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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1909)
7i 'rH$i"r' Wfr?Y "i 4 - f; ima( iftWJ" & ,. 2aitv ft be Iflebtaefean VoL IX. No. 50. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FIRDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1909. Price 5 Cents. FOURTEEN GIVEN "N"S BY ATHLETIC BOARD NEBRASKA-MINNESOTA DEBATE00E TONIGHT ALL IN READINE83 FOR BIQ AN NUAL 8PEAKNg CONTE8T. V 4 DELAYED 8ELECTION OF LETTER MEN AT LA8T ANNOUNCED. WILL ELECT CAPTAIN ON MONDAY Now Rules Adopted for Governing "N" Selections In Future Years Effective in 1909. Tho university 'athletic board mot yesterday morning to consider tho awarding of "N'b" for tho football sea son of 1909. Fourteen men Wore con sidered as having worked faithfully and ofllclontly enough to entitle them to this, tho highest honor tho univer sity athletic board can bestow. Tho mon who were awarded "N'b" at yes terday's meeting aro Beltzer, Shonka, Ewlng, Wolcott, Harte, Templo, John son, Chaunoi4, Magor, Frank, Bentloy, Hascall, Rathbono, and Sturtzeneg ger. These men, with one oxceptlon, wore selected for their participation in the Iowa, Minnesota, or Kansas games, tho board deciding not to re gard either the" Denver or Haskell games as "N" games. Tho one excep tion to tho general rulo wbb Sturtze- nogger, who was granted an "N" for all-round faithful work tho last two years. , Elliott left Out. As was predicted somo tlmo ago, there has been quite a lively scrap over three candidates, Hascnll, Sturt zonegger and Elliott. Considerable interest and much comment has de veloped over tho action of tho board In regard to these threo mon. Tho other places were generally regarded as certain, but neither Hascall nor Sturtzonogger wero sure of tholr let ters until the board took the ilnal ac tion yesterday. In both theso cases tho action of tho board met with general favor. The surprise of the announcement, how ever, was tho refusal of tho board to include Elliott among Uie others, al though he was believed by many as deserving as either Hascall or Sturt zonogger. The latter sentlmont at least seems to bo tho one generally hold by tho student- boady. Elliott has worked hard and faithfully for tho success of tho 1909 eleven. It wbb he who saved tho Denver game for Nebraska by his brilliant work during tho last fow minutes of play. He playd both halves of tho Donvor game, and a full half in t,ho Haskell game, besides his work in tho Dakota, Knox and Doano games. His work throughout tho entire year has won him a place in tho hearts of tho stu dents and tho refusal of tho board to grant him an "N" has excited consld orablo comment. Letters wero also granted tho cross county team and to Dean Mitchell for his work In last year's gymnasium "(fbntOBt.- "N" Rules Adopted by Board. To clear up tho matter of grantii s football "N" for tho future, tho board adopted a now sot of rules to go into offoct in September, 1910. Tho rules adopted aro ntffollows: Art. I. The games that are to count In determining whether a football player is entitled to be considered in awarding tho "N" Bhall bo thoBO played with any intercollegiate or Missouri Valley conference team. Art. II. Members of tho football team who play In threo of the games as provided In above artlclo, shall bo granted an "N," subject to the condi tions in Section 3 below. (2) The letter "N" may bo granted NEBRASKA-MINNESOTA DEBATE TONIGHT 8 Nebraska Executive to other worthy playors than thoso named .abovo op recommendation of tho coach, captain, and managor, by unanimous voto of tho board. In jured mon and mon who havo boon faithful but who aro not qualified un der Section 1 aro tho typo of men to bo considered under this section. (3) A player ontitled to an "N" un der Section 1, abovo, may bo refused his "N" by a voto of nlno out of tho oleven votes of tho athletic board. Tho board will moot Monday night with tho "N" men to hold an election of a captain of football for 1910. SIGMA XI MEETS MONDAY. Program Consists of Lectures by Pro fessor Morse and Dr. Waite. Sigma XI, tho honorary scientific fraternity, will hold a mooting Mon day evening in tho electrical on gleoring laboratory. This Is tho flrBt mooting of tho socloty for this year. Tho Program for tho mooting will bo as follows: "Infection of tho Central Norvous SyBtera, With Special Roforenco to tho Recent Epidemic in Nebraska,' Dr. H. Ji. Waite. "Electrical IllumlnantB With Ex porlmontal Demonstrations," ProfeB sor Morse. TIiobo meotlngs of Sigma XI aro held from tlmo to tlmo throughout the year and aro open to tho publjc. Tho object of tho organization Is to promote original work in science and to popularize tho now things that aro being 'done in scientific fields. Paul E. Roadlfer, '09, is practicing law at Platte, S. D. Baked boanB, baked on the premises and served hot with delicious brown bread, 10c. at Tho Boston Lunch. GOVERNOR A. C. 8HALLENBERGER Who Will Preside at Nebraska-Minnesota Debate In Memorial Hall This Evening. ADMISSION TO JUNIOR PROM FINALLY FIXED $3 NAMED BY COMMITTEE OF THIRD YEAR CLA88. PLANS ARE LAID fOR THE STUNTS Chairman Hathaway Appoints Sub committee to Undertake Work of Making This Prom Best Ever. Junior prom tickets will sell this year for $3. ThlB much was docldod at a mooting of tho committee yes terday morning. By its action tho commltteo put an end to tho discussion which has beon rife among tho Juniors for a wook past. Campus rumor has been In sistent that tho chargo for tho for mal third year ovont was to bo $3.50 and many havo beon tho walllngs on tho part of would-bo dancers. Tho commltteo had not considered tho ad mission question until yesterday,, and tho $3.50 gossip had boen founded on thin air. Nevertheless it had caused somothlng of a furore among Intend ing purchasers and the announcement of the $3 rato Is a welcdmo relief. Plan for Big Affair. Tho committee yesterday began Its definite plans for tho big danco Feb ruary 4. Sub-commlttoo aro being ap pointed to take chargo of tho various details which will go to make the 1910 prom the biggest and best evor given. Special-efforts aro made to secure the return to Lincoln of unl-'i verslty alumni andTorraor students, Tho question of other entertainments go go go 8i go go go go go go go go 8) during tho week nsldo from tho danco ltsolf Ib being conBlderod and some such stunts may bo arrangod. By a novel plan tho commltteo ox pocts to bo ablo to'dovoto moro money to decorations and iiiubIc than has been posslblo in tho past Tho com mittee Is not publishing tho meanB whereby It intends to sccuro the nec essary funds, but tho plan Is declared to furnlah a certainty of plenty of good things to hear and look at. Chairman Hathawey has made all neo essary arrangements for tho Lincoln danco hall nnd ordinary and Walt's orchestra will furnish tho music. Tickets for tho danco aro to bo placed on sale immediately after the ClirlstmaB recess. Already alumni aro bolng interested In tho project. SPECIAL NOON MEETINGS. Y. W. C. A. to Celebrate Christmas 8eason Next Week. Tho Y. W. C. A. aro planning to havo tholr noon mootlngs noxt week, characteristic of tho Christmas sea son. Special lenders havo beon se cured nnd anoxtra effort Is being made to have these meetings, appro priate Xm$q occasion. OJa MondayHomeotlng wHlobo In tho nature of a special Christmas pralsq service. Tho music will consist of piano, violin, and baritone solos in addition to tho music of tho chorus. On Wednesday tho mooting will bo In charge of AHco B. Ensign, advisor of women. Miss Ensign is very pop ular among university students and 'tho meeting should prove Interesting. Tho Friday, meeting will bo led by Mrs. W. A. Wlllard. Mrs. WHlard is chairman of tho Y, W. C. A. advisory board. t This vlll bo the laBt mooting boforo the Christmas vacation, and It will bo very Impressive. BIO CROWD IS D1S1RE OF TEAMS H. W. Potter,' J. L. Rice, and J. T. Votava Nebraska Affirmative 8peakers In the Or der Named. What Is oxpoctod to bo tho boat In tercollegiate uobato that has over boon hold at Nobraska is to bo hold at Me morial hall at 8 o'clock this evening botweon tho Cornhuskors and the Go phers. Side features consisting of an address by Govornor Shallonborgor nnd music by tho university cadot baud havo boon secured to keep tho crowd In tho host of humor. Unlvorslty studonts aro talking do bato with tho "Wo must boat Kan sas" spirit, and it Is tho aophora whom wo lntond to mako our victims. Tho chnnceB of Jumping from tho tall ond position to tho first division of tho leaguo has arousod tho spirit of all Nebraskans. A largo audlonco will attend the debates. Not slnco tho nine straight victories won by Ne braska in lntorcolleglato debate has thero been so much lntorost In debat ing proper. Tho team and debating squad Is es pecially desirous of socurlng tho larg est attendance in tho history of tho school. A largo number of alumni and city business men will attend the debate. Judge T. C. Munger of tho federal court, Judges Frost and Stewart- of tho district court, County Judgo Cosgrave and many other mom bors of tho Lancaster County Bar Association are expected to attend Friday ovenlng. Extra tickets will bo placed on salo at the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. rooms this morning. Tick-, ots enn also bo obtained at tho No braskan ofllco from 2 to 5 p. m. Chancellor Samuel Avory will In troduce Governor Shallonborgor, tho speaker of tho ovenlng. After tho dobato tho Phi Alpha Tau fraternity will entertain tho visiting team with a banquet at the Lincoln hotel. Tho Judges for tho dobato, Professor E. A. Wilcox of Iowa, Professor H. S. Stan cliff, political economy department at Cornell, and Professor F. H. Garvor, hlBtorlan at Mornlngsldo, will arrive in Lincoln Friday morning. H. W. Potter, J. L. Rico, and J. T. Votava will speak for Nebraska in tho order named. Tho members of tho Minnesota team hayo not been an nounced yet, although repeated ef forts havo beon made to loam about them. Tho, usual system of marking will bo employed' by tho judges. Ne braska debaters realize .tha" 'tljey have been handicapped by th9 short ness of the season, mut notwithstand ing this thoy aro confident of .putting up a good fight. Owing to tho oad weather condi tions It is feared that somo of, the out siders will bo unable to reach Lincoln. Only two unlvorslty functions con flict with tho dobato. Theso aro pri vate dances and not many students will be affected. Tho Innocents and other organizations are supporting tho dobato. Tickets will bo placed In tho hands, of many students to mako a thorough canvass of tho campus to morrow, and very fow will escape be ing askod to support tho debate. Professor F, M. Fling and Judgo Sedgwick, who aro to act as Judges at the, Mlnnosota-WiBConsln debate, left for Minneapolis last night Pro fessor W. Q: L. fTaylor, who was to bo tho thlrdf judge, was unable to go on account 'of sudden illness, t 4 .u 3T "! t-i r:' "