The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 24, 1909, Image 2

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    -.-.r-r.ww.., .,.. ..- iW WMMWHlftll
V ' 1
Cross Country
- c
Ideal Laundry Co,
1846 0 STREET
Both Telephones 3036
Prompt Service
Satisfaction Guaranteed
All Sheets Ironed By Hand
A. E. EVANS, Manager
Iwi.. '
The Owl
Your turkey day will
not be complete with
out a visit to our soda
fountain, refreshing
yourself with our de-
licious hot and cold
I Northeast Comer 14th and O Streets
to mom mtm
FULK. Fvr CaPs Rccfcrs-
y Gloves and Underwear. Every-
thing you want for comfort these
1325 O Street damp, chiily days.
Established 1 8 J I
1 143 O
.. . . r , . pl , 1124 N STREET
Llictfii's "Select Dancing Schoul" third floor
O. El BULLARD, U. otN. '02, Manager
We teach the fancy dancesRye Waltz, Cadets', Society
Minuet, etc, on Saturday nights, and use the University Or-t
rchfertrJi. This is your night, students; come and dance.
" '" University nights, Friday and Saturday
OlaMinihWI Wednesdays and ' Sociala Fridays
Sfttrdiys-8:00 to 10:00.
AUTO 4J77 Private Lessons by Appointment
8:00 Jo 12:00'
DELL A1311
AH athletic sports, which stand the
test of tlmo and the natural reaction
from tholr flrBt wave of popularity,
must contribute, to tholr participants,
health, recreation, competition and the
development of certain desirable elo
menu of charactor. SportB lacking
these four essentials become a pass
ing fad and are soon forgotten and
burled in the next popular wavo.
The most Important characteristic
of the four mentioned above is im
proved health. In this respect cross
country running is second to nono of
our popular sports and when indulged
In with discretion and wisdom is in
a clasB by itself no other physical
activity giving the Bamo returns in
improved general health and especi
ally in the bonoflclal effects upon tho
vital organs.
Tho element of recreation is now
being recognized as of far greater Im
portance In all branches of physical
training than was formerly accorded
to it. In this regard, cross-country
running Is undoubtedly surpassed by
football and baseball, yet It has a fas
cination which cannot be appreciated
by one who has never experienced its
Require Competition.
Tho eloment of competition is, to
day, an absolute requirement of all
athletic sports in this ' country, al
though It is an entirely artificial requi
site and Is only a sign of tho exces
sive nervous development of our race
an element which enters, to an as
tonishing degree, into almost every
activity of the American people. The
child strives to tho point of nervous
breakdown to surpass his follow In -his
BtudicB; tho merchant must build up a
more extensive business than his com
petitor; tho financier wears out his
very life to accumulate more millions
than his rival; the automoblllBt wrecks
his nerves, and, In many cases, his
life -and machine to outspeed his
neighbor; and tho college student con
siders overy exorciso stupid which
does not test his powers of speed and
endurance against those of his fellows.
Tho wholo nation has gone "competi
tion crazy," and today no sport can
survlvo in this country that does not
develop to a greater or less degree
thlB feature of competition. Tho very
nature of cross-country running and
tho small amount of competition as
yet dovoloped, tond to mlnlmizo this
feature, howpver, and tond to dare the
Ideal aim In athletics "sport for
sport's sake" an aim which will
never bo reached in this country un
til wo can eliminate the nervous ten
sion as a race characteristic.
Worth While.
While the whole tendoncy In ath
letics in this country is toward tho
keenest competition and a high degree
of specialization, which has a tondency
to make a business Instead of a sport
and recreation of athletics, yet this
does have some bonoflclal effect upon
tho participants. Anything that is
worth doing at all is worth doing well,
and the determination to oxcel in ath
letics undoubtedly develops In tho par
ticipant an intensity of purpose, a de
termination to thoroughly perform
whatever Is undertaken, tho courage
which rises to meet every pmergency
regardless how great tho difficulties,
and tho bull dog stick-to-lMvencss
which is an essential factor It one is
to accomplish great things in any. vo
cation, and so while wo deploro tho
oxcosslvo and altogether abnormal Im
portance put upon the winning of ath
letic contests, at the same tlmo wo
cannot ignore tho fact that this very
evil Is developing tho valuable above
mentioned qualities to a much greater
extent than any other lino of college
or university training. In tho develop
ment of these qualities cross-country
running is second to no other college
sport, although tho degree of competi
tion from which It results' is relatively
low as compared to the more popular
"major" college sports footballMbase-;
ball, track athletics and basketball..
Status of Crois-Country.
, This sport can' never compare with
football, baseball, etc., as a popular'
college sport for a number of reasons.1
First, it is not spectacular and there
fore that large majority of the student
I Who's I
I Ludwig? I
I The Ludwig Shop-1028 O I
To The Man
Who Seeks Character
and Distinction
In Haberdashery, our Men's Department offers the
choicest products of the very best markets. Our
aim is to provide only such articles that are ear
marked by quality.
NecktJUear in rich Imported Silks, iu designs
.tbat are original and exclusive 50c and $1.00.
Underwear Not only of every 'good ma
terial, but the best for Service, Comfort and Wear.
Collars Every time a
is shot from the factory, it comes this way.
---rTedvwill Dye for Vou
5tf Cean, Press, or Repair your Garments
2135 No. Ilth Street TED MARRINER
' -- Unst opposite the Windsor . B
Hotel Expirt Hatter, Cliimr, and t nssir
Auto 4876 Bell F160? Dyer of Ladies' and QfenU'. Garments
. .
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