The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 14, 1909, Image 2
irfjQflp&w frmv "W THE DAILY NEBRASKAN if i s The Daily Nebraskan , ink pnoponTT op THRT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, v Llndoln, Nebraska. py THE STUDENT PUD. BOARD. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor. Vlotor B. Smith Managlna Editor.... ....K. P. Frederick Associate Editor Carl J. Lord Associate Editor T. M. Edgeoombe BUSINESS STAFF. Manaoer1 W. A. Jones Assistant Manager... O. C. Klddop Circulator V. C. Hascall Assistant Circulator.... ....P. T. Sturgla 1 Editorial and Business Offtcot BASEMENT ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. PostofTlce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. MfTi i - Telephone! Auto 1868. Night Phones Auto 1888J Auto 2683. -1-INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 contn por Insertion for ovory fifteen worda or fraction there of. Faculty notlcca and University bul letins will bladly bo published freo. Entered at tho postofilca at Lincoln, Nobraska, as Becond-clasn mall mattor under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Advertisements for tho want ad column should bo left at tho business office, basement Administration build Ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or betweeri 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of. tho first Insertion; three Inser tlons twenty-flvq cents; five Inser tlona forty cents. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1909. THE ENQINEER8' NEBRA8KAN. With tho appointment of tho Htaff to edit tho engineering number of the Dally Nobraskan, tho attention of tho student body is again brought face to face with the fact that tho engineer ing collogo of this university Is one o tho leading schoolB In this lino found in tho United States. That there an few schools of the engineering world in which tho members of that depart ment tako charge of the student dally and run it as a papor for engineers nnd about the engineers of thut hcIiooi should bo complimented upon. That 1b a rocognlzod fact. But nevertheless. Christmas Lids this 1b what the students of the en gineering collego of tho University of Nobraska do. This is a fact that the members of that dopartmont of tho university mon upon whom tho world (looks as bolng only capable of understanding complicated machlnory and mathe matical formulas are able to tako charge of a students' daily newspaper and run it along pure nowspaper lines Is a thing upon which these men aro worthy of credit. The fact also stands that tho papor which the engineers aro ablo to put out is worthy of com ment. This is shown by the paper which they published last year and which too was the original edition of the engineers' annual number of the Nebraskan. This paper wob a marked success and was of interest to all tho students of the university and not alone to tho engineering students and faculty. That other organizations of tho uni versity should adopt this plan of edit ing the Dally Nobraskan for one edi tion each year is our suggestion, thus helping to increase tho spirit of prido In tho separate departments of which the university is composed. That this Is a possibility is ahown by tho way the ongineers have done it. Why is it not as truo with tho other depart; ments of the university as it Is W1U; them.? "KNOCKING" V8. SUPPORTING. Again wo have met the Gophers and we aro theirs. This time it is not In athletics, but in Intercollegiate de bate. But it was no fault of tho mon who represented Nobraska. They were the very best mon "who were in tho university that could represent us . in this line of intercollegiate activV i tips. When tho university football ,s season closed on every hand was heard tbe ring pf the "anvil chorus" trying rj(oteJI the other fellows that It was , fojfe this reason that we, were defeat- ' ji.'' Zm- X 1 CONVOCATION ' 5s jg v . President's Message 0 SSSSSSSSSSSmSmSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHSHlSSSm TUESDAY bQO&y&yxttoso&tea ed and alBo for that reason that we loBt tho dobate. Why should It bo? 1b this tho truo condition of ovory school? PorhapB It is, but since Nebraska is considered one of the leading schoolB in tho west lot ub tako tho load in this matter and push together for tho benefit of the Scarlot and Cream spirit and to tho dismay of tho "knockers." That there aro men in school who are debaters of first-class ability who do not try out for tho squad 1b a well known fact, and thoBo men are tho ones who, as a rule, are doing tho greatest part of tho "knocking." Why is It that if they think they can do so much bet ter than the mon who do do things that they don't como forth and show" tho student body that they havo tho ability to do this which thoy claim thoy are capable of? If thoy do not havo tho ability of which they cluim so much, thoh we ask them to kindly keep still. If they would do this the univorsity as a whole would bo better off to a largo oxtent. That tho knocking is not ulone in tho university is also admitted. In the editorial column of one of the dallies of our metropolis we find u little Irony in tho statomont that the present record of thlB year's debating team should bo kept as a permanent record. This statement 1b entirely un called for, especially as it comes from ono of tho leading state papers. We For the Boys New Snappy Shapes in Stiff and Soft Hats. All $2.50. suggest that instead of this paper try ing to "knock" state affairs, especially those of the stato university, that It would be better If they would lend a helping hand to this university nnd try to bring it into a better light In tho eyes of tho people of the state. AGRICULTURAL CLUB MEETING. Talks from Members of Teams 8ent to National Judging Contests This Fall. Tho Agricultural Club held Its regu lar meeting last Saturday night at tho Temple. There was a large attend ance of members and an Interesting program was listened to. Tho talks were summed up under the hend tltlo "Trips," being reports froip team members of tho various contests to which the university has sent judg ing teams this fall. Tho first speaker was R. H. (lamp, 1913, who was high man on tho team at tho international live stock show at Chicago. Mr. Camp gave an inter esting account of the work during the contest and the way the Judging was done. Louis R. Anderson, 1912, who led the Nebraska team at tho croBB country run at Chicago, told of the race in a manner which drew a greaj deal of appreciation from tho audi once. O. H. Liebers. 1913, gave an account of the Council Bluffs horticul tural show. Mr. Liebers ranked first among tho Nebraska team, which took llrst place in the Judging at tho show. The Nebraska Judging teams this year have won two firsts out of four na tional contests entered, easily giving it first place In Judging among the schools of the country. Howard Gramlich,' assistant in the department of nnimal husbandry, told of the prize? won by tho animals ex hibited by the University of Nebraska at the International. A large sum of money was won, besides a number of scholarships. Several Nobraska ani mals took first place in their class. ooo s 8 X "Prof. Caldwell These havo been hold over and pros; poets aro good for winning the grand championship noxt year. In the car cass contests Nebraska took practical ly all of tho prizes. A business meeting was hold after tho program. Some now members wore voted In. Refreshments were served nt tho close. Tho next meet ing of the club will be held January 8, at which time papers will be given on three different phases of agricul ture in western Nebraska. TO GIVE REAL MIN8TREL 8HOW. Darktown Notables to Appear on the "Streets of All Nations." Not content with tho success of "Chlng-a-Loo," which was ono of tho most talked of entertainments at the County Pair last year, Alpha Chi Omega will this give a full-fledged minstrel show. Nothing Is being spared to make this show one of the hits at the "Streets of All Nations," and In all probability It will be a big success. The overture will be ono of Whit mark's best, full of jokes and music, und enlivened by the bones and tam bourines of star end-men. Coon songB will bo .sung In real coon style, and the overture will end with a grand cake-walk. In tho Becond part of the show, the jugglers and acrobats will have BUDD Why More? 45 O St. tholr turn. There will be queens of tho trapeze, tight wire walkers, fire eaters and tumblers galore. All of these artists are hard at work, re hearsing their stunts and preparing for Jnniinry 8th. TflF Thc Tailor l3jM-iy SPECIALIST ON Refitting and All Kinks of Altering Particular attention to ladies work and uniforms. CLEANING and PRESSING Done by Hand and not by Machinery UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin December. 14, Tuesday, 11:30 Seniors meet. Temple music hall. 14, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., N2 Forestry Club. Prof. Phillips. 16, Thursday, 8 p. m., Temple Dra matic Club play. 17, Friday, 6 p. m. Christmas vacation begins. January. 4, "Tuesday, 8 a. .m.- Christraa vaca tion ends. 5, Wednesday, 8 p. m., Temple theater -Oberlin College Gleo Club. 7. Friday. Linpoln Hotel Senior prom. 8, Saturday, Armory "Streets of All Nations." 13, Monday, 7:30 p. in.. Memorial hall Rehearsal of chorus for "The Mes8aih." 15, Saturday, Lincoln hotel Fresh man hop. ' February. 4, Friday Junior prom. ' ME make a point to please everybody Jn serving Re freshments for Parties. The Second Yea? Junior Class at the Slate Friday evening were more pleased. Give Ub Trial Fraternities Sororities - We can save you 12 per cent on your fuel bills Semi-Anthracite $8.00 IS THE REASON LtuioBid Gregory Thc Coal Man inmost. IF YOU ARE WILLING Ted will Dye for You or Clean, Press, or Repair your Garments 235 No. Ilth Street TED MARRINER Jtut opposito the Windsor Hotel Auto 4876 Bell F1609 Annual Hop SENIOR PROM alt's Orchestra TicRets &2.50 B8 BSS2StSSSiSSSSg2S2SS2ggSB3 CHRISTMAS GIFTS The newest styles of Women's Shop ping Bags, Music Bags, Jewel boxes, Toilet Cases, Cigar Cases, Pocket Books, Card Cases, Fitted Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Novelties. -;- -:- Wirick's Trunk and Traveling Bag Store 1028 0 Street LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" nTHmDSiolT C. E. BULLABD, U. of N. '02, Manager SPECIAL RATE TO STUDENTS We teach the fancy dances on University Night Saturday night. University orchestra. All students invited. UNIVERSITY NIGHTS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Class Nights Wodnosdays and Saturdays 8:00 to 10:00. AUTO 4477 Private Lessons Lincoln Hotel Freshman Hop $1.25 FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We Want Your Goal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMP'Y 1106 0 STREET fe Farm r " than V i 1307 O. STREET " Expert Hatter, Gleaner, and Pressor Dyor of Ladies' and Gonta' Garmonts January 7, 1910 Socials Fridays 8:00 to 12:00 DELL A1311 by Appointment WALT January 15 AUTO 3228 BELL 234 Wi ,-fcWtilT ftWI 7T TT MBiMTjjrt r"-TrmiiM n rmHWwtmMlHM n ''f k; ijhmHHh