The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1909, Image 1

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    f ' wf"W!nWFTy
VoL iX. No. 39.
Price 5 Cents.
Juniors and Seniors Line Up on Mon
day and Rest of Series
Will Be Played Off
The CornhuskerB are off on their
western trip. The team left alBt night
at 6 o'clock ovor the Burlington and
are due to arrive In Denver at 7:20
this morning. The afternoon today
will be spent In sight-seeing with pos
sibly a short signal practice to limber
the men up from the effects of the
night's ride.
The team was given a rousing send
off at the depot last evening. The
entire cadet battalion, headed by the
cadet band, marched to the depot to
show the departing team that the
spirit of the university was back of
them. Quite a number of other loyal
students were present- and all joined
In giving the university yells, and, ac
companied by the band, sang "U-U-U-NI"
until the train had passed out of
sight. The different members -of the
team were called on In turn and each
was compelled to appear and say a
few words before the crowd would be
quiet. All In all It was one of those
inspiring occasions which do not oc
cur more than once or twice in the
school year, and those who braved the
mud In going to the station were
amply repaid for their trouble.
The squad that left for Donvor yes
terday was ono of the largest ever
taken on so long a trip. There were
eighteen players besides Coach Cole,
Assistant Coach Harvey and Professor
Barber, who went along as faculty rep
resentative. The reason for taking so
large a squad Is because of the close
nesB of the next two games on the
schedule. It will hardly -pay to keep
the regulars In throughout the whole
game tomorrow unless absolutely nec
essary. The players making tho trip
are as follows: Harto, Johnson, Bent
ley, Ewlng, Shonka, Frank, Boltzbr,
Elliott, Wolcott, Chauner, Temple,
Magor, Wenstrand, Sturmor, Spell
meyer, Farley, Rathbone, and Sturtzo
negger. , :
Class Games Coming Off Soon.
Next week will see the class cham
pionship football contest narrowed
down to two teams. On Monday tho
juniors and seniors lineup for the first
battle. The game is called for tw.o
o'clock; and If conditions will permit
It will be held at Nebrfaka field.
Should the weather remain bad, how
ever, the -game will probably be held
at Antelope park.
The freshman-sophomore contest is
set for Tuesday. As yet the exact
hour has not been determined. Owing
to tho lateness in getting started, but
three games will bo played. The win
ners of next weok's contests will play
off tho finals for the championship on
some date following the Thanksgiving
vacation, this date to bo determined
The bad weather the paBt week has
put a damper on the practice of the
various teams, so that none of them
are In very good condition. Tho
juniors have boen out tho longest, and
have had the advantage of having had
two scrimmages with Wesleyan. On
paper they look rather strong and are
being picked by many as winners.
Dick Russell Is manager and Pike Is
captain of the team.
The seniors have not been out so
long and t Is hard to tell-just what
they cari do. They" havo some good
material If It were -worked out. it
they can get Into shape by Monday
they ought to give the juniors a hard
fight. Joe Burke is manager and Dlt-
torllno captain of thd senior team.
8ophs Are Good.
Manager Pearse and Coach Lofgren
have succeeded In getting out a line
bunch of sophomores, who ought to
make tho juniors go some for the
championship. Quite a number of the
team are a little back on eligibility
requirements, however, which will
have to be fixed up before tho first
contest. Many of those members aro
how working over those matters and
ought to have everything straightened
up by Tuesday. As yet the sopho
mores have not chosen a captain.
The freshman team so far Is an un
known quantity. Since no men are
drawn from the frcBhman for tho var
sity team and Blnco they have the ad
vantage of Bpecial coaching, a number
of the regular freshman or "scrub"
team who aro considered "varsity ma
terial" will bo selected by tho coaches.
These men will not be allowed, to play
In the interclass gtitoias. As yet tho
freshman Interclass team has no reg
ular organization bo far as can be
The custom In tho past has been to
give the members of the winning team
sweaters with tholr numeral on them.
These BweaterB have been paid for out
of the gate receipts from the games
and this year a small admission fee
will be charged for this purpose.
Good Men Are Out, but Show Lack
of Vim and Dash In Getting Into
the Game In Way Needed
for Winning Team.
not nllowod to play with tho fresh
man team.
Tho members of the freshman
squad havo announced that despite tills
handicap they aro going to develop a
team which they expect to win tho
class championship. To do this they
have Btarted practice and meet on tho
gymnasium floor twice a week, on
Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8
o'clock. Thore are about fifteen can
didates for positions on this team and
tho work of several of these men 1b
of an exceptional good quality.
Song Recital Pleased Students Attend
ing Yesterday.
Mrs. E. B. Conant appeared at con
vocation yesterday In a song recital
marked by unusually excellent rendi
tions. The program was of a semi
classic nature and contained numbers
well fitted to tho singers' ability. Mrs.
Conant was given appreciative ap
plause at the close of her various numbers.
Postponed Friday Session to Be Held
This Afternoon.
Tho postponed Friday convocation
of tho graduate college will be held
this afternoon at 5 o'clock In Memorial
hall. Professor F. M. Fling will speak
on "Tho Nature of Graduate Study."
Professor Fling was on the program
for last Friday, but tho storm caused
tho postponement of tho address. Next
week Chancellor Avery will be tho
Friday speakor.
Engineer in Charge of Bells and
Clocks on Campus.
The present exasperating faults of
the boll and clock system about the
campus has borne its fruit in tho ap
pointment of an engineering student
to havo sole charge of tho campus
clocks and the bell system. This man
will inspect all clockB and bolls at
stated Intervals and will attempt to
havo somo reguarlty In tholr work
ings. It Is dcBlred that any student
or faculty member noticing any faults
in either clock or boll systems report
tho trouble at once to the office of
Superintendent Chowlns of tho
grounds and building department.
New Magazine Published on the Fac
ulty and Administrative Side
of College Life.
Some of the members of the uni
vorslty faculty havo been tho recipi
ents of a now college magazine en
titled "Tho American College." This
magazine Is not published by students
of any institution, but all the articles
of which It Is composed aro written
by members of university and college
faculties of the United .States. The
articles deal -wholly with university
and college Interests' and also dlscu'ss
many matters wh,lch aro of Interest to
tho members' of tho faculty of the dif
ferent schools and the admlnltsratlve
officers of these Institutions.
The basketball schedule of the uni
versity basketball team will bo an
nounced the latter part of noxt week.
On Nov. 27 the basketball association
will meet at Dos MolneB, la., for tho
arrangement of the schedule of all the
teams In tho Missouri Valloy confer
ence. At this meeting tho schedule
for the games that Nebraska has with
other teams of the conference will bo
It Is thought that tho conference
will also meet at that city on the dato
named, as dofinlto information has
been received by Dr. Clapp to that ef
fect, although no official notice has as
yot been sent. Dr. Clapp will attend
this meeting of the basketball associ
ation as tho representative from this
institution, and if tho conferonco
moots he will also be tho representa
tive in that body as the Nebraska
meniber of tho conference.
Basketball Practice.
Meanwhile the work of the team
goes on. The members of tho squad
meet three times a week for practice
and the hours are so arranged that
any one who 1b eligible for the team
Is able to be present for practice. Tho
practice is hold in the evening on two
days of tho week and on the aftor
noon of one other day. On Monday
and Wednesday tho members of tho
equad meet at 8 o'clock in tho even
ing for work and also on Friday after
noon at 4 o'clock.
Including Caption Perry, there aro
at present flvo "T men on tho squad
and also two othor men who wore
subB on tho team last year. Tho "N"
men who aro out .for practice besides
Captain Perry aro Wood, Petrashek,
Ingersoll, and Schmidt. Tho two subs
on tho last year's team are Jones and
Hutchinson. Besides this nucleus of
old men from which the team is to bo
picked are several othor men who have
shown their ability to good advantage.
New Men Lazy.
The chief difficulty with these men
who are new on the squad is that thoy
seem wholly lacking In tho doslro to
get Into the game with any vim and
spirit. Thoy aro willing onough to
play If tho ball Is thrown to thorn, but
their desire to go after the ball and
keep their opponents from getting It
Is missing. This sort of spirit is not
what makes tho members of tho good
baskotball teams bIiow tholr real abil
ity, and this spirit must bo cultivated
Into these now men. Tho spirit Is
thero and It must bo brought out of
tho men. That this is part of the
coaching is admitted by the mombors
of tho student body, and tho students
of tho university and tho supporter
of tho basketball team look for the
Nebraska coach to do this, as his
ability to do so has made him known
in the Missouri Valley as one of the
men who whips the fighting spirit
Into the teams that ho coaches.
Freshmen Practice.
As tho ruling of tho Missouri Valloy
conference prohibits tho freshmen of
the schools to participate In varsity
games the members of the freshmen
class 'who havo aspirations along bas
ketball lines are not allowed to prac
tice with tho members of tho varsity
squad. The members of tho freshman
class may develop a team, -though,
that is allowed to compete with tho
rest of tho class teams of tho univer
sity. Ono exception to this rulo Is
February 4 the Occasion of the Big
8oc'fal Event.
At a meeting or tho Junior prom
committee, February 4 was set as the
date of the annual formal affair ol
the Junior class. The committee dis
cussed plans for tho dance and ar
ranged to mako special offorts to bring
out a large alumni attondanco. Lot
tors havo beon written to all the larger
universities of tho country' In an at
tempt to secure new Ideas for tho
Nebarska prom.
Rapid Progress on the Forest Club
, Year Book May Result In the
Publication of the Annual
In February.
Addresses Are Given, Together With
Announcement of Asa Grag
A meeting of Som Bot was held In
tho botany library last evening. Tho
program given follows:
"An Analysis of Respiration"
C. V. Williams
"A Review of Plant Pathology"
Delia Ingrahm
"A Preliminary Announcement of
tho Asa Gray Anniversary"....
V. W. Alsophlla
Series of the Fall Close With Today's
The last of tho Friday teas which
has boon a popular resort of univer
sity girls during the current semester
will bo held this afternoon from 3:30
to Ft. No more teas will bo held until
noxt fall, when tho social hour will
probably bo revived.
Tho faculty hostesses today are Mrs.
F. M. Fling, Mtb, O. W. L. Taylor,
Miss OHvo Hunter and Miss May
Chamberlain. The city patronesses
aro Mrs. Henry Gund, Mrs. M. A. New
mark, MrB. M. M. "Stevens and Mrs.
A. L. Weathorly.
Jthat freshmen of varsity caliber are
Team of Five Men and Prof. Phillips
Goes to Chicago.
The Cornhuskor team of five cross
country runners loft last evening for
Chicago, whore on Saturday It will
compote In tho western Intercollegiate
cross-country run. Amborson, Ander
son, Clark, Mellk, and Lzlcar aro tho
(lvo runners. Professor Phillips went
with tho team as tho representative of
the athletic board,
Tho race will bo held at 11 a. m. in
Jackson park tomorrow. Nebraska Is
doped to win, as she has four out of
tho past five annual contests. Follow
Ing are tho entrants:
Nebraska Amborson, Anderson,
Clark, Lzlcar, Mllek.
Iowa Burkholmer, Hoerloln, Jans,
Motints, Regner, Rock, Steinberg,
Webb, and Wnters.
Chicago Comstock, Bafrd, Carpen
ter, McNlsh, Lunde, Seagtis, Bauman,
and Long.
Wisconsin Hover, Woffenden, Hal
soth, Fisher, Pellette, Bennett, Bat-
rett, Stlllwell, Flint, and Dieter.
Purdue Calvin, TJlasser, Cunning
ham. Demaree, Goss, Stout, Wason,
Phelps, and McWayno.
Minnesota Nelson, Connelly, 'Blos
som, Elliott,. Hodapp, Hull, Rathbun,
Kaplan, Tydeman, and Foldman.
Ames Keralor, Collins, Clarlcson,
Scott, Cressler, Buckland, Doty, Hill,
Chapman, and Giles,
Throe Nebraska mon, two from tho
forestry dopartmont and ono from the
botany department, will spond tho
Thanksgiving vacation In listing the
trees, shrubB and plantB on tho J.
Storllng Morton estato ut Nebraska
City. This means that tho staff of
tho Forest Club anuual are getting
busy and expect to turn out a valu
able as well as Interesting book this
Tho students who go from tho for
estry department In tho lntorest of
tho annual aro J. S. Boyco, 1911, asso
ciate odltor, and Wado Martin, 1911.
O. N. Lamb, curator of tho horbarium,
will go in tho Interest of the botany
To Gather Material.
Boyco and Martin will spend their
tlmo In listing tho trees and shrubs
on tho grounds at Arbor Lodge and
oxpect to gather much other valuable
material for tho Forest Club annual.
Lamb will prepare a Blmllar list.
which will contain, in addition to the
troes and shrubs, a list of tho plants
on tho estate. In addition to tho gath
ering of material, Boyco and Martin
Intend to mako arrangements if pos
sible to secure a few photographs lor
tho annual.
Tho work on tho Forest Club an
nual is progressing rapidly and It is
expected to got out a publication wor
thy of ono of tho rapidly growing de
partments of tho university. Tho
printing contracts for the book have
all been let and It Is expected to havo
all of tho matorlal In shape to get
to press by tho first of January. If
everything goes Bmoothly tho book
ought to be off tho press and ready
for publication sometime In Febru
Tho Forest Club annual Is published
each year by tho Forest Club of this
university. Last year was tho first
Issue of tho book, at which tlmo it
proved a marked success. This year
tho book will contain articles by sev
eral graduates of the department and
many articles by prominent mon en
gaged In tho work over tho country.
Tho book -will contain twenty moro,
pages than last year's annual and will
bo Illustrated throughout by photo
graphs. A Scientific Book.
The aim of the annual Is to present
forestry sifrom a technical and scien
tific standpoint It Is primarily for
the use of tho forestry students and
thoBo interested In the subject of for
estry. Tho annual when published is
distributed gratis to all of tho schools
of forestry In the United States, to
persons actively Interested In the
work and to various officers In Wash
ington, D. 0. Besides this all of the
graduates receive a copy.
It Is not intended to chargo any
price for tho annual, as It is support
ed entirely upon a system of patron
age, Graduates of tne department and
others Interested In tho "work of the
department and of tho club contribute
toward the support of the publication
at the beginning of the year,, and tho
expense, a proposition usually of such
great importance In tho publication. of
an annual, is entirely removed. ,Ex
tra copies, however, will n all proba
bility cost the purchaser one dollar.. ,
Your car fare, would pav for a n!cor
lunch at the Boston. Lunch, Why, go
'V' h i . v."