HStesr giMWiTTg'i'WiM r THE DAILY NEBRASKAN O000000000002 The Daily Nebraskan TmiavZlincoln IF . .230 P. M. "St THE PROPERTY OF Tlfo UNIVERSITY OF , NEBRASKA, j, j Lincoln, Nebraska BY THE STUDENT UI. BOARD. GREGORY Football EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Vlotor B. Bmlth Mania no Editor K. AMOoUta Editor T. M. Edgecombe Manner . II"? ."'. A. Jone. &Xnt,MnVan .v.:..... O. C. Klddoo 7&WciMM:::::::X. r. S$$i ", ijii V- 'i&M f i'ii -uflCSW'- - Oili4iM VS. o f ?? Editorial and Bualneii Office: A8EMENT ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Paetofflee, Station A, Lincoln, Nob. SUBSCRIPTION PRiCE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. " dingle Copfea, B Centa Each. telephone! Auto 1&88. ' Night Phonea Auto 1888 Auto 2683. Individual notices win ba onargod for ot the rato of 10 oonta per Insertion for ovcry flftoon worda or fraction thpro of. Fnoulty notloea and Unlvoralty bul letins will bladly bo publlnhod frco. Entered at tho pOBtofllca at Lincoln. Nobraaka, as Booontl-claaa mall mattor under tho Act of Comrrnna of March 3, 1870. ' Advertisements for the want ad column should be left at the business office, basement Administration build ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; three Inser tions twenty-five cents; flvo Inser tions forty cents. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1900- HONORARY DEQREE8. Tho action of Uio board of regents In further restricting tho granting of honorary tlegroos 1b certainly com mendable It shows an attitude on tho part of tho regents which will bo appreciated by university scholars. Tho university dogreo Is supposed to stand for a cortnln measuro of learning. It Is presumed to represent a consldorablo amount ol toll com bined with some success. Too fre quently a colloglato degroo Is granted by schools wlilch do not maintain tho TODAY NEBRASKA F1JELD 'i Damo lost Saturday other like surprises. And thero wore APPRECIATED. Horo is what tho Dally Kansan had to say about the manner In which tho Jayhawk team and rooters woro treat ed by the Nobrawkans last Saturday: "Tho students at Nebraska showed flno spirit at tho game Saturday. When tho Jayhawker team appeured they woro first to applaud and when any Kansnn was Injured they were quick to glvo tho man nlno 'rahs. During the whole day tho Nebraskans showod this samo spirit and never was a lot of rooters better treated In tho land of tho enemy than was tho bunch from Kansas. Nebraska al ways lays for Kansas and Kansas for Nobraska, but thero Is a friendliness and an esteem botween tho two schools that makes their relations ex ceedingly agreeable." HE NEVER HAD TIME. Ho was a collego student. Ho had his good points, but "ho never had time." A plaoo on a Y. M. C. A. committee was offorod him. About a half hour's work for each of a half dozen socials during tho year was all that was ro qulred. "I 'am carrying an unusual heavy study schedule this year," he Portiaps ho did not Tiavo tlmo to live. Most certainly it did not take much tlmo for him to die. Saint Peter ac costod him at tho celectlal gate. "You were so busy one earth," said tho guardian saint, "you won't bo at homo hero without something to do; come right in, wo will And you a Job at onco." Promptly and without thinking force of habit got tho best of him but Poter saw what reply was coming, and as tho heavenly gate closed between them thero came floating In through the lattice work of gold, tho old familiar strain so often heard at college, "I haven't got time." Dally Iowan. JUNIOR HOP A BIG SUCCESS. Hundred Couples Attend First Uni versity Dance at Lincoln. Tho Junior hop, the first university danco this year to bo held at tho Lin coln hotel, was a distinct success last evening. A hundred couples were In attendance and whlled away tho evon Ing. under tho direction of Eddie Walt's orchestra. James E. Lawrence was chairman of tho dance and R. E. Weaverllng master of ceremonies. The next dance of tho unlvorslty season Is that of the engineers at Fraternity hall next Friday. John Hoge Is chairman of this hop. Oh Ydu Sweaters a i as aaaaaai Real all wool and wide enough! White and Gray Six button kind fancy borders $2.50 -Got it? BUDD 1415 O St. high standards which should be prac ticed. In this country thoro Is no rogulatlon of tho titles given by tho various colloges, and consequently thoy mean much or little according as they aro granted by a hlghstond ard or a low-standard school. But all of tho similar degreos of a Blnglo university mean tho samo thing. ' Thero Is no distinction after thoy have been conforrod between tho honorary title and that granted In tho regular collego course. For this rea son It would Beom that caro should be takorr to glvo tho honorary diplomas only to such men as approached, ap proximately at least, tho standards re quired for a llko degroo at the close of a regular course. In other words, tho honorary degroo should bo con ferred to honor the university which gives It, not tho Individual recipient. Tho action of tho regents in mak ing fluoh degrees dependent upon tho recommendation of tho senate moans, that Just these precautions will be taken. MANY SURPRISES. With tho playing of games east and woBt today some of the football cham pionships ot tho present season will bo settled. In tho west Minnesota or Wisconsin will accede to tho confer ence tltlo, In tho east keen Interest is shown in tho Intorsectlonal con tests, notably those botween Chicago and Cornell, and Pennsylvania and Michigan. Those contests mark tho approach ing end of struggles which began early last September when' tho vari ous teams began practice At that time there were various propheclos made as to tho probable conclusion of tho season. It Is a notable fact that many of these have been upset to a surprising dogreo. For Instance, Chicago was not doped to lose to Minnesota, and even up to tho very week of tho contest tho odds favored tho Maroons. No ono expected tho turn-ovor which re sulted in Michigan's dofoat by Notro said. "I haven't got time." His follow literary society members expressed their opinion that ho could make good at debating and hoped that ho would increaso his society's chances of winning by ontorlpg tho tryouts. "Can't boo my way .clear," ho replied. "It would taken an hour a day for several wooks, and I haven't got time." Ho had played football In his high Bchool days and had been accounted worthy by tho country newspaper writer to bo listed among those who "played good ball." Tho coach eyed his athlotlc build and upon urging that ho appear for practice was an swered, "I don't believe I have any chanoe of making tho team, thero are too many of tho old men back and besides, I haven't got time." It happened to bo a collego where chapel was not noted for largo stu dent attendance. The suggestion was mndo to him that ono of tho ways In which ho could got most out of 11b collego career was to make somo ef fort to bo regular at chapel. Without much hesitation and with no thought lio declared, that, "somehow I always havo a lesson which other school du ties prevent mo fr6m getting before tho chapel hour ' and tho recitation comes right after, bo I haven't got time." "Como out to tho game and yell for fthe team," tho local fans asked him. Tho rooters woro not dding their best for thoy had not recovered from the sting of tho last defeat. Tho noxl gamo was a crucial one. With the proper support of the student body, victory was not only possible, but very probable. All this was made clear to him. "Tho team is playing too ragged to deserve support," ho excused himsolf with. "Tho llttfo poll ing I could do won't count, and any how, I am too busy, I haven't, got tlmo." It Is not recorded how ho got through after life, though the lack of Biich record does not seem strange. University Bulletin TOF TheTailor J 3 M-i J SPECIALIST? ON Refitting and All Kinks of Altering Particular attention to ladies work and uniforms. CLEANING and PRESSING UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN November. 13, Saturday, 8 p. m., Temple Agri cultural Club. AddresB by Prof. Barbour. 13, Saturday, 9 a. m. Freshmnn-Soph-omoro .Olympics. Athletic field. 13, Saturday, 2:30 p. m. Football. Lincoln High School vs. Omaha High school. 16, Tuesday, N2 Forestry Club. Pro fessor Condra.' 19, Friday, 8:30 p. m., Fraternity Hall Engineers' nop. 20, Saturday Denver University vs. Nebraska, at Denver. 24, WodneBday, 6 p. m. Thanksgiving recess begins.. 25, Thursday, Nebraska Field Haskell Indians vs. Nebraska. 30, Tuesday, 8 a. m. Thanksgiving re cess ends. December. 4. Saturday, Fraternity Hall Forest Club, hop. , 10, Friday, 8 p. m., Memorial Hall Nebraska-Minnesota debate. "In come Tax Question." 10, Friday, 8 p. m., Memorial Hall Nebraska-Minnesota debate. Tho Incomo Tax Questlqn. 17, Friday, 6 p. m. Christinas vacation bogins, January.' 4, Tuesday, 8 a. m. Christmas vaca tion ends. 15, Saturday, 8:30' p. m., Lincoln Hotel Freshman hop. 15, Saturday, 8:30 p. m., Lincoln Hotel FreBhman hop. Knows How to Dress You Up 4 AND HAS THE FINEST LINE OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN THE CITY. : : : : : pi St M FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES .. .. We Want Your Goal Orders. Give Us a Triat Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMP'Y 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" thtrd w!oorT C. E. 13ULLARD, U. of N. '02, Manager We teach the fancy dances Rye Waltz, ' Cadets', Society Minuet, etc. , on Saturday nights, and use the University Or chestra. This is your night, students; come and dance. ' UNIVERSITY NIGHTS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Class Nights Wednesdays and aaturaays :U0 to lu:UU. Socials Mondays and Fridays o:uu 10 ig:uu AUTO 4477 Private Lessons by Appointment DELL A1311 AH Souls Church, Unitarian Corner of H and 12th Streets ARIHUR L. WEATHERLY, Minister. Services 11 a. m. - Sunday School 10 a. m. All students are cordially invited to attend its services ALL PEWS ARE FREE , Sunday, Nov. 14, Sermon Subject: The Enduring Word ol God. Social Ethics Class 12:15. Prof. L. E. Aylesworth, Leader, Speaker, Prof. Lucile Eaves. Subject: The Sailor's Union of the Pacific; a Study of the Redeeming Power of The Trade Union. All Souls Church is a free fellowship for the worship of God' and the service of man. It judges no man's character. It erects no barriers of creed or doctrine It's pulpit is a free pulpit committed to the search after truth. IF YOU ARE 'WILLING -Ted will Dye for You or Clean, Press, or Repair your Garments 255 No. Uth Street TED MARRINER Just opposite tho Windsor Hotol Expert Hatter. Cleaner, anrl Pmsspr Auto 4826 BeIhF1609 Dyer of Ladies' and Gents' Garments For Your Noon Lunch STOP AT THE FOLSOM JuBt what you want and eorvod th'e way you like It. Student Trade Appreciated. Auto 2314 Bell 4W 3u 1307 O St. The Uni. Mandolin and Guitar Club wants more members. An opportunity will be given everyone to join a club. Apply to BYRON W. WAY, University School ol Music, 11th $ P SL