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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1909)
"mr THE DAILY NEBRASKAN . V f I I t OltVEK THEATRE TUESDAY, NIGHT, NOVEMBER 23D D E V A U L T'8 Yiddish Opera Company (Performance Exclusively In the Yiddish Tongue.) LYRIC THEATRE BEGINNING MONDAY NIGHT Week of November 15th THE LYRIC 8TOCK COMPANY Will Present SAG HARBOR GREAT NEW ENGLAND PLAY Mat. 15c, 25c Eve., 15c, 25c and 35c Next Week "ALL ON ACCOUNT OF ELIZA" ORPHEUM WEEK STARTING NOVEMBER 15TH le petite revue Arlington four hughes musical trio nevins & erwood the drews mme. panita "alferetta" Matinee at 2:30 15c and 25c Evening at 8:30 25c, 25c, 35c, 0c N' Phones: Bell 936, Aifto 1528. , .t ' " ' Pitts Dancing School Beginners' CIiihs Wed. ivnll Sat, Advancod Clnfcs Monduy Social Fridny 10th nnd O Phono .rluT 5J rJBMM W fl Vr99 yP L. J. Herzog The University Han's Tailor The Finest Work Done and Pricos Right Call at Our Now Storo 1230 O St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS All makos ronted with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in Robuilt Machines Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Auto 11155. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th Underwood Typewriter Co. TYPEWRITERS SpLp AND RENTED 187 No. 18th. Boll ft!8. Auto 2585 Quality Counts THAT'S.WHY FRANKLIN'S ice; CREAM IS SO POPULAR v We make a specialty of fan-, cy creams, sherbets, Ices . und punch for Frat & Sorori ty parties. Whipping Cream always on hand. Bull 205. Auto 8181. 1810 N St. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 112? 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited i Campus Gleanings Froy & Froy. Freshman heavyweight wrestlers will try out Tuesday, November 23, at 2 p. m. In the armory. Special students' dance. Monday j evening, November 22. Refreshments by Tommy. Druso's orchestra. Lin coln Dancing Academy, 1124 N. 39-3 George Learner, 1911, was called to his homo at Dakota City yesterday by tlfo death of his grandfather. Dr. J. R. Davis. Dentist. 1234 O St. The members of the Pershing Rlflos held their weekly drill last evening in the armory. Chapln nroa., florists. 127 So. 13th. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. The mathematical seminar meet Friday at 4:30 in M302 will .Mr. Hann will read a paper on the Fouler series. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Suitorium, 12th and O. The Union Literary Society will meet Friday evening. Nov. 19, at 8: It), in Its rooms in the Temple. A closed meeting will be held for 'initiation of new members. All members are urged to be present, especially new mem- liers. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. N. 11th. 120 Professor Bossey of the department of hominy is the recipient of tho proofs of a now book which has been re cently written by Howard Lee Greene FULK 1325 O Street of the Smithsonian institute. The title of this book is "Landmarks of Botan ical History." Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 11-119 So. 12th street. Mrs. Watt, the physical director of tho Y. W. C. A. In St. Louis, Mo., will be In Lincoln today and tomor row and she will be entertained by both the city and university associa tions while In the city. Mrs. A. O. Watt Is a graduate of this university in the class of 1909 and a number of functions have been planned for her entertainment during her stay here. Spalding gymnasium nnd basket-ball shoes, Swedish gynlnasium shoes. BuCkmon Bros.. 1107 O St. ' Tho physicul geography cluss of tho Ashland high school visited tho 'cam pus yesterday. There were eighteen in the class, who were in charge of Rrofessor A. C. Whitford. Their principal point of interest was the mu seum. They wore conducted through tho museum by Professor Barbour und .Professor Bengston. Other places visited wore the historical so ciety rooms and tho gymnasium. Frey & Frey, choice flowers. 1338 O St., north side. At tho meeting of tho NebVaska sec tion of tho American Chemical Asso ciation Saturday evening, Chancellor Avery will speak on . "Universities that I Havo Visited." Ho will tell of the chemical equipment of some of tho leading schools of the country. Fri day ovoning tho chancellor will bo one of tho 'speakors at tho dinner of tho religious workers' department of the city Y. M. C. A, Tho Nobraska-Haskell. gaiuo will be a hummer, and .George- Bros., Printers, are endeavoring to make their prjnt- Arthurs W. Burnett, rrt toproBdntn tlvo of Holt & Co., was in tho city yesterday to get the opinion of tho department of geography on Salts bury's physiography, brlofor course Tho company is revising tho book and 1b gotting opinions from geography departments over tho country In an attempt to better tho book. Headaches? Glassed! Roiiof. Howo. Optician, 319 No. 12th. 38-3t SaloonB havo boon romoved at Cambridge, tho homo of DuPauw University. Tho Oklahoma legislature has ap propriated $25,000 to install a printing plant In tho state university. Tho col logo publications will havo tho uho of Impecunious Iowa students "hoboed" to Dos Moines to attend tho Drake Iowa game Saturday. A professor of sociology at the Uni versity of Wisconsin recommends a school year of twelve months. Syracuse bus a new publication, put out by tho alumni. The issue is of in terest to tho entire student body. Tho .Michigan student council has offored a prize of fifty dollars to tho student or alumnus writing the best held song. Football men at tho University of Orogon must bo home, by 9 p. m. and in bed by 10, according to now regu lations. - At IteBcrvo a student who has more than two unexcilsed absences must take a special examination in order to receive credit. - Sixty thousand dollars was voted by the Presbyterian synod of Illinois for the furtherance of the work of that church In Illinois University. Sweaters, $1.50 to $6. Flannel Shirts, $1. 00 to $3. 00. Mufflers Silk and Knit, 50c to $3.00. Gloves Silk, Wool, and fur lined, $1.00 to $5.00. Professor 11. Wade Hibbard of tho engineering department of tho Uni versity of Missouri is planning to buy an aeroplane. At a mass meeting held last Friday night the students of tlio University of Texas started a campaign for tho reduction of laundry rutes. Tho regents of the University- of Michigan will be asked to devote a part of the trust funds to tho build ing of residence halls for girls, the plants. ' Tho Scare Crow," written by a Harvard graduate, has been chosen by tho Harvard Dramatic Club as tho annual play to bo produced in De cember. Advertisements for the want ad col. umn should be left at the business of fice, basement Administration build ing, between 11 a. m. arid 12 m.f or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tlpns 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents. Wantod A barger for aSturday work. Call at Capital hotel. 3?-5t Found Dark brown muff. .Owner may obtain It at Station A by paying for this ad. 38-3t Found Text-book on Alternating Currents, Owner may havo same by calling at Nebraskan oillco nnd pay ing for tills ad. 39 - w- WANT ADS rfxi i riri 3LK .'' Found A fur miff Owner can have' same, by calling at Station'A and pay,M M1SS0URIANS FAVOR GAWE WITH NEBRASKA FACULTY MEMBERS EXPRE88 DE SIRE FOR CONTE8T. WOULD PLAY AT KANSAS CITY President HIM of Missouri, Formerly a Member of Nebraska Fac ulty Thinks It a Very Good Idea. That tho University of Missouri would not bo averBO to taking Ne braska on its football schedule is mado evident by the following from tho Dally Mlssourlan: Dr. A. Ross Hill, proBldent of tho University of Missouri, oxprossed himself this morning as heartily In favor of the re-establishment of ath letic relations botween tho universi ties of Missouri and Nebraska. Dr. Hill formerly wiih a member of tho faculty of Nebraska. "I havo a vital Intoreat In both uni versities," said Dr. Hill UiIb morning, "and I bellove a football game bo tween them would bo of groat bonoflt to both. Tho game, It seems to me, should bo ployed in St. Joseph, which naturally, from its situation, is more Interested In Nebraska than Knimns City is. Such a game would moan much to the alumni of tho University of Missouri in northwest Missouri." Nebraska Favors Plan. Nobrnska also is believed to bo In favor of resuming football relations with Missouri. A dispatch from Lin coln pYlnted In tho KatiBns City Star vestorday expressed this Bontlment. The game could bo played either In Kansas City or St. Joseph, and would be a drawing card In either city. Tho Kansas City Star advocates playing the game in Kansas City, and says it would bo a. success financially for both universities, through tho large crowds it would attract. In caso a game is scheduled with Nebraska It will be necessary for Mis souri to drop somo school from the present schedule Sentiment at tho university among students, faculty and nlumnl favors dropping at least one of the games in Iowa, or conflning tho schedulo to teaniB west of tho Mis sissippi river. This would mean the dropping of Monmouth Collego, or any other Illinois toum. What Dean Shaw Says. Prof. H. B. Shaw, deon of tho school of engineering, a member of tho com mitteo on intorcolloglato athletics, favors scheduling a game with tho University of Nobrasku. "I believe it would bo a good Idea to play Nebraska next year'. he said tills morning. "In fact, I think Mis souri's games should bo chiefly with state universities. Gaines with small colleges often do more harm than good. If Nebraska is in favor of scheduling a game with Missouri I believe It should bo done at once." Dean Shaw said St. Joseph would bo as good a place as Kansas City, for tho game. Ho believes tho gamo would draw largo crowds in either city. THE ANNUAL Football Edition 1 of the Nebraskan will appear Wednesday, Nov. 24 , r The edition Extra copies MUST be ordered : ' . IN ADVANCE : JM 'Office: Basement Administrate Biag : A. G. SPALDING & BROS. THE are the Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Equipment FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS, AND PASTIMES Spalding Trade Mark . In known trmiKhout tbo world iih n Guarantee o! Quality CYnil-?t.itrc ir i uu athiotio nliotild linvo n copy of tho HpnlrilPKfntAlnKUO. U'h nr.omnlnt ennyclo iHMllunr Vlint' New in Hpoit nnd In nont froo on rujuot. A. G. Spalding & Bros. J7 Wabash Avenue, Chicago Athletic Goods old to Students at 10 per cent dis count if this ad is brought to our store LAWLOR CYCLE CO. 1334 O STREET CuHMMMaMMIMMMMMWaMMBNMM Bring Your Next Job of Printing to IV AN TINE PRINTING CO. I and Get Satisfactory Results U 128-130 No. 14th St. Auto 3477 SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Fraternity and Sorority Trade A SPECIALTY Hot Drinks SJBJBJBJB9IHBBIBB19HBJBJBSMIIBJIMMUHBIBJBJBJBJBI are now in season. Do you know any place where you can get aa QUICK SERVICE aa you can at ournew store? No need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy KitCnen sw. Corner 'W t 1 1 will be limited. ' iihHt i i Alfnlffy tl r , '3 Jng for this ad. ., , 40-2b I'tortA.!-. ' ty--i." H-U -'4t ' i - ' Ung as popular as tho game,