The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 03, 1909, Image 2
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN The Daily Nebraskan THE PROPERTY OP TH1D UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nobrnakn. DY THE STUDENT PUD. DOARD. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Victor D. 8mlth Managing Editor ,..K. P. Frederick Associate Editor. . . . Carl J. Lord Aitoolate Editor T. M. Edgecombe BU8INE88 STAFF. Manager W. A. Jones Assistant Manager O. C. Klddoo Circulator V. C, Haaoall Assistant Clroulator P. T. Sturgta Editorial and Dullness Office) BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION DLDO. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln. Neb. 8UD8CRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, B Cents Baon. , i i t Telephone: Auto 1S88. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 2683. - -- ' INDIVIDUAL N0TICE8 will bo charsfod ' for at tho rato of 10 oonts por Inaortion f,or ovory fifteen wordB or frnotlon thoro of. Faculty notices and Unlvorslty bul letins will bladly bo published froo. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, no second-class mall matter under tho Aot of Congress of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want ad column should be left at the business office, basement Administration build ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there Of, the first Insertion; three Inser tions twenty-five cents; five Inser tions forty cents. x FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1909. Tho Dramatic Club announces "Tho ProfesBor's Lovo Story" for Bomo dato boforo tho holidays. Suggestlvo? A Jn pan eao student at California has beon Jailed for larceny from tho wo man's dorm. From tho account in tho Daily Callfornian it appears that tho brown man was caught stealing two rolls of butter and three napkins. Heap big crime! It is interesting to note that in the choice for tho Amorican football team for 1909, out of nine papers who choose a team only twenty-four tllfforent mon nro picked. Tho voto Is qb follows: HY ARCH SHOES (ALSO TAN DRILL SHOES-NEW) For left end, Kllpatrlck of Yale, 9; for left tackle, HobbB, Yale, 6, McKay, Harvard, 1, Lilly, Yalo, 2; for loft guard, Tobln, Dartmouth, 1, Andrus, Yalo, 7, Qoobol, 'Yalo, 1; for center, Coonoy, Yalo, 9; for right guard, An drus, Yalo, 1, Tobln, Dartmouth, 3, Goobol, Yalo, 3, Waller, Princeton, 2; for right tackle, Fish, Harvard, 7, Pul len, Army, 1, Siegllng, Princeton, 1; for right ond, Regnier, Brown, 1, Browne, Harvard, 2, McCafferty, Ford ham, Smith, Harvard, 3, Pago, Chi cago, 1, Logan, JValo, 1; for quarter back, Sprackling, Brown, C, Voorhees, Penn., 2, McGovern, Minn., 1; for loft half back, Coy, Yale, G, Philbin, Yalo, 4; for right half back, Philbin, Yalo, -1, Mlnot, Harvard, 4, Allerdlce, Mich., 1; for full back, Mlnot, 5, Coy, Yalo, 4. THE TRAINING TABLE.' Tho attompt of Iowa and other schools of tho Missouri Valley confor .. enco to force the abolition of tho foot ball training tablo Is childish to say tho least Tho roason for tho action of, tho Hawkoyo representatives In seeking by a llaBh proposition to got nn unfavorable voto on the training tablo proposition which ho know would be rovorsed wlion Kansas was given a chance to speak Is not clear. At the Des Moines meeting only six of tho seven conforenco schools wore represented, they boing Nebraska, Iowa, Drake, Washington, Ames, and Mis souri. Tho KansaB delegate was de layed by poor, train connections and was not -present at the opening of tho session. With this fact In mind, Iowa's representative forced the train ing tablo Issue to a vote, with tho re sult that tho tablo was abolished by a voto of 4 to Nebraska and Mis souri votlrtg in tho negative., This gives the necessary two-thirds major ity and legally tho table Is dead for , tho time bolng. ,(,I.t 1b a, rulo of tho conference, how- .Vverthat any member may bring 'about a reconsldpration of any ques- pt5000&00000000&00 UUIW UUUA -JJUj Chancellor Avery 5 P. M. & 0000000000QS000Q000000000 o tlon by a' protest within sixty days. Kansas will protest tho training table action, and at tho noxt consideration tho voto will bo 4 to 3 against the tablo, which, however, "is not tho requl Bito two-thirds. Tho present action will thus bo rovorsed. Knowing thus tho certainty of an ultimate re-establishment of tho table, tho action of Iowa appears pettish. Her attompt to kill tho training tablo merely ronowB nn old -bitterness and does good to no one. It is readily soon that Iowa Is anxious for tho abo lition of tho tablo becauBo as a mem ber of. tho Chicago conference sho is not allowed to maintain a table, while other Missouri Valley schools are. This works to her disadvantage, but nevertheless such useless legislation aB that at Dob Moines is nothing more than foolishness. THE CALL OF ORATORY. In thoso duyB of ours perhaps it is no wonder that tho avorago college man who looks forward to public life of any kind, 1b Interested in debate rather than in oratory sinco tho for mer prosents tho element of conflict with clauh of arms and report of rapld flring guns, as woll as comradoship in work. To such a man the orator Is either a visionary youth or an aged ascetic who assays to climb up Into tho very heavens and hurl thunder bolts or "Bcatter star-dust" upon his hcarerB. New $1000.00 shipment in this week the good ness of them surpasses In tuno with tho spirit of tho ago, the modern man demands of tho pub 11b Bpeakor that ho provido a sort of quick lunch counter whoro lio may havo his Information on different sub jects sorved up In a concentrated form rathor than bo forcod to sit down to a Blx-courso dinner with plenty of paint ed china, flowerB and lettuce leaves. And hero dobato and oratory part com pany, tho former attempting to meet tho demands with a stylo of torso Bpeech, baro Illustrations and pages of figures and statistics appealing primar ily to tho intellect, while tho latter holds to tho old beaten path and ap peals to tho fooling side of man as well as to his intellect. ThiiB wo aro likely to wondor whether or not tho day of oratory is past. But tho tlmo too often comes when bald facts stir no interest, and enthu siasm for tho World Almanac falls, and -man goes from tho long lunch countor with no appetite. It Is hero tho orator sees his opportunity and gooB at tho problem from a different angle. Ho takes tho concentrated grains of truth and works them Into a form that gives delight and satisfac tion to tho most dyspeptic, and indeed does more, for ho BtlrB tho man to now activity. Surely oratory is ono of those ideal interests that enlists in Ub sor vlco tho all-round man. It cries: "Lot him who has a man's voice como; lot him who has a man's strength como; lot him who haB a man's convictions como; and, In shprt, whosoever will," for In Us school Is room for tho man with the artlst'B eyo, tho poet's soul of the sociologist's Intorest In tho busy life. It calls not only for hard-headed men hut also men who aro Interested In many lands, many pqoplo, many pur suits. Tho true orator must base his work aa surely on logic arid argument as his debate friend, hut this part of his machinery ho will put jn tho back ground. He may bo stralglt forward and to tho point, bu always suggestive O O O000000000 FRIDA Y . cMemoiiai Hall In oxprosslon and offectivo In appeal. On tho other hand, ho must learn the beauty of simplicity and the danger of being a boro. Ho must liavo a deep intorest in tho llfo about him and have an oar closo to tho throbbing heart of tho world. Into this company of the elect any man may como and bo a student of an art that nevor grows old and In which ho may over bo a be ginner. Do you wish to bo ono of tho olect? It 1b worth asking one's self. Oberlin Review. Tho Christian Endeavor Socloty of tho First Congrogatlonal church will hold a candy party at the church Fri day ovonlng. All students not con nected with other young people's so cieties aro cordially invited to attend. Tho girls' basketball season has com menced with class team practices at 1 o'clock dally. All thoso registered for squad practlco should report regu larly, for tho tournament dato will bo sot as early as posslblo this year. Professor Ford of tho department of rhetoric has recovered from his recent illness so that ho was ablo to visit the rhetoric ofllco Wednesday. Ho hopos to resume his class work shortly. Roy Cottroll, ex-1912, and W. C. Per rlott, 1907, have formed an engineer ing linn at Baker City, Oregon, and roport excellent businoBs. BUDD measure-at $3.50 a throw 45 Q St. TOF TncTailor J J JL-4 SPECIALIST ON Refitting and All Kinks of Altering Particular attention to ladies work and uniforms. CLEANING and PRESSING UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN December. 3, Friday, 11:50 a. m. Y. W. C. A. Mrs. Youoll load3 noon mooting. 3, Friday, 5 p. m., Dr. Clapp's Ofllco Gymnasium men meet. 3, Friday, 8 p. m. Gorman Club. 1834 Cherry street. 4, Saturday, 8 p. m. English Club. 1G32 L street. 4. Saturday, Fraternity Hall Forest Club hop. 7, Tuesday, 11 a.-m., Dr' Clapp's Ofllco Interfrat athletic board. 8, Wednesday, Llncojn hotel Corn- husker banquet 8, Wednesday, G:50 p. m. Y. M. G. A. R. K. 'Andrews. "Our Neighbor's Progress." 10, Friday, 8 p. m Memorial Hall Nebraska-Minnesota debato. Tho Income Tax Question. 11, Saturday, Lincoln Hotql--Sopho-more, hop. 11, Saturday Y. M.-Y. W. Joint social. 17, Friday, Cp. m. Christmas vacation begins. January. 4, Tuesday, 8 a. rh. Christmas vaca tion ends. 7, Friday, Lincoln Hotel Senior prom. University Bulletin r CRECORY.I!!!!!! Knows Dress AND HAS LINE OF WINTER THE CITY. St FULL DRESS SUITS Once more call your attention to our elegant line of FULL DRESS SUITS. There isn't a tailor in the state that can match them in Style, Fit and Workmanship -:- Exclusive Clothier LINCOLN SELEGT DANCING ACADEMY 1124 N i THIRD FLOOR The Skirt Store, 121 No. 11 th St., Little Building of high grade Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, Dresses, Capes, Furs and Petticoats. 75 Tailored Suits in all the newest styles of makes and weaves, regular $20.00 and $30.00 values, clearing sale price $9.95 and $15.00. 50 dresses of the finest of worsted and Panamas, the shades are Olive Green, Blue Black, Brown and fancy grays. Several imported models and copies of the highest grade, regular $20.00 values $9.75 Womens and Misses Coats at halg price and less, $10.00 coate $5.00, $20.00 coats $9.75, $35.00 coats $15.00. 100 Dress Skirts in Panama, Serges Voils and Worsted, Black, Brrwn and Blues and all colors, regular $9.00 values Clearing Sale Price $4.75 You can save 50 per cent during this sale at The Skirt Store, 121 No. llth St., Little Building CHRISTMAS GIFTS The nevest styles of Women's Shop ping Bags, Music Bags, Jewel boxes, Toilet Cases, Cigar Cases, Pocket Books, Card Cases, Fitted Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Novelties. -:- -:- Wirick's Trunk and Traveling Bag Store 1028 0 Strait How to You Up THE FINEST FALL AND GOODS IN : : : : : lyjmpi FARQUHAR Prize Waltz Contest $5.00 IN GOLD Special Students' Dance Monday, Dec. 6 : 8:12 P. M. Refreshments by "Tommy" BRUCE'S ORCHESTRA 50c A COUPLE EXTRA LADY 2Sc All University Students Invited M