The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1909, Image 1

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Coach Cole's Pupils All In Good Shape
With the Exception of Some
Slight Effects of
The varsity football squad leuve
Lincon this evening over the 6 o'clock
Burlington fpr Denver. This is tho
first real trip of tho season, tho Min
nesota game at Omaha being the only
other contest played outside of Lin
coln. At Omaha the Cornhuskers
were given the support of almost tho
ontlre croWd and the game was prac
tically the eamo as If It 'had been
played In Lincoln so far; as the rooters
were .concerned.
Saturday's game with Denver, then,
will bo tho first real Invasion of an
enemy's territory by tho. 1909 Corn-husker-
eleven. Tho 1908 team played
threo games away from home, two of
these being outsldo of tho state. In
theso three games they won two, and
tied the other, which. gqqB to show
that for! last year, at' least, the' Corn
huskers torero good fighters In tbe-TCjjV
omies':. territory. Of tho six games'
played at homo this year the Corn-,
huekers havo yon. two, lpg two, and
tied two. It remains for Saturday's
contest to prove what kind of Invad
ers this 1909 CornhuBltors aro.
Big Squad Make the Trip.
Tho Denver trip has been looked
forward to "by the members of tho
squad 'the whalo season. The chanco
of making this trip with the squad
has bben. an incentlvo to many and
the mon havo .worked hard for It, A's'
it Is, most of the squad will havo tho
privilege of seeing tho sights, hi Den
ver,, at least, and a goodly part, of
themi expect to stee soYvlce In hq
gamta. Coach Colo Intends. ;4&Wn
dlnqteen players with him this eVonj
tag.; bo that he will havo plenty of
material. The idea is to relievo tho
regulars Unless jho gaino lT vety cIobo,
and give some of tho scrubs a chance.
In thJB way file reulars can besaved
for jtho hard,stn!'gglolth Haskejl on
Thanksgiving dayv-' '" '."'
The team that leaves for Denvor
this evening 4ro al('lQ oxcelldnt con
dition, with tho oxcoptipn oY ybYcjbtt,
who 1b Btiir BuffeVlnff from the torisll
ilis... Wolcott was not out to practice
last night, and it is doubtful whethor
he will be able to make the trip.
Good Practice Yesterday.
Regular scrimmage practice was,
held '.at tho state farm yesterday. The
play was a Uttlo slow, owing to tho
condition of tho flold. Tho men
showed plenty of snap and ginger,
however, and showod a willingness
that looks well for ConhuBker ,prqs
pocts. The difficulty of 'getting men"
out to practlco which has been both
ering -the. coaches for 80voral days was
not vJdncoyeaterday. ThavBof
onlngfOfAthjo, 'vretnerproved a llqlp
and OYer'ftiur. emails' wer.& h action
tit the- state farm last evening.
Thef sifuad will tqhe thojrrpgular
workout . bpfore . leaving , tomorrow
evening.; Dlnijpr will be' served,, on
the tralii, so tifeewilf' be -ample op
portunlty for a full afternoon's prac
tice. " '. --.'. . '
Plan's .are. belhjg mader a roufclrig;
ralK'nt- iYn 'ilnnnl tnmnrrnw nVftrilrlOf."
Asilhls 'Is' the' firsthand only ;trjp pf'
tno .seaspij 4v iBJexpBcj.!?u iqu au ioyui
Stuart ?; WrhV, i?3'"'it' urllngton
pim W' -v .-ii-lJ
Scrubs PJay Peru.
Tho scrubs play tholr second game
of the season at Peru Saturday. Thoy
havo a strong line-up and ought to
havo no trouble In taking the meas
ure of tho Normalltes. The follow
ing men will leave for Peru tomor
row evening: Curtis, Franklin, Bley,
Kosltsky, Dunlavy, Hlbben, Warner,
Kruger, Zaceck, Potter, Frank. Ray,
Elwell. Gibson, Smith, Barbour, and
Student Pastor Will Speak at Noon
Meeting Tomorrow.
All university girls are urged to gn
to the Y. W. C. A. noon meeting to
morrow and hear Dr. Leland, pastor
of tho First Presbyterian church. Al
though Dr. Leland will only speak for
twtmty minutes, from 11:0 to 12-10,
It Is certain that ho will say some
thing of Interest to every one who
hears hlra. That he Is loved and ap
preciated by university btudents is
proven by tho fact that thoy havo
named him the "Student Pastor."
Dr. Leland takes- an especial Inter
est In tho Y. W. C. A., teaching two
of tholr Bible classes In which about
thirty girls are enrolled.
Name of County. Fair Has Been
Changed for This Year.
On January 15 will be given one of
the. nloflt important social functions
or, .tab; University year. For several
years It has been tho custom of
6u) Y. Wr.C. A. to giv6 a "County
Fair." It is given primarily for tho
purpose of raising money 'for tho asso
ciation, but at Iho Baino tlmo it af
fords a good tlmo for 'every ono who
The different sororltleB, societies,
and various groups of girls are already
planning their booths and tho affair.
promises to bo bettor than over be-i
foro. -
The name this year 'has" been
changed to the "-treots of ""All Na
tions." .'
Mrs. Phillips 8"fowden to Talk at the
First Baptist Church.
Mrs. Phillips Slowdon, wife of a
leader of tho house of contmons of
tho British parliament, will lecture
thlb evening at the First Baptist
church on "Woman Suffrage In Eng
land." MrB. Slowden is very familiar
with her subjoct, as she has lectured
In tho Interests of woman suffrage for
the past .several years. The members
of the "University Woman's Equal
Suffrage League have planned to at
torid the meeting. Mrs. Slowden lec
tured in New York cjty when sho vls
ited this cquntry atyoar ago, and made
a decided imp.rosslon..
October Number of the Nature-Study
Review a Nebraska Number.
The October number of the Nature
Study Rqvlow contains two articles
written by people of tho University of
Nobrjaska'. The number is a Nebras
ka number, 'and all Iho articles con-i
trlbuted aro by people who are teach
ing pr havo taught In tho colleges of
this statOj.
Tho edition is edited by Dr.. Ruth
Marshall, who took her Doctor's de
gree at this Institution and at present
is a professor of botany in Rockford
College at Rockford, 111. Dr. Marshall
has an article in thQ magazine in
which sho discusses "A Course of Na
ture Siidjr' .for 'Teacherjj.' Another
article In" the mftgazine,iwaa contrib
uted by Professor Bessey- of tho 'de
partment of botany,"" the" subject of
which Is, "Sonie Beginnings In Na-
Baked hMnb. batcova oH, the premises
and seevqej hot with delicious .brown
bread, 10c, at The Boston Lunch.
The Nebraska football team
leaves at 6 o'clock tonight by
the Burlington for Denver, there
to play Denver University Sat
urday. A rally will be held at
5:45 at the station. All loyal
students should be there to give
the team a parting send-off.
With a 8trong Team, Nebraska Must
Yet Do Better Work Than Bo
fore to Repeat Victories
of the Past.
Tho crosB-country mon will leavo at
4 o'clock today for Chicago, where
they will run Saturday In tho inter-
couegiaio cross-couiury . tub. ino
team is in good condition and has a
strong chance to win.
. The toam will bo accompanied b
either Dr. Clapp or somo member of
itho faculty. The race will bo hold at
JacksoU park Saturday 'morning. L.
R. Anderson, B. J. Blark, A. B. Am
'berson, W. It. Mellk nnd Georgo
JLzlcar are tho members of tho team.
Ambereon is tb'6 dnly,jold man intho
team, 'but-jtbV other four.iiro liomark
ably fastand rUn Veil together.
A Strong Team.
According to Dr. Clapn tho t,eam is
ntuch stronger- this year than it was
last. Owing to the bad woathoi tho
past few days the men havo. been un
ablo to do much running and conse
quently it is difficult to fornfany' defi
nite opinion, as to the work. Had tho
conditions beon'fav'orablo for outdoor
work this week tho toam could have
been brought into much better shapo
than at present." " How6Vor,' it' Is tho
boBt balanced team that Nebraska has
ever sent out. Tho mon all run close.
Thoy all finished practically together,
In the tryouts. It is this team work
which has practically won 'the cross
country. S9JH Nebraska four times dur-
Anderson, is the fas to at man on the
teamV 'Amb?rson is about as speedy
and is the onlv man on tho toam who
has nadpVovlouV 'oipef leiac'el fellk
Is speedy, although not as good on
tho long distance. Lzlcar and Clark
both run In practically tho same
tlmq as the remainder of the team.
Nebraska will havo a harder pull
for tho championship tills year than
she has had In the past. Heretofore
she has had practically tho only team
that exercised judgment in running
togothor. It was the marked lack of
this team, work that lost Purdue the
championship last -year. Tho threo
first men on tho Purduo team finished
ahead of tho first Nebraska man, but
tho twov remaining men on their team
dropped so far behind that they killed
the good score mado by their team
matoB. Tho first eleven runners
crossing the Hno last year finished in
the . following order: Chicago, first;
Purdue, second; Wisconsin, third;
Purdue, thjrd; Purduo, fourth; Pur
duo, fifth; Nebraska, sixth, seventh,
eighth and nlnoB; Wisconsin, t tenth,
and Nebraska, eleventh. This bunch
ing of the team gave Nebraska tho
winning score of 41. Purdue flnlshod
aocond with a score of 51, 'Wisconsin
third with 69, Chicago fourth with- 69,
and .Drake fifth with 105.
Two New Contestants,
Minnesota and Michigan are both
''expected to enter in the crosscoun-
try thin year and thoy aro both ox
pected to turn out teams that will be
hard to beat. Michigan has had a
squad of between sixty and seventy
men out and their long dlstanco men
have tnken good places at many races
In the oast.. Thoy aro expected to
turn out an especially good team at
tho contest Saturday.
All of theso facts lndicato that tho
contest this year will bo much keener
thnn it has ever boon before. Conse
quently tho fact that the Nebraska
team Is bettor than ever before doos
not nocossarlly mean victory, as, In
the opinion of Dr. C'lapp, It will tako
a much hotter team to win thiB year.
Tho llnlsh in last year's raco will
probably mean that the other com
peting teams will pay more attention
to team work than thoy havo in tho
past, in which ovont tho advantage
held by Nebraska In that rospoct will
bo lost.
a Record of Runs.
Tho first lntorcolloglato raco was
hold at Chicago In 1904, at which time
Nebraska won first place. Tho noxt
year Chicago won over Nobraska by
a ncoro of CO to 61, and tho threo suc
ceeding years Nobraska has held the
Tho raco is always held in Jack
son park, the start and finish being
i opposite tho university campuB. The
dato Qf racQ ,B on tho of the
jast big football game on tho ached
ulo of the University and th6 raco Is
pulled off at 11 o'clock, which en
ables the visitors to go to tho game
In the afternoon.
Ovor $10,000 per quarter is tho sum
earned by tho students of the Univer
sity of Chicago who feel tho need of
supplementing their means from some
outsldo source. This does not Include
tho honor scholarships' awarded'" by'
tho unlvorslty, but covers actual work
rendoredjjby students in overy Imagin
able capacity,' .BUCh as stenographers
clerks, tutors, waiters, 'ehaftttferffs',-
salesmen, housework, attohdlng to fur
naces and lawns, delivering papers
and performing odd jobs generally. In
iaci tno opportunities tor taxing worn
are even more numerous than the
number of students desiring to take
advantago of them. Thero ar"6 fre
quently openings for both mon and
women in the largo retail storeB or in
doctors' offices, for examplo; in which
spare time in the aftornooris or on
Saturday can bo turned to profitable
account, which go a-begging. Approx
imately 350 students of both sexes
have obtained satisfactory work this
quarter through the freo employment
bureau maintained by tho university,
there being no meanB of ascertaining
how many more havo obtained work
without such help. The fact remains,
however, that thero is ample oppor
tunity for tho energetic student to
earn hlB way, either In whole or In
part, and thoso opportunities usually
outnumbor those Booking for them.
June 1, 1910, Is the date by which
all essays submitted In competition
for tho prizes of $2,000 offered by
Hnrt, Schaffner & Marx must bo sub
mitted. Five prizes are offered, rang
ing from $200 to $600, and are de
signed to stimulate tho study of topics
relating to commerclay economics and
Industry. Essays to be submitted to
James Laurence Laughlln, professor
and head of the department of politi
cal economy at tho University of Chi
cago, chairman of the committee In
chargo of the competition. The other
members of tho committee are: Pro
fessor J. B. Clark, Columbia Univer
sity; Professor Henry . C,' Adams,
University of Michigan ' Horace
White, Esq., New York City. The
oonteBt Is classified, and is open td
(1) any American without restriction;
(2) undergraduates of any American
college; (3) those without npademlc
training. These , contests have been.
hold for tho last six years and some
Of tho essays produced by American
students have booh so well regarded
that "they hayo been publlBheiTln book
form. Many have attracted widespread
attention 'and - have ' been' regarded as
contributing materially to tlio'econorii
lc literature of tho day, '
Seventy.five or More Agriculturists
Will Make the Trip and
Visit the Interna
tional Show.
Tho university Is planning a large
excursion to tho International Live
Stock Show, which commoncoB In Chi
cago Novombor 27. Arrangements
havo boon mado for a train of Pull
man coaches and a diner to carry tho
students to and from Chicago. Tho
entire senior class of soventy-flvo
members has asked permission to at
tend and a largo number of tho lowor
class men expressed a dosiro to go,
so that tho university authorities de
cided to excuso from classos thoso
who attend.
Tho International Is tho greatest
llvo stock show in tho world nnd Is of
groat practical valuo to tho agricul
tural students. BoBldes this a groat
deal of Interest Is taken In tho fact
that tho university Is to bo represent
ed by a judging toam, which will com
pote with judging teams from othor
prominent colleges of the country. Tho
department of animal husbandry will
send a number of tholr blooded ani
mals to the show. Tho university has
a largo reputation for its cattlo "espe
cially, and this year Professor Smith
belloves hp haB.eomb of tho boat he
howed the grand champion 'steer, 'kna
hopes are entertained that wo can do
''" 'ttvBn"cbfehM Ftilf.- '- J
It 1b thought that .enough studonts
and alumni will go to use sovm or
eight coaches. The party will 'b'6 In
chargo of Chancellor Avery, Dean
Burnott, Principal Davisson and Dr,'
Peters. Professor Smith, hoad of" the
department of animal husbandry, b to
read a paper before one of th'o soci
eties which meot during the associa
tion and will alBo act as ono of the
ring judges of tho Galloway clasfios.
Tho ontlro party will, bo accommodat
ed at the Palmor house, Congress
man James S. McGuiro, Proaldont C.
H. Rudgo and Secretary TJT. R. Mellpr
of tho state board of agriculture and
Governor Shallenberger will join the
party In Chicago. All of these men
aro Interested in some phase of the
llvo stock question.
The members of the students' judg
ing team are: V. B. Culver, P. McKll
llp, C. H. Liebers, X H. Camp and C.
A. Broderlck, with A. It. "Mlddlolon
alternate. The team has been picked
from the advanced judging team, thip
basis of' their selection being their
work slnco school began. Several ol
tho men have been putting 'in the
greater share of their time at this
work slnco the stato fair last Sep
tember. Last year Nebraska's teanf
won a number of trophies and iho
men to 1b year have been showing abil
ity which should win them the high
est honors in the contest There are
many eups offered besides some Cash
A Hard Task. f
t-The Judging work in tho Btudents'
contest Is a hard test Tho students
are not allowed to talk at all while
In the ring. They have to place the
cattle in their minds and then go to
the hes'd judges and give their reasons
wlthb'utfMioter. Horses, cattle, sheep
atla hogs Vlti be Judgedn.M - . -'
'tjnUplltf&m 'Will "leave -next Sunday j
arferdo'onpplng several) -times. be?
tweeW"neHo'!-ana -Chicago ito ylsit- and
prdcllco' ori'Wa'rlouB herds. The first
fwo 'dttys'wlH bo spent at Ames,..Ia:,.
at the agricultural college there. The
Continued on Page 8
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