The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 11, 1909, Image 1
r ,w '-i wrujr'nqflrrgrrffajvlpi,'''" 'f Zhc y VoL IX. No. 51. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1909. Price 5 Cents. NEBRASKA LOST BOTH DEBATES IN LEAGOE IDaih) IFlebraskart v i 1 1 . IOWA AND MINNE80TA VICTORI OUS BY MAJORITY VOTE. COULD NOT PROVE THE NECESSITY Nebraska Debaters Did Not Convince Judges of Lack of Revenue Under Present System. In tho annual debates of the Central Debating League bold last night Ne braska lost both contests. At Lincoln In tho debate with Minnesota tho CornhuskorB woro defeated by a two to ono doclslon, and at Iowa City agalnBt tho Hawkoyes, the Nebraska team lost by tho Bamc decision. Tho question which was debated at all flvo of tho debates botween tho dlfforont stato universities of which the debating league is composed was "Resolved, That a graduated lncomo tax with an exemption of Incomes un der $5,000 per annum would bo a de sirable modification of our system of fddoral taxation." On tills question Nebraska had tho afllrmatlvo side at Lincoln and the negative sldo at Iowa City. Tho (i-bato at Lincoln was so close that in. '' tho decision of tho last judge had oen read by Governor SJiallonbergfi who presided, tho re sult was In doubt, although the larger portion of tho audience was firm In the belief that Nebraska had won tho dobato with easo. Outclassing their sap - ' MJ-X sTI- jmmN . h 'senior 'I f we. you ' VifL and v T 1 -r ( cant stasAM jUNIOn , - trrr - X W; w$v? TWi ARVEL0MMSfi)ro"ft),ANS rh jf f fil Wear The Lat,PJWon; Hits & VJ fKiL0WAT"n VouAnEMynrPOTEHttSE S- " ?5!X W3m THE "BLACK HAND" APPEAR Wfat tke Weak Seen tho present system tho wealthy man has a chance to escape debt. We have this In tho present Injustice of tho stato personal property tax, and to remove this Injustice we have the modern graduated lncomo tax. A new source of revenue is also needed. As a proof of thlB President Roosevelt declared that it was desirable, and also In tho last congress tho feeling . , .' , , .... ., . of the need of an lncomo tax was so opponents In oratory and delivery, tho o , ,. Nebraska men wero easily counted as tho victors, and a disappointed audi once received tho announcement of tho judges' decision. 'Tho dobato last evening was holdln Momorlal hall and a largo and en thusiastic audience was present. The subject of tho Income tax, com ing when t did at a time when it Is to l)q one of the Important questions under discussion among tho members of the variousatato legislatures Bervod to lncroaso tho Interest, and an in tensely Interested audience listened to tho arguments put forth by the mem bers of tho contesting teams. Outsiders Present. Many of tho secondary schools in and near Lincoln attended this dobato and ,4 thoy wero very enthusiastic In their praise 6t tho excellence of tho argu ment Many were present from Wos Ioyan and Cotnor and also from the Lincoln high school. P.rIor to tho dobato tho university cadet band favored tho audience by several selections and shortly after the debaters wero seated Chancellor Avery Introduced tho presiding officer of tho evening, Governor ShaljQnbor $or, who favbribd tho audience with a short address while tho decision of tho Judges was being awaited. Following "tno'iwelyo minute argu ment speoch, each of tho six spodko'ra was glvon. a fiy.o-ralnutc robWtal speech. The judges of tho d,obato woro Professor Prank H. Garvor, pro feasor o history of Mornlngsido Col J98f "" 5?f?aBK Henry 0 Stancliffo, nrofeBBor of nolltical science of Cor nell College, and Professor Elmer A. Wilcox, professor law of tho Iowa 8,tato University. Thq Nebraska representatives In tho debate were Herbert W. Potter, 1010k; John L. Rice, Law 1?10, and Jo seph T. Votava", Law 1911. The Min nesota debaters wero Charles Rodoen, 1910; Norman A. Houclc, Law 1910, and Fred R. Johnson, Law 1911. Potter Opens Debate. For Nebraska, H. W, Pottor opened tho argument and defined tho ques tion, and then launched forth into the argumont of, t,ho question. Ho declared (hat tho; present need was that a tax strong that a resolution providing for an amendment to the national consti tution levying a graduatod tax was passed and this amendment is at pres ent seeking ratification in the stato legislatures. That the income tax should bo adopted for the three fol lowing reasons: That it is Just, and that it is expedient, and that It has a sound precedent 'Were Opposed. Declaring that they were opposed, to the lncomo tax as it was provided for In tho question, Charles Rodeen opened tho argumont for tho negative and declared for threo reasons ho was opposed to tho lncomo tax. First, that It was unnecessary. Second, that it would prevent a scientific manner of taxation, and third, that it was not expedient Mr. Rodeen then put forth five decisive reasons why tho govern ment did not need tho income tax. In short and striking sentences J. L. Rico stated that the income tax was backed by a strong precedent and that it was Bound In theory and that the government needed more rev enue. That tho present method of ob taining revenue was not 'flexible onough under tho (arlff and if this was abolished that it would be re placed by tho income tax, which could do reguiaieq to a Doctor advantage. Tho second speaker for the nega tlvo was N. A. Hbiick, who emphasized the points which the first negative speaker had made and drove to' a fine point tho argument that the pres ent method vofo o btalnlng revenue for tho maintenance of the govern ment was, needful of no change and he also pointed out the fact that the income tax would not lessen the bur den o'f tho poor man as tho Nebras ka men claimed. He declared further that tho income tax would enroach on tho taxation mothods employe'd by tho various etates and allow tho federal government to accumulate more rev enue than it needed, which at the pres ent tlmo was not necessary. NO MORE FEES FOR ENGINEERING MEN 8TUDENT8 MUST WAIT UNTIL NEXT 8EME8TER FOR WORK. NECESSARY APPARATUS IS NOT IN 8tudents Unable to Reregister for the Work Next 8emester Will Re ceive the Money Paid In for Fees. Scientific vs. Just. J. T. Votava, tho last speaker on the afllrmatlvo, declared, that his op ponents had declared that the incomo tax would not be a scientific method be loyied.'which would bo of an equal I of taxation and that this was not tho ratio for the poor and tho rich. Under ' Continued on Pago 4 ' ???.' Owing to a delay In the arrival of apparatus the new mechanical en gineering laboratories will not be opened this semester. This means that tho students registered for the work in mechanical engineering 1, 3, and 5 Will not be given this semester. This decision was reached yester day after a careful canvass of tho sit uation. As tho greater part of tho semester is now ovor, tho beginning of these courses this semester would accomplish very little good and might work a positive Injury. Tho delay comes through no fault of the depart ment whatsoever, but is merely tho combination of unavoidable circum stances. The apparatus necessary for tho opening of the laboratories, trans formers and the like has not yet ar rived and tbero is no alternative for tho department but to accept tho sit uation 'and defer tho opening of the laboratories untl next semestfir. No Additional Fees. While tho postponing of this worjc may work a slight hardship with some of tho Btudents registered for tho work every effort will bo made to al leviate this as much as possible' Stu dents who reregister for tho courses next semester will not have to pay any additional laboratory fees. Those who find it impossible to reregister for the courses next sqmestor will have 'their, laboratory fees ' refunded. Thus the only difficulty which' has not been removed is the loss of time on tho students' part, for which tho fac ulty of tho department can In no way be hold responsible. The courses for which tho engineers may reregister for next semester aro li 3, 4, 5, and 6. This leaves prac tically only one course which cannot bo given next semester. Ths is 2, which will bo given tho second semes ter of next year. ' ' Jj 1 Your car faro wpuld pay for a nico lunch at tho Boston "Lunch. Why go home? 80PHOMORE HOP TONIGHT. Annual 8econd Year Dance Will Draw Good Crowd at Lincoln. The sophomore hop will bo hold at tho Lincoln hotol tonight The ticket sale, under the direction of Chairman W. M. McGowan, has progrossod sat isfactorily and up to last night tho sale had been large. It Is expocted that there will be about ninety couples on tho floor. Ward M. Rubendall is master of ceremonies of tho dance. Walt's or chestra will furnish tho music. HOWARD CONTRADICTS IDEA OF DR. PARKINS NEBRA8KAN THINKS AMERICANS NOT PROVINCIAL. ENGLISH THEMSELVES ARE NARROW Oxford Denoted as One of the Nar rowest of Modern Schools American Attendance Not ( to Be Encouraged. COUNTY FAIR TO BE HELD. Phllathea and Baraca Classes to Hold a Unique 8,tunt Tonight. There will bo a "county fair" hold this evening in tho now" Wilkinson building at Sixteenth and O streets by tho members of tho Phllathea and Baraca classes of tho First Lutheran church. It is promised that thoso who will attend will be 'affordod a jgood time. The committee in charge have arranged for a number of events particularly attractive to Nebraska students. Among them is to bo a box ing exhibition and an artistic little pantomime entitled "Betsy's Three Lovers," put on by an experienced cast and a baby show which is also unlquo and amusing. DR. BE88EY RECEIVES GIFT. Member of the Forest 8ervlce In Porto Rico 8ends Magnificent Cane of, Native Woods. George L. Pawcott, 1905, who at present Is in to forest service In Porto Rico;, has presented to Dr. B4es- Bey of tho department of botany a magnificent cane. This cano has. been manufactured by a native of tho Island ana is composed of one hundred dif ferent kinds of" wood. These woods aro put Into the cane in rings varying in light and dark wood. Tho handle of the cane is composed of a dark wood in which a largo amount of light colored wood Is laid in minute squares. The cano Is exceedingly handsome, and accompanying the gift was a char.t compiled by the' native, workman giving an accurate list of the different woods in tho order In which they aro put into tho cane. , Another, pleasing feature of this gift is that tho cano is Identical with one w"hich tho members of the forest bu reau of Porto Rlc6 presented to Presl dent Roosevelt some time ago. Professor Goorgo Elliott Howard of Lincoln, Nebraska, and Dr. Georgo C. Parkins of London, England, do not agroo In thorr opinion of tho rolatlvo provinclallBin of Amorican and Brit ish universities. -Dr. Parkins de clares ropoatodly that tho AmorlcanB aro provincial, through nnd through. Dr. Howard states just as emphatical ly that tho English systom Is rho provincial method and that Oxford is tho very acme of narrowness. Dr. Howard's remarks wore mado before a class In sociology 15 in tho courso of a comment upon tho state ments of Dr. Parkins in hiB two ad dresses to university studonts. Dr. Parkins In thoso speeches oxaltcd the British mothods as oxompllflod At Ox ford nnd declared tho Americans pro vincial. Howard Objects. To thoBO ideas, Professor Howard objects. Ho doclaroq tho English, Ox ford systom narrow in Its essontlal thoory. It fits for no prnctjcal lfo work, says tho Nebraska teacher save perhaps somo of tho fields in which a strictly academic education along the old-fashioned linos is all that can e had. It does not encourago those practical courses which aro concolved by the modern school to be most val uable to tho youth. Dr. Parkins expressed his wish that more and more Americans might find tholr wajf to England as Oxford stu dents. ' "I ehoultf consider it a groat calamity," says Dr. Howard, "if any considerable uumbor of our Amorican youth should ovor bo lured into at tendance at the English school repre sented by Dr. Parkins." Germans Better. Tho Gorman universities aro tho better of tho two, thinks Dr. Howard. Ho discussed at length tho compara tive liberality df mothods In England, Germany, and America,' much! to no detriment of the flretnamoo country. Americans aro going to,LQormany In constantly Increasing numbers, thor oughly recognizing tW value of 'the t, according to ti -L--,,n. ' f. I LI ' ' juugiiBiinuui 10 go eisownere. ENGINEERING 'JRAG7 STAHF. Members of the Engineering Society Who Will Issue the Nebraskan President Dyo of tho Engineering Society has announced tho following committee to have chargo ot tho No braskan next Friday t'6".JN. Munn, ed-itor-in-chiof; H. L. Fiqke, managing editor; cw. Mongol and' A. TJ.' Btan cllffo, associate editors, and"W. J. Wohlenberg and D. P. Smith. W. A. Jones, the present business manager, will be business manager of the- en gineering edition, o'f tho Nebraskan. Tho, engineers last year' issued ono of tho numbers of tho Nobraskan and it was, such a success that It was de! elded' that this would bo an annual ovent, and the members of tho com mittee who havo charge of tho ent gineerlng number promiso 'that' this edition will bo the bWthat Has been' issued. ' )i Ml . A ln ii f