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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1909)
THE DAILY NEfiRASKAN V OLIVEU THEATRE SA'T. MATINEE and NIGHT DEC. 11 Cohan' Catchiest Chatter The American Idea With TRIXIE FRIGANZA Mat. $1.00 to 75c. Night $1.50 to 50c. LYRIC THEATRE EVERY EVENING AT 8:30 Beginning Monday Everting, Week of December 6, THE LYRIC STOCK COMPANY Will Present the Comedy Drama "Princess of Patches" Popular Shows at Popular Prices Eve., 15, 25 & 35c. Mat., 15 & 25c Auto 2398 Both Phones Bell A-869 NEXT WEEK The Daintiest of Society Comedies "BETTY'S DIVORCE" ORPHEUM WEEK 8TARTINQ DECEMBER 6 "PILL.' HENRY CLIVE AHEARN TROUPE GOLDSMITH &. HOPPE WALTER LEWIS & CO. PAULINE MORAN THE McQRADYS Matinee at 2:30, 15c and 25c. Evening at 8:30, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Phones: Bell 936, Auto 1528. Pitts Dancing School Boginnors' Class Wed. nnd Sat, Advanced Class Monday Social Friday 10th and O Phono 5405 VVrP Herzog's Great Sale! Any suit in the house $20 Special prices on dress suits 1230 O St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS All makes ronted with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in Robuilt Machines Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Auto 1155. Bell 1181. 122 No. 11th Underwood Typewriter Go. TYPEWRITERS SOLD AND RENTED 187 No. 18th. Boll 848. Auto'2585 SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Athletic Goods old to Students at 10 per cent dis count if this ad is brought to our store LAWLOR CYCLE CO. 1334 O STREET UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A- Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shedn OPTICIAN ;II23 0 STREETj yELLQW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited Campus Gleanings Frey & Frey." The Y. W. C. A.-Y. M. C. A. Boclal will be held In tho Templo UiIb ovon ing. Dr. J. R. Davis, .Dentist. 1234 O St. H. M. Potter, captain of tho football reserves this fall, is at homo ill with pneumonia. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O street. Chi Omega, Alpha Chi Omega, and Delta Delta Delta had house parties last evening. Chapln Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. The Y. W.-Y. M. student directories will be put on salo Monday. The regular price of fivo cents will e charged. . Tonight, County Fair. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Suitorium. 12th and O. O. B. Clark, law 1910, was elected secretary of Dumbarton caBtle, Royal Highlanders, at their meeting Thurs day night Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, llr-U9 So. 12th street. The university chorus will meet at 7:30 Monday in Memorial hall to re hearse for selections from "The Mes siah," to be rendered convocation Thursday. County Fair!! Tonight! Frey & Frey. choice flowers. 1338 O St., north Bide. Joe Der Kinderren leaves today for Hastings, Kearney, and York. He plans to make an extensive investiga tion of tho Young Men's Christian Association at those places. FULK 1325 O Street Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. Boxing Exhibition! County Fair. Art Jones, 1909, of Nowlin, S. D.. is in tho city to attend tho Delta Upsilon fraternity banquet tonight. He is engaged 'In the lumber business at Nowlin and reports a successful busi ness. Mr. Jones is also city clerk at Nowlin. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. Dr. Georgo B. Sudworth, United States dendrologlst, and Raphael Zon of, the United StatOB forest servico visited the unlvorslty tho middle of this week to see two prominent mem bers of tho student body and try to got them to enter government work at Washington. 100 Engraved Calling Cards make an excellent Christmas gift. George Bros , Engravers and Printers. County Falrl! Tonight. Second floor of Wilkinson building corner 16th and O. All present and former art students, of Miss Haydon aro Invited to a re ception to bo givon at 2:30 p. m. Sat urday In tho art room's, Library hall. 49-3t . . ProfosBor Caldwell has received a letter from Carolina Bongston, '03, who Is now located qt Fort Collins, Colo, Tho lqttor extends an invitation to Professor Caldwell to be present at a I meeting to be hold in Fort Collin b on i January 1 for tho purposo of organiz ing a Unlvorslty of Nebraska club. Professor, Caldwell has decided to ac cept, tho- invitation. Free Boxing Exhibition! County Fair. Tonight. Tho annual banquet of Delta UpBl lon will bo hold at tho Lincoln hotel tonight. About fifty mqmborB of tho fraternity, acjtlvo' and alumni, aro ex pected to bo present. Sovoral out-of-town visitors aro In tho city for tho occasion. Last ovoning tho fraternity gave a dance at tho chapter houso on S street. Gentlemen's Pumps. LadieB' Even ing Slippers. Beckman Bros., 1107 O. At a banquet of the Phlogiston soci ety in celebratlbn of its tenth' anni versary, that high echool debating or ganization determined to Install an alumni chapter in Lincoln. Phlogis ton has existed for a decade In Lin coln high school and Its members have In many Instances later achieved prominence in university debate. Tho alumni organization will cotiBlst lnrgely of university Btudents. If snow hurts tho eyes, glasses aro needed. Howe, Optician, 319 North 12th. . 49-3t Professors Perslnger and Caldwell have received word from the publish ers of their "Source History of tho U. S." that over one-half of tho first edition is exhausted. The publishers ask them to prepare copy Immediately for a second and revised edition. F. G. Franklin, professor of history and po litical science In Albany Collego, says: "It is tho best selection of courco material on U. S. history that has been published." A meeting of tho University of Nebraska branch of tho A. I. E. E. will be held Tuesday evening, Decem ber 14th, at which time Professor Morse will lecture on "Electrical II lumlnants," with experimental dem onstrations. C. H. Hinman, '04, has charge of the dairying department of tho farm ers' institute Work In tho Kansas State Agricultural College. Ho ex- Fur Caps and Gloves, Silk Reefers and Hose You will not make a mistake if you get these things for yourself or your friend if you get them from us where you can get the latest and best. pects at some time to work at tho University of Nobraska for his A. M. Walter D. Hunter, '95, is employed In the division of entomology depart ment of agriculture, and Is located at 120 Haskell-Ave., Dallas, Tex. Most of his time during the winter is spent In Washington, D. C. McGlll University has just boon given $G00,000, one hundred thousand of which Is from Alexander Carnegie, and tho remainder from Lord Strath cona. Robert C. Lansing, '9,9, is asslBtarit professor of English, collego of agrl culture, University of Minnesota. His address 1b 2237 Knopp St., St. Paul, Minn. Advertisements for.the want ad col. umn should be left atihe. business of fice, basement Admlnltr1atl6h:' build ing, between 1 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p, m. and 6 p. m. ' " , . Want ads will positively not be' In serted unjess paid in advance, at' the rate of 10 .cents per Insertion" for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser tlons 2Scents; five Insertions 40 cents. Fojind -.Check, payable to Grace Kifnmol. Owner may1 have sanjo by paying. for this ad, " 49-3 1 - Lo'stANIno. dollars' inbUla, OFlnde;' loijyo,, atDally 'Nehrasjcan ofllco nnd get reward " 50-21 aWAI T AD S5 For Your Noon Lunch STOP AT THE F0LS0M Tuat what yon want and served the way you Ilka It. Btndenta' Trade Appreciated. Auto S21i Bell M Lincoln Hotel Sophoniore Hop $1.25 FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders, Qlve Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST CONIP'Y 1106 0 STREET IF YOU ARE WILLING -Ted will Dye for You or Clean, Press, or Repair your Garments 235 No. Uth Street TED MARRINER t Just opposito tho Windsor ' Hotel Expert Hatter, Gleaner, and Pressor Auto 4876 Bell F 1609 Dyer of Ladies' and Gouts' Garmonts Streets of Under Urn. Y. Uni. cArmory PHILATHEA 4r Boxii&g Second Floor Wilkinson Bldg. 1 6th and O First arrival of North Pote due soon. Menu: Peary's Dream o! the Midnight Sun with j n EsKlmo Frills,..,. IDC n r ir Dr LOOK S Frozen North Pole-Balnbow j n Sundae. IDC 1-7 Th Dnig Patronize Our Advertisers -r-TTr, r- 1307 O ft. WALT December 11 AUTO 3228 BELL 234 All Nations cAuspices of W. C A. Jdn. 8, igio nty Fair Enlhnlbitioinv DEC. 11, 7 p.m. Frozen Drinks, South Pole s Eskimo D "Totem Pole Frappe" , , t ISC , Peary's Delta Kappa Epsllon A-la- c Cook "Gold Brick"' ........ 3C A HOT ONE ; Cutter. ., V.'