The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 14, 1909, Image 1

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KAiaAiHHH. Y Ji A' I -JU J
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Vol DC No. 52.
Price 5 Cents.
Oicfti'tab4tjw.'.. .;.. avam ., , Hw.i.Mtw ,.j zjmcJ! " ; Mf-'. . . -,
Vote of fifteen is unanimous
Athletic Board Vote Elliott an "N" on
the Recommendation of Captain
Beltzcr, Manager Eager and
Assistant Coach Harvey.
Jack Temple was elected captain
of the 1910 football team laBt night by
the unanimous vote of the fifteen "N"
men present. Temple received ten
votes on the first ballot, a sufficient
number to Insure his election, and ou
motion the rules were suspended and
the choice made unanimous.
The three candidates were Templo,
Shonka, and Itnthbone. Early yester
day It became evident that Temple
would win out and Rathbone to secure
a unanimous choice switched his sup
port to Temple. Shonka, the third
candidate, withdrew after the first
ballot and thereby gave Temple the
unanimous vote of the team.
The happy result of last evening's
election is in striking contrast to the
squabble of the past two years and
bodes well for the success of the .1910
Cornhusker eleven. Both last year
and the year before the election of a
captain devolved into a partisan af
fair and in both years resulted in
splitting the team into two factions.
The result was to create dissention
among both the members of the team
and its supporters and materially
hampered the success of the coaches
iu turning out a winning eleven.
Harmony Prevailed.
Harmony was the keynote of last
night's meeting, and if the expres
sions of the members of ' the team
count for anything there is going to be
an entire absence of all wrangling in
football circles from now on.
One thing at least Is certain, and
that Is that In their choice of a cap
tain the team chose a man who has
every quality necessary to make him a
leader. Jack Temple needs no intro
duction to the students of Nebraska)1
His stellar work of the past two sea
sons oh the football squad has won
him an enviable place in the hearts
of the student body.
The newly elected leader of the
Cornhuskers is a native of Nebraska.
He was born at Lexington about twenty-one
years ago, -whoro he still re
sides. An all around athlete, he be
came Interested In football during his
high school years. He played three
years' ou the Lexington high school
teani before coming to Nebraska.
. - Previous Experience.
During his first year at Nebraska
he was a member of the scrub eleven
and there attracted the attention of
the coaches. Last year ho played Bub
full back. Ho won his "N" and with
it great distinction in the Minnesota
game during' that year. It was due
to his star tackling more than to any
other fact that the Cornhuskers wore
enabled to hold the Gophers scoreless.
He also broke Into the Iowa, Amos,
Kansas and Qarllslo games of that
year. His work this year at right
tackle won him, a place on the, All
Missouri Valley eleven, and secured
him an honorable mention for a posi
tion on the All-Western, " '
Jack is "well j known to 'all-the stu
dent and his election' is every where
hailed with the keenest satisfaction
It Is folt Ythat with . such' a leader
nothing can stand in the way of a sue
cessful seasonfof 19J0. Jockfhimself
said last night thnt the season was al
ready starred and ..considerably en
thusiasm aroused at tho meeting. Al
ways an aggressive player, Jack is a;
clean sportsman and In every way 'a
perfect gentleman? Much is expected
of him in securing a winning eleven
for 1910.
Elliott Gets "N."
Another source of satisfaction to the
student body was the announcement
that at the meeting of the athletic
board before the election the matter
of granting an "N" to Elliott was act
ed favorably on by the board. The
matter was brought before the board
on the recommendation of Captain
Beltzer, Manager Eager and Assistant
Coach Harveyv The board when they
had had time to consider the matter
saw the justice of Elliott's claims and
willingly granted jthe letter. This
was only a fitting reward for a yqar
of faithful work as every one feels
that Elliott certainly earned tho
honor. ,
Annual Publication of the University
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.
i i
The students' hand book, which Is
annually published by the university
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., was put
on sale yesterday. Tho price of these
books is five cents, and at this priqo
it is expected that merely the cost of
publication will bo covered. The book
this year Is somewhat similar to for
mer publication of tills nature.
In one or two details the book 1b
slightly dlfforentj ImiuTt it' contains
an index of the ads and of the differ
ent departments, of J.he book, and,. 'also
gives an index to all the abbreviations.
Anothor 'feature of tho book Is that
all tho members of the student body
are listed lntmV classes bf which thqy
.are members. Also a full list of the
officers of thp various, student organi
sations is given, 4
Baked beans baked on thVpresalses
and served hot with deljclous' brown
breaqt'a0c. at Tho' BWori Luncti.
BTBTBTb r!!?
Twenty-five Target" Rifles Have Beeo
Shipped Indoor Shooting Will
Begin as Soon as They
Tlie new equipment for the univer
sity cadets will probably be ln'readi
nesB for distribution by the beginning
of the next semester. This was the
announcement made by the comman
dant yesterday afternoon, - . ,
Owing to 8omo delay in securing tho
bonds necessary to secure tho rjfles
from the government the order for
their shipment waB delayed. Twenty
five target rifles which were ordered
for tho range detachment have already
been Bhipped and are expected to ar
rive at any time.
The securing of the new rifles to
gether with the Institution of the
range detachment means that tho
cadets of tho university aro to bo In
structed 'along linos similar to those
adopted In tho regular army. Shoot
ing, according to Captain Yates, Is
one of the essential parts of military
education. Ho believes that an army
which cannot shoot is of little value.
Will Be Returned,
As soon as the new equipment ar
rives tho old guns will 'bo returned.
Tho new rifles aro of the latest pat
tern used In tho regular army at tho
present time. Tho United States 1903
Springfield magazine gun chambering
tho 1906 ammunition will replace tho
old army rifles now, In use at tho unl
vorslty. These aro the Krog-Jorgen-sen
1898 model and were In use In tho
regular army a few years ago.
Tho Institution of a rango detach
ment at Nebraska Is an innovation
which Is being pushed with vigor. As
soon as the now rifles arrive the men
will bo given actual Indoor target
practice. Tho work of tho rango de
tachment Is In charge of Captain Dart
lott. Its aim is to teach the men tho
uso of tho rifle and accuracy in shoot
ing. In tho regular army tho cap
tains of the companies are the in
structors in this work, but at Nebras
ka tho captains are too buBy to take
charge of this work togothor with
their other duties as captains. Be
sides this, the captains havo as a rule
bad Httlo more experience than th.o
men In shooting or tho handling of an
army rlflo.
Consequently tho range detachment
was formed. It Is composed of men
who havo had previous experience In
tho work olthor with tho regulars or
In tho national guard. Thp member
of the detachment aro to form u nu
cleus for a corps of Instructors. Tlwj
must'bo'ablo to take charge of the
company as well as to instruct in the
nrt of shooting. s
Captain Bartlott Is looking forward
to forming a team of riflemen to com
pote for tho National Rlflo Associa
tion's trpphy.
Literary 8oclety Chooses Leader for
the Coming 8emester.
.At a special business meeting of
tho Palladlan Literary Society follow
Ingn tho Minnesota-Nebraska .debate
last Friday evening, tho following of
ficers wore elected for tho organlza
tlpn for tho conilng semester: H. a
Pllley, presldont; Leona JBakor, vice
president; Mabello Davis, correspond
ing .secretary; E. S. Frost, program
secretary ; Alice Ransom, music sec
retary; H. N. Plasters, treasurer;
Dolly Cook, corresponding secretary;
Geo. Hoffelbowor, crltlo; Vera Bargef
Many of tho Old Men of Last Year Are
Out and Also Some Excellent New
Men Who Are Giving Old Men
a Run for Places.
Tho entire schedule for tho basket
ball Bcason at tho university has been
announced. This schedulo Is com
prlHcd of seventeen games. No team
in this conference is allowed to play
more thnn oighteon gnmtiB, and this
is tho limit that the Nebraska schodulu
has nearly reached. All tho games are
cither with teamB in tho Missouri Val
ley or Chicago conferences. Nine of
tho seventeen games are to bo played
on the homo floor and tho romalndcr
aro to bo played on tho foreign
schools' floors.
ThlB limit which has boon placed
on tho schools of tho "Big Sovcn"
hnndlcaps NobraBka to a certain ox
tont, for undor this ruling they are
unable to play any practlco gamos
with teams from any of tho surround
ing socondary schools, such as Cot
ner and Wosloyan. Thla latter pbui
has always boon done in tho past and
now tho practlco games must neces
sarily bo cut out of tho CornhuHker
The Schedule.
Tho schedule for tho seuBon of 1910
Is as follows:
January 7 and 8, Kansas -at Law
ronco. , y
January 21. arfd 22, AriieB nt?Lin
coin. t : -
January 28 and 29,. Drako at llln
coin. ' 4 "
Fobruary 4 and i, Minnesota at Lln-
coin. ,
Fobruary 9 and 10, Drnko at Dob
Fobruary 11 and 12, Ames at Ames.
Fobruary 14, MiBSourl at Lincoln.
Fobruary 18 and 19, MlnnoBota at
Fobruary 2G and 20, Kansas at Lin
coln. Nebraska's Outlook.
The outlook for tho coming season
Is a particularly bright ono. Tho men
who havo been out for practlco are
as a rulo mostly old men and havo
had a largo amount of practlco In tho
Indoor game. The work of tho men
has boon very pleasing to Coach Hew
itt and ho promises ono of the best
teams that Nebraska Iiub ovor had.
Captain Peary as guard Is ono of
tho best In tho Missouri Valloy, and
with him as tho loador of tho 1910, flvo
"tho chances, that Nebraska will carry
off. tho championship laurolH of tho
.Missouri Valloy aro of tho beat.
Old Men Out.
Besides Captain Perry tho other old
men who aro out for practice, are
Woods and Schmidt, who -wore for
wards last year, and Ingorsoll and
I'otrashok, Inst year's guard and con
tor. Those men aro aU out,' and
around them thoro Is a good chance
to form a championship, team, Be
sides these men several of tho men
who woro subs on last year's team aro
practicing with great consistency and
aro runnnlg tho1 old men, a hard race
for their old positions. Long, Jones
and Mitchell aro candidates fo'r guard
positions and Wake and Landers arp
candidates for forwards.
Among the other men who are out
Is Gibson, tho punter of the scrub
football team, who Is a candidate for
tho center position; This is Gibson's
second Bomestor In tho university and
ho will bo eligible for the basketball
team at the close of tho present sem
ester. Many other men of good cali
ber are out . and tho outlook for. n
(championship squad was never better.