THEi DAILY, NEBRASKAN V j- I I t OLIVER , MAW TONIGHT AND THURSDAY -GEORGE FAWCETT IN "THE GREAT JOHN GANTtiN" & Prices $1150 to 50c. Pri. Sat. and 8at. Mat., Dec. 3-4. "BUNCO IN ARIZONA" Mat. 25c and 10c. Night, 50c to 25c DEC. 7 BLANCHE BATE8. . LYRIC THEATRE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 29 THE LYRIC STOCK COMPANY Will Present the "Sign of the Four" APowerful Detective Play By 8lr A. Conan Doyle Evenings at 8:30 15c, 25c and 35c Mats., Wed. and 8at. 15c and 25c "Next Week "PRINCE88 OF PATCHE8" ORPHEUM WEEK 8TARTING NOVEMBER 29 WINONA WINTER TOM WATERS TOWN HALL MIN8TRELS CLARK'S MONKEYS KELLY & KENT 8A80NE & DELILA MONTGOMERY and HEALEY SISTERS Matinee at 2:30, 15c and 25c. Evening at 8:30, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Phones: Bell 936, Auto 1528. Pitts Dancing School Boginnors' Class Wed. nnd Sat, Advanced Class Monday Social Friday lflth and Q Phono 5405 Campus Gleanings I Froy & Froy. The senior prom committeo will meet tonight at 7:30 In U112. 100 Engraved Calling Cards mako an excellent Christmas gift. Georgo Bros , Engravers and Printers. Dr. J. It. DavlB. Dentist. 1234 O St. Learn to dance at Lincoln's "8clect Dancing Academy," 1124 N. Special rate to Uni. students. 43-1-3-4 The "N" Men's Association will meet at 7:30 this evening in the Tom pie to consider important business matters Chapln Bros., florists. Try a lunch at the Y, 13th and P Sts. The Y M. C. A. mission study classes are to be started this week. 127 So. 13th. M. C. A. Spa. X-K MBKB tflTTWVP L. J. Herzog Ths University Man's Tailor Thp Finest Work Dono and Prices RigH Call at Our Now Storo 1230 O St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS All makes rontod with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in Robuilt Machines Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Auto 1155. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th Underwood Typewriter Co. TYPEWRITERS SOLD AND RENTED 187 No. 18th. Boll 848. Auto 2585 The First Trust & Sav ings Bank 4 Per Gent Interest A $1 opens an aooount Corner I Oth & O StweU i SIMMON' 3 E THE pRIN T'fe JR 3 E t Frlntlrnr, S p. ' Bnaraulnfi;! sy 3fc: Bmboaalnff tat Auto 2810 817 South 12th K....n...uUi.......i.i.....iii.nj.ninmi..; Bring Your tyext Job of Printing to IyAN TINE. PRINTING CO. j and Get Satisfactory Results and Get Satisfactory Results 2' il2S-130 No. 141b SAuto 3477 Glasses Correctly Fitted. Prices right. Howe, Optician, 319 No. 12. 43-2t Chairman McGowan is anticipating an unusually heavy sale of tickets for the sophomore hop December 11. We teach you how to dance all the fancy dances. Special rates to stu dents. Lincoln Select Dancing Acad emy. 43-1-3-4 Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorltim. 12th and O. Can furnish a limited' number of men good employment for next sum mer. Address E. A., Dally Nebraskan. 43-3t Radge &?frtienzel G). Exageration Is Not Style We Combine Good Taste with Good Judgment in Our Selection of Haberdashery for Men. u Styles May Come and Styles May Go but Quality Goes on Forever" Shirts Built by Tailors who know how. Anderson's Scotch Madras, Domes tic Madras and Percales made into Shirts the fit and finish of which are "Custom Critical." Price $1.50 and Up Gloves u. That reflect the makers ability, their guarantee and ours. Cape, Cape Silk Lined, Mocha, Suede Silk Lined Dress, Gloves, etc. Price $.75 to $2.00 Neckwear Our patterns incude not only the usual, but many designs and effects that are exclusive. Price $.25 to $1.00 K. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. N. 11th. 120 See our display ad. Lincoln Select Dancing Academy, 1124 N. 43-1-3-4 Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 115-119 So. 12th street. "FURNISHERS TO MEN WHO KNOW" Charles M. Kearney, a graduate ol the class of 1907, Sigma Chi and In nocent, was married last week to Miss JesBie Chase of Stanton, Neb. Mr. Kearney now lives at Morril, Neb., where he is superintendent and man ager of a lumber company. CHRISTMAS GOODS All Here VAaturman's Ideal Fountain Pens $2. SO moor's Non-Leakablo Fountain Fens &2. SO Other Good Fountain Fens iI.OO, &I.SO, 2.00 U of N Fins 2Sc and up l or N Fobs 2Sc and up ' XJ or N Spoons 7Sc and up OFER GLASSES -- UVlBRBLLAd -- TOILET SETS established 1871 HALLETT, Jeweler 1143 o street Spalding gymnasium and basket-ball shoes, Swedish gymnasium shoes. Beckman Bros.. 1107 O St. Alpha Omrlcon Pi entertained at a house' party at the chapter house on Thanksgiving night. Don't be a wall-flower. Learn to dance. We know how to teach you. Lincoln Dancing Academy. 43-1-3-4 Kappa Alpha Theta entertained Thanksgiving night at a dinner and dance in honor of Mrs. Bender, wife of "Johnny" Bender. - People say, "This snow hurts ray eyes." Mqro proof of eyo Btrain. Glasses mellow the rays of light. Howe, Optician, 819-No. 12. 41-2t j Frey & Prey, choice flowers.- 1338 O St., north side. The- Interclass athletic board will meet Thursday at II a. m. in room 102, University hall. Every member should bo present. By order of the chair-man. r St ANT A Advertisements for the want ad col. umn should be left at the business of fice, basement Administration build ing, between 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 rents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. Wanted A barger for aSturday work. Call at Capital hotel. 37-Gt Found Text-book on Alternating Currents. Owner may have same by calling at Nebraskan office and pay ing for tills ad. 39-3t Found A note-book on torts. Finder can obtain same by calling at Nebras kan office and paying for this ad 43-3t Lost Kappa Sigma fraternity pin. Return to Nebraskan office and re ceive reward. 43-tf LINCOLN eWaltz Contest - $5.00 IN GOLD . SELECT DANCING ACADEMY g0c A COUpLG EXTRA LADY 25c 1124 N THIRD FLOOR All University Student Invited Special Students' Dance Monday, Dc. 6 : 8:12 P. M. Refreshment! by "Tommy" BR'UCE'S ORCHESTRA WIRELESS First arrival of North Pole Frozen Drinks, South Pole due soon. Menu: Eskimo .e "Totem Pole Frnppe" 15C Peary's Dream o! the Midnight Sun with Eskimo Frills Dr. CooK's Frozen North Pole Balnbow Sundae. 15c 15c Peary's Delta Kappa Epsllon A-La-Cook "Gold Brick" A HOT ONE" 15c Th nrtio Putter. K0 The Drug Cutter. Fraternities Sororities We can save you 12 per cent on your fuel bills Semi-Anthracite $8.00 i IS THE REASON urn. Bid,. Gregory The Coal Man iouosl LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" x third SfloorT O. E. BULLAED, U. of N. '03, Manager SPECIAL RATE TO STUDENTS We teach tte fancy dances on University Night Saturday sight University orchestra All students Invited. , . UNIVERSITY NIGHTS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Class Nights Wednesdays and Socials Fridays Saturdays 8:00 to 10:00. 8:00 to 12:00 AUTO 4477 Private Leosons by Appointment BELL A1311 . y For Your Noon Lunch STOP AT THE FOLSOM Just what yoowant and ear red the way yon Ilka It. 8tadanU'Trada Appreciated. 'jtuto J14-BeU 466 1307 O tt SI V T T? r " ' in