' 'v r I Q I' J ' .. . Mil . . .H! Vol IX. No. 53. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1909. Price 5 Cents. smmV -tf IE be 3ail mebtaefcan V V CALDWELL CRITIG OF PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE . !r' trtEVlkWS TAFT8 FlRBT DOCU MENT TO C0NQRE8S. HE FINbi LITTLE OF MM WORTH Successor of Roosevelt Raits Entirely to Continue the Aggressive Character of Former Messages. That the recont moBBago-of Presi dent Taft wholly failed to sound n progressive note and lacked any firm suggestion of policy wnB the state ment of Prof. H. W. Caldwell at con vocation yesterday. Professor Cald woll followed his annual custom of re viewing the 'president's mesBago from a critical standpoint An unusually large crowd attended In anticipation of his remarks. He said -in .part: "The president's message has from 'the first been regularly sent to con gress. If it has any. constitutional grounds It is In that clauso which pro vides that the president may from rtimo to time convey Information to . congress. Whother constitutional- or not, It lias become a regular custom. "My message, too, Ib an annual mes sage, and It Is purely customary. Dead King in Africa. "The dead king Is In Africa, and the live king is In America, but if the African king is really dead, he is the 11 vest -dead man in the world today.. The message of Taft shows much of the influence of the president who has Just vacated the office. "Most messages have been merely a sammary of events. A few have been epoch makers in American history. iSomo of these important messages Uiave been special messages. Such for 'instance were the inaugural address -,of Washington, the famous messago of Monroe presenting the Monroe doc ; trine, Jackson's nullification proclama tion, his 'bank veto; Lincoln's Inaug ural, his July .and December, 18fcl, messages. Almost more marked than atf-ef. these 'Wore the messages of Theodoro' "Rodsdvolt, ' Roosevelt's messages were the most quotable me sages qf .all. "Taftfa!tncssage is simple and plain. There are no sentences in it worthy of being quoted, but since other mes sages aro promised wo can not judge Taft yet in this quality. On the tariff ho apparently stands pat. - No changes aro now urged or anticipated. In junctions should not be granted so freely in tho past unless absolutely necessary- to prevent serious labor or commercial conditions. "There s pot a single progressive suggestion or utterance in tho mes sage, It Js .merely a summarize. As compared o previous messages, this . messago fsa 'disappointment Jn thfs respect.,. There l'no'real Information for a student in any 'American prob ' lent In tho message. ,Fprelgn Problems. "Problems in Latin America, such-aa boundaries, the president hopes will cqntlnuo to be settled peacefully. Some tjjno ago the Island of San Do mingo was threatened by European powers because their debts wore not pad. FrfiBidqnt Roosovolt did not wnlt fqr a, law to bo passed authoriz ing uqtlqi by the United States In be hqjf of San .Domingo, but went ahead ail appointed a collector of customs, for t,hat island. President Taft nn qpuncog that this has been a success. TUrpvaca&Q wh,qre our responsibjl i Ity was appealed to outsldo the limits of the pnroeldacttine. "RslaUqns with Japan continue to bo as pfllflaf !4hBy avo DOon In the' past ffbey may bo no bettor, 'but aro yet no worse, "qreatqr care Is to bo exercised in W"MUnjr Jfofc jQft. recording, the. col- lectlqj aoj tb,q djrjbution of money at tho pnlted States treasury. Presi dent Taft BpeaKB of fraud existing, but does not deal with it very vigor ously. Deals With Deficit. "The question 6f tho deficit is brought up alBo. A. plan Is proposed to meet this deficit but tho recom mendation Ib one tit thb weakest In the whole message, it la! To postpone expenditures oh tho n)ivy and nrmy and other departments Until the deficit is made up. Then the expenditure could go on again. A battleship coats as much money as three such state universities as this one. Evidently the president Is in favor bf continued heavy expenditures for. such purposes. The postofllco deficit is considered. The deficit Is large anU tHo reason givon aro tho heavy cost of newspapers and magazine carriage. Taft recom mends an Increase in the poBtal rates for magazines. "The message Ib as notdworthy for whnt It does not say as what it does say. Why did he not explain that the" railroad charges aro far larger than they ought to be and that steps should be taken to reduce these heavy rates rather than increase postal rntos?" G. B. M'DONALD BACK IN LINCOLN Ex-Football Star to 8pend Month with Friends in Cly. Q. B. McDonald, ex-quarter back of, Nebraska's varsity, was a campus vis itor yoBterday. He is visiting Lincoln friends and will be In tho city until after the OhrlstmaB vacation. . Mr. McDonald graduated In 1907 and immediately entered the government forestry service. For some time he wns In Washington, D. C., and for tho past year and a half he has 'been in the west, visiting the government re serves. His work has taken him all over the western country, particularly Idaho and Montana. He has dealt al moBt exclusively with planting, aqd In this branch of the work he has had results of much Interest to foresters. CLUB MET SATURDAY NIGHT. Komenians Held Christmas Festivities at Home of Miss Hrbek. The 'ChrlstniAs, meeting of "the Ko menBky Club was held Saturday even ing with MIbb Sarka Hrbek, 1726 Q street. A large representation of the membership was present to enjoy the program of Christmas games. Otto Kotouc of Humboldt, Neb., and A. A. Tenoplr of Omaha, Neb., alumni of the club, were present' and gave brief but valuable talks on the progress of the Komensky movement among young Bohemians. The formal portion of the program consisted mainly of musical numbers, tho first being selections from Dvorak's "Now World Sym phony;" 'played by Orrln "Stopanok, who profaqed his number? Jy interest ing rornarks oh tho early ijffennd mu sical preparation 'of IHq great '.Bohe mian composer,, "who. later, spent a number of years 'In this country, being director of tho cpnservatory of music In New York, 01$. Mr. Stqpaiiok'B rendition of the selected por((ons of "The New Worju Syrtiphony" Werq so much enjoyed that ho'h'aQyrospond to an encore. Mr. John BuctiaLgavo a humorous reading on "JBulttohs Harmless and Otherwise." '" " A piano duet, qntltled "Poqt and Peasant," rondered by Miss yias.ta Dolansky and MIsb Emma Krisl, was thoroughly enjoyed, after wjil'ch tyiss KiIbI read an article on "Christmas Customs In Bqhemla." t After a number of Bohemian songs, which woro given by the chorus, vari ous games, "always playqd " attho Christmas Boason- among the" Czechs, occupied the company. The aervlRg of refreshments was follqwed by other games.' g ' 4 Thq next meeting of the Komensky Club will, take. place'on the evening of the first , Saturday following theholi- day recoss. TAKES STAND FOR A REFORM IN THE RULES DR. CLAPP TO VOTE FOR CHANGE IN RULE8 DECEMBER 28. JOHN BENDER TO COACH BASEBALL 8weaters of a Uniform Color and "N's" of a Distinct Design to Be Granted Hereafter In the Vari ous branches of Athletics. Considerable interest and coinmont was mado over tho campuB yesterday over tho action of tho athletic board on the matter of revision of tho foot ball rules. Students generally scorn to be in favor of an action In the mat ter and woro heartily In favor of any action which would not take from tho gamo its interest and at tho -same time tend to decrease tho chances of injury to any of tho players. Chancellor Avery Ib vory much in sympathy with this movement and It wnB at his suggestion that the action of the athletic board on tho mattor was taken. "Let tho friends of the game do what is in their power to remedy It before others have a chance to revise it," is the opinion of tho chancellor. At the meeting of the board the fol lowing motion was made and carried:' "That the delegate to the Intercollegiate-Athletic Association of tho United States be instructed to work toward the securing of the elimination as far aB possible or the dangerous features of football." This delegate of tho board, Dr. Clapp, will attend this meeting of the Intercollegiate Athlotlc Association in New York City Decem ber 28, and carry out this policy. 8tate 8entlment. That this action Ib In harmony with the feelings of the students of tho uni versity and tho other colleges over tho state, as well as the people of tho state, is evidenced by the action which these people have taken. PreBjdent Crabtree of tho Peru Normal school and other faculty men of the state have agitated this matter to a certain degree, and tho action of tho Nebras ka athletic board comes as a recogni tion of these demands. Not alone in this stato do tho friends of football fool that a revision of the rules Is necessary, but tho sen timent Is found all over the country wherever football Ib played. At Cor nell the rules must be revised or the game will be prohibited and in George town nnd Holy Cross tho sport has ,becn eliminated from athletics. The attitude of such football authorities as Walter Camp and Stagg show that tho attempts at revision of the rules have a sound basis and that such a thing Is an absolute necessity. No Proxies. 1 In other lines of purely local nature the athletic board took further action and made a ruling which goes into ef fect' January l', 1910, to the effect that after this dato no proxy will be al lowed in any athletic board election. That this ruling has been needed has been felt by the mombcrs of tho board for somo time. Specific in stances of voting by proxy haB been shown in elections in the past few years and it has always caused a largo amount'of unnecessary difficulty. Bender Coach. The report of tho 'feaseball commit tee was read and approved to tho ef fect that "Johnny" Bender be hired for baseball coach next season and that he assumo his duties March 1st and continue them unutll tho close of tho soason. Bender expects to be a stu dent in the university next semester, andjwUh this in view' ho will be fully able to have charge of his work as baBeball coach. t For the past twaseasons ''"BUly" Fox has coached the yarsitybasobalLlhome? team, but UiIb year ho will bo unnblo to do ho aB ho no longer has Interests In Lincoln which would allow him to romnln as coach of tho university toam until tho clone of tho college baseball soason. Uniform Sweaters. A report of tho administration com mltteo was read and npproved to tho effect that tho Bweator and "N'b" grantod by tho athletic board horcaf tor would bo of n uniformity and cer tain sweaters for certain lines of ath letics would bo In vogue. For football, a whlto block "N" is presented, olght inches In height, seven Inches wide nt tho contor and two Inch bars with squaro blocks, the Bweater to bo card inal and the stylo of tho neck left to tho choice of tho individual. Tho cross-country "N" Is to bo a cardinal flowing "N" b(x InchoB In height and five InchoB wldo, tho sweater to bo a white coat JorBOy. Tho basketball sweater Is to bo a whlto coat Joraoy, and the baseball and track swoaters to bo cardinal coat jorsoys. Itoserve BWoators wero alBo granted to tho Bcrubs ofthlB year and tho board voted to add tho namos of Pearso and Dobson to otho list previ ously submitted. Tho petition of tho men for tho sweaters boarlng an largo "2" with a small "N" was voted down -by tho board, as it was felt that tho men wonrlng tho "N" swoators should bo tho only ones of tho univer sity privileged to wear an "N" of nny sort. 8ENIOR8 HOLD MEETING. Election of Members to the Student Publication Held and Other Business Transacted. At a mooting of tho mombors of tho senior cIbbb yostorday morning at 10 o'clock in tho music liall at tho Tom plo, President Hof Mann appolntod a commit too to arrange for a com mencement day speaker. It wob sug gested that an educator bo asked to givo tho nddreBB lnstoad of a poli tician as has boon tho case in lato years. .8 A Mahood was appointed chairman of this commlttoo. To rep resent tho class on tho studont publl catlqn board George M. Wallaco was elected. Tho Bcnior play was also dlB cussed and a modern piny will In nil probability bo given by tho class next spring. The president also announced that a committee would bo appolntod to arrange for tho sonlor maBquorado which will bo given somo time In tho near future. COMFORTABLE JOURNEY HOME. Burlington Wants Students to Buy Tickets Early. City Ticket Agent Bonnoll of tho Burlington linos has Issued a request that students Intending to go home for tho Christmas vacation buy tholr tickets early so that tho road officials may know when to expoct the crowds and how to properly enro for thorn. His letter in part follows: "If students will buy tholr tickets at least one day In udvanco of their starting, and do so at this office, wo can be posted as to tho number of ex tra cars to bo put on each train. This will not only help us, but will Insuro for students plenty of comfortable seatlngs on tho homo trip. Wo want to please them and mako their vaca tion a pleasant ono npd to start out on tho trip standing up will not be pleasant. I would also .ask that they say in buying the tickets on what dato they will start Tho early oheck Ing of baggage will also be a factor in assisting them to get away more promptly, as that can be done at their leisure, instead of tho last moment in tho rush which will delay the. trains and not only them 'but the other stu dents." r 7 ' Your car faro "would 'pay for 'a nfoa lunch at' the Boston Lunch. Why co WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH THE PROFESSOR DRAMATIC CLUB TO DIVULGE SE CRET THUR8DAY NIGHT. SEARL DAVIS IS TITLE CHARACTER Miss Bailey Leading Lady, Supported by Strongest Cast Ever Ap- , pearlng on a Unlver. sity 8tge. "What's tho Mattor With tho Pro foBHor?" Ib tho rather startling title of tho play which will bo stngod at tho Temple theater Thursday night by tho University Dramatic, Club. This Ib tho first play of tho club this yoar. Tho ctiBt Ib exceptionally strong, ovory character bolng Impersonated by ono of tho strongest momborn of that or ganization. Although bills have boon circulated containing tho quory "What Is tho matter with tho profoBBor?" nothing definite has boon discovered as yet. Tho cast Iibb boon working faithfully for tho last two wo ok s. to unravel this mystery, nnd It Ib hopod that on tho night of tho 16th thoy will have tho matter perfectly clear in tholr own minds and bo ablo to glvo to tho uni versity public a solution of tho mat ter. To aid thorn In tholr rosearch thoy havo tho profosflor with thorn, continually quizzing him, checking IiIb data, and proving hlB original records. It Ib safo to say that tho play Vhon produced wul bo something unique, oven iu the comedy llbo at Nobrask'd. Cast of Characters, Tho cast was caro fully picked from tho host talent in the club and con tains many namos not unfamiliar to tho ttnlvoralty public. Many of them appeared to advantago in' provlous plays givon by tho club and others appeared in tho sonlor play last year. Thoy havo beon putting in ovory mo mont of avallablo tlmo In proparatioit for the production on tho loth, and will, in tho opinion of their coach, put on tho beat play over appearing on tho university stago. Miss Howoll, the proBldont of tho club, says emphatic ally that tho following cast will force tho professor to divulge his socrot. Tho caBt 1b as follows: Professor Goodwllllo.....8parl S. Davis Dr. Cousins Yale Holland Dr. YellowIoavoB. .John M. Alexander Miss Qoodwlllio EfBtber Balloy Sir George GulIdlng..Nye Morehouse The Dowager Miss Nagl Efllo Ada, Morgan Poto Lawrenco Coy Hondera Paul Yates Footman , H. O. Ruahton Miss Whlto vBimhlG Tally No offort has boon spared to 1 Mako the play artistic from overy viewpoint Special scenery has beon secured from tho Lyric theater, which will add a groat deal to tho staging of the play. In order to avoid any delay that might bo exporlonced by Having inexperi enced men handling this scenerythe club have engaged professional stge hands for this work. '' Second Performance. ' t Tho salo of tickets lias' been pushed with such vigor .that it is feared there will bo somo trouble in seevring suf ficient seating capaelty 1a b!e Greater, This may necessitate a second per formance. 'However, until the salo of tickets reackes a point that will war rant a secofad perforwanee no an nouncement Is a secern will bo made. - The ticket Jy secured from any neiab of ta elub or at either ono of the university book stores. 'The tlekeU sell at 26 cents' aad may bo re .serve for aa additional kargo of 10 oeats. The seat may be reserved .any day betweea 1 aad 2 p, m., or 'at .the Temple theater box office irhura day, the day; of the play. - ! , . ..