The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 02, 1909, Image 1

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VoL IX. No
Price 5 Cents.
Manager Eager Poilnts Out Necessity
of Retaining All Space Now
Available for Use of
losing team and tho cabinet girls. Tho
affair will bo as characteristic of child
hood days as it Is posslblo to make It.
Tho girls will drosB as children, play
as children, and eat as children.
Tho children's party has become an
annual affair and is one of tho most
popular "stuntB" pulled off during the
year by tho Y. W.
Exposition. Last year tho toam cap
tured socond placo. Tho contests aro
open to all of tho agricultural col
logos of tho world, although at tho
present exposition Ontario waB tho
only school outBido of tho Unltod
StatoB ropresontod. Amos, who won
first placo this year, has been active
ly engaged In this kind of work for a
1 . - 1
A SPECIAL TRAIN WENT SUNDAY , numuor or y0ftrs ana nas pnrucllftlcu
in tno contests 01 mo international
With scarce a. month elapsing Blnce
tho dedication of tho now athletic
field, steps are already being taken to
use a part of tho ground for purposes
other than those for which It was orig
inally purchased. Just as tho old Ne
braska Hold was gradually given, over
to other uses, so tho flrBt encroach
ment upon the new field Is already pro
posed. Tho suggested chango which 1b
arousing opposition among students
familiar with the circumstances has Its
basic feature in the proposed removal
of tho medical collego animal house
and tho carpenter shop to sites in tho
corners of the new field. These build
ings, which aro little . more than
wooden shacks, stand in front of Me
chanic Arts hall and are a consider
able offense to those observers pos
sessing a sense of what Is beautiful
and what is not.
Move by Regent.
The proposed change is suggested
by one of tho board of regents who is
anxious to see tho main campus
cleared of tho present unsightly struc
tures. He proposes to move all the
shacks which are not fit for tho cam
pus back to the athletic field. This
idea meets with emphatic opposition
on tho part of Manager Eager and oth
In -speaking of tho proposition, Man
ager Eager said yesterday:
"It simply means that tho same old
story Is to bo done over again. With
tho old field it was first a corner hero
and then a lot there, until finally they
chopped off tho whole end of tho field
with the Physic building. Then a lit
tle later camo tho Engineering build
ing and tho whole field was gone. Now
the same thing is being started on the
now field, loss than six weeks after it
was completed.
"Wo havo not room enough for tho
athletic interests of the university on
tho new field, let alone tho other
buildings. Wo need a club house on
the field and other little buildings of
our own for athletic uses. But we
felt that wo wore too cramped for
space to afford UBing it in that way
and bo we dispensed with our own
building. If wo aro to havo a decent
gridiron and a track of any sort at all
wo must have tho use of the entire
space now glvon us.
Will Spoil Plan.
"It has been tho plan of the ath
letic management over since starting
tho now field to havo a field that would
be a credit to Nebraska. We intended
to havo a nice, clean-appearing ground.
Now it Is proposed to dump over upon
ub all tho old buildings which aro not
thought fit for tho main campus. Wo
want our part of tho campus good
looking, just as othorB want their end
of It to appear well.
"But the big difficulty is the actual
room Itself. We need all that wo have
got, and we cannot 'afford to give a
bit of it up."
The Lyric.
Tho Lyric Stock company is putting
on this week the great detectivo story,
"Tho Sign of the Four," by A. Conan
Doyle. It is a thrilling drama and has
a deep laid plot, with a climax at tho
end of tho third act that holdB tho au
dience breathless. Sherlock Holmes,
the great detective, is the hero of tho
nlav and tho rolo gives Mr. Noble a
chance for some very powerful acting.
The costumes wore appropriate and
tho scenery was good, tho air of mys
tery and crime being well preserved
throughout. The applause given Miss
Carter, who played tho orphan, Mary
Anderson, attested to her great popu
larity, but she did not havo much
chance to show her skill. Besides tho
high drame(.lc interest there are bits
of good comedy in Boveral placeB.
The play will bo glvon tho rest of
the week. Tho cast of characters Is
as follows:
Sherlock Holmes, detective Mr. No
ble. Dr. Watson, ex-army surgoon Mr.
Jonathan Small, escaped convict
Mr. Druoim.
Inspector I'nen, Scotland yaid Mr.
Wiggins, gutlei snipe Mr. Clifton
Tonca, East Indian dwarf Mr. Bel-
Major Sholto, retired array otneor
Mr. Franklin.
Mordocal Smith, owner of tho "Au
rora" Mr. Lathrop.
Mrs. Sholto, tho major's wife MIbb
Mrs. Hudson, lodging house keepor
Miss Mackoy.
Bessie, Mrs. Hudson's niece Miss
Mrs. Smith, wife of Miss
Mary Maston, an oiphan Miss Car-tor.
Cash Prizes of Almost $700, and Two
$250 Scholarships for Ne
braska as a Result of
the Contest.
Association over Blnco thoy havo boon
The Nebraska stock judging team
took fifth placo at tho International
Live Stock Exposition which Is being
hold at Chicago from Nbvombor 27th
to December 10th. Tho Judging was
held at Coliseum last Saturday, No
vember 27th. Although tho toam only
buccoeded in securing fifth placo at
Nebraska Art Association Plans
Purchase Paintings With Ex
hibit Proceeds.
Tho Nebraaka Art Association,
which closed Its xoxhlbit hero during
vacation, hold a mooting Saturday
evening to cloar up tho business con
nected with tho exhibit. Tho treasurer
was ablo to submit only a partial re
port on account of so many bills rO'
Gophers 8endlng a Team to Lincoln
of Unknown Ability, but the
Cornhuskers Have a
Good Chance.
lm nvnnalflnn utnutr nvhlhltnrl hv thrt
college of agrlculturo took five firsts, maining unpaid. Until this report is
five seconds, one third and one bov- made no idea can bo had to tho amount
enth. This was tho result of tho Judg-1 tho association will be ablo to uso In
ing up to tho doparturo of Chancel- purchasing now pictures.
lor Avory, who attended tho exposi
tion and returned to Lincoln yester
day morning.
Tho prize money for Nebraska up
to that tlmo was $610, but it will
probably amount to ovor $700 from
tho winnings to bo anticipated in
other claBBes not yet Judged. In ad
dition to tho prize monoy theso prizes
carry with them two $250 scholarships
that go to tho school on tho strength
of having won theso prizes.
Team Left 8unday.
Tho Nebraska stock Judging toam
left Lincoln Sunday, November 21st,
land took a trip through Iowa and Illi
nois before reaching Chicago, whoro
tho contest took place. Accompanied
by tho coach, Professor Roll, they
stoppod off at vorlouB points along
their route and Judged stock.
The contest in the Coliseum began
at 8 a. m. and lasted until 9 p. m.
Tho oxponso of shipping tho exhibit
to and from Now York will bo shared
by tho KanBas Art Association. Tho
pictures were Bbown at tho University
of Kansas tho mouth before thoy woro
hero. Tho association Is hopeful of
having a fair surplus left and Is al
ready figuring on buying Bomo
European pictures.
Orpheum Vaudeville.
One of tho best bills of the season
is on at tho Orphoum this week. Vari
ety and excellence of Individual acts
combino to make tho program a most
pleasing ono. The first three numbers
aro each of high grade and it Is hard
to pick tho hoadllner. Mr Ray Mont
gomery and tho Healey Blstors open
tho program in rather disappointing
novelty singing and dancing. They
got steadily better, however, and the
close of their act is unusually good.
The sisters fail to qualify as regu
lation choruB girls, but as hayseeds
they make a hit.
Mr. J. F. Kelly and MIbs Kent aro
billed as "two real vaudevilles," and
thoy come well up to tho title glvon
them. Their wit is keen and new.
Miss Winona Winter is the third of
tho trio of superlative opening acts.
Miss Winter sings and Imitates in a
delightfully winsome monnor. Her
oxcellont imitation of the SwodlBh-
Amerlcan and tho knowledge that she
is a Minnesota girl hint strongly at
her own nativity. But, not question
ing her nationality, the audience lik
Miss Winter.
With the llrst three numbers out of
thq way, Clark's monkeys provide
poor entertainment. Tho stunts are
poor, old and tircBome. Subers, Cook
ley & McBrlde In minstrel stunts are
Y. W. C. A. Girls to Have ,a Frolic at
Association Rooms.
After va strenuous and very success
ful campaign for new members, tho
membership and finance committees of
tho Y, W. C. A. are to celebrate their
rthlavementfl with a "Children's
Party" Friday -night
' T&e winning team will entertain the bill with some new "strong" stunts
This gave tho team of five men a
strenuous day's work. Tho mombers
composing tho team woro R. H. Camp,
V. S. Culvor, Ivan McPhilllps, O. H.
Llobors, C. A. Brodorlck, and Archio
Mlddloton. Camp was first on tho Ne
braska toam and took sixth In tho In
dividual ranking.
Tho team had for competitors some
of the best agricultural schools in this
country, as well as ono from Canada.
Tho ranking of tho collogos who com
peted is as follows: Amos, first; On
tario, second; Ohio, third; Kansas,
fourth; Nebraska, fifth; Missouri,
sixth, and Texas, Bovonth. AmoB, tho
winning team, had first placo by a
margin of over 150 points out of a
posslblo 1,000. Nebraska's closest
ranking competitor, KanBas, only had
a margin ot two ovor tho Cornhusk
ors. A special train of Nobraska students
and faculty loft Sunday for Chicago to
take In tho exposition. The- train con
tained ovor seventy Btudonts, who
were accompanied ny uuuucouur
Avory, Regent Whltmoro, Regent
Coupland and Dean Burnett Profes
sor Davidson, who was unable to ac
company the students on account of
illness, expects to bo able to go in a
day or two. The majority of those
who attend the exposition expect to
remain for about a week.
Prizes Won.
The prizes won hy tho Nebraska
stock were as follows: First prize In
grade yearling steers; first prize In
pure bred Hereford yearling steels;
first prize Galloway calf; first prize
Galloway herd; hamplonahin Gallo-j
way steerp; .second prize AnguB yoor-
Attention, German Students!
On next Friday afternoon, at 4
o'clock, a preliminary mooting of tho
moro advanced students ip Gorman
will bo hold in tho music room of tho
Temple, cornor Twelfth and R streets,
for tho purposo of organizing a now
Gorman club, to bo known ns tho Gor
manlstlscho Gesollschaft. All stu
dents In courses B and upwardB or
equivalents aro entitled to member
ship. A BomostrOl feo of 25 cents will
bo levied to defray incidental ox-
According to tho present plans tho
club will hold Its meetings In tho Tom
plo on tho first and third Fridays of
oach month. Tho program will usu
ally last ono hour (from 4 to 5) and
will consist of llttlo plays, short In
formal lectures In German (Illustrat
ed whonovor posslblo), conversation,
singing of folksongs, etc.
Students Interested In tho above
project should make It a point to bo
present at tho first mooting next Fri
day afternoon to holp in tho organ
ization of tho club.
fair, but cannot class- with tho first llng"- steers; socond prize Galloway
of the "bill. Their jokes neer censoiv two-yeaolds; second and seventh
ship. Mr. Tom Waters in a piano prizes Angus two-year-olds; second
monologue redeems tho loter part of; prize Angus alf ; second prize "Short
the program and gets repeated en- hord special grade calves, und third
coreB. His -work is really good, espe-i prize JQalloway -yearlings.
daily his Irish imitations, Sansome 'This -is the second year that Ne-'
Latest Addition to the Growing Num
ber of Clubs Is at Fort Collins.
Tho following from thoFort Collins
(Colo.) Courier tolls of tho formation
of a now University of Nebraska club:
"Tho alumni of tho University of
Nebraska woro'guests at a most pleas
ant reunion Wodnosday evening, when
thoy woro invited by Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Zopp to their delightful home,
321 S. Sherwood, In honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert S. Hiltnor of Donvor.
Ears of corn, typifying tho 'Cornhusk
ors,' together with scarlet and cream,
the university colors, beautifully dec-'
orated tho house. The evening was
passed merrily with games and unl-
verslty chat, while dollclous refresh
ments, carrying out tho color scheme,
were served. Those present woro Dr.!
and Mrs. J. R. Schoflold, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Zepp, Mrs. Faulkner, Prof, and
Mrs. Edward A. Besaey, Prof, and
Mrs. Alvln Keyser, Mr. and Mrs. U.S.
Hiltner; Misses Miller, "Walker, and
Bengtson; Messrs. Vail and McLen
nan. A committee, 'consisting of Prof.
jKeysor, Prof. 'Besaey and Miss Bengt-1
son. was appointor to perxect pians
for Jbrkaaiiatlom of luwaH nd former
ptudents' living la the vicinity pf ,Fert
& Delia, novelty .gymnasts, .close e braska has participated .a. the jcon- Collins Into a University of Nebraska
- ,. . . . w 1. 1.1 "T i MA. 1- .- Iff
tests of the International Live Stock club."
Tho present Indications that a largo
crowd will attond tho Intoratato do
bato a wook from tomorrow ovonlng
aro of tho very boBt. Alroady nirhior
ous societies havo given notlco that
thoy will attond tho dobato In a body,
and havo mado rcHorvatlons for soots.
Tho unusual Intorost in this dobato
which will bo hold in Lincoln with
Mlnnosoto Is porhaps duo to tho long
standing rivalry botweon Minnesota
and Nobraska and tho oxcollent
chanccB for tho Cornhuskor school to
win In this contoHt ngainst tho north
ornorB. Tho Nebraska spoakors havo
boon aroused by tho victories of Min
nesota in athletics so far this season,
nnd thoy havo boconio determined to
carry away tho decision of tho pudges.
Minnesota Unknown.
Tho strongth of Minnesota Is an un
known quantity, as tho representa
tives of that Bchool havo not as yet
been announced, although tho dobato
Is Bcarcoly moro than a week off.
Noithor hoB tho Judges for this Ne
braska-Minnesota dobato to bo hold
In Momorial hall on Docombor 10 boon
selected, and It will requlro quick
work on tho part of tho debating
boards of tho two schools to soloct
threo men to sorvo on tho Jury for
this contest
But it Is assured that tho toam
which will roprosont Minnesota in tho
dobato will bo composed of old and
experienced spoakors. . In past do
bates Minnesota has been romarkably
successful slnco ontorlng tho Control
Dobating League. Only a two to ono
decision was secured by Minnesota in
their last dobato with tho Cornhusk
ors at Minneapolis two yoars ago.
Last year tho two teams did not moot,
and as Minnesota won tho last dobato
against Nobraska tho local spoakors
aro oxceodlngly anxious to oven
forensic honors.
Working Hard.
That tho local squad aro not wast
ing any moments In preparing for tho
coming contests with Minnesota and
Iowa is evidenced by tho dally work
of tho men. Practlco debates aro be
ing held dally by tho six members of
tho intercolloglato dobating teams and
largo quantities of material aro yot to
bo examined and sifted for use as evi
dence by tho mombers of tho squad.
Statowldo Interest has beon aroused
by tho high schools and secondary col
logos as this question of the income
tax Is being debated in the state high
school dobating league TIiIb feature
will bring largo numbers of students
of those schools to the debate. Ef
forts aro bolng made to prevent
scheduling of other university attrac
tions for tho doto of December 10,
This means that a thoroughly unlver-"
fllty audlonce will be present if it is
Judges Named. .
The threo Judges for the debate be
tween Nebraska and Iowa at Iowa
City havo boon agree'd upon by the
debating board of the two schools.
They are as follows: Professor J. W.
Garner of the department of political
economy of the 'University of Illinois;
Dean O. A3. Harker, dean of the col
rege of law of (the -University of Illi
nois, nd James Gray, editorial -writer
on -the Minneapolis UoHraal. 'These
pom -will nave tho resBonslblMty'Jot le
cldlhg who are the victors Rafter 'the '
dkfate between the Cornhuskers and
Hiawkeyes December 10.