The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 16, 1909, Image 1

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VoL IX. No. 36.
Cornhusker Coach Gained Valuable
Hints on Work of Two Teams
Still on Nebraska
A severe storm of sleet and snow
broke up the Cornhusker practice last
week so that the team was compolled
to lie idle all of Saturday and most
of Filday. Coach Cole had planned
some good hard work for Saturday
especially, and the stormy weather
greatly Interfered with his plans.
The weather conditions this week
do not promise much of anything bet
ter, but Cole is not going to let this
stand In the way, and from now on
until Saturday every minute of time 1b
to be utilized in rounding the men Into
form for the two remaining games of
the season.
Practice in Snow.
That the Cornhuskers are possessed
of an undaunted spirit Is shown by
the fact that -yesterday they put in a
good stiff thTeo hours' practice in the
face of a driving Btorm of Bleet and
snow. Such conditions are not the
best for training, but under the cir
cumstances both coaches and players
determined to make the best of con
ditions and keep up their ginger.
Yesterday a bulletin was posted on
the door of the "gym" ordering all the
members of both regulars and scrubs
to report for practice. About thirty
players responded to the call and
went out to the state farm In the af
ternoon. The athletic flold Is In mis
erable condition, being frozen haTd.
The ground at the state farm, howe
over, Is turf and does not get bo hard.
For this reason most of this week's
scrimmage work will likely be held
out at the farm.
Back from Denver.
Ccach Colo returned from Denver
impressed with the fact that the Corn
Huskers have two hard contests on
their hands. After watching the two
teamls play he Is convinced that Ne
braska muBt be .at her best when she
meets Denver next Saturday, and the
team must also be able to stand that
contest and be In shape for the
Thanksgiving game with Haskell only
live days later. To so train the team
that It can do this 1b to bo Cole's aim
this week.
Both these teams are strong, but as
to how they will compare with Ne
braska is a question. Neither team
has played any of the teams on the
Nebraska schedule to date, and so
there Is no opportunity of drawing
comparisons In that way. Cole Is un
der the Impression that -either team
will compare favorably with the
Cornhuskers as to weight and both
aro well balanced. The Denver toain
especially looked rather husky. x
The contost l)otween Denver and
Haskell resulted in avlotory for tho
Indians by the score of 8 to 6., Tho,
two teams, however, wore about equal
In 'strength, Denver being slightly
heavier and the Indians a little more
The atmosphere, which has always
been a BOirrce of worry to tho lowland
teams when they go to tho moun
tains, did not seem to affect tho In
dians at all. They wore Just as fresh
as tho locals at tho close of the
gamo. Tho halves were short, how
ever, which of courBO was a help.
Omaha-Lincoln Game Today.
The Omaha-Lincoln gamo for tho
i statp. high school championship,
which was postponed Saturday on ac
count of the atormy weather, Has been
sot for, Ihls afternoon 'at 2:30. Tho
gamo 1b to bo played at the Nobraaka
athletic field, and unless the woathor
contlnuoH too severe a large crowd Is
expected. A tolegram from Omaha
yesterday announced that Omaha was
ready and was coming down four hunJ
dred strong to cheer their favorites on,
to victory. Lincoln supporters, of
course, will not be lacking. With any
sort of decent weather there ought to
be a glory scrap on hand at Nebras
ka field tliiB afternoon.
Society of Engineering College Give
Social Affair.
Tho regular hop of the Engineering
Society will be held Friday evening In
Fraternity hall. The englnoorB havo
had successful hops In the past and It
Is presumed that tho present event
will be well attondod. Chairman John
Hogo announces small ticket salos as
yet, and he wishes Intended dancers
to purchase their paBtoboards shortly,
as a limit may bo set.
Chairman Clark Announces Time for
Annual First Year Affair.
Saturday, January ID, is tho dato
sot for the annual freshman hop. Tho
danco thlB year Is under tho chair
manship of Frank Clark, with Gone
Holland master of ceremonies.
The danco 1b this year held after
Christmas, a departure from tho usual
custom. The date 1b, however, well
Bpaced between the vacation and the
final exams and the committee ex
pect to havo a good crowd.. The Lin
coln hotel is the place set for the , af
fair and Walt's orchostra will furnish
the mulsc.
Cadet Battalion Unable to Drill on the
Drill Grounds on Account
of the Weather.
Lnst ovoning tho members of the
cadet battalion were unable to hold
the regular dally drill on the drill
grounds on account of the weather.
TJie manual of armB was given to tho I
members of tho various companies
and it will bo attempted to Increase
tho efficiency of tho cadets In this
department of military drill. The
guns havo boen lBsued to all the com
panies of tho cadet battalion and tho
question which now botherB tho mili
tary department 1b to provide lockers
for the cadets to place their guiiB In
for safe keeping. As the matter now
standB a large number of tho
ciicjots have to tako their guns home,
as there, la no place in tho armory for
thorn to keep themu
Five Representatives from Nebraska
Will Leave Thursday.
Nebraska will bo represented by a
frulfc Judging team at tho National
Horticultural Show which will be hold
at Council Bluffs the latter part of
this week. This Is "tho first tlmo that
anything in tho nature of a fruit
judging contest has boen hold at tho
Tho Nobraaka team was picked
from ho studdnts In tho agricultural
college of tho university and consists
of five men, who will leave for Coun
cil BluffB Thursday morning. Tho
men who will-represent Nebraska are:
Thos. W. Moseloy, O. H. Llebora, J.
Kusker, Roy Marshall, and R. Willi
ams. The fruit Judging contest will tako
place at 9 o'clock Friday morning,
but tho team will arrive In Council
Bluffs Thursday In order to look over
tho exhibit before the contost. Tho
trophy for the winning team consists
of-a oup offered by tho Omaha 'Bee.
This -contest will became an annua
affair at tho horticultural show In
tho future. ' , ,
Baked beans, .baked on tho premises
land served hot with delicious. brown
Ul VUJ, J.VU, U 1UU jpUDlUU fyUlllJU,
In order that the University
Directory to be soon Issued
may be free from errors, all
changes of address made since
registration should be AT
ONCE reported to the Regis
trar's office.
k. S 4. fa. C . -ifa. . fa to. fe .f
- - P
Three to 8erve on Each of Two In
tercollegiate Teams With
Two Others as
Tho second preliminary debate of
the men who aro candidates for Ne
braska's league debating teamu will
bo hold tonight, either In Memorial
hall or In room 106 University hall.
At tho first dobato hold a month ago
sixteen men wero choBon to continuo
tholr work on the question, nnd now
eight of theBe will bo solocted ns tho
teams to ropresent Nebraska Decem
ber 10, two of them being altornates.
ThlB debate Is open to the university
Nebrasku on December 10 debutes
with Minnesota 'at Lincoln and with
Iowa at Iowa City. These aro tho reg
ular debates of the Central Debating
League Lust year Nebraska debated
with tho othor two universities in tho
league, Illinois and Wisconsin.
Choose Sides.
Tho mon wero permitted to choose
tho side they wlBhed to speak on. Bach
of tho sixteen will speak, and each
apoakcr will bo allowod six mlnutoB,
except the first speaker on the affirm
ative, who will havo seven, four on
opening and three In closing.
All of tho following members of tho
faculty will probably bo present to act
as Judges: Professor H. W. Caldwoll,
department of American history; Pro
fessor M. M. Fogg, rhetoric depart
ment; Professors B. B. Conant and
Edwin Maxoy of tho law collogo, and
Professors W. G. L. Taylor and Q. E.
Virtue of tho department of political
Brown Tajked.- ,
United States Senator NorrlB
Brown addressed tho members of
Rhotlrlc 22, tho intercollegiate- debat-'
lng squad, at tho Lincoln hotel Satur
day afternoon. He talked for ovor an
hour on tho Income tax question, tho
Bubjoct of the lntorcolleglto debates
In tho Central Debating League; Sev
eral faculty momDors wero present be
sides the class.
Senator Brown Is un export on this
question. Ho is particularly Interested
In It at tho present tlmo, having Intro
duced Into tho United States sonato
the resolution on tho subject which 1b
to go to tho legislatures of the states
for ratification. Tho talk was a very
helpful and practical one and was very
enjoyable as well.
- '
The Lincoln-Omaha high
school game which was to have
$ been held Saturday will bp
played this afternoon at 3
o'clock on Nebraska flleld. The .
game is the big high school
contest of the state and large $
numbers of Omaha, and Lincoln ft
m dents will be 'present These M
high school pupils patronize
university games; It is desired
that the college students re-
turn thefayor. $
NOVEMBER 16, 1909.
Y. M. C. A. Will 8oon Have Booklet on
the Press.
Tho university dlroctory, Issued by
tho studont Y. M. C. A., will soon bo
on tho proas. TIjIh was tho Btatomont
made yesterday by Secrotnry Dor
Klndcrln of tho association.
The booklot this year will bo issuod
shortly nftor tho Thanksgiving rocoss,
if present plnns are followod. It Is oa-
sontlol that all changes In address
Blnce registration bo reported to tho
roglstrar at once no that correct des
ignations may bo made in tho direc
Large Quantities of New Machinery
Just Being Installed.
Somo hoavy work la bolng dono at
tho prosont tlmo In tho mechanical
engineering laboratpry. A ton-ton ro
frlgoratlng machlno Is In tho process
of erection, bcBldos work bolng dono
on a two atago air compressor, a 150
horsepower CorllsB onglno nnd a 50
horsepower auction goa producer. AH
of thla machlnory Iiub Just arrlvod
within tho puat ten days and tho work
of placing It Is bolng pushed rapidly.
While tho lecture rooms havo boen
in uso Blnco the first of tho somestor,
no attonrpt will bo mado to uso tho
power laboratories until tho begin
ning of tho socond somestor. The
othor laboratories havo boon in roadl
noBB for somo time, but tholr occupa
tion haa boen hold up on account of a
lack of transformers which as yet
have not arrived
Championship High 8chool Game Held
- Today on Nebraska Field, at 2:30.
Today at 2:30 tho mombora of tho
Lincoln and Omaha high school foot?
ball teams meot on Nebraska flold for
thotf annual scraps for tho Btato
high school championship In thlB lino
of athletics. Nelthor team has boen
dofoated bo far this soason, and this,
gamo will bo a fight to tho finish.
ThlB game had boen scheduled for
last Saturday afternoon on tho local
field, but on account of tho hard rain
and tho condition of tho flold tho
gamo wub postponed until today. A
largo number of supporters for .both
teams aro expected to bo on hand for
this gamo, which Is of lntorest to
many of tho university students who
havo attended ono or tho' othor of tho
rival Bchools during tholr high school
Members of the New Company Hold
an Informal Feed After Bus).
ness Meeting.
Tho mombora of the cadet company
organized laat Saturday ovoning and
formed a company club. All the
members of the cadot company are
eligible for membership to this club,
and tho Intention's of tho mombors of
tho club is to produce a feeling ot
good .fellowship botweon the officers
and men of tho company, and also to
promote tho efficiency of tho drill of
the company.
Tho meeting hold last Saturday
evening wus tho first mooting of tho
club and after a report of tho consti
tution committee was road tho officers
of tho now club wore elected ns fol
lows: Capt. H. W. Coulter, president;
Lieut. A. M. Haro, vice-presldont;
First Sergeant C. J. Lord, secretary
and historian; Second Sergeant D. B,
Van Dueen, treasurer.
Tho memborB of the club llBtoned
to a short address by Captain Bart
lott and then partook of a feed. Tho
mombora of the club Intend that tho
organization shall become a porma-,
nent Institution In the cadot battalion
and that it shall Increnso the Interest
in drill among tho ' members of tho
company, " '. ,"
Price 5 Cents.
Bentley Says He Is Going to Leave
Lincoln After Thanksgiving, but
That Hurt Has Nothing
to Do With It.
Onco again Lincoln's afternoon
nowapaper has mado a mistake Tho
athletic odltor who has boon vainly
seoklng for Bovoral woolca past to
foist tho namo "Androwa Flold" upon
tho now Cornhuakor athletic ground
haa mado another break. TIiIb time
It Injures Nebraska and football gen
erally, and for that reason It la wor
thy of a denial.
Following 1b tho paragraph which
tho Btar athlotic ' faker appended bo
noath a plcturo of "Tolt" Bontloy In
the Sunday Ibbuo: .
"Quartor back Bontloy of tho Corn
huakor football team haB loft tho uni
versity on account of Injuries which
ho rocolvod in tho Minnesota gamo.
In a bad taoklo his back was badly1
wrenched, and caro for tho bruises
ob ho would, ho could not recover so
that ho could got into thjo gamo
again. Finally tho Injury bothor'od
him so much that ho could not study
and ho had to withdraw from school.
Ho oxpocts to roturn to tho Cornhus
kor Institution noxt fall, and if he ia
In sbapo ho will bo again in tho grid
Iron gamo."
Not Due to Hurts.
Whon quostlonod by tho Dally Ne
braskan yostorday, Quartor back Bent
loy aald: "There la nothing In tho
Btory. It Is true that I am going to
withdraw from tho school after
Thanksgiving, but tho Minnesota In-
Jury haa nothing to do with it. That.
hurt ia practically woll, and so far as
it la concerned, I am in as good shape
to continuo in school aa I ever was.
Tho published story is without any
foundation and I will bo glad to see
you deny it"
Tho publiahed story in which Bont
loy is withdrawn irom school by tho
prolific dopeBtor becauso of his foot
ball injuries caused considerable
comment among university studonta
yoatorday. Those who know tho cir
cumstances wore not slow to give
tholr opinion of tho fako.
"It is mighty poor," said one. "Tho
opposition to football is big enough
anyway without having fako stories
to help tho antls along. This year
there havo perhaps not boen as many
big teams and the papers havo fea
tured them prominently. Sometimes
injuries of a fatal naturo as in. some
years -past. But thoy have boen in .
I think thqt tho reports havo been
exaggerated , Just as has. this ono.
Not Only Time.
"Hero is an example of tho way in
which such a fako may be started.
Tho troublo is that most people tako .
it for tho gospel truth and then favor
tho stopping of tho gamo because of
its dangers. Such fakes as that help
no ono and injure the gamo a whole
lot. Nor is it tho first time that this
sourco has been responsible for such
things. There h has been, evident in
that paper all this season a disposi
tion to put tho Nebraska toam in
the hole if it wore possible. We do
not ask for favors, but we do want
fairness. Such a Btory -as that about
Bentley Ms not fair."
Somo sophomores at the University
of Washington made an attempt tg
haze a largo freshman from Japan,
Tho thirty.ftQ students who wore' oij
tho. offensive wero unable to attend
J classos for' sqnjo tlmo. ,, ,..,,
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