The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 03, 1909, Image 1

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Vol IX. No
Price 5 Cents.
Protests of Manager Pearse and Coach
Lofgren" Result In Discomfiture
of the First Year
At a Btormy session of tho Inter
clnsB athlotlc bonrd hold yestordny
morning In U102, decision In tho con
tested Kjphdmore-frcshman football
game was rendered In favor of tho
Bophomoros. Tho voto stood G to 3,
all threo of the dissenting votes be
ing froshmon.
This con tost grow out of tho rogu
lar lntorclas8 gamoB hold at tho stato
farm a week ngo Tuesday. At that
tlmo tho Bophomoro and freshman and
Junior and sonlor teams playod tho
preliminary gamoB that woro to dccldo
the two toams to bo loft for tho finals.
Tho froBhmen, disregarding tho ruling
of tho athlotlc board and all former
precedents, InBlstod on playing flvo
men who had boon doclarod Incllglblo
by tho board bocauBO thoy woro var
Blty matorlal. Tho Bophomorcs pro
tcBfod tho gamo boforo It was called,
and woro advlaod by tho chairman of
tho board that If tho freshmen instat
ed on playing tho lnollglbles tho gamo
Bhould bo forfoltod. Tho gamo was
thus playod under protest, and tho
Bophomorcs managor and coach immo
dlatoly bropght tho mattor boforo tho
board, with tho result noted abovo.
At yoBtorday'a mooting nlno mom
bora woro proaont, threo froshmon,
throo Bophomorca, ono Junior and two
seniors. Tho mombora voting on tho
propoBltlon woro Upson, Hutchison,
Dobba, Noff, Garrott, Nowmann, Dare
tow, Pottor and Scare. Tho lattor two
woro roproBontod by Aldrlch and
Tho frcBhmon based tholr right to
play tho contOBtod mon on a clauso In
tho constitution which saya that notlco
In all caaca of contoatod playora must
bo given ono wook In advanco, which
was not dono In this caao. It was
pointed out to thorn, howovor, that
thoy themselves woro nogllgont In hav
ing no organization nor no ono to ro-
colyo such notlco. Thoy wero also
shown tliat thoy had beon warned In
ample tlmo and that thoy long had
knowlodgo of tho fact that cortaln mon
would, bo protOBtod, and that those mon
actually had beon doclarod varsity
callbor by tho coaches, which In ltsolf
was warning enough.
Junlor-8ophomore Game Tuesday.
Tho decision 6f tho athlotlc board
clears tho Hold and narrows tho cham
pionship contest down to tho finals.
Tho dato of tho championship gamo
botweon tho Junlore and sophomores
has boon sot for noxt Tuesday at 2:30.
Tho contest will likely tako place on
Nobraska flold, unless woathor condi
tions mako It Impossible.
It is hoped that tho weather will bo
fine enough to permit many to witness
tho gamo. So far this year owing to
tho rain and other causes but lltjlo
interest has beon manifested In tho
class contests. Tho result 1b that tho
sweater fund Is rathor low and un
less interest picks up tho winning
team will be, compelled to purjehaso
their own trophies. There surely
ought to bo enough appreciation
shown by tho mombora of tho school
for the bard work these teams havo
done in upholding thoir class honors
to cause enough' members of tho
classes to got out and aid thoir team
in at least this small way.
Marquette Plans Track Meet,
Now that football is over in all the
.colleges other athletics aro beginning
to come to tho front
Marquette university,, which, on,
Thanksgiving day played a 0 to 0 game
with Notro Dame for tho western foot
ball championship, plans a notable in
door athletic moot for abouClKfarch 15,
to which all universities in tho confer
ence will bo invited to Bend teams, as
well as all tho other athletic clubs
and colleges in tho states of Wiscon
sin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Mis
souri, Iilllnols, Indiana and Michigan
will bo Invited to send toams.
Tho Marquotto plan tn to mako UiIb
an annual ovont for tho middle of
March and Notro Damo has alroady an
nounced that It would send a strong
team. Marquette has In Its team John
J. Bronnan, Olympic team star, and
several other promising athletes, In
cluding Moyor, tho football end, who
Is Btrong in tho middlo dlstanco runs.
Chancellor to Deliver Fourth of Grad
uate College Addresses.
Chancollor Samuel Avery will speak
this aftornoon at tho fourth of tho
graduate collego convocations. Tho
chancellor's subject 'will bo "Our In
dustrial Future and tho Preparation for
It Offered by Graduato Colleges."
Faculty Will Hold Session 8aturday
to Consider Summer 8ession.
Tho unlvorelty Bonato will moot at
10 a. m. 'Saturday to consider matters
of importance to tho stimmor session.
The proposed change In tho organiza
tion of tho school, lengthening tho
courso to eight weeks and making It
equivalent to a half semester, will be
dlflcusBcd. Other matters may ' come
beforo tho sonate.
Old Nebraskan, Now Successful Busi
ness Man, Visits Old Friends.
Ernost II. Houghton, 1895, ono tlmo
editor of Tho Nobraska, and a notori
ous character in his undorgraduato
days, was a campus visitor yesterday.
Mr. Houghton is now general man
agor of tho Bryan-Marsh company,
oloctrlcal engineers, of Chicago, and
holds ofllcoB In othor concerns. v
Mr. Houghton was a clasBmato of
Chancollor Avory . In his school days
ho was ono of tho unlquo characters
of Uio stato unlvorelty. Since leaving
school ho has advanced rapidly until
now ho la ranked as ono of tho most
successful mon, from a business stand
point, that Nobraska has produced.
Tho improvements on tho campus
woro of much intorost to Mr. Hough
ton, ho still retaining a loyal feeling
for his alma mater. HO commonted
favorably upon tho bottormonts In tho
engineering college. Mr. Houghton's
company haB frequent ubo for capablo
engineering graduates, both In tho
commercial and structural branches.
Mr. Houghton returned to Chicago
Date of Annual Y. W. C. A. Fair Has
Been Changed to January 8.
Owing to the fact that other impor
tant university functions aro to bo
hold on January 14th, tho Streets of
All Nations will bo hold on tho eighth
of January,
Every country will bo represented
and all of tho sororities havo chosen
tholr countries and begun work, on
their booths. Tho Italian booth will
bo highly characteristic of tho "Sunny
Land." Peanuts and bananas will be
sold by real Dagoes. Organ grinders
and organs, and still more Interesting
live monkeys will be seen. Tho mon
keys . will probably be somewhat
clumsy, being university boys dressed
as tree-climbers, but -they will do their
best to dance.
Another feature of the "Pike" will
be the immigration bureau. Every
immigrant will be inspected and those
I students who try to evade tho customs
laWB will find themselves strictly- in
Rules With Reference to Dribbling,
Fouls, Holding, Blocking, and
Other Points Receive
Dr. It. G. Clapp yostorday aftornoon
announced tho action of the Missouri
Valloy conforonco meet In Dob Moines
last week with regard to basketball
rules. Soveral important changes are
made, notably those respecting dribb
ling, blocking, and passing, tho ball out
of bounds. Following aro the Inter
pretations of tho conference:
A substitute shall not enter a gamo
excepting tho ball is dead, and ho
shall immediately report to tho rof-
oreo, notlfylngLhim by a slip of Paper;.;, m B Mlnor
containing his name and that of tho
player for whom ho Is substituted.
A ball passed from out of boundB
to out of bounds without touching a
player in transit shall be given to tho
opposing side where It last crossed tho
boundary lino. If the ball strikes an
official and goos out of bounds It is
ten men's ball.
Players shall bo allowed the same
privilege as in tho past in advancing
with tho ball in their possession, name
ly, a player shall be allowed ono and
one-half stepB.
Tho dribble shall end when a player
makes more than a half turn or holds
tho ball moro than momentarily.
Any holding shall be considered a
foul. Dollborato hacking shall bo con
sidered a form of striking. Hacking
Is defined as striking an opponent's
arm or wrist with tho heel or outer
sldo of tho hand. Jt soemd to bo tho
opinion of tho committee that hacking
can only be dono Intentionally, as a
man Btrlking for the ball and missing
tho samo will not strike his opponent
with tho heel or outer Bldo of the hand,
but with tho palm, and, therefore, all
hacking shall bo deomod a violation
of tho rules.
Bumping a player with tho chest is
to bo construod as such Interference.
It is legitimate interference for a
player to step in front of an opponent
providing ho does not charge, push or
use unnecessary roughness.
Either a good gong or a good pistol
bo used to signal tho termination of
tho halves.
When a ball goes out of bounds and
touches a spectator it shall be given
to tho nearest eligible player, and If
tho official is in doubt, it shall bo
tossed up between the two opposing
players nearest tho ball at tho point
whero It crossed tho line.
Tlmo may bo taken out, on account
o'f Injury to a player, not moro than
throo times for each, team during a
half by requoBt of captains.
In case of an injury to a player at
tho end of tho Hole whero rofereo can
not sco him, that tho umpire shall havo
tho privilege of calling time.
"Disqualifying fouls" muBt bo per
sonal fouls as covered by rule 22, sec
tions 4 and 5, which pertain to fouls
mado on tho man, and the scorer is rq
qulred to Indicate such fouls On his
record by the letter "P" with subscript
numeral, whereas the ordinary foul is
recorded by a dot (.) or dash ( ).
(Rule 22, Sections 4 and 5. Holding,
blocking,. pushing, tripping and unnec
essary roughness.)
It was the sense of the meeting that
tho scorers should notify, tho referee
when the fourth personal foul has been
called on a player, and that the rof
ereo should notify and warn such
It was the sehBO of the, meeting that
the scorer should notify the referee as
to the number of times that time has
boon taken out by each team and that
tho reforco Bhould notify tho captains
to thlB effect.
Miss Ernesberger and Dr. Davis on
the Program. '
The Mathematical Seminar will moot
Friday, Decombor 3, at 4:30 in M302.
Tho program for tho mooting follows:
"Some Notos on Piano Geometry,"
Miss Ernesberger.
"Mooting of tho S. W. Section of
Amorican Mathematical Society," Dr.
B. W. Davis.
Third of Artistic 8erles of the Unlver.
slty 8chool of Music.
Professor Robort W. Stovons, com
poser of "Tho Cornhusker," last even
ing gavo tho third of the series of
artistic recitals of tho school of mu
sic. Professor Stevens' renditions
wore well recolvod by a largo attend
ance of Btudents and Llncolnitos. Fol
lowing is tho program:
QnViiifrnnnn fhn Fin vMnVinrwl Hnnpoa
ArenBky Etudo In Peculiar Rhythm
Grieg Nocturne In C Major
Raff Marsch, from Sulto Op. 91
Moszkowskl. ...Fantasy, Op. 52, No. 5
(Tho Masquerade) Allegro
(The Mask FallB) Allegretto Grazloso
Pratt Impromptu "On Wings."
(Ins. to R. S.)
(The Flight of a Bird and Its Mate)
. .The Night Has a Thousand Eyes
Foote Tone-Poem, Op. 41, No. 2
The Lion and the Lizard
(After Omar Khayam)
8lxty Missouri University Girls Are
Caught With Stones In an Hour.
.The high water mark of prosperity,
perhaps, 1b tho diamond. By actual
count a- largo percentage of tho wo
men of tho University of Missouri
como from families which reach thlB
standard. In an hour's time in Aca
demic hall this morning sixty young
women students -who woro diamonds
wero counted.
At a largo estimate, 200 women
were seen. Of theBe at least a fourth
wore gloves and perhaps an eighth
carried their hands bo that it could
not bo determined whether or not
thoy wore diamonds. Some of tho
diamonds wero very tiny and some
wero largo and beautiful gems.
Ono girl woro a diamond sorority
pin, but tho rest of the diamonds In
evidence were set in rings. Most of
them woro solitaires, worn on .-the
right hand. One girl had four and said
she usually woro five. A number of
these rings appeared to bo heirlooms.
Most of tho diamonds, tho young
women say, camo as a gift from tholr
fathers whon they were graduated
from high school. In ono graduating
class whore thoro wore nineteen girls
each woro a diamond ring on com
mencement day.
Cornell sophomores recently gave a
vaudeville It consisted of nlno mu
sical acts, including monologues, man
dolin playing, singing and dancing.
Twenty-five cents admission was
charged, and the money went to de
fray expenses. ,
Of a recent class of Harvard col
lege tho members report their prob
able occupations as: Business, 135;
law, 99; engineering, 54; teaching, 43?
medicine, 41; Journalism, 18; architec
ture, 10; the ministry, 12; and ohem
istry, 9, 'therefore, out of a total of
427, leaving out all men whose call
ings are undecided, business claims 31
per cent; law, 23 per cent; engineer
ing, 12 per, cent; leaching, 10 per
cent; medicinoO per cent; Journal
Ism, 4 per cent; architecture,. 3 per
cent; the ministry, 2 per cent, and
cb'emistry, 2 per cent.
Plans Being Laid to Make 1009 Ban
quet One of the Biggest Ever
Given by University
for Team.
At a meotlng hold yostorday morn
ing tho freshman law class voted to at
tend tho Cornhuskor banquot noxt
Wodnqsday'night in a body. Tho class
will moot on tho campUH and march
to tho Lincoln hotel, whoro tho ban
quot will occup. At tho. hall tho mem
bers of tho first year organization will
sit together and In thoir own words,
thoy intend to "keep things llvoly ail
tho tlmo."
Tho action of .tho laws followed a
brief agitation by somo loading moln
hers of tho class. Tho plan mot In
stant favor, and It will undoubtedly bo
carried out with enthusiasm. Tho
laws Intend to show tho rest of tho
school what thoy can do and thoy
will sparo no offort to do tho stunt
right It is posslblo that scarlet and
cream caps or somo othor uniform may
bo worn to designate tho laws from
tho other banqueters.
Others May Follow.
With tho freshman laws starting the
movo, it is posslblo that other organi
zations may fall In. with tho idoa and
attend tho banquot in a body. The
Innocents announce that reservations
may bo mado so that any who deslro
seats together can bo so accommodat
ed. Some of tho regular student clubs
or somo of tho othor classes may tako
the matter up and docido to do their
part in boosting the banquot.
Tickets for tho annual dinner woro
placed on sale oarly this week and
tho purchases have been satisfactory.
The Innocents, who havo charge of tho
banquot in accordance with traditional
custom, are planning to mako It ono
of the best ever given at Nobraska.
Last yoar nearly 200 students and fac
ulty members attended tho dinner.'
This yoar It Is hoped to double tho
Held at Lincoln.
For tho first time In soveral years ,
the banquet will be held at tho Lin
coln hotel? Tho blgMancIng hall used
for university parties will bo convert
ed Into a banquet room and tho best
that tho Lincoln affords will be at the
disposal of tho banqueters.
No complimentary tickets aro being
given out and every man who pays
his dollar should receive 'full roturx
for his money. Following tho dlnnev
thoro will bo a series of toasts by
prominent students and alumni. Plans
for tho toast-list aro not yet qulto
complete, but it Is 'believed that a
prominent, Lincoln business man will
bo secured to introduce tho speakers.
The speeches will bo of interest- to
every student, and tho man who misses
tho banquet will lose something which
he cannot well afford to go without:
Tickets are selling at ll'por plato
and can be obtained from any mom
ber of the Innocents. "
Arkansas University has 650' matric
ulated students 'and 250 In the pre
paratory department.
Western Reserve has a public
courso in" Sociology. Thoro is a pra?
tical meeting each wook down town
and supplementary mass meetings at
the university on a throohour a week
schedule. Thero will be, in addition,
a series of lectures by well-known
v . Ti
Your 'car ,fare would pay for a nice;'
lunch at the Boston Lunch, Why go
-: ., Vi,
.' S4. , '. '.. &
v J
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