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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1909)
-t A THE DAILY NEBRASKAN t , 1 I- The Daily Nebraskan THE PROPICriTY OB1 THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nobroako. BY THE STUDENT PUD. BOARD. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor., , Victor B. Smith Mana'alno Editor". K. P. Frederick Associate Editor .Carl J. Lord Associate Editor T. M. Edgecombe BUSINESS 8TAFF. Manager , W. A. Jones Aaalatant Managor m0' 9' .5,d?S Circulator V. C. HjmomII Aaalatant Circulator P. T. Sturgla Editorial and Dualneaa Office! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION QLDQ. Poitofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Cobles, 5 Centa Each. Telephone! Auto 1888. NJght Phones Auto 188SJ Auto 2683. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conta por Insertion for ovory' fifteen worda or f motion thoro of. Fnoulty notices and Unlvornlty bul letins will Uladly bo published froo. Entered nt tho postodlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, nfl socond-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want ad column should be left at the business office, basement Administration build Ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; three Insert tlons twentyflvo cents; five Inser tions forty cents. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1909. WINNING AN "N." Fourtoon mon liavo bcon granted "N'b" by tho athletic hoard for tholr work on tho football gridiron this fall. A flftconth lottor will probably bo granted noxt Monday night, UiIh com pleting tho quota of Nobraalm mon whoso athlotlc prowcBs Ih considered worthy of tho coveted honor. In picking thoao men tho nthlotlc board liaB acted with dlRcrotlon, and, when tho flftconth man Is addod to tho lint, tholr cholco will moot with tho full npproval ofo tho Bpoctatora of tho 1909 games. $2.50 SHOES! Tho "N" Is not a thing to bo lightly awarded; Its possession should ho Jealously guarded and only thoao mon should bo privileged to wear it who aro shown by tholr nets to bo tho best of tholr sort in tho finivor 'slty. Evor slnco athletics woro first introduced Into Aniorlcnn colleges placos on tbo varsity tonm havo boon coveted. Tbo gaming Instinct which ontors into tho composition of ovory man demandB that ho attempt to win such honors ns these. Consequently tho collogo lottors havo been tho sourco of tho hardest atrlfo. Mon havo felt that possession of tills om blem placed thorn in a rank ahead of tholr follows In at loast ono depart ment of life, and thoy havo fought hnrd to bo thus honored. At Nebraska the honor of tho "N" has been no Joss than thnt of othor letters at other schoolB. Men havo sacrificed much that tholr namos might be enrolled on tho honor list. This striving has raised tho standard of athletics hero a'B olsoMioro and it will continue to do so ns long as mon remain-, possessed with tho doslro for vlBlble .honors. For in working to win an "N" to honor thomBolves, mon cannot but also honor tho grantor of tho "N." ' I CONVOCATION i President's Messa ' ijmspAY 0000000OffiO0C5q000000006000OQO WHY NOT HERE A8 WELL? Iowa Stato Collogo at Amos has boon congratulating ftsolf on acqulr Ing tho fourth session of tho govern ment grnduato school of agrlculturo to bo hold at Ames July 4 to August 4, 1910. This will bo tho fourth ses sion of this school, tho first liavlng been hold nt Ohio, tho second at Illi nois, nnd tho third at Cornell. Unl- .vorslty. . At Cornell '1C4" of tho leading collogo and experiment station workers of the United States attonded tho courses offered. A still larger enrollment Is oxpoctcd at Ames noxt summon The. agricultural colleges of tho country aro coming to a bettor support of the movoment ovory yoar, realizing that a month spent in graduato study greatly strengthens tholr teaching and Investi gating forco. Tho work consists of locturos, somlnarB, laboratory oxer cIsob, and field excursions. Tho lec tures aro given by rocognlzed au thorities In tho different linos. It is hoped that at lenst two European scientists can bo obtained for tho AmoB Bchool. Nowspnpor dlBpatcheB emanating from Ames state: "Tho location of tho graduato school at Ames noxt yoar is a great honor for tho school, as, It bIiowb tho high position which It holds among tho agricultural colleges of thq United StntCB." Truly, Iowa's school of agrlculturo is admlttodly a great school, but what about NobraBka In that conuoctlon? This stato Ih ono of tho greatest pro ducers of food stuffs in tho entire union, Iowa not oxcoptod. Hor rlogls laturo has lavished upon tho stato ag ricultural school appropriations wholly out of proportion to tho bIzo of tho school compared with tho other col leges of tbo university. Tho lawmnk orH havo dono this bocaiiBO thoy thought that they woro establishing a premier Institution for tho tenchlng of scientific agriculture. This much being bo, It bohoovos tho unulvcrsity administration to utlllzo tho forcos nt tholr command In en deavoring to locnto tho next session of this grndunto school of agrlculturo Solid Calf Genuine Goodyear Welt Sole Bud is Pioneer in in the classy $2.50 shoe. in Lincoln. Such a school has no plnco In tho far oast. Neither will It havo tho groatcst bonollclal scopo If located In tho fur west, Tho mlddlo west Is tho logical placo for it to bo located, and Nebraska Is tho logical university to bo noxt favorod. Lo catod horo, tho school would do groat good to tho agricultural IntorostB of tho stato ns well as to tho unl vorslty Itself. A determined effort should bo mndo at onco to securo tho noxt session of tho school, if tho University of No- brnska wishes to tnko advantago of the high plnco which It is supposed to hold among tho agricultural col leges of tho country. A NEBRASKA GLEE CLUB. On January 7, Nebraska students will havo nn opportunity of hoarlng tho Oberlln collogo gleo club, a troup which Is making good among organi zations of this character. Undoubt edly university studerlts will turn out In good numbors to hoar tho Oborlln singers and it will In all probability bo an appreciative audience. But it is to bo wondorod if thero will not bo somo who will havo a Ht tlo twlngo of Jealousy as they hoar their follows applaud tho offorts of 00000000000("W 'Prof, Caldwell i 5 TT i 1 0 ALL SOULS CHURCH (Unitarian) Corner H and 12th Streets ARTHUR E. WEATHERLY, Minister, Services 11a.m. Sunday School 10 a. m. q Sunday, December 12th. Sermon subject: "The Church of The Future. $ Social Ethics Class 12:15: Prof. L. E. Aylesworth, Leader J All Souls Church is a free fellowship for the worship of God and the service of man. It judges no man's character. It erects no barriers of creed or doctrine. It's pulpit is a free pulpit commited to the search after truth. tho students of another college Will thoro not bo a few loyal Nobraskans who will put to thomBolves tho ques tion, "Why can't wo havo this our selves?" Why, Indeed, can't wo. Why cannot Nebraska once again, qb In years past, have a gleo club of its own which will comparo more than favorably with organizations like that at Oborlln? Therb was .a ydar not so vory long ago when tho University Gloo Club figured prominently in the nowspapor headlinos ns an onorgotlc unique crowd of young men. That waB tho year of tho ill-fated coast tour, when tho San Francisco earth quake put a qulotiiB on the ambitlouB plans of tho club. Combined with T BUDD 1415 O St. bad management, this failure left tho club In bad financial Btraits. It took months of hard work to clear up tho doflclt, and, when tho dobt was finally paid, tho club had no spirit loft to continuo its work. For two yenrs now tho gleo club proposition has boon dormant. Thoro aro still good singers In tho univer sity, plonty of material for a club, but It has not boon organized. Tho rea son Is easily understood in tho light of thn lllHtorv nf innfi-7. Tint Hint his. tory Is now past and tho time has COIllo for a revival of Mm Nnhrnnlrn glee club along broader and better lines than over before. Lot tho Obor lln concert servo to awaken a now interest in tho homo propoct. JOE, The Tailor SPECIALIST, ON Refitting and All Kinks of Altering Particular attention to ladies work and uniforms. O CLEANING and PRESSING UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN December. 11, Saturday, Lincoln Hotel Sopho more bop. 11, Saturday Y. M.-Y. W. Joint social. 11, Saturday, 8 p. m., Temple Agri cultural Club. m 11, Saturday, 2:30 p. m. Reception, art students. Art gallery. 14, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., N2 Forestry Club. Prof. Phillips. 10,- Thursday, 8 p. rn., Temple Dra matic Club play. University Bulletin All Students are cordially invited to attend its services. ALL PEWS ARE FREE r GREGORY.!!!!!! Knows Dress AND HAS LINE OF WINTER THE CITY. p fit M &J AirnETiunal Hop m. 9 SENIOR PROM m Waifs Qrdfoesfara. Km T CHRISTMAS GIFTS The newest styles of Women's Shop ping Bags, Music Bags, Jewel boxes, Toilet Cases, Cigar Cases, Pocket Books, Card Cases, Fitted Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Novelties. -:- -:- Wirick's Trunk and Traveling Bag Store 1028 0 Street LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" - X third floorT C. E. BULLARD, TJ. of N.. '02, Managor SPECIAL RATE TO STUDENTS We teach tfce fancy dances on University Night Saturday night. University orchestra. All students Invited. UNIVERSITY NIGHTS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Class Nights Wednesdays nnd Saturdays 8:00 to 10:00. AUTO 4477 Private Lesson? M How to You Up THE FINEST FALL AND GOODS IN : : : : : J annua airy 79 '19HQ Ticflfcefts $2.50 by Appointment Socials Fridays ' S-.00 to 13:00 BELL A1311 . V 7s ft ;r JL