The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 24, 1909, Image 3
uHHuUiiiiuu4-uujJiii.tJmu,i4UHue!yg mffTTfV ' ". " ''"""'' i"ii'lliii"imyi"yl w .'"'i f f m "JBi'"')"f' "" ' ' "P' W1'0lf) wl"? THE DAILY NEBRASKAN -rst pHE heavy call for Overcoats never found us in such readiness to meet every want Our successful facilities for handling and displaying, enables us to show greater variety and has wonderfully increased our sales. O'coats fof dress and Bomi'dress come in now shndoB of Groy and Tan and aro oxcoodingly popular. Somo havo volvot collars, whilo oth ers aro mado with aolf collars. Soino button through, and somo havo fly fronts. Wo cannot say too-much for our linos at $20, $25, $30 Auto and Presto Collar Coats button up closo and oasy at tho neck, and aro long and stylish looking. Light Greys and Light TonB both plain and fancy patterns in rough mixtures aro tho pro vailing stylos $15 to $35 Fine Dress Coats, knoo longth Black and Ox ford, silk lined. Snporb stylo and quality $35 to $50 ., Every requirement for Thanks giving apparel has been pro vidod and is ready for you at this oxclusivo storo for Mon nd young mon. M AGEE & DEEMER Specializing Kensington Clothes They Fit Quality Counts THAT'S WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR ' We make a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets, Ices and punch for Frat & Sorori. ty parties. Whipping Cream always on hand. Bell 205. Auto 8181. 1810 N St Hot Drinks arc now in season Do you know any place where you can get as QUICK SERVICE as you can at ournew, store? No need of being crowded Lincoln Candy Kitchen S. W. Corner body, whoso interest in athletics ia that of spectators only, cannot bo ox pocted to tako moro than passing in terost In crosscotntry running. Sec ond in tho vory nature of the contest It can never havo tho sudden and spec tacular crises of football and basoball. Third, only a small part, of tho con tost can "bo vlewod by a spectator. Fourth, football Is a contest for the momentary explosion of tho energy of strength and speed, whilo cross country running is largely a contest of endurance and nervo, tho lattor being confined largely to a hidden contest betwoen tho will power of tho runnor and hlB punished onglno. And lastly, in as much aB cross-country running does not draw largo crowdB of spec tators and because there is nothing in tho contest to bring tho wild enthusi asm of the spectacular touchdown or tho home run, Btudents who aro led to tako part In athlotics by tho strong doBire to win tho enthusiastic ap plauso of thplr follow students, are not attracted by this healthy sport. History of Cross-Country. Somo fifteen years ago tho Eastern Intercollegiate Cross-County Associa tion was formed by a few of Che lead ing eastern universities and an annual run has been conducted ever slnco, but tho movement has not extended to tho smaller colleges to any extent and, even In the old association the number of institutions competing rarely ex ceeds half a dozen. - In tho fall of 1004 Chicago Univer sity extended an invitation to a num ber of tho western universities to Bond teams to Chicago to compete In a five milo cross-country race. Several of the largo Institutions agreed to. tako part in this contest, but for various reasons were unable to do so, and Ne braska was the only visiting university to send a team to the starting mark. Tho race was won by Nebraska by a wide margin. After tho contest representatives of a number of tho "Big Nine" Institu tions and Nebraska formed a perma nent organization known as tho West ern Intercollegiate CroBs-Country As sociation. In 1005 four teamB took part In the annual race, which waB won by Chicago. The team scores were as follows: Chicago, 40; Nebras ka, 50; Wisconsin, 54; Illinois, 57. The following year Nebraska had but t,wo opponents .in the annual race and de feated Wisconsin and Chicago by a scoro of 28 points against 45 and 40 by Wisconsin and Chicago respective ly. Tho same' teams competed again in 1007 and finished in the samo'order. Tho points scored were 28, 35 and 57 respectively. Purdue and Drako Uni versities, as well as Chicago, Wiscon sin and Nebraska, competed In the season of 1008 and for tne third suc cessive time Nebraska won first place, with Purdue a fairly closo second. Scores: Nebraska. 41, Purdue 51, Wis consin 50, Chicago CO, Drake 105. Tho 1000 entries Indicate a decided in crease of Interest In tho sport. Teams from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Chicago, Turkey Lids Before you go home, take a shot out of my new hats newest of stylesboth stiff and soft one price always $2.50 Why Pay More ? BUDD 1415 O ST. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK Jl BBVbM IEBbHbBBbVXsIeUSBBBbUBbHbB-JbVu.BBBBBBBBbH HKf HHKllSBBBBKiBaEiBBB Tv BBBBBBBBBBBBBMHeBVBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHK BBflBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB -" I HM8EBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB9 "'jA BBBBBBBBBBBt9fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHra9 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa SEE US FOR POMPADOUR HAIR CUT& Capital Hotel Barber Shop H. H. PARUELEE MAMIEI ;J. WILSON v ). Q? Purduo, Ames, Iowa, and Nebraska took part. A moro ideal courso could not bo im agined than that in Jackson park, Chi cago, which has now becomo, by proco dent nlono, tho annual scono of tho groatost contoBt of onduranco and training in wostern collego athlotics. Let us hopo that no Bolflsh offort will be mado by competing toams to ro movo tho contest from this Ideal loca tion. Nebraska's 1900 Team. At the oponlng of tho university in Septombcr tho proepocts for anothor winning cross-country team appeared very bright. Pour of tho victorious 1008 flvo wero oligiblo to compete and also a strong squad from last year's freshman class. Accidents, sickness, and othor causos, howovor, played havoc with tho mon to whom tho coach looked for his best material. Captain Gablo was unoxpoctcdly de tained, by business mattors, from reg istering in tho university early in tho somestor; ox-Captain Bnuman. of tho 1008 team strained tho ligaments and tendons of his right foot bo sorlously that ho was unablo to tako part in tho tryouts. For somo unknown rea sons E. D. Trump, the third oligiblo veteran, was unablo to get back to his previous form and failed to qualify in tho tryouts, thus leaving A. B, Amber son the only veteran ablo to compoto n this season's team. W. I. McQow'an, tho most promising sophomore candi date was obliged to givo up his train ing early in the season owing to sick ness, and O. C. Flack, another promis ing sophomore, was indisposed and, unablo to qualify. Notwithstanding this long list of misfortunes tho team which represented us at Chicago on November 20th, was considerably stronger than laBt year's team and the best balanced team that Nebraska haB over sent to a cross-country contest. Every member of the team has worked long and faithfully. No matter what the result of the raco, tho student body should feel proud of its represen tatives and may rest assured that thoy feel their responsibility and that the team which lowered the Nebraska col ors was decidedly superior in ability to the Cornhusker flvo. L. J Herzog Th Univirslty Man's Tallir The Finest Work Dono and Prices Bight Call at Our Now Storo 1230 O St. Lincoln laaai klffHEEEHRyj The First Trust t Sav ings Bank 4 Per Cent Interest A $1 pint an aotaunt Comer 10th & O Street SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS r 142 SOUTH TWELFTH nminnwmnnnnnnnnrmnT?nnnnta SIMMONS 1 THE PRINTER dt Frlntlnfl-, & - :BS Bngravltifl't C :-3C Emboti-ilns -3E: Auto 2819 817 South 12th 5 lfiiiiiiiuuuuiiuuiimiuiiijiiiiiiiiuf-i 0LIVEK THEATRE 6 THANKSGIVING MATINEE AND NIGHT Big Vaudville Acts 50c, 35c and 25c 6 LYRIC THEATRE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 22 Every Evening at 8:30 Matinees Wednesday and Saturday 8peclal. Thanksgiving Day Matinee ; Thursday . THE LYRIC 8TOCK COMPANY , Will Present .J. ALUM ACCOUNT OF EL1ZI A Great Comedy by Dee Dltrlchsteln. PRICE8 MATINEE 15c and 25c EVENINGS 15c, 25c and 35c Next Week "Sign of the Four" ORPHEUM WEEK 8TARTING NOVEMBER 22 UNIVERSITY-JEWELEU OPTICIAI ' C. A. Tucker JEWELER - S. S. Shean OPTICIAN ,11231 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Yaw FMrMMfc Salkitei MURRAY & MACK CROUCH & WELCH CHA5. MONTELL 9 EVA MUDQEj CHA8. KENNA J LEW WELL8 ' DOUGLA8 & D0UGLA8 Matinee at 2:30 15c and 25c Evening at 8:30 15c, 25c, 35c, 60c Phones: 'Bell 936, Auto 1528. P Pitts Dancing Schoo Boginnora' Class "Wed. nnd Sat,. Advanced Class Monday mi ?! Social Fritia; 10th and O i hono 6405 q YOUR HOME. COMING, for Thanksgiving will be doubly welcome if you take along oneof these smart i , Suits or Overcoats at $ 1 5 You can show the home folks how to save $5.00 V . m i 1 Z' Jt 925 "0"Stllneolt. Nfeb. Athletic Goods eld to Student at 10 per ccat dw couBt if tkU ad is brought te eur stere LAWLOR CYCLE CO. !3a4 O STREET ill "jfct yi i w A. . f B BELMONT' the "ARA-NOTCHI f ' does away with the buttonhole that bother. ' AK1U JW- -ill rniiAPQ - -'' r Mcwh.3feraic, Cluett. Theiy CsC 'V ARROW OVfVSj ate. a-psftf " pi v.. t i (- . ' ! 1 ,w4 - m - s, . ''j ' 1 -i rU- .