The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1909, Image 1

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No. 35.
Price 5 Cents.
mat; l is
'; orW E'QHT CONTE8T8.
i! ' "
Two Strong High 8chool Rivals Set
tle State Championship
at 2:30 on Nebraska '
thoir spood and in their insldo knowl
edge of the game. The team 1b flnoly
balanced and plays heady" football.
Then thqy will havo too additional
advantage of having one of the bqst
puntors In the business. Mann can
also bo rolled on to placo klok from
as far back as the forty-yard lino.
With a little moderation In tho
weather this afternoon thofo ought to
bp a largo crowd of rooters out to
cheer the Lincoln boys on to victory.
Omaha students in tho .university are
also planning to do a littlo rooting
themselves, and quite a number are
expected to accompany tllb team. from
While eoveral of tho big eastern and
western schools will bo ongagod in
contoata that will go a long, way in
deciding championship honors in both.
Boctlons, tho Cornhuskers will havo a
day off this afternoon. Tho time will
probably bo spent In watching the
Omaha-Lincoln game which takes
placo on Nebraska field this after
noon. Tho reason for the onforced rest
of tho Oornhuskors is not that Man
ager Eager did not schedule a game
for this dato for fear that tho team
would bo out of condition following
tho Kansas game, although this has
boon thought by many to be tho case.
Tho Missouri Valley conference ruloB
do not permit a team to play more
than eight gamos in a season. Since
Nebraska has already played six
games and has gamcB scheduled with
Donver and Haskell, it necessitates a
rest this afternoon.
Tho fiorco downpour yesterday af
ternoon interfered materially with
Coach Colo's plans. Preparations were
mado for the hardest scrlmmago of the
wook. Tho plan was to give tho var
sity about an hour's hard scrimmage
and then lot thorn rest up until Mon
day. With two hard games coming bo
closo togothor Colo will havo to pre
pare for both at once as thero will
not bo much time for scrimmage work
botweon noxt Saturday and Thanks
giving. Varsity Works in 8now.
Desplto tho fact that tho fiercest
storm of sleet and snow of the year
visited this section yestorday, Colo
took tho mon out and gave thom their
daily exorcise. Ho was loath to lot
thom Ho idlo until Monday. Tho
fact that tho mon wore forced out
undor such conditions means that
Colo is not going to lot anything bo
undone to'onablo him to win tho noxt
two contests. Both Denver and Has
koll oro Btrong and aro going to make
tho Cornhuskers go somo If they win
either game. Sp far this season Ne
braska has won two games, lost two
and tied two. If tho team can win
tho noxt two games they will finish
with a very creditable record and
Coach Colo can woll bo complimented
on the development of such a team
from tho matorial lib had to begin
with. Colo loft last night for Denver,
whoro ho will got some pointers to
use in drilling his men for noxt Sat
urday's gamo.
Lincoln-Omaha Game Today.
Tho center of the arena In football
circles in Nebraska today will bo oc
cupied by the Opaaha-Llncoln High
School contest Both these teams aro
strong, having played tho bost. high
school teams of tho state and neither
team having been defeated. Tho win
nor of this aftornoon's contest will
havo a clear titlo to tho state high
school championship.
In addition to both teams being
contenders for championship honors,
the two schools havo long been rivals
in all manners of athletic contests.
Last year Lincoln was defeated by
thoir rivals in Omaha and loBt tho
titlo, to tho state championship, by but
four points, a place kick by Omaha,
turning tho trick.
''This year Lincoln has a much.
stronger team, They will probably bo
cmtwojghpd by Omaha, but thpyjylH
8ome of University 8tudents Will
Meet Football Team at Dinner.
In ordor to show the Omaha football
team, which comes to Lincoln to
day to play Lincoln high school, the
sort of spirit prevailing at Nebraska,
a number of Omaha men attending
Examinations Mado by Competent
Physicians With 8peclal Atten-
tlon to Heart, Lungs
and Eyes.
Anotihor radical change has been
suggested for the students of tho uni
versity. Tho suggestion now in con
sideration is that tho members of tho
student body who register in tho uni
versity submit to a medical examina
tion which is to bo conducted by a
committee of competent physicians,
these mon to examine tho health of
tho student with regard to Its general
tho Stato Toachors' Association, whicji
drow up tho roport in question, that
tho examination of tho ontoring stu
dent bo conducted at tho tlmo of his
matriculation in -tho , university,. It
is furthor suggostod by tho comiriittoo
that examinations bo takon Tfurtfior
along In tho Btudent'B courso In tho
university, whonovor tho oxamlnlng
physician should doom it nocoBsary.
Tho examinations would cover at loast
general health, heart troubles, lung
troubles and eye diseases.
Tho suggestions which tho members
of this committee put forth In their
report are not alono for this 'unlvor
sity, but thoy suggest a similar niod
ical examination for all of tho col
leges df tho stato, and outsldo of the
commonwealth If tho proposed plans
should bo accepted by the govorning
boards of tho colleges of any of tho
neighboring states.
Where Question Arose.
Tho matter regarding the hoalth of
tho students of tho largo colleges
aroso last year when at tho Btato
IB T--W.HflH-.Bi ' ' fat? k
-iiikLiiBHHIIaHHIHiHiB i iHiiK
Thlrty-one -Active Members Already'ln
Club Whose. Membership Is
Not Limited to Fixed
Nebraska End Who Broke up Many of
the Jayhawker Plays.
Nineteen " now members aro ndw
on tho probation list of tho Unlvorslty
Dramatlo Club as a result of tho try
outs which woro hold Thursday night
Fifty-six candidates for dramatic hon
ors ontered tho lists Thursday ovon
ing and tho namos of those chosen
woro announcod yesterday.
Somo very good talont was diBplayod
at tho contost this year and on tho
wholo tho quality of tho tryouts was
equal to, if not bottor than, any. hold
In previous years. Tho numbor of
contestants trying for places was vory
largo this yoaiJ, although not as large
as that of a fow years ago, ,whon
sixty asplrantB app6ared boforo tho
Interest Is 8hown.
Unusual interest was shown this
year by those participating in tho try
outs. Tho selections given all showed
a dogreo of preparation vory gratify
ing to tho committee in charge Tho
candidates chosen will bo prosont at
tho meeting of tho club in Its rodms
In tho Tomplo Thursday oventng.
They will not become full-fledged morn
bors of tho club as yet Thoy will
have v to appear boforo tho club in
parts of grea'tdr length and 'with, rilbro
chunco to -display Jtholr dramatlo skill
than was given in tho tryouts boforo
they are taken Into full membership,
Besides those announced yesterday
tho Unlvorslty Dramatic Club has on
active memberhslp of thlrty-ono. Tho
club aims to keep its membership as
small as posslblo without omitting any
of tho real available talont in tho
school. Tiho membership Ib not lim
ited however. .
Successful Candidates.
Tho names of those selected at tho
tryout follow:
Clarence L. Clark, Walter L. Dayls,
Florence Hostetler, Kathorino Yates,
Bernico O'Klef, Blanche Sporllng,
Mary Challis, Mary O. Herbert, J.
Arthur Nesbit, B. C. Marcellus, Mil
dred Bovlns, Harry C. Hathaway, F
C. McConnell, Mrs. O. Stasny, Olon O.
Fordyco, S. P. Dobbs, Nell Evans,
Margaret Wheeler, Laura Pottljohn.
tho university have arranged to take
dinner with the team at the Lincoln.
Both the Lincoln and the Omaha
teams will bo present at the dinner
and about twenty university men will
attend. After the dinner proper
toasts will bo given and. an effort will
bo made to interest the Omaha men
lg Nebraska affairs.
The game to bo played between the
two larger high 'schools of the stato
promises to bo a hot one. It will be
called at 2:30 today on Nebraska
field. Four hundred tickets have al
ready boon sold in Omaha and a spe
cial train has been engaged to bring
tho metropolis crowd to Lincoln. It
is expected that tho absence of a
regular university contest will result
in a good attendance pt university stu
Freshmen to the numbor of 105 aro
rop.ort.ed below tho passing mark In
their studies at Minnesota University.
Your car faro would' pay for a nice
lunch' at -tho Boston Lunelle Why. ,go
easily make up for this difference "In home?
condition and not with reference to
athletics of any kind.
Tho health of a student in the uni
versity Is one of the questions which
is considered as being very Important
to the work of that student and all
other members of the student body
with whom he may come in contact
Tho work of many of the students of
the university depends to a great ex
tent upon the condition of their per
sonal health and the student who ent
ers the university poorly equipped for
tho strenuous work which may be laid
before him 1b handicapped to a large
Part of Registration.
It is proposed by tho committee of
s Js i i i i iy i u u y u
lv p v v fv v v v C
On accounttaf the Inclement
weather the referee and other
upper class officials of the
Sophomore-Freshman Olympics
which were to have been held
this morning, last night post
poned tho eyent Indefinitely;
j J Am Li U L L U 4 J A
" F V rT " nV m t "rfi p p
teachers' convention a paper was road
by Dr. H. W. Orr of the faculty of tho
college of medicine of tho unlvorslty.
A general discussion then aroso rer
garding suggestions that ho mado and
this discussion led to the appointment
of a committee to look lnt tho pro
posed plan and make a report
This year when tho college section
of the stato teachers' convention met
a report of tho commltteo was made.
Thq committee reported favorably for
a plan of medical examination for en
trance students in all colleges, and
their report is given, below in lull.
The roport was accepted by tho mem
bors of this section of the convention
and the matter was called to tho at:
tention of the chancellor, . 4
Regents to Act.
After reading the report of .the conv
mitteo the chancellor decided that tho
matter, should, have consideration by
tho members of the board of regents,
and in due time-, tho question will bo
laid beforo, that body. The matter de
pends) wholly upon their action. .
.Eight Girls Accompany Miss Vlbbard
to Y. W. C. A. Convention.' x
The delegation from' the university
Y. W. C. A. to the Btato convention at
Hastings left for 'that city yestorday.
It was thought that a largor num
ber would go but the Inclemency, of
the weather caused some to change
their minds and remain hero. , '
Those who accompanied Miss Vlb
bard are: Merle Thomas, Cocile
Strapp, Fae Dunfur, Beula Jennings,
E, Itokahr, Mary Herbert, Bessie I'M,
Brenizer, M. Coneor. ' '
Members of Cadet Company K to
Have Organization., ,.
The members of the 'cadet 'company
K of the first battalion are to moot
this' evening- In tho Armory for Jho
purpose, of forming a company, club.
A, pie feed 'will be held after a short,
business meeting has been, hold.
Tho purpose of this organization is
to bring tho, men and officers', of tthe
company into a 'closer social acquaint-
nnco, and tq ,inqreaso, tlio efflclencWpf ,
Pennsylvania has 225 alien students. ' drill In tho university.
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