The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 16, 1909, Image 1
- f ' JSSfy.tttf A1 stt rm'wi '.' ' i" wimp fjs.. v;" - v. "t-r- c w - . (.'V-Jfr fvH''$ i . ONlVERStTV OF kEBkASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1909. .. Vol IX. No. 54. Price . ''. .Hurfi.-,. ,. . , '" x ' rrf . . IFlebraehan i to eas 5 Cciits. ! i. i ' vssa I l L'-' Si.'', PLAY I MlD'SEASON FORM LAST NIGHT Varsity team scores heavily on freshmen in. 30 minutes. REGULARS PLAY THE flRST HALf Strenuous Basketball Practice Com-' rrtfrtfeU al MlhHesota MoH'day Evening Lawler and Hn- sen Favorites. The varsity basketball squad Under "fcoach Hewitt is rapidly reuridihfc into Condition: Lost night a practice game iFTas held in the armory, in which the lrslty put it' all over the freshmen. At the end of thirty minutes of play the score stood 60 to 24, with the var sity holding down tho big end. Last 'night's practice wad the best of the yearj some of tho mon playing in'.mid-soason form. The varsity team jiiayed a strong game and the fresh ilen, though outclassed, put ub a jjiiucky light. During the first half of the contest the first team men had all he better of the argument, securing eight 'field goals and two fouls, while tho best the frdshmon could do was to secure one field goal by Wess6l. In tho sQdpnd half" the freshmen picked up a bit and aided by some now men were abW in tho final part of the half to hqld Coach Hewitt's substitutes about level. Two Squads at Work. two squads were worked, out by the varsity and in all about a dozen men were used. The regulars played the first, half -and the substitutes the sec ond. JFpr,tho varsity Petrashek, Ingor soU,v,Woods, and Perry playod brilli ant bail. Funkhauser, last year's high school star, wab unable td do anything for the ffetfhtribn in the first half, but in tho second he woke up and secured seven field "goals'. Wessel, Andrews, and Carrier all played good ball for the freshmen, The line-Up .and .score of last oven : tog's game is as follows: Varsity. F.G. Porashqk;. a. . ,i;. .. 3 lngorsoll, 1 g. 5 Jones, nf& wooo:; r. f. Wake; K t. Gibson, c. Long, 1. g. Perry, i. g. . Schmidt, 1. t. Hutchison, r. meridoUs enthusiasm ih the Gophof camp for track sports, and tho mato rial at hand indicates a banner year in this doiJartnient of athletics. Plans are undor way for tho organ ittatloh of a orow. Rowing 1 a now spOrt at Minnesota, but thero is plenty of good material, and a generous do nation of 100 acres of land at Lake Mlnnetonka by Mr,. Crooker will pro vldo an ideal site for a club houBO and training quarters. Wrestling is looking up. A wrest ling club has been organized and Its mombors, besldos engaging an instruc tor, hope to make thoir sport a feature of tho intercollegiate gymnastic moots. A girls' interclasB basketball tour riamOnt was pulled off Saturday night. Next Tuesday, December 14th, tho football team will hold its annual ban quet, at which tho captain for next year will bo elected. Lylo Johnston Is tho most prominent candidate. WISCONSIN AT HOME ILLINOIS ABROAD -... i SCHOOLS IN LEAGUE PICKED A8 PROBABLE RIVAL8 NEXT YEAR. NAY (HOOSE TEAM THIS SPRING Work In the High 8chool Debating League Is Started Schoole Are Working on Question to Be Debated In Cohtett. LATIN CLUB CELEBRATES. A Christmas Jollification Held by the Members of the Organization The membors of the Latin Club wero entertained Tuesday evonlng by Miss Hunter, adjunct professor of Latin. Tho meeting was held for tho celobra tion of Baternalia. Many guessing games pertaining to Latin subjects were indulged In. Some Christmas or Saturnallsm songs were Sung, one of those being original, having been writ ten by Miss Hunter. Conundrums and charades were given. Prizes of half tone prints of mythical ploturos- wero given for all of the games. The whole program was very original and entire ly tho work of Miss Hunter. Tho evening olosed by the serving of light refreshments. Nebraska will in all probabilities de bate Wisconsin at Lincoln and Illinois at Urbana, III., noxt yoar. Such was the statemont given out by Professor Plagg, head of the university debat ing, last evening. Ho said that if tho loaguo began its socond sorios of de bates as it began its first this would bo tho line-up for Nebraska's forensic work noxt year. Tho squad for noxt yoar's work will bo picked noxt spring and it is.ovon thought possible that the team itsolt may bo picked beforo tho end of tho school year. Tho question for tho scrlos of dobatoB in tho Central Inter collegiate Dobating Loaguo will bo picked early in April. Each university, in the league submits a question to tho secretary tho first day of May Which questions are voted Upon by tho schools In the league and tho question decldod upon April 15th. Work During Summer. Tho reason for picking tho squad makes sixty-ono. Tho loaguo now om bracos practically ovory important school In tho state with tho' exception of Omaha, Lincoln, and Boatrlco, of whom tho two latter may join before- the beginning of this year's contest. Work Hae Commenced, Tho work of the loaguo, which is di vided into eloven districts, has alroady commenced. The question upon whioh the schools havo alroady started work is: "Whother or not tho labor unions nro on the wholo benoflelal," All of the schools nro buying books on the subject and aro making arrangements to have material sent out from the unlvorslty, The work of tho teams, of which thero are not more than olght to the district, will begin Bhortly aftor tho first of January. The winning candi date in each district will -contest for tho state championship horo on High School F6to Day. The championship was won two years ago by A. Ander son of Wahoo, with Mark C. Har graves of Wymoro, now a freshman In the unlvorslty, second. Last May Clayton Radcllff of Sidney took first, with Paul Good second nnd Harvey Hess third. WANT ALUMNI BACK FOR JUNIOR PROM FEB. 4 COMMITTEE EXPECTS JUNIORS TO TELL OLD QRAD8 OF DAtfCE. OETTlHO SOME IDEAS FROM ABROAD Managers of Other Proms Offer Aid Other Events Planned for the Following Saturday. MORSE TALKED OF iLL(JMlNANT8. Electrical Engineering Prefestor Ad dressed At U E. E. "Electrical IllUmlhahts" was tho title of an address delivered Tuesday evening beforo the Nebraska branch of tho American InstltUto of Electrical Engineers by Professor Morse. Pro fessor Morso dealt at some length with and if possible tho team before tho tho utilization and production of light. nlnan nf thn nnhnnl voar In that It He illustrated his theoretical State- MUSICAL CONVOCATION TODAY. , f. 2 3 2 2 1 4 1 2 Total 24 Freshmen. F. G. Funkhauser, c wessel, 1. g, Klllian, r. g, Fielding, 1. f. Coffee, r. f Andrews, 1. g. k 1 Carrier, r. f 3 ! FlB. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Fls. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tot 8 10 4 G 4 4 2 8 2 2 50 Tot. 14 2 0 0 0 2 6 24 Selections from "The Messiah" to Be ' Rendered by University Chorus. Mrs. E. B. Conant' and Mr. E. B. Carder aro to bo tho soloists at tho special musical convocation this morn ing . Selections from "Tho Messiah" will be the program, with tho univer sity chorus and a string quartet assist ing the soloists. Miss 8tblla Rico wilt play the organ acedmpaniments, Eleven-thirty classes aro not excuded as previously announced uuc n o'clocks are dismissed. Following aro tho selections: TenoY r6cit. "Comfort yo my people." Tenor aria "Ev'ry valley shall be ox- alted." Chorus "And tho Glory of tho Lord." Strings and organ "Pastoral Sym phony." Soprano reclts. "There wore sheph erds." "And lo! the angels of the Lord." "And the Angel said unto them.'' 4And suddenly there was with the Angel." Chorus ''Glory to God." Soprano air "Como Unto Him." Chorus "Hallelujah ! " AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS. Total 12 0 Hard Practice at Minnesota. t , ' Meanwhile Minnesota Is not Idle. News from there is to the effect that hot content with the western football championship, the Gophers Aro going in hard for "honbrs in basketball and track. At Minnesota, Monday evening, bas ketball practice of tho most strenuous variety began., Lawldr and Captain Hansen Beerntoo Dr. Cook's favor-J!-4taBjinttferorward positions. Mencke, itBt yoar's giant center, la out again and hopes to be eligible in a few days. Walker Is pW W thojcentor position. RoB'dhwaid 'and Ahderabn are Being' played at guards; routing Frank and Roblllard. A Freshman team is ho lng organized,, which "wiii have a schemata of lti' bwrit - , i Wednesday Coach Grant' of the rack team issued his call tor men for winter ir&ialnir fend over two taiAroft r'wivontlcd. Minnesota's1 .cr6ES-country victory at v Chicago has aroused a tre- Programs for Annual Session at Amed Issued by Professor Chase. Programs for the annual meeting of tho American Society of Agricultural Engineers Have been sent out by tho secretary oi tho association Prof. L. W. Chase head of tho department of farm mechanics at tho school of agri culture. The society meets at Ames, Iowa, December 28-29. Tho president of tho society, Prof. J. B. Davidson of Ames, graduated from tho University of Nebraska with tho class of 1904. Professor Chase was also & niembor of tho '04 class. , . ,Tho program includes many phases 6f farm engineering; farm machinery and their 'educational value., C. K, Shedd, a graduate of- the university Jastyear ad now instructor la farm machinery, will reatl a paper Jthe last day o't th.e.jseiiio on ''Draft $ patui.ilteure.fc ffcr era! university, professors will attend the meeting, gives tho debaters tho opportunity of working oyer the question in detail during tho summer. The lack of this time worked a hardship with the Ne braska dobaters this year, tho squad and tho team Itself being chosen very late in tho year. Tho .Minnesota and Iowa teams wero both picked laBt spring and Iowa had far the head start vof any school in the loaguo by vlrtuo of having threshed over the quostion tho procodlng year in her three strong dobatlng societies. Tho question after boing worked ovor thor oughly in Iowa was shbmittod to the schools of tho loaguo and was chosen as the subject for tho series of inter collegiate dpbateB. Tho results of the debates just held show somo curious facts. Both Ne braska and Wisconsin lost both do- bates, losing to Illinois at Madison and to Minnesota at Minneapolis. While Nebraska lost in each case by a split vordlct, Wisconsin lost at home by a unanimous vote. Nebraska Judges. A number of Nebraska mon acted as judges at. these debates. Prof. F. M. Fling of tho department' of.Burop'ean history,- and Judge B. H. Sedgwick of York judgod the MlnneBotaWlBcottsIh debate; fc. V Taylor, professor pi economic!), waa unable to servo on ac count of a severe cold. Professor Fling lectured to tho students in tho department of hlslorv and political oconomy while at Minnesota on tho French revolution. With the close of Intorcolloglate de bating tho attention of those who fol low the development of forensic work In Nebraska Is called to tho work of the High School Debating League, which 1b 'Just starting; Tho member ship of tho leaguo, which was entire ly reorganized two years ago, has reached sixty-ono at the present time. This represents .a remarkable growth during its two years of existenco, it numbering only thirty in 1908. Nine teen of these schools joined the league during the past year. Tho pew mem bers are as-f pi lows! ' , - , v Ashland, Broke Bow,' Clay jDeater, Crelghtpa, David City, ' .Fraftklin Academy. Fullerton, Gordon, Gothon- ':, -, , -, raents by practical demonstrations with various apparatus. Tho leotUre was'Well attonded and was pronounced by englnoors to bo exceedingly good. TICKETS FOR GLEE CLUB. berg, Holdrege. Nelson, Randolph, Oberlln College Organization to Ap pear at Nebraska on January 6th. The announcement hoe been made that tho Oberlln College Glee Club will appear In the university Templo on January 5th. The club has been secured nnd will appear at the univer sity under the auspices of the student volunteer band of tho university. The Oberlln College Glee Club shoud prove a raro treat to the stu dents on their roturn from the Christ mas vacation. They will bo specially approolatod by those who admire glee olub singing. The reputation of the olub Is well established throughout the United States. They havo been on .the road for a number of seasons and havo alwayB mot with tho heartiest commendation wherever they have ap peared. Those who remember their last appearance in. Lincoln a few years ago aro unstinted in their praise of the work of the club. Of tho work of the club tho press of. tho country has mado some vejry favor ablo reports. The Musical 'Courier, reporting an appearance of the club at Minneapolis, says1: "Although the length of the concert was moro than doubled by encores, the interest novor flagged." Tho Wayne Democratic Press of Lyons, Nf Y says; "The Oberlln College Glee Club's concert on last Thursday evening was unques tionably ,tho best entertainment of Its kind ever heard in Lyons." Tis cohv mondation repeats itself in press re ports from nearly every state In 'the union. The tickets wero put on sale by the university Y. M. C. A. yesterday and a remarkably heavy sale of, tickets Is expected for the entertainment The tickets may bo secured at the Y. M, p. A. ofllco or. from some- member The, price be 60 cents for reserved and 35 cents for general admission., ,,". , University alumni will have thoir at tention called to tho junior prom Feb ruary 4, If tho present plans oi tho commlttoo succeod. It is thb dosiro of the committee that every junior, and other university students as well, toll tho "old grade" at home or wher ovor thoy may happen to moot them during tho Christmas vacation the facts of the .1911 junior prom. In this way it Is believed. that tho alumni may bo attracted to tho big social event of tho year In greater numbers than ever before, Tho prom this year is to be made more of an alumni event than for sev eral years past. Tho Nebraska com mlttoo believe that it will be woll for tho dance to fali more in line with the big affairs of eastern schools. In somo of these institutions. the alumni return for this ono ovont, wheroaa ' thoy do not perhaps como back to the campus again during the entire yoar. Spread the News. Botwoon now and January 4, mem bors of tho commlttoo aro urging juniors to mako known this faot. Written invitations will be sent out later, bUt it Is believed that these avail but llttlo compared with per sonal words from members of tho class. Tho committee iri counting fan thoso personal solicitations to bring back the out-of-town people. Ideas from schools all over the country will be utilized in the Ne braska prom. The committee lias opened communications with manag ers of all the big proms and they promised some good material. Imme diately after the vacation the commit-' tee will get together and select their special' stunts. Since it will have so much to pick from it Is thought that It will bo able to got somo unusually good Ideas. Several house parUcwlll be glVeri by fraternities and sororities on the Saturday following the prom, this bo ing further cause for attracting back to Lincoln the alumni membors of these organizations. WANT SONGS BY FEBRUARY 1. Rushvllle. Seward. St Edward. Tren -i . urJLi L'' ,j-f. coa, vera on, ana wayn. -xuese, io- C., A. ofllco or. from some selling them on. the campus, price of admission will be Baked beans, baked on; the prettlete and served hot with delicious brown gather with the forty-two old members, J breaat 10c, at The Bostoa Luaca. Varsity Song Committee Issues' call' for New Tune. It is earnestly hoped that every uni versity student having talent 'IM com- .PQBlng mualo will, during .the' holiday vacation, devote some time to framiag up a new varsity song. ' ' The University of Nebraska, as we all realize, is lacking in aot having a goqd varsity song one that Is orig inal and in harmony with the growing Corahusker state and the CornhuSker institution. The song which now pur ports to be our varsity song- is r-adt ours at all but ode takea from another Institution wlth.but very few phanges here and thore.t That oar university must do this is a deplorable thing in deed. We have the. talent and thero Is no reason whatsoever why -wo should be behind other institutions in this' respect In order that a song he chosen this college year it becomes necessary that all songs be handed la to the' Song Committee, Station A, net later thaa February 1, 1?10." Here, is a chance, for you to gala a long-time memory, for yourself at Ne braska State University, get.lmer and work en the soag right, aew.: :, . ,, W. A. MONgON. ' Chaimaa. jgMtMc "Wiw .$ jHU .v! . 1. lAi "3. 4Mft . tk .' t.f,', JLi 1jil' Wi 'iji