBhok and Wood, alt throo fast agresfllvo playorB, who ought to do groat work on this yoar's toam. Tho othor two "N" men, Schmidt and In goraoll, may alao bo callod voterans,' both of them having soon consldorablo sorvico last yoar. Good Dunch of 8ubi. '' Uosldo thoBo flvo playora "' - four others will mako tho trip. Thoso' men aro Hutchinson, D. Mitchell. Jones, and Hlltnor, all four classy players. With, such a squad to piok from, It 1 a ifttlo doubtful who will bo selected as regu-, iars. tiio urunt or tnose nrst three contostB will IJkoly fall on Petraihek a comer, ferry-ana ingorsoii guards, and Wood forward, with, a toss-up be twoon Schmidt, Jonos and Mltch'aJI. for tho other position a fprward , with tho chancos slightly favprjug . Schmidt. Mitchell can also bo usod as a guard. Hlltnor will rollovo Potraskbt ' at contor In caso of accldonL, , Last ' year "Pat" had to hold do,w.n ,thp Job", all by hlmnclf and tho told on him, especially durlqg jtbjO ' grind of some of tho long trjps, yith Hlltnor as spb, tho contor position will bo well takon caro of. Wbatovqr hap pens It Is a cinch that all nlnp men, will got Into tho gnmo on the trip, and It 1b oxpocted that with tho Jayha,wHors, NEBRASKA MEN WERE LEADERS.' T." H. Matters, and Ed. Johnson Sang With Harvard Glee Club. During the vacation period two fort mer Nebraska men, T. H. Matters and Ed Johnson, wero members of the Har vard gleo, club, which mado a tour of the east. Tho club c'anio as far west'as Chicago and gave concerta.Jn tho principal cities eh route. Tho Nebraska men wero leaders In tho club. At the big concerts of thq tour lw New York City, Johnsb'had a soio part wuicn -receivea vigorpus en cores, At tho same performance John son and Matters 'sang Jl duet, which brought their recall for other selec tions, i at loast, thoy will havo tholr hands full. m ' '" Must Beat the Jayhawkers. fTho contest at Manhattan, Thursday night Is not considered a hard -ono, and is not worrying the managomont , much. It Is difforont with Kansas, however. With a strong toam of vot orans on the floor Kansas Is, going to . provo, as sho always does, a worthy ; opponent, Llko her rival Nebraska, sho has flvo letter men back, throo of ; them bojng regulars. Kansas ,1s tho t team tho Cornhuskors are, .most anx-. IoUb to defeat. Captain Perry .made his t vow last fall when the , Jayhawkers humbled tho scarlet and cream, In foot ; ball, that he would get his. revenge.. "Walt until we get at them in has?.' ket-ball," he said. The opportunity, will soon be at hand for tbe.Cornhuskv' era to mako the Jayhawkers bite-jtho dust. An even break at a,wjrenco , woula- be considered In the light Of- a victory, but Nebraskans aro clamoring for a sweeping ylctory, .rfl The squad that will -start for, -Kansas tomorrow Isone of tho best' that oyer represented Nebraska. The men ; all came back oarly from their vaca- -tlpn.and since -last Wednesday, -dally ; practice has boen, held en the gymna sium floor. Tha result Is that all of themen are,. In, good condition and any of thenis fit to stand .a good long .on-. gagoment, ' , f , ,, K,i . rt 7 w.ith nip s,von mon as Nebraska la sendlngput,,l'f Juck breaks even.-vlc; tory ought to perch oa Nebraska's banner in this week's gamM." . V )i S 3