THE DAILY NEBRASKAN QLIVEK THEATRE TODAY, 2:30 TQNIQHT, 8:15 Safn 8. and Lee Shubert (Inc.) Present The Ring Master Mat., $1;00to ?5c; ,Nlght-$1.5a,to 25c f,.r ', " FRIDAY NIQtti' NOVEMBER 19TH AND HI8 BAND LYRIC THEATRE BEGINNING MONDAY NIGHT Week of November 15th THE LYRIC 8TOCK COMPANY Will Present SAG HARBOR GREAT NEW ENGLAND PLAY Mat. 15c, 25c Eve., 15c, 25c and 35c Next Week "ALL ON ACCOUNT OF ELIZA" ORPHEUM WEEK 8TARTING NOVEMBER 15TH LE PETITE REVUE ARLINGTON FOUR HUGHE8 MUSICAL TRIO NEVIN8 & ERWOOD HARRY BREEN MME. PANITA "ALFERETTA" Matinee at 2:30 15c and 25c Evening at 8:30 25c, 25c, 35c, 50c Phones: Bell 936, Auto 1528. Pitts Dancing School Beginners' Class "Wed. and Sat, Advanced Class Monday Social Friday 10th and O . Phono 5405 UH na WyfJwXwk bbbbbbbbbbbkStj 3?J5jl L. J. Herzog Tht University Man's Tailor The Finest Work Dono and Prices Right Call at Oar Now Store 1230 O &t. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS All makos ronted with Btand S3 per Month. Bargains in Robuilt Machines Lincoln Typewriter Exohange Auto 1155. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th MBMMBBCf3MBMBMEK llnrlnruinnri Ttmnuii'Unr On UIIUCITTUUU JJ0fflH01 UUi TYPEWRITERS 'SOLD AND ' RENTED 1ST No. 18th. Bell 848. ntox2585 t SIMMONS 1 s THE RR1NTER 3 JPrlntlntr. Engraulnff, tit :tnboaslnfl; E Auto 2819 817 South 12th nmMHnmiiuunnunnuuniniiinmn At Herpolsheimer's Full size fountain pen 14' I gold point, medium or fine. Special Price 55c EVERY PEN GUARANTEED iitPifV- Fraternity and Sorority Trade A SPECIALTY ampus Gleanings Fro)r & Vey. ,' t Tho Junior prop commltteb, will meet at 11:30 Thursday morning In U112. Dr i. R'. DavlB.' Dontfst. 1234 O W Tho sophomorcB will hold a rally In Memorial hall at 11:30 Thursday morning. Chapln Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Juniors and seniors got pictures for tho Cornhusker taken 'at Townsend's Studio. . ' Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. JokeB for tho Cornhusker should be dropped In the Joko boxes, In the buildings about the campus. , Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorium. 12th and O, Tho freshman laws will meet ut fl o'clock Thursday morning in the reg ular freshman clasH room, third floor University, hall. 1 Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. FreBhmuu candidates for class bas ketball out for practice Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In the Armory. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 115-119 So. 12th street. .. ..'.; - .Meeting of interclass athletic. board Thursday, Nov. 18, at.lf a. in.,- In room U10G. Every member .Jrinat be there. By order of committor, ' : ii Spalding gymnasium and basketball shoes, Swedish gymnasium, shoe's. Beokraan Bros., 1107 O St ' UNIONS TAKE NOTICE THE NEW PENS AR$ HERE ALL OTHERS-Tahe AWfce-B&'gSK'; water color.drawing and price for your next ordor. established 1871 HALLETT, Jeweler 1143 o street Announcements have been received in Lincoln of the marriage of Homer Edmiston, 1892, and MIsBftEmma Mag gloranl at Rome, Italy, on October 31. Mr. Edmiston was a brilliant student In tho university and- has since done work at Harvard and Columbia. He has lived In Itnly for the past few years and his wife is an Italian girl. Froy & Froy. choice flowers. 1338 O St., north side. Tho momborB of the freshman class hold a masB meeting in Memorial hall last evening to arouse the Interest of the mombors of that class in their coming moot with tho Bophomores. ' Vici Eye Glasses. Comfortable, neat and nifty. Will bo,' pleased to show' you. Howe,' Op tician, 319 vo. 12th'. ' 21 At a mooting of the freshman hop committee It was decided that thlB dance of tho first yoar class would bo hold January 16 at the Lincoln hotel. The Nobraska-Haskoll game will be a hummer, and George Bros.. Printers, aro endeavoring to make their print ing as popular as the game. Tho members of the Chemistry Club meet thlB evening in the library In chemistry hall. The members of the Pershing Rifles will meet tomorrow evening in tho Armory at 7:15 for their weekly drill. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo &Eng ineer's Hop FRATHALL Nov. J 9; 190.9 JOHN HAGB, Chairman A nictating of tho sophomore Infor mal commlttoo Tvas 'hold" yoalortla'y morning in Momorlal hall at 11:30. Tho members of the cadet battalion hold Indoor drill last evening on ac count of tho cold weathor. Thp largo amount of manorial' and supplies that was received sdme tlm'6 ago by tho department of chemistry has all boon unpacked and placed In tho chemistry laboratory, where It may be used for tho rest of tho school yoar. Tho Kansas City Woman's Athlotlc Club are planning to entertain tho girls of tho universities of Kansas and Missouri who como to tho Thanks givipg game. Tho club Is composed exclusively of college women. Pennsylvania managed to obtain one of the two existing push balls and held tho underclass flght last Friday. Tho sophomores won tho contest, pushing the ball over the fresh man lino In tho last minute of play. So many Iowa undergraduates lmvo evaded the requirements of military drill by claiming Quaker afTIlIatlon that hereafter proof of actual church membership with the denomination will be required. The Dally Callfprnlan suggests that football players should bo numbered just as track men, the object being to give the Bpectntora some means by which Individuals may bo recognized. ', , At Washington University an under graduate desiring to'aitetid any social functions must first 'convlnco tho fac ulty that his scholarship Is above tho passing mark. Iri the Yalo fall regatta, tho var sity won from the second eight by a length and a half. Tho unoflclal ilnie was 3:30 over a coursp about threes-quarters of a mile In length. Students who dine at tho University Dining Club at Missouri are fined for the use of profanity while at the table. Tho proceeds finance a banquet later In tho year. Tho Minnesota Federation of Women's Clubs has founded a scholar ship for women at tho University of Minnesota which will admit women students at Oxford, Cambridge dr London universities under practi cally the same conditions as tho Rhodes scholarship for men. :WANT ADS Bfc fD Advertisements for the wan,t ac) col. umn should be left at the business of flee, basement Administration build ioOi between 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and p p. m. .Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents, per insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. , Wanted A barger for a8turday work. Call at Capital hotel. 37-nt f Lost At Junior hop, a silk fob. Re ward for return to Nobraskan ofuco. 3ft-3t $1.25 PROR JONES TELLS OF -, JOHN BUNYAN'S HOME FACULTY MAN RELATES EXPEFtl ENCE8 ABROAD. THE OLD COTTAGE WAS INTERESTING Convocation Occupied by Illustrated Lecture Giving Facts In Life and Surroundings of Man. Another number of tho lecture at convocation glvon by a professor who had boon abroad during tho summer was that glvon Tuesday by PrbfesBor Guernsey' Jones of tho EngllBh-AmoH-can history department. His subject was "A Visit to tho Homo of John Bunyan." Tho locturo was Illustrated with stoouroptlcon views and many in teresting pictures wero Bhown of tho old quaint English bulldlngH of oarll6r days. First wus shown tho blrthplaco of John Banyan at Elstow., an old cot tngo standing seemingly sideways to tho streot. The Abbey of Elstow was a largo structuro, but has boon in part destroyed. Many of the old mold ings aro Btill to bo soon. A plcturo of St- John's church, of which Bunyan was once pastor, wan shown, and a memorial tablet bearing his name among others who had also served tho church. A copy of hlB will was found and is still preserved. It was found when the old houso was torn down. Bunyan Relics. Another relic of Bunyan'H Is his oasy chair, which is now being care fully cared for. It has tho appoar anco of a most uncomfortablo straight backed chair. HIb Ju und staff are peculiar old relics of the porlod. Tho Jail whore ho wan Imprisoned was ovl-1 dontly a very substantial structuro, I judging by tho heavy boItH and hinges of the door. In appearunco Bunyan wus a large man, with the flowing hair of the age. He ulso wore a mustache. His. .features impress ono as being a strong personality, with keen oyes and a thoughtful expression on his face. . I 1 j TLhc Hailv I I IRebrasRan I K sB m i t aV rBi m m B - . . . . v , , . ,. Ivir .LIlw -s 1 rest of the 1 I " settiester I aw S aw 4W ssa ssa I 50 cents I 'V aV M -.., y m aw aa . k . . bb M Office, Administration Building ;" ''''BBWBJBSia Brine Your Next Jeb af Printl (a AN TINE PRINTING CO. I and Get SaUafacterv Results I fj n rtf 4.1 . ..a ib-hu ni ilia ou juia att VlMBHMMMMm Tht First Trust ft Sav in.! Bank 4 Par Cant Intaraat A $1 fpint an aotimit Comer 1 0th & O 3trU Hot Drinks are now In season. Do you know any place where you can get ai QUICK SERVICE as you can at ournew atore? No need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy KltCnen S. W. Corner f Electric Shoe Rep. Factory 1220 O Street Saves you Time & Money Business Directory Evjry Loyal University Student I is urgea 10 patronize tnesa ns braskan advertisers, and to men tlon the paper while doing' sot Brin V ..., 1 y oooooooooooooooooooooooo