IPfyrTf THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 4 OLIVEK THEATRE TONIGHT AT 8:15 GEORGE FAWCETT IN "THE GREAT JOHN GANTON" Prices $1.50 to 50c. Frl. 8at. and 8at. Mat., Dec. 3-4. "BUNCO IN ARIZONA" Mat. 25c and 10c. Night, 50c to 25c DEC. 7 BLANCHE BATES. LYRIC THEATRE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 29 THE LYRIC 8T0CK COMPANY Will Present the "Sign of the Four" APowerful Detective Piay By 8lr A. Conan Doyle Evenings at 8:30 15c, 25c and 35c Mats., Wed. and Sat. 16c and 25c Next Week "PRINCE88 OF PATCHE8" ORPHEUM WEEK STARTING NOVEMBER 29 WINONA WINTER TOM WATERS TOWN HALL MINSTRELS CLARK'8 MONKEYS KELLY & KENT 8A80NE-& DELILA MONTGOMERY and HEALEY 8I8TERS . i Matinee at 2:30, 15c and 25c. Evening at 8:30, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Phones: Bell 936, Auto 1528. Pitts Dancing School Boginnors' Class Wod. and Sat, Advanced Class Monday Social Friday 10th and O Phono 5405 rai!7 sns HssHsKSri gsw ))Campus MGlenin Proy & Froy. The Tcgner Society will moot Satur day at 405 South 18th. 44-3t Dr. J. R. Davis, Dentist, 1234 O St. Tutoring in German by a student who has studied a year abroad. M. Hiller, Auto 7862. 44-3t Chapln Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. A new glass was put In the poster caso In University hall yesterday. The old broken glass made it easy for val uable posters to bo stolen. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. Miss Marlon and Noll Whltmoro en tertained several Alpha Chi OmcgaB at Valley during the Thanksgiving recesB. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. The lnterclass athletic board will meet Thursday at 11 a. m. in room 102. University hall. Every member should bo present. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Suitorlum. 12th and O. E. M. Medlar will lead at tho mid week meeting of th.0 Y. M. C. A. to night. His subject will bo "A Tre mendous Student Enterprise," being a discussion of student volunteer con vention to be held at Rochester. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 111-119 So. 12th street. ' Three students have been added to the list of suspensions by the dclin- tholr allotted spaco In tho baBomont it will bo nocosaary to toar out part of a retaining wall. They consist of four 100 K. W. transformers, which aro Im mersed in nn oil bath conltnod In a shell, which is of a new design. Can furnish a limited number of men good employment for next sum mer. Address E. A., Dally Nebraskan, 43-3t Glasses Correctly Fitted. Pricos right. Howo, Optician, 319 No. 12. 43-2t Doan Ellory W. Davis attendod tho third rogular meeting of tho south western section of tho American Mathematical Society hold November 27th at tho University of Missouri. Ho presented a paper boforo tho socioty ontitled "A Paradox Rotating to tho Imaginary Lino." Professor C. W. Bronko accompanied Dr. Davis. At 6 o'clock Friday ovenlng the Small cabinet girls of tho Y. W. C. A., about twonty-two in number, will bo entertained at supper at tho homo of Mrs. E. L. HInman, 2510 T stroet. The supper will bo given by tho advisory board of tho Y. W. C. A. of which Mrs. W. A. Wlllard Is chairman. Governor Shallenbergor was guoBt of the Univorsity of Nebraska club at Hebron last Friday ovoning. Tho club at Hobron is a flourishing one and has a largo membership. Tho moot ing Friday night was held a't tho home of W. A. PoBoy, a former univorsity man, now county superintendent of Thayer county. Tho govornor gave a talk upon kindred lines of education in connoction with tho univorsity. Tho senior play committee has chOBen Miss Alice Howell as coach for tho production of tho 1910 clasB play. Tho play has not yet boon se lected, but several dcslrablo ones aro being considered and it will bo only a short tlmo boforo tho selection is mado. Mr. Yates, chairman of tho L. J. Herzog Tht Unlvirslty Man's Tailor Tho Finest Work Done and Prices Right Call at Our Now Storo 1230 O St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS All makes ronted with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in Robuilt Machines Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Auto 1155. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th 17 TI If FANCY and FLANNEL F U Li IV SHIRTS . . . Some New Things. 1325 O Street . . prices $i.oo to $2.50 . . Underwood Typewriter Go. TYPEWRITERS SOLD AND RENTED 187 No. 18th. Boll 848. Auto 2585 The First Trust & Sav ings Bank 4 Per Cent Interest A $1 opens an acoount Corner 10th & O StrtU " SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH quency committco as a result of fail ures in scholarship. Ono addition has been mado to the probationary roll. Froy & Frey, choico flowors. 1338 O St., north sldo. The Dramatic CJub will present "Tho Professor's Lovo Story" some timo boforo Christmas. Rehearsals under tho direction of Miss Howell and Miss Rothwoll have been hold for several weeks. 100 Engraved Calling Cards make an excellent ChriBtmas gift. George Bros , Engravers and Printers. Workmen aro now installing an ad dition to tho generating equipment of tho univorsity. This addition consists of ono 450 H. P. Corliss onglno con nected direct to a 300 K. W. 2,300 volt, 3 phaso alternator. TIiIb will moro than double tho generating equipment. Spalding gymnasium and basket-ball shoes, SwedlBh gymnasium shoos. Bockman Bros.. 1107 O St . Kenneth McDonald, A. B. 1904, a graduate of Princeton theological school, has reached his assigned sta tion at Logaspi, Phillpplno Islands, and writes to Lincoln friends that he expects to enjoy his work there. Ho has just completed 0 year's post-grad uate work in Germany after his course at Nebraska and Princeton. Tho now power transformers for tho mechanical engineering building ar rived yesterday. To install them in committee, is considering giving two ovoning performances nnd a matinee instead of tho slnglo ovenlng and of ternoon sessions as heretofore. John WeBtovor had an nccidont Monday at his structural steel plant that camo near costing him tho per manent uso of his eyesight. Ho was bonding over a motor with IiIb face a short distanco from tho fuso whon It blow out, throwing a bright flash into his oyos. Tho sight at first loft them, but after a short tlmo it camo back, but tho pain was lntonso. Mr. Westovor was confined to a dark room all day TuoBday, but on account of tho cloudy weather Wednesday ho was able to resume his work again by tho uso of smoked glasses. W WANT ADS dFfij Lincoln Hotel January 7, 1910 SENIOR PROM Walt's Orcnestra Tickets $2.50 r ". . ri' ' - - BHnz Your Next Job of Printing to - ,1. I VAN TIHE KllIHtlNa'lCO.' I 1,7 and Get Satisfactory ReidU . I 140-iJu no. 11m ac auio ott 4 Advertisements for the want ad col. umn should be left at the business of fice, basement Administration build ing, between 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. v Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. 50 Cents Will pay for THE DAILY NEBRASKAN for the rest " of the semester tLsCi!) Will pay for THE DAILY NEBRASKAN for the re mainder of the school year. ORDER AT ONCE! B2B2B8B8B8B88GZ33B3B!3a2St3&SBK &j Annual flop December 4 Si FORESTERS Frat Hall $1.25 SSSSB2QS333SSS3g33333SS Found- A note-book on torts. Pindor can obtain same by calling at Nebras kan ofllco and paying for this ad 43-3t Lost Kappa Sigma fraternity pin, Return to Nebraskan ofllco and re ceive reward. 43-tf For Your Noon Lunch i . STOP AT THE FOLSOM 'Juatfwlit yon want and aerysd the way you like iW 'stuflftnta' Trade Appreciated.'' ?' r- - -- AutoKU-BlH K - 1307 O St. We have a few copies of the Football Numbe of the Daily Nebraskan left t r i- 1 ! i . .' v A- i .-w 1 4wi&$3sm&atKW , H GET THEM At&HE V&9&& I . I YOUWAlfTJM4Q7i m r M 4 t. j i i . - - tt, "-. i. v. I 'l i - ' j -.:-, 4 -" i ' vi,i .i Vt . vi.n rf(. , i ? , ' .- t,) i.:v..a,i T- r "'" .' rntrmiictt&m tiavi&ft