The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1909, Image 2

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5 P. M.
Sock Sale
Prof. F. M. Fling'
The, Daily Nebraskan
Lincoln, Nobrawlta.
"nV the student pud. board;
Editor Victor B. Smith
Managing Editor K. P. Frederick
AMoolato Editor Cnrl J. Lord
Atioclato Editor T. M. Edoecombo
Mnnnger W. A. Jonea
Attlitant Manager Q. C. Klddoo
Circulator V. C. . Hataatl
Assistant Circulator P. T. 8tirgla
Editorial and Business. Office i
Pottofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb.
Payable In Advance.
SInglo Copies, 5 Centa Each.
Telephone: Auto 1888.
Night Phones Auto 1888j Auto 2683.
. t-
INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged
for nt tho rato of 10 contn por InBortion
for ovory fifteen words or fraction thoro
of. Faculty notices nnd University bul
letins will blndly bo published freft.
Entered nt tho postofllco at Lincoln.
Nebraska, nn second-clnss mall matter
tinder tho Act of CongrcBs of Mnrch 3,
Advertisements for the want ad
column Ghould be left at the business
office, basement Administration build
ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or
between 2 p. m., and 5 p.. m.
Cash must accompany all orders for
want ads, at" tho rate of ten cents for
each fifteen words or fraction there
of, the first Insertion; three Inser
tions twenty-five cents; five Inser
tions forty cents.
"Tho StrootB of All Nations" Instead
of tho "County Fnlr." Well enough.
But tho fact rcnmlnH that It Ih only a
now name, for the typical county fair
Is usually a protty fair representation
of a number of nationalities.
DlspatchoB from Iowa City state that
"Iowa Is working hard In, preparation
for tho doclslvo game for tho Missouri
Valley conference tltlo at Lawronco"
next Saturday. Decisive, Indeed?
That implies that Iowa is Btlll in tho
running. Voll, it may bo bo, although
tho Indications don't point that way.
Iowa has a habit, however, of coming
k FRIDAY Graduate College
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special articles will bo printed on tho
vnrlous thlngH of Interest In football,
and especially in Nebraska football.
Owing to tho fact that hut a limited
number of these Hpecial papers will
bo printed, orderB should bo put in
now at the Nebraskan ofllce for extra
coploB. The edition will make an ex
cellent souvenir to send to friends as
a sample of what Nebraska athletics
amount to. Subscribers to tho "Rag"
receive the enlarged pnper without ex
tra charge.
According to statements of the Ne
braska coaches aomo dlfllculty lias
boon experienced in getting a few or
tho varsity men out for hard work
during tho past week. One or two of
tho regulars are said to feel sure of
their "N's" and lack Interest In the
rest of the season. Constant effort Is
necessary on tho part of tho coaches
to got them into the game during the
dally practice.
That such a condition as this should
exist, oven with but one or two men,
1b a feature of tho athletic situation
which tho Nobraaka Btudont who Is
loyal to his school will fall to appre
ciate. Men who have the ability to
nrtiko tho Cornhusker varsity should
suroly have the loyalty to remain with
tho squad to the finish. Thero should
be no Bluffing simply because a man's
Individual glory is achieved, beyond
tor than ever before, Init tho contest
Is likewise to be harder than In the
Nebraska students then have two
contests to look upon with interest to
morrow. Victory In olther can bo won
only by hard work, but that is within
the ability of the Nebraska teams.
Art Director to Give Special fTalk to
Students In Gallery Monday
MIbb Sara Hayden will glvo a spe
cial talk to students who visit the art
exhibit next Monday morning be
tween 11:30 and 12. MIbb Hayden is
the best authority on art in the city,
and what she will have to say la cer
tain to be of value. She will explain
the pictures and will answer ques
tions. While the student attendance
is increasing somewhat, It is still far
bolow that of former years. It is
hoped that many can be present Mon
day morning.
Miss Hayden yostorday entertained
a party of friends at the exhibit. A
very enjoyable time was spent over
tho pictures in the collection. Dr. H.
D. Lowry talked at tho gallery Mon
day night. Tonight Mrs. Clara Wateh
Leland 1b on the program. She is an
artist with a largo reputation and was
formerly an Instructor In Wesloyan
$2.50 HATS
My wholo business reputa
tion is built on thoso splon
did hats host of stylos
and they wear woll, too
..$2.50.. 1415 O St.
out of a fearful slump with a remark
able display of sensational ability, and
she may show tho Jayhawkors a fow
tricks yet. Tho Hawkoyes have one
vlrtuo at any rate thoy never know
when thoy are downed nnd it Is a
good thing to have in gridiron contests.
Tho other day tho Nebraskan said
something on the subject of professors
holding classes over tho tlnio limit.
The vory next day the Bpeciflc In
structor whoso dilatory tactics called
forth tho remarks hold tho same class
clear into tho noxt period.
Tho following 1b a suggestion from
"A Reador": "What's tho matter with
'Corn-Hold' aB a name for tho new ath
letic field?" Suggestion Is respectful
ly referred to tho ath. ed. of tho after
noon sheet who Is tho self-appointed
chrlstenor of the new ground.
Tho Friday afternoon teas come to
a close this afternoon, when tho last
of tho series will bo given. Thoso
weekly social affairs have occupied a
unlquo place in tho university this
somestor, and it Ib to bo hoped that
they -will bo again revived noxt fall.
As a place to get now studonts ac
quainted thoy havo no competitor.
possibility of loss. Tho honor of Ne
braska Is still at stake and the mom
borB of the team should keep at tho
work till tho close of the laBt game.
It is Just such action as this which
impels tho athletic board to suggest a
change In tho "N" system.
Students who attended tho convoca
tion musical yesterday morning heard
a Bong recital that was of unusually
high grade. Good uiubIc was rend
ered by an artist capable of bringing
out tho best that there was in tho
several selections.
Such music as that yesterday can
not but bo an Inspiration to the stu
dent. A half-hour spent at such a
convocation leaves the listener more
capable to go about his work, more
enthusiastic, and more optimistic than
a similar time spent In almost any
other way. Music Is, to somo extrem
ists, tho voice of tho bouI. While not
ondorslng nny such radical views, It
can easily bo said that good music Is
an Inspiration not to bo overlooked.
The Tailor
Refitting and All Kinks of Altering
Particular attention to ladies
work and uniforms.
University Bulletin
The annual football edition of the
Dally Nebraskan will be issued noxt
week. It will contain a full account
of tho season's gridiron record, with
the various features of tho game cov
ered by competent writers. With a
special cover design and an insert
with half-tones of tho individuals of
tho team, the paper will comprise six
teen pages of material.
A review of tho Cornhusker season
by a competent critic will give a com
prehensive resume of the work of
Cole's pupils. A Missouri Valley
eleven will bo named containing tho
best players in the conference. Other
Yesterday two Cornhusker athletic
teams left Lincoln to represent the
university upon different Holds and in
divergent interests. The football squad
went to Donvor to fight with tho
Denver University team for tho big
end of a gridiron score. The cross
country men went to Chicago, thero
to meet tho runners of six other
schools in tho western Intercollegiate
In both of these contests Nebraska
students should feel a great interest.
The football game is tho more spec
tacular of tho two, but It Is doubtful
whether it counts for as much aB does
tho Chicago meet. In Chicngo the Ne
braska men will meet representatives
from six of the other big schools of
the west. Four times in five .years
Nebraska has won the intercollegiate.
This year the Cornhusker team is bet-
19, Friday, 8:30 p. m., Fraternity Hall
Engineers' nop.
19, Friday, 1:30 p. m., M302 Math.
19, Friday, & p. m. Convocation. Dr.
19, Friday, 8:15 p. m. Union Literary
It), Friday, 7 p. in.. Memorial Hall
Freshman mass meeting.
20, Saturday Denver University vs.
Nebraska, at Donvor.
20. Saturday. 8 p. m., 840 South 11th
Swedish Club meets.
20, Saturday, tf p. m. Senior girls'
tea for freshmen girls. With
Prof. Wilson, 1339 South 19th.
24, Wednesday, C p. m. Thanksgiving
recess begins.
25, Thursday, Nebraska Field Haskell
Indians vs. Nobraaka.
30, Tuesday, 8 a. m. Thanksgiving re
cess ends.
4, Saturday, Fraternity Hall Forest
Club hop.
10, Friday, 8 p. m Memorial Hall
Nebraska-Minnesota debate. "In
' came Tax Question."
10, Friday, 8 p. ra Memorial Hall
Nebraska-Minnesota debate. Tho
Income Tax Question.
Dozen Men's Socks Blacks,
Browns, and Blacks with
White Feet at
6c a Pair
Palace Clothing Co.
1419 O Street
Foz Fall and Wintez Weat
Will be found fere, in Just the
quality, style and price most
satisfory to you. , A modezn
. . Department Stoie . .
Miller and Paine
Time is the test of clothes
satisfaction. You have seen clothes that
look better after a year of hard usage than others at he end of
three months. The difference is in the amount of trood. conscien
tious work put on the inside.
Men find that Kensington clothes
last about twice as long as other kinds, because there's
more much more put into the unseen parts. Try a
Kensington Suit or O'Coat. If you don't find this
true, we'll refund every cent you paid That's fair.
You can't afford to buy an Overcoat
before seeing ours starting at $15. They're just as good as we
tell you and we say they're as good as money can" buy, whatever
price you pay, $15 up to $50.
The correct styles are here.
Kcrulngton Clothe
Stetson HU
Manhattan Shift
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Rd Oak
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