The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 14, 1909, Image 3
l0 v OLIVER THEATRE Frl., 8at.tfa.nd Sat. Matinee, Deq. 1718. 'the MUSICAL DRAMATIC . NOVELTY THE GIBL FROM V. S. A. A Strong Story, Rich In Interest. BEAUTY CHORU8 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN jjCampusjJ)j 'M- Gleanings W Nlflht 76o to 25c; Mat. 25c and 10c LYRIC THEATRE EVERY EVENING AT 8:30 Matinee Wed. and 8at., at 2:30. Beginning Monday Eve., Dec. 13. The Charming Threo-Act Comedy by ' Louli Carter BETTY8 DIVORCE Will Be Presented by THE LYRIC C8TOCK COMPANY Evenlnga at 8:30 15c, 25c, and 35c. Matinees 15c and 25c Next Week "The Heir of the Hoorah" ORPHEUM WEEK STARTING DECEMBER 13 REED BROTHER8 PATRICE CHA88INO CARLIN &. CLARK REYNOLD8 &. DONEGAN HOPKINS SISTERS COOK & 8TEVEN8 Matinee at 2:30, 16c and 25c. Evening at 8:30, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Phones: Bell 938, Auto 1528. Pitts Dancing School Beginners' Glass Wed. and Sat, Advanced Clnss Monday Social' Friday 10th and O Phono 5405 J MBBlafl wmll mmmmw, Any Suit or Overcoat to your measure during this month $20.00 L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS All makos rontod with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in Robnilt' Machines Lincoln TypiwrlUr Exchange Auto UB5. Boll 1181. 123 No. 11th Underwood Typewriter Co. TYPEWRITERS SOLD AND RENTED S 187 No. 18th. Bell 848. Auto 2586" I ft SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Athletic Goods old to Students at 10 per cent dU count if this ad is brought to our store LAWLOR CYCLE CO. 1334 O STREET I UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C- A. fucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 1 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Yenr.PatrtMfe Solicits)! Proy & Prey. The senior prom committee will meet tonight at 7:30 in U112. Dr. J. R. Davis, Dentist. 1234 O St. Verne 8tockdalB, '09, 'vlBited at the PI Beta Phi house Saturday arid Sun day. C. H. Prey, florist, 11331 O street " J. L. Dcr Klndercn is hack nt his post at the Y. M. C. A. today, after an absence of threo days. Chapin Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. MIbb Sarah Martin was given u shower at the PI Beta Phi house Sat urday morning. Havo your clothes proBsed at Wooer's Suitorlum. 12th and O. The Y. M.-Y. W. social Saturday night was a great succohb. Over 250 people attended. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, llr-110 So. 12th streot. . ThoHe deBlrlng pictures of tho Corn huBker banquot may secure thorn at tho Cornhusker office. v Froy & Proy, choice flowors. 1338 O St., north side. The members of PI Beta Phi will havo their annual Christmas tree Wodnusday ovonlng. ... Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. All freshman basketball mon out TuoHday night from fi:30 to 8:00. The freshmon play the varsity Wednesday night. The Monarch Pool Hall and Bowling Alloy, 1134 N Bt. Moro tablos, alloys, "The Influonco of Superstition on the Evolution of Property Rights," ' see Tickets for the freshman hop were put on sale ycsto'rday and may bo se cured at any timo from members of the 'committee. Tho hop will bo hold at the Lincoln hotel January 15, tick ets soiling for 11.25. F. O. Clark Is chairman and Eugene Holland master of ceremonies. Walt's orchestra will furnish the music, George R. La Rue, '09, who took his B.Sc. from Doano College and hlB A. M. from the university, is doing ox port work as research assitsant, de partment of zoology, University of Illinois. Prank G. Bruner, '03, took his Ph.D. at Columbia University in 1907, and Is now assistant director, department of child study and pedagogic investiga tion, Chicago public schools, Chicago. III. i Walter L. Hadlock. 09, Ih located at Pullman, Wash., as assitsant chem ist In tho agricultural experiment sta tion of tho State College of Agricul ture. Hrwin Hopt, '09, is Instructing in agronomy in tho school of agriculture, U. of N. On March 1, 1910, Mr. Hopt will go to tho experimental sub-Bta-Hon nt North Platte. Ulanchu M. Austin, '09, wub Incor rectly roported In tho October number or the Unlvorslty Journal as teaching at Oxford. She Ih touching Latin and English at Hartlngton. William McKay, '98, is now gonerul ugont of tho Simplex Mfg. ,Co. of Con necticut, and httB his ofllco at 315 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. .Mary W. McGahey, '98, has boon made head of the department of man ual trulnlng, Idaho State Normal 8chool, Lowlston, Idaho. . . William J. Bovee, '04, is practicing at 424 South Broadway. Lob Angeles, Cal. Ho Is endeavoring to organize an, alumni club. . Wllma Wood, '08. Ih at home at Alli ance. Nob. FULK FURNISHER. and HATTER The Gift Store for Men Neckwear, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Bath Robes, Umbrellas, Jewelry, Suspenders, Sweater Coats, Fancy Vests, Suit Cases and Bags. and patrons than any other. 52 & 53 The Doltn Gamma freshmon will givo a Christmas onterUilnmont am' treo for tho oldor mombers Wodnos day evening. ... Qlaases at right prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Howe Optician, 319 No. 12. 52 & 53 ... Mombers of tho constitutional com mittee of tho sophomore class nro re quested to moot in U10C, WednoBdny, Docembor 15, at 1 o'clocl. Try a lunch at the V. M. C. A. Bs. 13th and P Sts. i o John C.fl ReBlor, 1910, has been elocted principal of tho high school at Friend. Ho will take up tho work at once. Ho will continue hiB work in the university in order to take his de gree at tho end of tho year. ess 100 Engraved Calling Cards make an oxcollont Christmas gift Qeorgo Bros, Engravers and Printers. There will be a business meeting of tho senior class on Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 11:30, in the music hall of tho Temple. All seniors are urged to be present as the meeting -will be of con siderable importance. All tho com mittees will report. i Gontlomen's PumpB. Ladles' Even-' ing Slippers. Beckman Bros., 1107 O. Frof, Hutton Webster wlU attend the joint annual meeting of the economic and historical associations' in New York during the Christmas; holidays. He will read a paper on' Charles W. O. Bunker. '01, is an as sistant surgeon In tho nuvy. Ho can bo reached by mall at Navy Dopt., Washington, D. C. Ivoulso Pholpu, '02, Ih touching her third year In tho high school at Pas saic, N. Y. MIhb PheTpH went abroad last Hummer. ... Buy N. Allen, '08, is enguged in elec trical und mechanical engineering at 341 16th Ave.. No., Seattle, Wash. O. T. Swan, '03, is chief of products, Dist. 3, U. S. forest Borvico, First Na tional Bunk Bldg., San FranclBco, Cal. 3;s& Important Announcement for Men DEAR SIR: Lincoln, Nebraska With an eye ever watchful for the convenience and comfort of our patrons, we have made an important change in our Men's Furnishing Dept by moving it from the 1st floor of the Dry Goods Dept to the 1st floor of the Furniture Dept, thereby making it much more convenient and handy for busy Men Shoppers. Here we have employed throughout the depart ment strictly modern appointments, which enable us to display Men's Dress Accessories in a manner strictly first-class. In every article of Furnishings, whether it be Scarfs, Gloves, Shirts, Hosiery or Underwear, you will find better styles, better quality, better value than ever. We extend a cordial invitation to visit this new Department at your earliest convenience. You will never be urged to purchase. Yours respectfully, RUDGE & GUENZEL CO. Streets of All Nations Under cAuspices of Urn. Y. W. C. A. Uni. cArmory Jan. 8, igio PHIXATHEA County Fair Boxing Exhibition Second Floor Wilkinson Bldg. 16th and O DEC. II, 7 p. m. iSEEBEKHEagbiK nyjjzJyzjnTj)Jjoy3 Mr m (B 1129 o a A Classy Shoe For college men. Swell and snappy. The very latest style; Coaster last, high heel, high arch and high toe. Blucher and button in i calf and patent leather. PRICE $4.00 AND $5.00 t Walk-Over shoes set the style. Try a pair. cl : ROGERS & PERKINS CO, STREET ; , LINCOLN, NEBRASKA n n &u 4 'K ' f, . 1 S i ' .' H I 1 ' M v u . tf p.