The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 17, 1909, ENGINEER'S EDITION, Image 4
aff,r; -n itroKnvKt.t,, . 'm.itmitt wl to jim -J-- - -Y"rr-f"' "w,"Ji'"m"''t"-!Li'"Wmviwmp tV-fJWVtf7 - THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wifrr s rnww i tW. s u Vi EVERYBODY it GIFTS FOR T1; BEST A6URT n t r. c I - AT THE GRFAT STORE iMfa! HnrU- fiV."A h0biiHeJ ii UHBIsEM m mvmi vsv iravir- h bbmbK A Ji H ft P' BBTVA 1" .I1 ii. THE BEST TRAIN THE BEST WAY To Ia Salle Station 'in the heart of cmcAGds BUSINESS 5L SHOPPING DISTRICT F. H.BARNES CITY PASSENGER AGENT J14UO STREET, LINCOLN.NEB Miller & Paine oit intelligently tljo work of, the world. Whllo tvory engineering graduate cannot hope to becomo a great, en gineer, It Is reasonably certain that ovej-y ono, may All a position, after graduation, which will yield him a competence and jnako him a useful and ro8pcctcd.,cJtIzen. Whllo, as has beon stated, tho work of tho college is primarily, to Impart tocunlcal knowledgo, It should bo noted that tho preclBoncs,s pf all work in the applied sclonccB gives a disci pline, which Is at least as, good and vnluablo as that obtained qlsowhcro. This fact ar.d tho further fact that wo llvo In an Industrial ago whoso ovory nccossity and luxury results directly or indirectly from tho work of the en gineer, makes tho engineering courses of , tho greatest yaluo to tboso young ;noa wholpnot oxpoct to becomo en gineers, bu who nro sooklngan educa tion aq a preparation for business and for Hfo. Qontlomen's Pumps. Ladles' Even ing Sllppors. Beckman Bros., 1107 O OFFER PRIZE8 FOR REVIEW8. College 8tudento May Win Cash for Critical Work. For tho three best critical rovlows of "Tho Southerner," tho autobiogra phy of Nicholas Worth, submitted by a college student or recent graduate, poubleday, Pago & Co., publishers, of; New York, offor tho following prizes;, $20. First prize. $J5,00 Cocond prize. $10.00 Third prlzo. Tho following rules must bo ob served: , , The manuscript to bo submitted not lator than February 15th, 19D9. (No$p this extension of time.) , The review to bo written by a col logo student undorgradaato, or grad uate of not moro than flvo years' standing. BANQUET REPORT MADE Havo your clothes , pressed Weber's Sultorlum. 12th and O. at Froy & Froy, cholco flowers. 1338 O St., north side. The Cornhusker Banquet a Financial Success as Well as a 8oclal One.,, Tho 'coiumitteo in chargo of tho Cornhusker banquet makca tho fol lowing .report: Tickets sold 169 Complimentary ) 27 186 Receipts. v 159 tickets, at $1 $159.60 . . Expenses. ., r Printing $ 10.90 186 plateB at 75c .,137.50 Total oxpensea ... 1 148.40 Balance on "hand $ 10.60 Broken Lenses Replaced. Eyes Examined 'Froov Howe, Optician, 319 No. 12 54 & 55 i 1 n t Chapin Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th; Try a lunch at the V. Ml'C. A. Spa. 1.3 th and,PSJs,j , . f S- "f ; . :..! IF you are going to be involved in any functions during holi days where good clothes count, better see us beforehand and let us look after that part of it for you. We'll put you into some of our fine clothes made by Hart Schaffner C& cTWarx, and we can promise y"ou one thing sure, f . nobody" else in the crowd will be better dressed than you'll be. Fine Suits and Overcoats in all the latest weaves; dress clothes for formal affairs; other for sleighrides or day" wear. We've got all these things ready" for you; all wool, fine tailorining and the correct styles and fit which college men want in their clothes, we've studied your requirements and have the "dazzy"" colors and smart patterns worn by" wfcll groomed young fellows. Suits and Overcoats $10 to $40 ' Armstrong j a j u i u ' ssf . doing 0-l mm H! sftlft VTR ntll 1 Hi v (,flTM! fit "Good Clothes Merchants" .iVMa .'. v.v m m yv lesssitaweweR rr? w&mzmsikrs V Co. gM; m$m .(-fT Ai tnmHs'-ruo? ou rtrVrtnmV' Copyright Mrt Slnffnr U Mar 1 '). t