The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1909, Image 1

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    . ...i.
Price 5 Cents.
Beltzer Named for President
Letter Men on Account of
Hie Winning the
Most "N's."
At a meeting of the interfrat ath
letic board held in Dr. Clapp'H office
yesterday morning, plans were formu
lated for the organization of an inter
frat basketball league. It is planned
to model the league on the same llnea
as the interfraternity baseball league.
A committee of three waB appointed
to make plans for the organization of
tbe league, rfcommond rules, and
make up a tentative schedule. Tho
members of the committee having
this matter in charge are Ben Bow
ers. Owen Frank and Ralph Code.
The appointment of this committee
murks the first entrance of the Greeks
onto the basketball' Held. Hitherto
they have confined their athletic of-
forts to track and baseball. There is
every prospect that the uttempted or
ganization will meet with success and
there ought to be some fiercely con
tested games before tbe season ends.
Plans for Charter Day.
In addition to the steps taken to
wards the basketball organization, the
board also considered he coming track
and baseball prospectB. In regard to
the annual indoor track meet for
Charter Day, it Is proposed to carry
out the same plans as last year. It
will be remembered that the meet at
that time was a dual contest between
the barbs and frats. A committee was
appointed to take this matter under
advisement and confer with a similar
barb committee. The following com
mitteo was appointed by the board:
Bwing, Bowers, Russell, Smith, and
If tho plan meets with the favor of
the barb men arrangements will be
made for another dual contest similar
to that of last year. This plan will
necessitate the holding of two pre
liminary meets on some date previous
to February 15. It is suggested that
these meets bo held about February
,4 and 11.
One object In making the Charter
Day affair a dual meet is that by bo
doing three separate meets will be
held. This plan Is supposed to arouse
great interest and so the meetB will
bo a little better patronized. If last
year'a record counts -for anything,
however, such is not the case.
The matter of last spring's baseball
controversy was also looked Into by
the board. A committee of throe men,
consisting of Sturtzonegger, Burley,
and Wallace, were appointed to report
on this master, to recommend rules
for tho playing off of last spring's!
championship contost and to prepare
, .
hip contost and to' prepare
a schedule for next spring's games,.
"N" Men MeeL
A meeting of all the "N" mon was
held n music hall In the Temple last
evening! Most of tho members wore
out and an enthusiastic meeting was
held. Among pther things the "N"
men decided on a society pin and a
committee was. appointed to solicit
and send for these emblems at once.
Amberson was given charge Of this
matter and he expects to be ablo to
send for at least two dozen "N's" be
fore tho end of tho week.
At the meeting offices for the eSsu-
ing year'wero elected. "Buck"' Belt-
zor, by virtue of his having won tho
moBt ''N'b", this year's football work
making his sixth lottor, wiib made
president. The constitution had been
jo constructed ' that the man having
the second hlgheBt number of "N's"
became vice president. It was amend
ed at last night'B session, however, so
as to make H. O. Perry oliglblo for
that office, and he was accordingly
given tho unanimous vote for vice
president. Johnny Johnson was elect
ed secretary and treasurer. Thesi
matters being attended to, the meot
ing adjourned.
Appointed Executive Committee to Act
for Fraterrritle8.
At a meeting of the interfraternity
council held last evening in Dr. Leo's
ofllce provision was mado for an ex
ecutive committee which Is empow
oi ed to act on minor mattors which
need not necessitate the attention of
the entire council. The question of
more -careful observance of social reg
ulations was discussed and further
legislation may be proposed. Other
minor matters were disposed of.
The Renowned Turkish 8eer Will
Make His First Appearance
in the West.
The Turkish booth at tho Y. W. C.
A. County Fair will be sa hoad-llner.
All who are In touch with the current
magazines have read of Astro, the
greut Turkish magician, who is mak
ing his first viBit to America.
It seems that this modern wonder
will be in Lincoln on the evening of
.lunuury 8th, and has been induced to
appear at the County Fair. It is Bafo
to say that those persons who see
Astro will see magic tricks that they
have never so much as dreamed of.
.Those in charge of the fair cer
tainly deserve credit for being able
to secure such an attraction. ,
Announcement of the Result of Hart,
Schaffner & Marx Competition.
The Hart, Schaffner & Marx prizes
for 1909 have been awarded. Tke
committee, which consisted of J. L.
Laughlln, J. B. Clark, H. C Adams,
Horace White, tind E. F. Gray, award
ed prizes in classes A and B, but none
In C. Thp awards were made as fol
lows: In class A'lhe first prize of six hun
dred dollars to Frank, H,. Strleghtoff,
A. B., Wesleyan University, 1909; In
structor of mathematics ln Belletonte
Academy, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania;
for a paper ontltled "The Standard of
Living or Budgets' of American Work
ingmen's Families." In this case, a
papor In class B, was considered su
perior to any of the papers ln class A.
The Becond prize of four hundred dol
lars to Ienuc Fisher, principal of tho
Branch Normal College, Pino. Bluff,
. . . . ' ...j lin
ivrKiuimib; tor a iiupur eiuuiuu uur-
I' ' ,-. ,' -ij aWt
man and Amerlcaa .methods 61 Regu
latlrig' Tru-stsV' - -
In class B tbe first prize of three
hundred dollars to Gilbert Lewis
Campbell, B. S., Northwestern Univer
sity, 1909;. for a paper ontltled ''In
dustrial Accidents and Their Compen
sation." The second prize of (wo hun
dred dollars to Wilfred Eldred, A. B.,
Washington and Loo University, 1909;
for a paper ontltled "The Resumption
of Specie Payment In 1879."
In class C no prizes were awarded.
Baked beanB, baked on the premises
and served hot with delicious brown
bread, 10c," at Tho' Boston Lunch.
Hawkeyes Well Prepared, but Nebras
ka Team Has Hopes Leaves
for Iowa City at 6
p. rn. Tonight.
Governor A. C. Shnllonborger, who
is to preBlde at the Nebraska-Minnesota
debate at Memorial hall Friday,
evonlng, has hnd to break a series of
engagements for addresses in the
western part of the Btato In order to
be present ut tho dobate. Tho gover
nor haB always exhibited a very friend
ly feeling toward tho university, and
being particularly Interested in do
bate work wob willing to Inconveni
ence himself that he might accept tho
Invitation to act as presiding ofllcer.
Mr. Shnllenberger is recognized as
one of the best speakers In the state
and will undoubtedly prove a big
drawing card for the dobate. The
subject of IiIb address bus not been
announced yet. .He is now out of the
city, but will return Frldny morning.
It haB been decided that the team
going to Iowa City will leave Wednes
day evening over tho Burlington at C
o'clock, spending that night in Om
aha. Thursday morning the team will
leave Omaha over the Rock I si and and
will reach Iowa City about 2 p. m.
Considerable trouble bus been experi
enced In securing good train connec
tions and the team will bo forced to
leave twelve hours earlier than was
first Intended.
Iowa 8erlous Rival.
With nearly five months' advantago
over Nebraska in preparation, Iowa Is
regarded as a formidable rival. Twice
Iowa teams have met defeat before a
Nebraska audience. This year's team
is more experienced and better trained
than those representing Iowa In for
mer years, and they will try to wlpo
out tho staid of tbe former defeats.
The Gopher team Is expected to ar
rive In Lincoln Thursday ovenlng or
Friday morning. Minnesota has con
cealed the strength of her team very
successfully and practically nothing
has been learned of their ability. By
a vote of two to ono Minnesota won
the only debate ever held between
that school and Nebraska, This vic
tory was secured with the advantage
of a homo audience. Victory In both
contests this year will place Nebraska
In the first division of the leaguo.
' Tickets for' tho debate have been
placed on sale at Porter's, and tho ad
vance sale Indicate a large audience
Friday night. Lincoln business men
and alumni are responding liberally
and tho audlonco will have large dele
gations of these. A large section has
been held for students holding red
tickets and theso students should not
hesitate long to reserve them at Por
ter's, All of, tbe downstairs will bo
reserved, as well as the first two rows
of tho gallery.
Systematic Canvass.
.AH the faculty members and a large
portion of tho business men are u
tug canvassed systematically, The
freshman law class and tho engineers
will attend in a body. The debating
board, is now iaclqg a deficit and it is
hoped that this can be wiped out this
Because of the shortness of tho
time the debating teams have had to
prepare their data and statistics, they
have had no cessation of work this,
week and will be busy till the last
minute. Howover, they all enjoy the
work nnd will be satisfied if they can
bring tho Scarlet and Cream to vic
tory. The cadet bund will bo present and
will glvo several selections boforo tho
Nebraska 1907 Graduate Directing
County Fair Preparations.
Florence Parmelee, 1907, Alpha Om
Icron PI, is to bo in charge of the
County Fair this year. Miss Parmo
lee has already been on the ground,
looking nftor the work. She roports
that everything Is progressing In
great style and that the fair will bo
tho best ever.
Miss ParmolesB will bo In tho Y. W.
C. A. rooms all day on tho first Tues
day after tho Christmas vacation and
nil girls Interested are urged to see
her at that time. She will act as ad
vlBer and will give Instructions as to
whore tho different bootliB are to be
located In tho armory.
Uncle 8am Desires to Get College
Men for Positions In the Army.
In a letter Captain Yates, commnn
dant of tho department of military sci
ence, he Is Informed that graduates of
a college of tho university may ob
tain Information from the bulletin
board In tho armory as to applications
for appointment as third lieutenant In
the Philippine constabulary. All ap
plications for such positions to bo
made prior to March lf, 1910. Tho
salary for such a position Is $1,100.
Mon of twenty-one to twenty-three
years of age may make applications
for Borvlco of two years In this posi
tion. On tho bulletin board is also a lot
tor asking for nahios of athlotlc col
lege men who desire to e'nlist with tho
army In tho engineering department
at Fort Leavenworth nnd for tho pur
pose of obtaining n commission in tho
Y. W. C. A. NOTES.
"8treet of All Nations" Date Changed
to January 8. .
Tho dato of tho "Streets of All Na
tions" has been changed 'from Janu
ary 16th to January 8th. Tho delay
of this announcement of tho change in
the date was duo to tho fact that
after it was found that the County
Fair interfered with other affairs,
ablograms had to be sent flying across
the wators and to remoto parts of, qur
own country to see whether tho
notables already scheduled could with
out inconvenience change their dates.
Peary and Cook said It would be all
right with them, so the change was
Booths aro being taken by different
groups of girls and real Interest is bp-.
ing shown in tho changed plans for
the fair.
"Don't forget thodate January 9,"
The missionary work of tho Y. W,
C. A. Is increasing in importance .each
year. Excellent -work haB been done
along this lino this year, and about
eighty girls are registered- in tho dlf
ferent classes.
Dr. T. M. Shopberd has charge of a
class on China, In which fifteen girls
aro registered.
Mrs. W. Tt Elmore who has spent
several years in India) has a class on
India, with about fifteen registered.
Some girls have registered1 for the
study of home missions and Japan.
Abput twenty-five girls aro scheduled
for this work.
Mrs. Elmore will speak to the, girls
at tho lunch hour tomorrow, in the
association rooms, , , ,
Prominent Lincoln Business Man Will
Preside, With 8trong List
of Speakers on
the List.
Tho annual Cornhuskor banquet will
bo hold tonight at 7:30 In tho banquet
hall of the Lincoln hotel. Prepara
tions ure nearly comploted for ono of
tho best banquets over given nt Ne
braska. Several of the organizations of tho
university oxpect to attond In n body",
and according to the present snip of
tickets tho attendanco promises to
surpass that of any of Its predeces
sors. The toast list as announced last
oveplng comprises some of the most
brilliant uftor-dlnnor speakers as woll
as some of tho most roprcsontntlvo
mon of the university. Tho list fol
lows: .
Hon. J. E. Miller, toustmuster.
Professor PhllllpB, "The Worth of
the Game."
J. B. Harvey, "NubblnB."
O. A. Beltzer, "Tho Team."
Hon. C. 8. .Allen, "Tho University."
Professor Caldwell, "On tho Lino."
ProfeBBor Lees, "The Noxt Play."
ProfesBor Richards, "Tho Nebras
ka Field."
Three Hundred Out.
About three hundred students aro
oxpected to attend tho banquet, which
will oxceed. by far tho number In at
tendanco in any prbvious yoar. Tho
engineers have mado arrangements to
nttond in a body. This was dono aftor
the freshman laws had mado arrange
ments to go as a cIbbb. Tho latter
organization will march to tho hotel
and It Is rumored that they may wear
some decorations appropriate for tho
occasion. Some of tho fratornltiOH
will also suspend their tablo for this
evonlng and attond tho banquot.
Tho Cornhuskor banquot Is an an
nual affair at this university and in
tho past has always proven one of the
most onjpyablo of tho university func
tions. For tho past ten years it has
been the ono function at which tho
men of tho university could gather to
gether to properly honor their ath
letes and tho school which thoy repre
sent. Owing to tho fact that the arrange
ments for tho seating and plates will
have to bo completed this afternoon,
no tickets will bo sold aftor noon to
day. This means that all those who
havo not secured tickets' at tho prcs-
ont tlmo will havo to do so Immedi
ately or thoy may bo debarred from
attending tho function.
' Celebrate Field.
The banquet held at the. Lincoln
hotel nst year was a success in ovory
respect. It wob largoly to tho en
thusiasm aroused in favor of securing
a new athlotlc field that tho present
football field Is now in the possession
of Nebraska, Tho movement was
first made public at the banquet and
the enthusiasm there engendered car
rled the project to a successful con
clusion.. This places the present ban
quet in the light of a celebration of
tho ovont promulgated last year, and
as such it Is ..expected, to receive tbe
hearty support of 'the student body.
13. H, liagenslck, '00, is engaged in
the electrical department, U. P. 'it. R.