ytwr f- vm'j in ' A i u DIRECTORY. f- Business Directory Every loyal, University student is Urged to patron Iso Uiobo Nobraskan advortlBcrs, and to mention tho Nobraskan while do Ing bo. BANK8 First Trust St Savings BAKERIES Folaom BARBER SHOPS Qroen'H BATH HOUSES i'ij ChrlB. BOOK STORES Co-op. Unlvoristy CLEANERS J. 0 Wood & Co, . Weber's Sultorlum. Joe, The Tailor. Tod Marrlnor. , CLOTHING Farquhar Mageo & Dootnor Mayor BroB. Palaco Clothing Co. Spoier & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. Corf's. COAL Grogory Whitebreast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen Tommy DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln DENTISTS J: R. Davis. DRY GOODS Millor & Palnb Rudge & Guenzol DRUGGISTS Riggs ENGRAVERS Cornell FLORISTS C. H. Froy Froy & Frey FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Magoo & Deemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing" Co. Rudge & GUenzel Spoier & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. Corfa. HATTBRd Budd i i-rO Fulk Unland , rtlji, . ,'; Armstrong Clothing Co. Mogee & Deemer Mayer BroB. Palace Clothing Co. Rudge & Quonzol Spolcr & Simon ICE' CREAM .. ' franklin Ico Cream Co. JEWELERS Hallott Tucker LAUNDRIES ' Evans OPTICIANS Shean Howe. PHOTOGRAPHERS Townsend PRINTERS George Bros. Simmons Van Tine RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch Cameron's Y. M. C. A. Spa RAINCOATS Goodyear Raincoat Co. SHOES Armstrong Clothing Co. Beckman Bros. Budd Men's Bootory Rogers & Pbrklns ' Mayor Bros. Miller & Paine Corf's. SKIRTS Skirt Store TAILORS Elliott Bros. Gregory ibrzog poo, The Tailor. THEATERS Oliver u 'I .! fyuheius. .- it Sr -".-. 1- tirrlri ',-i-iUf ( ' ". r A fc TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Ex. Underwood Typewriter Oe. THE i. i '. (BIG EIBHITO DECIDE u At.r POSITION J 1. .'" M CONFERENCE TO MEET TOMOR ROW IN REqUL'AR 8E88ION. 1 TO DI'.CUSS REfORM IN THE RULES Chicago Story Has It That Confer ence Men Will Consider Ad mission of Corn huskers. Nebraska's admission to the "Dig Eight" or her maintenance ns an In dependent school will b6 settled at a mooting of the conference in Chicago tomorrow riftprnoon, according to a Chicago report. Although Nohrnska oflicialH know nothing of it, the Chi cogo dopesters glvo Nebarska a place among the schools seoklng admission to the western conference. While it is quite likely that Ne braska would Join the conference in a hurry if asked, the question has been a "dead one" so far aB the Cornhusk- eiB are concerned for two yoars pant. The (;hlcngo dream is tho first news that has come us to tho immediate position of Nebraska in tho estima tion of the1 conference mombecs. Fol lowing Ih tho Item published In the Chicago Tribune rolatlvo to thu con ference meet: Meets Tomorrow. "Whether tho conference moot will go to Chicago, Illinois, or somewhere else, and whethor Notre Dame, Ne braska, Marquette, or Lawrence, which are doslrous of Joining tho conference association, will be admittedfl will be decided Friday aftornoon at tho Chi cago Beach hotel. Prof. T. F. Moran-. chairman of the conference commit tee has set this as the time for the meeting. " "Football rulQB and tho need of re forms will bo discussed informally at tho meeting. Full arrangements for tho annual cross-country race will be made and tho -details wllf bo made known to tho graduato committee, which will handle tho run Saturday morning. , "Enetries for the rnce are In the handB of Harry I. Allen and Include tho following seven teams: Chicago, Nebraska. Purduo, Wisconsin, Minne sota", Ames, and the . University of Ixwa. Nebraska, "winner of tno race the ltfs't two tlmoB, is 'tho., favorite again." Who Is Second? Chicago, Nov, 17. Noxt-Saturday's football game between Chicago and Wisconsin, which will be piayed at Marahall field, will dotormlno which eleven will land second place In the ranking of the conference colleges. Tho unexpected trouncing the Badg ers received last Saturday in tho Min nesota struggle should make Chicago a favorite In this contest. The Go phers were developed to a greater height of football perfection than when they met tho Maroons, but they Were without the services of Capt. McGovern, who made all Minnesota's scores possible In the Chicago game. On the bthor hand. Wisconsin had am ple time to prepare for the struggle, and It' Is safe to say tho Badgers wore dovoloped to a high degree of ef ficiency for their gamo with tho Go phers. Chicago's showing against Minne sota undoubtedly was more Impres sive than tho Badgers.' When Stugg's eleven mot tho northerners four of his best players were badly crippled and were unable to do themselves or the team justice. However, Chicago fought Minnesota for every yard de spite this handicap, and If McGovern hud not possessed tho ability to kick goals from tho field the final score would huve been 11 to 6. Badgers Quit In Second Half. In this battle Chicago fought hard all tho time and was playing bettor football near the close of tho strug-, glo than Minnesota. In their battle with the Gophers, the Badgers seemed1 to weaken In tho seqond period and to allow tho northerners to trample over them and gain when and where they 'pleaded' ..At., notlmo In.tTio JpJmjfc Wisconsin s aeienso snow as strung as Chicago's against tho samo team. Tho heavy attacks directed at .the 1 V" 1 llttilDICsfl'G DAIDY , NEBRASiKA 1 .. . .. .'j.. -.... . . uaugor tackled woro far moro offoc-, Mlva ttinvi i U -lt.l i t, while tho number of open field tackles missed, especially to Moll, madq the Badgers look weak In this dojmrt mont. Wisconsin's declBlve, doreat Is Oko ly to affect Us playing against Chi cago, for It Is mighty hard for any cloven to recover from a, drubbing In one week and play good football In lb next contest. Tho BadgorB realize they are out of the running for the conference titlo and they are apt to. Blight thqlr praqUco so that tho host results will nbtbo" roallzed. ' Harvard Worries About Fish. Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 17. Capt. Fish waB again absent from the line up of the Harvard football team dur ing the two hours of practice In the stadium yoBterday. While tho medical attendant of tho team states his condition is not seri ous, tho undergraduate body 1b un easy because of rumors that tho cap tain's playing ability has been im paired. To fill Fish's ploce at right tackle, L. Wlthlngton was taken from left guard and Perkins, a substitute center, assigned to Wlthlngton's placo. The team lined up against tho scrubB, tho latter using supposod Yale .formations. Although tho work was hard, It was not In tho nature of a game, no tack ling being nllowcd and the coachers Interrupting the play frequently for advlco. Yale Has Last 8crlmmago. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 17. Yalo football players yesterday plunged through what tho coaches say will bo tho only scrimmaging between tho Harvard and Princeton games. It last ed ten minutes. Savage was usod at full back and -headed tho attacks of tho varsity scoring machine for two touchdowns. The ttrst Btring rush line was on duty with tho exception of right end, where Savago and Brooks alternated. Tho coaches have not decided whether to use tho former there or In the back field. Howo ran tho 'eleven at quarter back. All the varsity playors were back on tho field. Orders for today Included Only sig nal rehearsal and tho eleven -will not! don suits Thursday. They loave Thursday nobn for tho Auburndale training quarters. 8now Covers Northrop Field. Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 17. Bight Inches of snow cbvdr Northrtoli field, b0t under tho flakes is 'a blanket of sfy-aw nearly two feet thick which pro tects tho ground from freezing or get ting wet. ' Manager Leach Is doing all fh his power to keep the gridiron In good condition for tho Michigan game ctod tho followers look for sonlo bril liant open work In the final battle of tho year. Yesterday the squad worked Indoors' ,for a short signal land formation drill. The playerB have recovered from the effects of tho Badger game, and with (he exception Of Pettljohn are in tho pink of condition. Gopher partisans hope to ceo Capt. McGovern back at quarter, but he Is far frona being In shape to oiiter the scrimmage and It Ib not llkoly tho physicians will coun tenance his playing. Atkinson, be tfauBe of his good showing on Satur day, probably will play quarter, with Vidof or Pettljohn at end. . Interest In the game 1b growing In tonso and a crowd of 30,000 1b antici pated. A largo delegation Is' coming from Ann Arbor. Iowa Works for Title Game. Iowa City, la., Nov. 17. Iowa Is working hard In preparation for the decisive gamo for the Missouri Vallby conference title n Lawronco, Kan., Satnrday. Griffith is developing his "speed formation" plays and they are proving' good ground gainers. Onsldo kicks tind other moro or less tricky plays have been opened up, and tho qoach 1b .prepared to unload his whole reper tory on tho Jayhawkors Nov. 20. 011111111 lias been lucky' in having better substitutes than usual this yea, and. although Capt. Gross' in jured shouldor still keeps him out of ho gamo,wHull, Hooloy, Batoson. and Hull are able to play loft trtckle, whllo Alevandor, the colored man, has taken I tho captain's pbBltlon at rlglit tackle. r ' f -i i (!l' - lv . j fr ' ' V 11 MaaMMH Ml " V. . """" -mm ) THE ANNUAL Football --Jl T-i k- 'U" rY vc of the Nebraskan will appear Wednesday, Nov.JZ4 v The edition Extra copies MUST be ordered IN ADVANCE Office: Basement i ' ' z' 1 t r " 1 . - r I l 1 1 jjji, 4 f j . -, , T7 t.'v' XJ ',HV 1 v ) J . . ' - I -. . ,w, . 1 g t v ; '... ftW WiSH i 1 t ,,.4- .. wj , I " will he limited: r.jWy;"- !.;. ; 1 ( rMV'; Administration Blcfg: . ' . onVrfnifTitr i-iT'iirnrw .MtniHiinM ' i 4v pr r - wj,-. buBUW.'W