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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1909)
,-f.'t; mm DAILY NEBRASKAN K t OtIVEtt THEATRE TOMORROW NIGHT AND HI8 BAND V Prices $1.00 to 50c. TUE8DAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 23D The Yiddish Opera Co. LYRIC THEATRE BEGINNING MONDAY NIGHT Week of November 15th THE LYRIC 8TOCK COMPANY Will Present SAG HARBOR GREAT NEW ENGLAND PLAY Mat. 15cf 25c Eve., 15c, 25c and 35c Next Week "ALL ON ACCOUNT OF ELIZA" ORPHEUM WEEK STARTING NOVEMBER 15TH LE PETITE REVUE ARLINGTON FOUR HUGHES MUSICAL TRIO 1 NEVINS & ERWOOD THE DREWS MME. PANITA "ALFERETTA" Matinee at 2:30 15c and 25o -Evening at 8:30 25c, 25c, 35c, 50c' Phones: Bell 936, Auto 1528. I J,. ThiUnlvirilty Man's Jfalltr The Finest Work Dono and Prices Right Call at Our Now Storo 1230 O St. Lincoln TYlFEWRiTEri6! All makes r&nteil with, stabd. $3 . per Month. Bargains in l v Rebuilt Machines Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Auto 11Q5. Bell 1181. 122 No. 11th r Underwood Typewriter Co, TYPEWRITERS. SOLD lArfD' RENTED 187 No. 18th. Boll 848. AVxtoOSS SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S- S. Shean OPTICIAN l23 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT ,Ypur Patronage Solicited Quality Counts THAT'S WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR We make, a specialty, of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices and punch for Fra't & Sorori ty parties.Whipping Cream always on hand. Bell 205. AutoBlBl. lBlONSt - - ir i Campus viieanin&s i j ' Proy & Proy. t Hugh Wallaco, ox-1905, was In Lin coln yesterday and visited fraternity brothers. Dr. J. It. Davis. Dentist. 1234 O St. C. A. Sawyer, 1906, who has been studying law at Harvard, is visiting in Lincoln. Chapin Bros., floriBts. 127 So; 13th. All sophomore wrestlers desirous of entering the Olympics are requested to meet in the armory at 4 p. m. today. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. Tho Swedish Club will meet. Satur day at 8 p, m. at 840 South Eleventh street. - . Have your clothes pressed Weber's Suitorlum. 12th and O. at Tho Junior prom committee will meet at 11:30 this morning in U112. ' -' . Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. ," Un to noon yesterday sixty-bne men jad li'eeri,.fligned for Y..JVI.-G. A. mis- 'qlbna'ty classed. ' x ' '" ' Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 11-119 ,S,o. 12th street. V it" ft Tho Y., W. C: Avj?irls, are hard at -worK in ino registrar a oince, copying nameVfor thV-new -students' directory. FULK X , v v - H V . ' I J325 O Street Spalding gymnasium and basketball BhoeB, Swedish gymnasium shoes. Beckmon .Bros., 1107 O St. Guy King, one of tho best baritonea in Nebraska, will sing at the Y. V. Y. M. social Saturday night. Froy &Froy. chbW ilbwers. 1338 O St.. north side. ., north The Y. M. C. A. quartet will be one of the features at the Y. W.-Y. M. joint social Saturday night. The Nebraska-Haskell game will bo a hummer, and George Bros., Printers, are .endeavoring to make their print ing as popular es tho game. - : "' Headache? - - : "$ . Glasses! ; ' ' ' Relief. " ', Howe,' Optician, 319 No. 12th. 38-3t Wanted A barger for aSturday work. Call at Capital hotel. 37-ot LostAt Junior hop a silk fob, Re ward for return to Nebraskan office. 3&-3t Found Dark brown muff. Owner may obtain it at Station A by pay.Ing for this ad. 38-3t . i o Engineer's Hob 8 Ci r FRATHALL Nov, 19, 1909 JOHN HAGE, Chairman , $1.25 Continuod from Pago 1 LARGE DELEGATION TO GO TO BIG 8T5CK SHOW cattlo havo alroady been shipped. This will givo thorn tinio to got ovor tho bad offoctB of tho trip beforo tho show opens. They woro In charge of tho head herdsman, Chnrloa Scliu mach. The team whilo In Chicago will bo at tho Hyde Park hotel Pro fessor Ellis Rail will bo in cUrgo of them and coach them on the trip. CHICAGO INSPECTOR LIKES METHODS HERE COMPLIMENTS GEOGRAPHY DE PARTMENT ON 8TANDARD8. THINKS EQUIPMENT HERE IS GOOD University of Chicago Man Is Inves tigating Conditions In Many Schools All Over the Country. Eugene Van Cleef of tho University of Chicago has been inspecting the conditions of tho department of geog raphy at Nebraska during tho past few days, and has been favorably im pressed with tho equipment of this university in that respect. Mr. Van Cleef is making a tour of tho United States for tho purpose of investigat ing the teaching of geography In tho colleges of this country. He is a graduato- student of the University of Chicago and is doing this work under Professors Chamber lain and Salisbury of that university. He is giving special attention in his tour to tho courses offered in tho vari ous colleges and universities In geog? raphy and the equipment for present ing special lines of work. For New Map. Mr. Van Cleef Is also gathering data for a new continental map of North America. One interesting, foaturo of Sweaters, $1.50 to $6. Flannel Shirts, $1.00 to $3.00. Mufflers Silk and Knit, 50c to $3.00. Gloves Silk, Wool, and far lined, $1.00 td $5.00. this map is that it will show tho do tails in regard to tho glaciated area of the continent. Besides this ho is also making investigations for a new globe which will bo p"ut out for school use. It will combine both tho relief and tho political features and will ho complete in detail. While stopping at tho various schools he consults the heads of the departments in regard to obtaining the necessary data for his research and to obtain their views on the sub jects he Is Investigating. He also dis cusses tho publications and material needed for continued progress in tho teaching of tho subject. Compliments Nebraska. .Air. Van Cleef has already visited the eastern part of tho country and investigated the departments at Co lumbia, Cornell, Yale, Harvard and the other schools of that section, and ho is now on his western trip. Ho was very much pleased with condi tions as ho found them at Nebraska. Ho thought that this school was very well equipped along geographical and historical lines. Ho commended tho university on tho number of maps and expressed himself- ns surprised to find tho school so well equipped, espe cially In forejgn maps. After he has completed his investl tigations, Mr. Van Cleef will report on tho result of bis work before a meeting of the National Geographical Association. ' -r m John Philip Sousa John Philip Sousa will, aB usual, appear before his distinguished band of musicians and celebrated soloists at tho Oliver Theater Friday night. Tho omlnont composer and lender played yestorduy at Donvor and his popularity was unquestionably displayed In tho vast number of encoros quickly and i)lensnntl responded to. t Is claimed that tho concert was ono of tho most enjoyable over given by the great bandmaster and was ropleto with treats and surprises. "Tho Gloiy of tho Yankee Navy," tho latest Sousa murch, and tho. now Sousa instrumental suite, "People Who Live In GlasB Houses," woro hoard'for tho HrBt tlmo and proved to bo ns oxtremely popular as their predecessors. Much enjoyment was realized by th.o rendition of Mr. Sousa's various encore concerts. Tho Misses Frances and Grnco Hoyt In their duets and Miss Florence Hardeman, with her masterful playing, left nothing to bo doslrod, and Mr. Herbert L. Clarke showed wonderful execution on the cornet by hiB rendition of "Showera of Gold." said to be tho most dlfllcult cornet solo ever written. While the salo of seats has been extremely encouraging, cholco seats may still bo had for the local concert "Tho March King" is In excellent health and a thoroughly enjoyable con cert 1b first in the expectation of tho local lovers of tho best in music. JTEbeDairg I IRebraskan J 1 for the - 1 1 rest of the 1 semester 1 m M I 50 cents I Office, Administration Building 'm v ooooooxoooxoxooooooxx o u A. ft i i .'t V ,