JC.U'CSJ! J- - THE DAILY NEBRASKA! Q&Q&aao&wQWO&oaa& o (JUIU.UUA4JUI ..,4., . t '; ! i .mi !M 6i mmam' First arrivml of North Pole Frozen Drinks, South Pole due soon Menu: Peary-s Dream Eskimo f tnt 'Mtdilfht Stm With n "Tolca Pole Frappc" ISC EsKhsb MM' 13C -. Mrs. E. B. Consent Peary's Delta Kappa EpslJon A-th'- b j- CoelfteWBriqk"..... 3C Dr. CooK's Frozen North Pole Batabow Sundae THURSDA Y Song ecital i '; 5 : . a a a aaa m The Daily Nebraska!! run r'AonanTY op . THE UNIVERSITY OF .. NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nobmuka. BY TUB 8TUDI8N.T PUD. DOAhD. EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor Victor B. Smith Managing Editor K. P. FrecUrlok Aitoolate Editor Carl J. Lord Associate Editor T. M. Edgecombe BU8INE88 STAFF. Manager W. A. Jonea Assistant Manager .0. C. Klddoo Clroulator V. C. Haacall Atalatant Clroulator P. T. Sturflla Editorial and Business Ofrico: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION DLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payabto In Advance. Single Coplea, 5 Centa Each. Telephone! Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 2083. , . . i 1- INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo chamcd for at tho mto of 10 contR por Innortlon for ovory fifteen wordn or fraction thoro of. Faculty notlcon and University bul letins will blndly bo publlnhcd froo. Entered at the poatnfflco at Lincoln, Nebranloi, an second-claim mull matter under tho Act of CongronH of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want ad column should be left at the business office, basement Administration build ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; three Inner tlono twenty-flvo cents; five Inser tions forty cents. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1900. INNOCENT8 8TART MOVE. Onco nffnln tho Innocent tiro In augurating i niovo for u now unlvor Rlty Bong. Tho present inovoment 1b tho outgrowth of that Htarted last Hprlng which 'resulted in falluro through tho near approach of tho somostor'B cIobo and tho Inability of tho sonlorB to obtain funds for tho prize- competition originally planned. This fall tho Innocents decided to wait until tho domand for football songs was over boforo bringing for ward tho now song Idea, Thoy havo bided their tlmo and now thoy issue their request for now songH. Tho new song movement Is one Raincoats? worthy of tho beBt Intorost of ovory Btudont As the Nobraskan has re peatedly pointed out boforo, tho pres ent Scarlot and Cream Is a moro copy of a famous oaBtern collogo song. It Ib' not worthy of Nobraska. Lot us have a new Bong, ono of fit ting dignity, and of appropriate spirit for Nebraska's university. Lot you who havo ideas put thorn on paper and contribute thorn to tho cause. W. A. Monson, J. A. Kline, nnd W. A. Jones are tho Innocents In chargo of tho new song. Tell them what you think of it SCARCE A HUNDRED. According to the report of tho No braBka Art Association only a hundred university students havo bo far pur chased tickets to the exhibition now being hold In tho library gallery. Last year over three hundred students wore admitted. It Is hard to seo why thoro should be such a lack of Interest on tho part of students In an enterprise such aB this. Last yoar, when throe hundred students attended, the Nebraskan atlll felt called upon to speak of tho com paratively light attendance. At that time It was thought regrot table that only ono out of every ten students visited the gallery. Having that In mind, what can now bo said when tho percentage has fallen to one In thirty? Scarcely one In evory thirty students whom ono meets on tho campus have boon In side the gallery since tho pictures were hung. The reason for such a dis regard is hard to find. Tho exhibition httB been well advertised and studonts cannot claim a lack of knowledge con corning it. It inuy bo thut tho fact of tho conflict of tho oxhlbit with tho football season und spring-like weather, which has not occurred in past years, has somothlng to do with it. In that case tho next week should see a largo increase )n attendance. Tho exhibit lasts only until Docem- )o&&y?tt&sx&?o bor 1. Students should romombor this and not put off their visit until too late. TO CHECK COAT8. With tho coming of cold wcathar and tho consequent wearing of wraps by university men and girls, the need of a place for checking such artlcloB of apparel on tho campus once more becomes evident. Evory winter tho university authorities are bothered with several roports of mlslng coats. Occasionally thoso are rocovored and returned to their owners. Frequently thoy are never found. This condition has prevailed for several years paBt and ropoatod of forts to obtain relief have resulted In naught. Continued Inaction on the part of tho men In charge should not, however, deter students from Htatlng their neod. Somo place should be provided on the campus where stu dents might check overcoats und sim ilar articles without fear that thoy will bo missing when desired. But little room would bo required for such a project and the exponse would be but slight. University stu dents pay an annuul fee of $3 for In cidental expenses, and out of tho fund huscreated It should bo possible to mako provision for tho necessary at tendanco at a checking room. GENUINE FRATERNALI8M. Illinois is fast becoming one of the One of my specialties splendid light over coat as well $10.00.. 1415 O St strongholds of college fratornalism. Tho number of faternlties having chapters hero is increasing. Tho lo cal chapters aro in many cases among tho Btrongest in their respective fra ternities. Tho class of men compos ing them is in general abovo tho average, for in spito of their moro general participation in various col lege activities tho fraternity men aro equal to tho non-fraternity men in scholarship. Thero is no antag onism between tho fraternity men and non-fraternity men, the two mix ing frooly and democratically every where. When tho college fraternity is thus represented by able men, and stands for something besides moro social prostlgo (though this in itself is not undesirable), it fills a distinctive need in tho university community. But to approach nearest to the ideals of a fraternity, the men comprising It should bo brethren in fact as woll as in namb. Gonuino fraternal Ism means somothlng more than mere living in tho samo house nnd wearing the same bojoweled pin. It denotes a brother hood of common Interests; of loyal de votion to ail tho members, a devotion which sees that tho freshman Is guid ed by tho upper classmen as faithfully as tho freshmen serves the older men; of strict adherence to tho teachings of tho ritual and obligations of the fra ternity, and equally strict obedience to Its by-laws. It represents that es sential belief in tho universal brother hood of many characteristic of our race, and in its Ideal form Is a strong forco toward this end. With a demo cratic lack of oxcluslvencss and a full realization that In moBt cases a non fraternity man Is every inch as god a man as he who has been initiated, the fraternities of tho University cf Illinois aro doing much to disprove tho many charges so often brought up against them here as in other places. Dally Illlni. AT THE THEATER8. Orpheum Novelties. Tho head-liner on the Orpheum bill this week Ib "La Petite Revue," a musical novolty of unique execution. Tho act comprises six singers, who act out their parts as figures of a giant picture, an Interpretative singer, and a musical director. Tho singers in tho picture do various Btunts novel and entertaining. Tho last of the serlcB Is a farclal close to a good act. Music predominates throughout the program. Lowell and Esther Drow, howovor, aro not good at It and had bettor bo elsewhere than lined up with tho standard sot this week. The Hughes dual performance with mu sical Instrunronts Is somewhat bottor, whllo Mine. Panlta really comes up to a standard of artistic work with her flu to solos. Al Feraetta does a trapeze stunt and Novlns and Erwood do soilio ox collont (lancing. The best fun of tho program Is that furnished by tho "Ar lington Four," a group of messengei boyB who do comedy In good form. Lyric Stck Company. "Sag Harbor" is the bill at the Lyric this week. This New England play does not grow stalo with ago and Is still interesting. Miss Cartor continues as leading lady of tho Lyric company and performs In hor usual capable manner. Mr. Noble and Mr. Bellalro play tho rival brothers to good advantage, and Mr. M unlock Is "Uncle Dan'l." "Sag Harbor" is tho play which Jamos A. Hearno played with success a few years ago. It Is a typical Now England play of the "Shore Acres" variety and gives good chances of lino spun dramatic effort. BUDD IflF Thc Tailor J VJ JLl J SPECIALIST. ON Refitting and All Kinks of Altering Particular attention to ladies work and uniforms. CLEANING and PRESSING UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin November. 17, Wednesday, 7 p. m., U112 Senior prom committee. 17, Wednesday, Chem. Lecture Room Chemistry Club moots. 18, Tliuraduy. 11: 30 a. m.. UH2 Junior prom committee. 18, Thursday, a. m. Freshman laws meet. 18, Thursday, 11:30 a. in., Memorial Hail Sophomore class rally. 19, Friday, 8:30 p. m., Fraternity Hall Engineers' nop. 1!. Friday. 7 p. in., Memorial "Hall Freshman mass meeting. 20, Saturday Denver University vs. Nebraska, at Denver. 20, Saturday, 8 p. m., Temple Y. W. Y. M. social. 24, Wednesday, C p. m. Thanksgiving- recess begins. 25, Thursday, Nebraska Field Haskell IndianB vs. Nebraska. 30, Tuesday, 8 a; m. Thanksgiving r"o cess ends. December. 4. Saturday, Fraternity Hall Forest Club hop. 10, Friday, 8 p. m., Memorial Hall Nobraska-MInnesota debate. "In come Tax Question." 11, Saturday, Lincoln Hotel Sopho more hop. 10, Friday, 8 p. m., Memorial Hall Nebraska-Minnesota debate. Tho Incomo Tax Question. 17, Friday, 6 p. m. Christmas vacation begins. Th Dru Th Drug Fraternities Sororities We can save you 12 per cent on your fuel bills Semi-Anthracite $8.00 IS THE REASON Little Bidg. Gregory Thc Coal Man i044 ost LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" nTHmDSFLooRT C. E. UULLARD, U. of N. '02. Manager We teach the fancy dances Rye Waltz, Cadets', Society Minuet, etc., on Saturday nights, and use the University 0rT chestra. This is your night, students; come and dance. UNIVERSITY NIGHTS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Class Nights WodnosdayB and Saturdays 8:00 to 10:00. AUTO 4477 Private Lessons The Uni. Mandolin and Guitar Club wants more members. An opportunity will be given everyone to join a club. Apply to BYRON W. WAY, University School ol Music, 11th S R SL Perfect Shape aaBaaW sV? Put vo Compltlt with Fool Bill Pump It it tit r Liet, Liclnn Nttdlt and Special Rubbtr Bladdt vera usavzii ,SiSvK'.' '' ? xiy WMMwmtmW rC5 I'.very Kcucli " Varsity " Foot I)all Is made of special imported leather, expressly tanned. I'rom thin fine imported stock only the very lcst selection are used in tliis Hall. I'erfect quality and perfect shape arc assured. Kvcry Uall guaranteed. Endorsed by Leading Universities, Colleges and Athletic Associations The Reach Guarantee. The Uench Trade Mark guarantees perfect goods. Should defcctB appear we will replace auy article absolutely without cost (except imseunus ana imis unuer ji.oo.) The Reach Dasehall Is the official hall of thc American League. It should nlwuya be used by college teams In practice and match games. Write for thc 1909 EdttiQH of the Reach Fall and Winter Sportt, A. J. REACH C0..179Tullp St.. Philadelphia, Pa. U I YESfTONE VSM Oiitltr "SaT Socials Mondays and Friday's 8:00 to 12;00 by Appointment DELL A1311 M7 fmW If mWJmWmmmm aW "VMsHy" FOOT BALL -NOTCH The "ARA-NOTCH" makes the "BELMONT" an Arrow COLLAR sit perfectly 15c, 2 for 25c Cluett. Peabody & Co., Makers ARROW CUFFS, 25 cents a pair Cutter. jT I dp j