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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
.yv v K l I ma m b Kbe H)atft IFlelrfeatt '" - .. l P- rVoL IX. No. 35. J! E PANAMA CANAL' AS !v9 SEEN B1HPIDAL UT pHlEF PURP08E 18 MAKING WORK h FOR ENGINEERB. THE VALUE Of fliE CliLEBA (UT hi Lock System and Ten O'clock Closing t, m Rulei Meet With Approval of University 8tudents. Columbus dlseprered America In 142. Hohad had qulto a llltlo diffi culty persuading his crew to stay by kith, but whon ho .placed, toot upon bbd, ho pointed to ttify'feouth and.a&, jjCfbmradGB, bohold UiOi Vlto 'bf tho futuro Panama canal. It was for hls jhat I hold Arm whon yowiaued to turn back. You seo before you tho spot toward which tho gazo ot futuro .4.orica will turn." This htstorlo ro- mark of a sector whother It has, it 8a)fwBr7edtMa$ lmpet to Ovlnorl c;Many great, minds haVo considered cottrild&redHhb problem nro 'groat). Many different results havo boon considered, for tho , proposed canal. Had. Vbnio Vtnor boon chbson; tho Ambrldah"haUon wpuld havo jdofeated Its vwri purpbao; and.' Columbus and qther .wcnjldre lived in vali, . -arw.rajwybjaoriKlftJ'nB fimuWiPlp4Vi?XPAnamaftrouMu kWot-Jo Jimlta, nlaced mtyrpW-'-t&eOafgo lmpotus given :o tiro Balo'or tf ePanama hat Blncoj V .. . . .I.Ti.ifTn" ".: liC I acuvo worK nas oeeu "oogun upon -mo 'anama canai,' ine-pric j oi r anmua laM ihftgionooip: tp-lafabuloas Jsunl, nd the sale has Increasod to tho ox- tont that tho-riaaluBKAofvitbo samd. mlghtabMostlJoLregarded as a now in (Justfyi-fThlBVift moan, in tho futuro, a 9iQ3 JandjpYeincroasln;iricomo. tp tho nation rrora tho torfff. Tho aos tliotic appeal mado by tho beauty of Tho IPanaroa.ytra jjhould not bo ovor lookdd". in tlmo it' should oroatd a marked Jnllucnco upon tho artistic ap preciation ot the nation. iNeed Canal to Work. Tho purpose ojttlio. Panama canal Js apparent to all. if -wo -did noUhavo onp, civil inglneorlng students would bo forced, jto cuvahorUthe colle'gV courses by a year; their Instructors as entirely jsuDloIekt for therhatlon.ln undertaking so groat a project. Tho American, pooploaro innthe;haulKo1 ohovyiiig Uijo o'tUorjlnlibltantslaho world, (who ar'ejiore-by.iaecldenp.'.that Unolo .Sam' is "it" HencftWhen tho Fropbhie8. couldn'tntnaUoop'd on thoj (yumir . Docamoni;Bai yiorruior ican, capital and jonterpplBo tovsixow thorn wHat they vmighj. havo donoiid thoir'achinery and college' courses been up jtp date. ." ,', ( i(t' . Again It la of vltalantorest .to see bo? nfucji )noney tho government' canJ BJ,)UUI4 Mif. J.HV VHUBli 11 111 UllCDillUi .J note''th01i'Jn this lino o rosuccoed lng beyond our wildest expectations. Value of the Levsl. s . And yfagain when tho,eanalpro Jeotj ilrst came. under dlscussiptelt was thought by nlany that tho govern-. inont would do ,tWng8,-iibn,tho.iev(51j"J u uuiuf. xvyiH-t, -Mt-tinru nuuiu, u.,u sea-leyel cayalTifcted of a Lociksys-: tem. Immediately the Jiea of' pslag me canai I VN , ' anal as. twprtwas .promulgated,; j Thorn, nnainti tVlli.Lno nuflBtlOH1. ihiit. iTZil ? iY2Lh ") rv i i" . air should WwderiK: restbHhgrthe BXirV5 of Ceuthbtts has" brbvodlrildV WIiMVaV W vSrt YncVrirlIf on fVn nu lamjotJthA. Panama. Canaft: (conversely iWsnMrf-that all minds- which have Timo,pfaly.k?dnot $o Jlmlto, nlaced ky oJlAqrjinon) tko lengtk'jpt thlATotbiasiOjoineTiUori-orbut UNIVERSITY OF ..NEBRASKA. LINCOLN. FRIDAY, , uj-r ,health-,and. happinosB, many, who slnco tho decision for tho Lock System must remain hopeless invalids. At tho.Bamq-,umo the. canal as a plcasuro resort would be certain of popularly. Bolng pther overstocked with the sljaw used In making tho hats spoken pf above, a now kind of breakfast food puton tfio market (as a by product ' obtained only In the Canal iiuaiuu uuu iuu iubu 01 woary gra'a eaters to tho "Promised Land" would exceed the Klindlko "Hurry." Already it Is assorted that thoao of our broth1 ors who aro fond of tobacco think tliat thoro Is nothing llko thf "Culebra Cut" In a recent IsBuojOf, tho Canal Record, mention ls.niadl of "Tne Slide," in Culebra iValioy. ! This loads mo to bollovo that although tho lock system was fjna,lly decided on, Conoy JsIa.ndaijiusementB aro not lacking, In j.- Owing to tho abovo strong argu ments n favor of tho Sea Lovel Canal, Jthcro was "jnuch fooling when a de cision was reached In fnvor of tho lock" system. As tlmo goes on, however,it 1b thought that tho stupendous advan tages of 'the :lattor will bV-mbrefully realized. Tho Lock system on4 'our Library door Is such a howling success that only ono person lian maiiOi f.hp key wbrk. Tbiscleads m tojoxnrflss Ihe hope, that.ftj sjilgbC miJdiflcaUpnv of Wflffl pfflfepUirpat. m plo shouldv know tho combination. ThenifathtfouruVmerc'irSilycu't Uown 'ono, there would' still be a chance for al'KnogljeW." t t Closing Hour Good. In instituting the Lock System, the desirability ofiho "JenOJclbck Clos ing Hour' "cannot bo "overlooked. yihoamost of thq-pxequtivonvprk on Lhccannl .will bo.donoubyyoungcol legomon graduategrand-nindergradu-ates-rit sbouldt, bo remembered- that on the ten o'clock scale the general tryjbpjng "al callers out; all roomers lpajidiho key, turned. at ten." The government should, when possible, cck oiieratij'wlth tho universities1. Tho re5 of our high croW classes, will In this ca8o bounqnstlone'd. ' 'r . Tho Lock ''Sy'sUm should bo of the greMest valuo',,to tho American v go v SmSSS fe'SSoplPSroMeBalgn tho canal. If wo put In a sea level "af fair.' and leavo It unprotected by lock or key, what would hinder any old 'JDago from walking offs with tho wnolo' works when wo wore not looking? It is argued by many that wo could havo guards whoso duty It would be to watch all the tlmd and knocks down tho first foreigner caught In the vicin ity, f but ,BUcha plan seems absurd, wtiei wo reflect that by tho use of a littlo hardware and caution about locking, no ono need, lose ovon. a night's, Bleep). Thov, difference botwoon-thd'prlco of a man'stlme and "a-lock, Capitalized at 4 per cent, 'would show tho expense ltepio be a cpnsld- "w ,fr f- ' " i 1rf. It's-Ours Anvwav. Tho lock orTilgh JqvoI can41 seems fetrlilm1 slfdowirand wait! Wo 'aro building the cdnal1 anyway. It's ours andiHo: foreigners can get wiso to bur houso (rules o . j.. -'As -a-'good -Ambrican, I suppose I must still consider' the'4Pariama. Canal 3t Jv v v wuwviuv ayuu to bo appreciated. Wo want tho thing well done.Aanywayjiapjit'Sj, mo fora laboratory course f , A prize' of' onev 1910 ''Cornhusker will the -most acceptable cover dosign.for rtJo 1010'1iio . V V,rr Jft it iFy - Your' car farcr.tWOuU'rnav for Bir.a tyKt.&iimii&&yfru.o I.W."1 - '."' WKH HI UULUV q. tn day1; locit'up'atnlght, and if any- nnfi-rnmnni nlnmr In 'th MnrlritwntKou t -i ,r v ' J rT i WORK OF EMEEHP SOCIETY ORGANIZATION PROMOTE8 GOOD FELLOWSHIP AND KNOWLEDGE. ALWAYS BOOSTS fOR NEBRASKA' n - y of Activity Aro Results of Activity Aro 8hown In Loyal Support of Engineers to Al University Enterprises. BY I. W. DYE. Perhaps th6 most striking feature ortfho rise of tho profession in the lastwVnty-flvo years Is ' the large number of technical sdcietieb that havo "been organized. The modfchi, legal, dental, ministerial, enginering1, and all the' branches and 'ramifications of " tho professions arb 'organlzofl. There are tbwri, city, ' couh'ty Btate'; national and international sbcfetles of professional men, meeting all (Jver folio knifed Stated andlho world.' lri'atf- swor tora doman'd "for 'closer unfori and more hoa farty" cdnera'ftbri aU men whos busineBB it 1b' to' know their technique,1' th&r' meri,' ahdtfier materials. r One'of tffo great results 6? thnfe-r- fc . - r- t . T ganlzing Bpirlt is a brodd ta.nlar'adbrlb am6Yg'nie fn"tiio samo profession. Vour'BVcsldty $n becomes ah'lntrodW tioh 'to men ' you modfc EaB bifo knows the' other Tb th0 right softatfd thV prelimlnhry1 m6ntil fenclnfe- that usually occurs1 when s'tr'ariger meVis dispensed with. Yo'u afe ;frlori(is and comrtfdes from tho first, and can trust 'JBut hqre is knoJJhi0r Epst nor WeBt, WfP'0 4tr$nlfc.J3?e?)'Jt5n'lace l.0 Tho' they come from tho ends of the earth' This mutual respect Is one of tho moBt noticeable -and important resultB of . professional, societies ' in general. ' Division of Labor. Another' result 1b" the" " division of labor, with "Its" ac'companylrig increase 6. 'economy, Iri Hhls1 age -ror p'rogress, it la 'impossible "for any man" to even approximately" know tho details of 'ail tho branches :of ono of 'tho major -professions, such' atf engineering, law, medicine, or theology. This is an J ago of specialists. Tho corporation attor ney does not attempt ."to handle "di yprcd cases, the .surgeon, does nob piill teeth, nor; does the bridge engineer design special, transformers for a power plant, uEach one. has his spe cial, line; and sticks 'to -it, and refers his clients, to monJn other lines when he,' is'i unable to handle their cases himself. .i,... i, . p . u Ahtho same time, there are many of the-gonpral problems; that aro. similar in all professions. .:A doctor may learn from an-f engineer hdw to analyze the eosteoI;hIs,sorlvicos,, aria how.-'jto. pro portion dHB";fees;i Jrhev:epgliieoii v may learn .ironi'hisJegdP friend tfiownqfrto ,wrlta!!1Bpeclflcatlons'.' Eachtgots .Wariy newandvaluablo'ldoastfrom the oth rprarid.'this! broadening ;and 'deepen ing of professional mebflsvbne.'ofthe great results 'that -may -properly be credited, largelyUd thetprofesalbnal so cieties. . -i i 0 4 '" i Nebrasna Society, The Engineering .Society, df tho Unl versUy ofNobraska. is a-looaWlage society which hal as it alnjhojeamo 6 MSall pskiB-alfe clotles, and also the local aim of mak in.KftAiilvtyipoli4rre lng of the greatspoBsIble banift.t to th w:im. a,frHW;a am fttii(t.toXt.-,aa f b&neflelaX Tk Jider membeni alwaya e- state, of Nebraska and tharfltu- ibiiUHifla.-;. T jrojapte l8fewHg UieJS- DECEMBER7 17, ,1909. try to make tho froshman's first yoar agreeable, u apd' bonoQglal, , Afujtual fronds aro ds(;6vredl.Boings aro sung Stories told, tlio, facultjr comoaj.d smokp ouf cigars and, drjnk o'jiir , cof'90 and tmak us oncquragln, talks, anjj ambtyjons are fostorpd and of ton cre ated by thlssociaimlxjqg of,o'on ginoors that aro and thoso .that, will bo. . Professional Addresses. Tho moro technical moetjngs aro mado. thp occasion, for introducing ho students to monho jitt.'gjy,o, them pxact.and often, nq fifprmatiofl op engineering sujjjocjs, ad IJIbo,,' fpj" hearing, from men;f wh'p from' thofp tyWn't PolntB oj vlo'yv cap .jtoll, ,us ?.qiw. P fPBt- tot tho'. Krjd BeoP "A; Tho Ijnqs nbetwqon J,hp yarioyB (trapchcB, of' 19nigJn9orlngiaro n'plu.tqd oWt and, thp yjounogtaeerjsn a on wnicn, ipi oas.nis piopypn of a special whlchdpcislpn .otojx not raddp until, ho Is a Junior, or I. v- senior. Thp results of tho onglnoring' train-' lng on thp uniyofsjtarojmany ad obvious., For .example out of twonty- - - "!' - tr m ' i'A .ye men noy ml tfiB unuerjiiwi have wpn the "IM" In nthlnHnn a vtnnn ar,e engineers, , In(stoa4lf9t Jmkfng ornnusker banquojjto otjor rM W8oerte? Jra . to- spirit second to none. . ,. . Another fact which makes for tho "i, yn'";r'"wvtfr?xtfi groaterJrgpodflf ounjylyjja tjiat nlacs and Nebraska xnen are, tojbe found fropi Sougiitffrilca tp.. Alaska boosting for Nebraska, and real llvo manhood and sending men hero not Hnfr Ir&er thoCsVato iutrBp aft' qver .tlje country, to bpttpr themsplvosf tho' univ6rs1y( and thd'worldhi genl 8IQMA TAU VALUABLE AiD. Engineering Fraternity Has Part In -f . Affairs of College. Sigma Tauls.tho'honorji ryonglnoor lngt fraternity: at Nebraska. ..Itlwas founded 'Seven years; ago. twith tho ob ject "to" promote a greater interest in engineering? education; jto insplro en gineering students to" greater. off prt both in tho icla8sroom.tand,'ln,iith'o field; 'to bring tho various engineering departments closer together, .and to incite an .attitude which will he com mon to all." ....... Since its organization the society has been very successful. , It has es tablished a- secdnd chapter at; Iowa City,, and it Is understpodf that several more chapters are' soon, es tab. Ih3hedat other schools. , w , 1 , Thp mombprshlpi of' tho Nebraska Alpha chapter, .consists ;of .fiye;hon orary' members, rkoma, eighty,, alumni members, 'and twenty;jlva tactiva:mom bers.jt TheaAonoraryi .momhers 1 are Pean C-R.Rlchards-JPcofessorf .Stout Morqeft Chatburn,i!andHQllster; Sigma Tau xisV'Jiot, yausocloty.,Jor4. political heneflts;; on thp4jpontrary Its whojp bbbHtflfc thoughttand jvorklsooruach effective tand.jfhonest-jrpsnlts, through which vitStpurpoBesj rpaxj bp " japstt, ef flcientlycconpllshed.'andithat consti tutesian .Qxpellentiauallfjeatlonjrpr,; an englneerlpgifxaternlWiCH . , M.,E.,STRIBrER. Frank and Jqsso. JParrott, civil en glneerlngifgreduaj,eBO;oihai7e.iwith C. C. CoJtreli.ffiemberjp0.te samp pjass, lormed a-partnerhlp,iandare Jj0 ?MYlmmWji?l!&Mr&? rott Cpttrell &,Parrpttat.feakec City. fe'Zsffifelsi " - j 4 V" "l 0Valf . 'Wf,' .T&SiJpf-S r4HWir WSW HWM.AT fffl,? i.m r MV.' . S5?7Tft ? fM ill n.? 'Uii'J ninfiM it: -.a.'K sessor er an eigaty-acr C J Prico5o Cents. ENGINEERING TRAINING r 0 I" lfl 1 'J8 VALUE OF MECHANICS COURSES TO THE,NON-ENQINkER. WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO AWALIZE ", ' ' , ' ' - -. ' . " hi) Power of Imagination Also Developed . In EngJneerlnB StMdanta of,(i;. Ptofeislom..., BY ALRnkVioVLc? Know, a li(t 0 ono thing. well,. phrase."'a lit tie of ovorythlng' heafdol' meinp Justify tho ncqulBltloha a4(tering of many tingbulTaat a man should, in addition to a thoiv - - - WiJ'iT" riir pugh.jnaa.tory, o(hlsisPAclaltx possess alSQ flufflCiont , (aeouabii7 T. .. . i . ' ' '" " -'."t I "H i'fl- other ilqldsjiof(know,tadgejvtpi undeiy stand hls:rolA.tlpnshIp.otrt ijo havo this acquaintance la Ulbyii llbpr ally educated. . ?a-,K x ttt Not so many ycar' agp It was thought that a liberal education jjas to bo obtained bxtudytogth dead languagos. ..At that Ume it'waB not flUflppspd. thatj a,nypnexeklng.ja, pnl vecs.ltyralnlng. w.pId- u9 ihls Mndsaaeft afhla-ead, Slpcphqpan age oJfviWpnderflU mater rial .dov&lppniepkhaB cpmeij. A aMI , Puripg the JaatdCenturyj no Influ- orvjps. jponjtobavgbflen, of..greatpr. 1 1 . .. 7 .17 E.JTII II. I I J .li" whichrchearieaed tki nr'-Att steel rails, was an WDortaiictnr thbisettlenfenl j.-.vLr.-jim -a."" m i,.r : umiiiem' ana aereaofsnent' this westorn country. - Our Intelleo. .'jfi.UU it Jicj In ait& iJjjt ntn tjnr ytvi H v "Mo wi nciuurccw --i-T' "ihi.- '.. VUlWA-UiK. xu place, does lt not jioompproprlato that a, general .education" should In- dude11 a teu&m mjmi only -to ptoduc'o)' results; bdt i toL'jproi d!?cof hem Economically. 1lj vl hU,7 - An.onglneor, must bp.ablp to analyze cbnHlUoitf, afad'mdst'haVo sufllcienHn? , agltfatlbnt'tbCforeVdeMthS (JafcomV. H isi taugnt.ta'seevclearly and tolthla'k girieer. His structures' depend for-'their .S?Jga!co.; uponi tact---a,oJ1 the $?reM botof dcisi6n bStengitfedrrniWbiti have uttnoro iwrmaheat qdalitypli X rt mnaW-'61o U'W wltfi'' ttcttiil Work'that'ls Wing Sonst tho-trafa- WWW, '.tea.Qhps twtjnioK of .c? wv uu iiu m uuiur ways, Tior IS It Biigted'.'tliat WbryibneMidUldtakre up ine,,Btupy:ocpngip1eer.iBg.wy.,l j classics or h4aterV 1Not WfirviHi. ws5aAb?Ms?i I heo-ejeeiveii.-jaehrtall aMithatfhMiHnrvmts. l&tawffiVl -not te 'It-Xfrei'tKe'.'aittW. Tho presidbht bf bnebf'dur uriivor sltjes recently sallhkl'th'o Ideal mod' orn oducallo'n' hiflftttn'AwAK'fc. A'3." . at . r w. -1 . - h w v, ui a LALaia a rn . w 011 naa much to dp with the fdundlrii or pnop of ..tho largest ox our universf. i-j un-u j;a tizi .vir,ni:,iiii -n . fllnco'th U'iJ, (hV; in an to" wSlci' 7jr:m W TnV'coWsW &hl&Wx&K out unlverflitida 'ninftntWi'n'vmotJrn rKfrJ ly ok nave tnp proxerblaV ,ex. presslons,.. "figures do, not lle,v and iMsugkestlvePof 'h2wW lrrK iA doosnot mean that such Wr HLCVSKwegnowror. that atfph study is .not narrpwlngTui Its effect mmttoteseto' t ; .. V-ll ",' rC" -. pa(affw . :k t )i i " HBfJfr ' fc. , K ., - ... i - ' ' aaEJ' c.- 1'-