The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 12, 1909, Image 2

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I i
. The Daily Nebraskan
- i r-H
Lincoln. Nobranka.
Editor Vlotop B. Smith
Munaolno Editor.. K. P. Frederick
AiiocTut Editor Carl J. Lord
Attoelate Editor T. M. Edgocombe
Manor W Av.22e'
Aatlttant Manager .a j? 5ldd0S
Circulator V. C. Hawaii
Assistant Circulator P. T. Bturgla
Editorial and Duslness Office!
Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb.
Payable In Advance.
Single Copies, 0 Cents Each.
Telephone! Auto 1888.
Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 2683.
INDIVIDUAL N0TICE8 will bo charged
for nt tho nito of 10 contn por Insortlon
for ovcry flftcon wonlB or frnotlon thoro
of. Faculty notice nntl UnlvorBlty bul
letins will bladly bo publlnhod froo.
Entered nt tho pOHtofllco at Lincoln,
Nohrnnlm, an Bopond-clniw mnll matter
unilor tho Act of ConKroua of March 3,
Advertl8ements for tho want ad
column Ghould be left at tho business
office, basement Administration build
Ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or
between 2 p. m., and 5 p. m.
Cash must accompany all orders for
want ads, at the rate of ten cents for
each fifteen words or fraction there
of, the first Insertion; three Inser
tions twenty-flvp cents; five Inser
tions forty cents.
Nebraska occupies a unliio plnco In
tho relation of the hiukh of tho people
to hlghor education and especially to
tho state university. Theio la an at
tendance at tho university of ono stu
dont for ovory 300 people. Tho pro
portion In Kansas Is approximately 1
to COO, In Illinois 1 to 1,200, and In
Ohio It Is 1 to 2,000. Whon tho at
tendance In other Institutions nbovo
the high school Is taken Into account
It speaks much for the spirit of tho
people of Nebraska. University Jour-mil.
f '
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Prof. F. M. Fling'
The ZNjaiure of Qraduate Study. . . ., ' -Memorial
Hall 5 P. M.
6 0000000000OCO0000000000000 o e
dltlonnl custom, arid It is to he hoped
that It will bo accorded without dif
ficulty. Every freshman and Bopho
moro who can possibly find an hour's
tlmo should be at Nebraska field to
morrow morning to aid In upholding
tho honor of his class.
Tho University Dramatic Club hold
a tryout for tho selection of now mem
hors last ovoning, the results 'of which
will bo announced today. B this
process now students ar? olected to
membership in the club and tho heBt
dramatists of tho school are onabletf
to work together In mutual assist
an ce.
Tho value of tho dramatic club is
not realized by a largo proportion of
Nebraska Btudonts. Its work is such
that many do not come in contact
with it nnd too frequently Its public
productions are not given tho atten
tion that they deserve. Blit tho club
is consistently working each year to
wards the formation of a bettor dra
matic art In tho university and Its
mombora liavo tho satisfaction of each
year seoing an IncreaBo in tho stand
ards followed.
Tho University of Nebraska Is still
a comparatively young institution and
that perhaps accounts for some of
the Indifference towards the drama
tlio demand for room was so pressing
and tho scarcity of money so great
that tho aim of tho builders was to
merely constrnct such structures as
would glvo tho greatest sorvlce for
tho least money. Room was needed,
and structural strength and beauty
wore secondary considerations. Con
sequently tho university Iiob now In
herited a conglomerate mass of archi
tectural nightmares, many of which
are not oven useful from a standpoint
of strict utility, let alone their
esthetic character.
But the tlmo has now come when
tho condition existent should bo rem
edled. Tho atato Is fully recovered
from all signs of economic depression,
and It is well ablo to stand tho ex
ponso entailed In properly founding a
now campus. Within the next two
years Iho people should come to re
alize tho need and appreciate the re
sults to bo gained by Inaugurating a
new system of enmpus construction.
Then Ihey will be ready to act.
The members of the classos In bot
any desiring to purchase tho pamphlet
"An Outline of Plant Phyla," which Is
nn abridgement of. Dr. Bessey's "Syn
opsis of Plant Phyla," may do so, as
they are on alo at the Temple book
store from now on.
New $2.50 Hats
This week a new
black stiff hat flat
set -very classy
young men's style -both
black and dark
1415 O St.
Students nro undoubtedly to blame
fow things In which tho students can
about many things, but there aro a
properly call their Instructors to
order. Ono of theso Is the manner in
which somo professora porslstontly
hold classes over tho 'time limit as
signed to tholr instruction.
Tho univoralty authorities have pro
vided schedules allowing fifty minute
porlods for each class. To facilitate
adhoronco to, the schedules bolls are
rung in each of tho buildings op tho
campus to give warning of tho clos
ing time for tho various classes. Yot
In eplto of the recognized system,
thoro aro a numbor of professors who
dally hold tholr pupils past the time
limit, thereby Inconvenlonclng not
only the Btudonts but tho instructors
of tho class to which they come late
as a result of tardy dismissal of the
Studonta have their rights and priv
ileges, and tho professors who ac
knowledge tills and act accordingly
will not Infringe on tho time system
originated by tholr own authority.
Tho InteroBt being manifested by
the two lower classos In preparing
for tho annual Olympics to bo held
tomorrow morning Is a good indica
tion of university spirit. Tho Olym
pics were designed last year as a
means of arousing real claBs and uni
versity spirit, and at tho same tlmo
Bottling the iiuestlon of class suprem
acy In a systematic and sensible man
ner. Tho system of contests then In
augurated and perpetuated this year
provided for tests of athlotlc prowess
and for enough of a "free-for-all" na
ture to satlBfy the desires of tho un
der classmen for a "rough-house." At
the same tlmo promiscuous lighting
was proventod and property damage
This Is only tho second year, of the
Olympics, and therefore tho support
being given, the tradition is doubly
welcome. Continued interest will be
needed to. .make the Olympics a tra-
and like branches of art. But In east
ern colleges, longer founded, tho
drama has a leading place in undor
graduate activities. Somo of the big
gest ovcntB of tho colloglato year in
tho older universities are the dramatic
productions. It is to bo hoped that
tho Nebraska dramatic club will con
tinue to succeed in this direction un
til hero too tho drama will occupy Its
proper place as an educational medium.
Within a week has come the news
of tho organization of two University
of Nebraska alumni clubs, ono in
South Daltota and the other In Den
ver. Already there are such associa
tions in many of the large cities of
tho country, Washington and Seattle
bolng notable examples.
Tho Idea of alumni clubs scuttered
ovor tho country Is a good one. Not
only are tho Ideals and memories of
tho alma mater perpetuated by theso
organizations of alumni, but the state
itself Is given valuable advertising
through the efforts of Us university
graduates. Tho university and tho
state aro inseparably bound together.
That which helpa on helps the other,
and In this Instance both profit.
Let us see more ..such clubs founded
throughout the country. Eventually It
Is not Impossible that we may have a
national leaguo of alumni clubs, by
which a central organization may di
rect the workings of the' alumni of all
cities. At least such an end Is worth
thinking about.
TOF Thc TaiIor
Refitting and All Kinks of Altering
Particular attention to ladies
work and uniforms.
With tho dinner of the faculty club
last Wednesday evening a movement
was launched which means much to
the university. Tho expressions there
made by faculty members, citizens of
the state, and architect, lndlcato a
growing desire on the part of all con
nected with the university for a bet
ter structural equipment.
The University of Nebraska Imb
grown too fast for Its builders to keep
up with Its progress. Ton years ago
University Bulletin
12, Frlduy, 3:30 to 5 p. m., Memorial
Hall Friday afternoon tea.
12, Friday, 8:15 p. m., Temple Union
Litorary Society.
12, Friday, 5 p. m., Memorial Hall
Convocation. Prof. F, M. Fling.
Subject, "The Nature of Graduate
12, Friday, 7 p. m., Memorial Hall
Freshman mass meeting.
12, Friday, 8:30 p. m., Lincoln Hotel-
Junior hop.
13, Saturday, 8 p. m., Temple Agrl
cultural Club. AddroBs by Prof.
13, Saturday, 9 a. m. Freshman-Sophomore
Olympics. Athletic field.
13, Saturday, 2:30 p. m. Football.
Lincoln High School vs. Omaha
High school.
1C, Tuesday, NSForostry Club. Pro
fessor Condra.
10, Friday, 8:30 p. m., Fraternity Hall
Engineers' nop.
20, Saturday Denver University vs.
Nebraska, at Denver.
24, Wednesday, 6 p. m. Thanksgiving
recess begins.
25, Thursday, Nebraska Field Haskell
Indians vs. Nebraska.
30, Tuesday, 8 a. m. Thanksgiving re
. cess ends.
4, Saturday, Fraternity Hall Forest
Club hop.
10, Friday; 8 p. m., Memprlal Hall
Nebraska-Minnesota debate. "In-
como Tax Question."'
10, Friday, 8 p. m., Memorial Hall
Nebraska-Minnesota debate. The
Incpme Tax Question.
i rr
s J
HA MmHM . & MMtHtWII 4 C. MM W Iff
W "
Say Fellows
This fall is just the
time we'd like to sell
you a real snappy
Kirschbaum suit, so
you could parade
right down O st, in
stead of feeling as
though you wanted to sneak up the alley
when you see her coming.
We Mean You
You stiff necked seniors down there in the
bald headed row
We Mean You
You freckle faced preps up there in the gallery
We aren't jollying either, now is the time
to buy while lines are complete.
UJ9 O St.
P. S. Athletic hats in Uni. colors too. GET BUSY.
College Men
have a keen appreciation of stylish looking
clothes. They come in touch with men who
keep up with the times in matters of dress
"L" System Clothes are made and designed
for just such men. They're out of the ordin
ary in apprearance and that is what the
collegs chap wants. Swagger yet neat and
genteel. These unsual style in the blue
serges we are showing and a little bigger
values than you'll find anywhere else
$15, $18, $20 and $25
A great showing of Cravenettes
$10 and Up
Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" sFloorT
Of! E. 13ULLABD, U. of N. '02, Manager
We teach the fancy dances Rye Waltz, Cadets', Society
Minuet, etc., on Saturday nights, and use the University Or
chestra. Thisjs your night, students; come and dance.
Class Nights Wednesdays and
Saturdays :00 to 10:00,
Socials Mondays and Fridays
8:00 to 12:00
AUTO 4477 Private Lessons by Appointment DELL A1311
Lincoln Hotel
Nov. 12, 1909
The Uni. Mandolin and Guitar Club
wants more members. An opportunity wilLbe given,everyone .
to join a club. Apply to
BYRON W. WAY, University School ol Music, lllh D SL