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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1909)
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All of these men are again in good condition, and would be in fine shape for a game Saturday. Scrimmage Yesterday. 1 ('each Cole held a short session of scrimmage work yesterday at tho Ne braska Held. The scrubs were In good" trim and proceeded to do things to tho varsity, securing a touchdown nfter about fifteen minutes of play. Tho squad will continue their light practice and signal work today and Saturday. Work in preparation for the Denyer game will begin Monday. , Little' Information as to the strength af tho Denver team, has roaohed Ne braska circles so far thia year, so that thus far they are an unknown quan tity. Last year they had a strong team, holding the formidable Carlisle team down to a much lower score than did Nebraska a few days before. ' This will bo tho first time tho teams have met In two years. It will be remembered that tho Denyer contest tiero two years ago was a literal walk-away for the Cornhuskers. Tho Deniverltes have not gotten over tho sting of that defeat yet. With "Deac" Koehler, an old .Nebraska Mar, to lead them, thoy promise' to- do things when they get the Cirnhuskers" on their own back lot a week from next Sat urday. ft Iff a Curious Coincidence that In each. of..tha remaining coqtoBts tho Cornhuskers wl.ll be pitted against (ho brains of ' former Nobraskan. Koehler o.t Denver and Johnny Ben der at Haskell are both well-remembered Comhuslters, and both will strive to down their alma mater. Both are rising young coaches and a vic tory for either of them would moan much. Class Teams' All Out. Interest Is beginning to center dbout the different class terims. Tho freshmen are .to be allowed to com pete this year, making four teams iri alirIii foYmerv .yeaYs"T:hev frfeshieJJ' wore ruled out on the grounds that thoy would have too much advantage' Blfl.ce none of their men aro taken, for tho varsity and also since thoy have the advantnge of special coaching. To offset this fact this year eight men of varsity caliber aro to be selected by 4ho coaches from the freshmen ranks. None of these men will be allowed to compete In the class contests. "With four teams In the field, the contest for premier class honors will be, harder than ever,. and perhaps at leasj fiye or islx, games w,fll have to bo played.' Th'e fairies last' year Were1 held nt'yAntelopeparkrwltli' thevresult that. little1 enthusiasm, .w-fts wojked up UUU fUip .uaiiujMiyuiig ?" should bo. By holding tnis . year's Ml,;;oV- fft.l.i'taiA Intnrnnl at Nebraska field the Interest games ought to bo greater and the' attend- once' nulob largeiv .'.V W ;. So far. this season the Juniors have irauwii'-iuo uai lunii uuu uiuyurv ui- rdady b'elng picked by many as . win ners. They havo tho advantage of aA oarly start and havo already Bad two scrimmages with Wesleyan. TH'o last one was hold Tuesday afternoon, In Which tho juniors surprised them selves by holding tho University Placo men scoreless. Much remains to be seen, however, and all depends on how the other teams work out. The first gamo between the juniors and seniors is schedulod for Monday afternoon. On Wednesday afternoon tho sophomores 'and freshmen lino up for tholr first battle. Next week then will see the championship contest well Inaugurated. UNION UT8 MEET THIS EVENING Program of Music and Recitations, With Address by J. E. Bednar. Tho Union Literary Society will meet at 8:15 this evening in its rooms In tho Temple. The program follows: Vocal solo , . . Miss Smith Address J. E. Bednar Reading S. S. Davis Clarinet solo L. R. Blanchard Violin solo Miss Morely FLING AT. CONVOCATION TODAY. History Professor to Talk In Graduate ' College Series. At special convocation this after noon Prof. F. M. Fling of the depart ment of European history will speak on "The Nature of Graduate Study Professor Fling is a scholar of singu lar intensity of purpose, well quali fied to speak on his subject. This is the third of a series of Fri day convocations under tho auspices of the graduate college. FRIDAY AFTERNOON TEA TODAY. Announcement of Hostesses and Pat ronesses of Girls' Affair. Miss Ensign, acting adviser to wo men, yesterday announced the follow ing as faculty hostesses for UiIb af ternoon's Friday tea: Mrs. A. L. Can dy, Mrs. H. W. Caldwell, Mrs. J. T. Lees, Miss Mary Fossler and Miss Nellie Convpton. Tho following aro the city patron esses: Mrs. H. B. Sawyer, Mrs. W. A'. Selleck, Mrs. T. J. Doyle, Mrs. W. W. Lawrence," Miss Julia Wort. Y. M.C. A'. CLASS PROGRAM. Plenty of Fun and Laughter, With Unl s :v Men Taking "Part. The Yv M. C.. A., class, ot the, First Christian church will give an enter tainment of music and fun at tho ohurcii, Fourteenth and M streets, Sat urday evening, Nov. 13.. A largo num ber of university men will participate In the program. 4' Port I of tho grogntm consists of or chestra, vocal and solo work, together with readings. Part II opens with. on ."Old Maids' Convention," followed by "Presto" tho magician, and closing with the happy mlnstrelBy of "Old Favorite ,Sopgs." Tho entertainment will be ono of fttnamVjollity.,v A' silver offe'ring1 will bo taken attho door. , v INTERCLA88 OLYMPIC TRYOUT8. Members of Freshman Class Meet and Hold Preliminaries for the ' 8atUrday Meet. X.ast oyonlng tho contestants tried out for places on the wrest ling boutB In tho Olympic meet With the sophomores next Satur day on the athletic field. . Very few of tho members of the class we'ro present for these prellminarle's, and-'the results'of tiiB wrestling' try outs'Avene -as-follawavSnyder, ilght weight; Clark', middle weight, nnd Tp'noyy heavy, weight. . The "members of ttio 4 ' sophomoro 0la3Sl WlU li0 U,elr O"18 f Or' plttCOS th . Wrostllnir teams and boxiric bouts thlB afternoon at tho gym- Miaslumi ' , .W-1, 'r- f. iUiVt-.t, '?. MM INTERESTED IN . GUMPUSJPROVEMENT 8PEA)ER8. AT FACULTY DINNER CON8IDER PLAN8. PROPOSED TO MOVE THE UNIVERSITY Suggestion that Campus Be Extended Northward Does Not Meet With Approval of All Faculty Members. Its full Importance not realized un til after its conclusion, tho second dlnnor of tho University Faculty Club held at the Lincoln Wednesday night bids fair to bo recognized ns an opoch making event In tho history of Ne braska's state unlvorslty. Planned originally as an informal gathering of university professors to listen to re marks by a well-informed college architect, tho meeting resulted in launching a "hotter campus" project with a large Impetus. As a result of the talks by leading professors and citizens tho question of campus improvement within tho next few years Is placed squarely In the public view. Suggestions made by Mayor Lovo of Lincoln and W. J. Bryan, as well as the plans proposed by Architect Riitan, were yestorday th,e subject of much talk about the university campiiB and in Lincoln gen erally. Everywhere among university men and women tho move Is welcomed as a start In tho right direction. Move the Campus? The suggestion of Mr. Rutan that the clty'cam'pus be extended to the north rather than ovpr the nloro ex pensive land to the east of its present site is already meeting with objec tions. Dean Richards of the engineer ing school was tho man who first de cried such a plan at the dlnnor and others yesterday expressed similar views. Under the present condltlbns some delicate instruments in the physics, and other laboratories cannot be UBed at times because of the jar of trains passing In the railroad yards a few. blocks north and west of tho campus. In case tho campus were extended northward even a block or two, so as to Include the new athletic field and the land immediately oast, tho railroad yards would be lri al most Immediate proximity. This is, In he eyes 6f many men, a grave difficulty to be oncountered by such' extension. The land east and south of the pre'sont campuB is very valuable anil it would take a great amount of money to condemn any large area in that direction. In view of these facts, somo university people indicate that they would favor a complete removal of the' university to another site. They claim that tho money nepessarlly spent in acquiring the very valuable land adjacent to tho present campub could be spent more advantageously in founding a new school elsewhere. Mr. Bryan's Scheme. Tho plan proposed by W. J. Bryan at tho faculty dinner has met with much approval. Ho suggested that a syn dicate of public spirited citizens buy a large tract of land in somo suburb of the city suitable for campus pur poses'. A part of this could then be turned over to tho university as a campus. The rest of the tract could then bo broken, up into lots and sold to private purchasers. Owing to the fact that the land would immediately rlso enormously in value as soon as tho location of tho university on ad jacent ground was known, tho syndl- qtCto could regain a largo part of their investment through this advance. Tho remaining amount could eventually be paid by the Btato. A third plan' contemplates tho re moval of the city campus to the state farm.. ai The buildings now ,6n theclty cam pus aro worth several hundred thou sand dollars. Their removal to any extent would bo impossible but thoy could possibly bo sold for other pur Poscb and somo funds bo realized In this way. In caso somo movo Is mado within tho near futuro, It will bo noc osary to reconstruot somo of tho pres ent old structures, euch as Unlvorslty and Nebraska halls, and In view of this fact many unlvorslty men bollovo that now Is tho time to tako some definite action for a hotter campus. If tho matter Is dolayed It will bo necessary to orect now buildings on tho present eite, and it will then bo moro Impractical to remove or nltor the campus than Is now tho caso. Regents Delay Action. Yesterday Mr. Rutan met with tho boardj of regents and discussed tho proposed changes with them. Ab a re sult of hls'vlBlt hero ho returned to Boston with full notes of tho Nebraska condition. Ho will not draw plans until directed by tho board of rogonts as to tho genorul naturo of tho work to be undertaken. Tho regents wilj probably docldo within a short time whether tho proposed extension shall bo cast or north, and they will then notify Mr. Rutan bo that ho may pro paro plans accordingly. From tho discussion of tho regents It Is evident that tho members of that body favor un extonslori of tho pres ent campus rather than tho romoval of tho university. Financial necessity and the difficulty that would bo ex perienced in providing suitable room ing conveniences for students In a now location aro somo of tho motives which impel them to this view. NO MORE TICKET8 FOR HQP. Juniors Have Only -Ten Left to pis pose of for Dance Tonight, Only ton tickets -romatned in the bands of Chairman Lawrence of the junior hop at 8 o'clock last evening. Ater those ten pasteboards are distrib uted no moro will bo issued. It is said that a number of students havo made dates without getting tick ets. These aro apt to find them solves In trouble. "Wo havo announced our limit and wo want to stick to it," said Chairman Lawrence. "Wo prefer that no ono como to the danco without previously having purchased tickets, for wo shall bo compelled to turn thorn away. Persons who havo not tickets and Who need them should sco mo at once Friday morning, for tho first to apply will get the ten tickets still undistributed." 8CHOOL CHILDREN AT EXHIBIT. Lincoln Pupils Attend Art Associa tion's Display in Library. The art exhibit 1b attracting larger crowds each day. Yesterday tho at tendance was 300 In the morning and about the same number in tho after noon. The association tries each year to vary the pictures in naturo and sub jects. This year there are moro por traiture work than ever before. Rob ert Henri, who is ono of tho greatest portrait painters In tho world, has several specimens In the exhibit. His "Girl in White", and "Miss Wakl Kajl" aro wonderful plecos of work. Tho rest of this -week and all of next, tho exhibit will bo visited by tho school children of Lincoln. Tickets are sent to the schools which aro sold for ten cents and those who pur chase tickets aro brought to tho ex hibit by their teachers and allowed to spend as much time as is needed to see the pictures. The children of the Whlttler arid Capital schools wore present yestorday, In charge of thelr teachers. Catalogs had hpen sent to tho schools and tho pupils 'allowed to study them before visiting tho ex hibit. At the exhibit thdy we're loaned, catalogs arid members of the associa tion say -they, .use them very skillfully ad venjoy , 'Ihe pictures much more, wlth'thami. 1 REGENTS CHANGE RULES OF HONORARY DEGREES MAKE ALL DEGREES DEPENDENT ON FACULTY ACTION. MAY CHANGE THE SUMMER SESSION Matter of Lengthening Term of Ses sion and Other Details Left to Special Committee Other Matters Discussed. At Its Bpoclal sosslon yestorday tho board of rogonts actod upon sovoral matters of comparatlvo Importance. Ono of tholr principal acts was tho addition of a olauso to tho rules re garding the granting of honorary de grees which binds tho bonrd to give bucIi titles only on recommendation of, tho unlvorslty senate Various fac ulty changes- and tho creation of a separate department In tho summer session woro other matters consid ered. Tho chango In tho regulation of honorary degreos resulted from tho doBlro of tho rogonts to guard ngalnst tho granting of degreoB In cases whoro tho applicant did not measure up to the academic standards com monly understood to belong to tho titles. Heretofore tho board has had tho power to grant any honorary do greoH, the granting of regular degreos resting, however, eololy upon iocoui mondntlon of tho faculties. Tho re gents ycHtorday amended tholr rules so that tho, honorary degrees now do ,pond upon the favorablo action of tho senato. .. . Summer Session Change.1 - Tho recommendation of tho direc tor of tho summor sosslon that' tho session bo established us a HVparato dopartmont of tho unlvorslty, tho di rector of tho session being responsible directly to the chancellor and board of regents, was roforred to tho chan cellor and president of tho board with power to act. To this commlttoo was also referred the increase of the term to eight weeks and Uio making of two sessions tho equivalent of ono semes ter of regular university wonk In ar ranging for leaves of absence; Tho board " decided that Chancollor . Avery should be sent tp tuo Interna tional Livo Stock show at Chicago to inspect tho work of experiment sta tions there shown. The creation of a night school as a part of tho Temple observatory school was approved. Dean Fordyco Is given power to establish such a school with a limited number of pu pils for tho benefit of observation by university students training to bo teachers. Tho board approved of tho action which has been taken in providing under tho direction of Professor Engi berg for a bettor observance and chocking of student delinquency. Minor Matters. The leave of absence granted Pro fessor Wallace o'f the department of English literature was approved. Mr. Carl Ul man was appointed instructor in the department or dairy husbandry. O. L. Sponsler, a graduate of the Uni versity of Michigan, was appointed ad junct professor of botany and forestry. Professor Chatburn was advanced and given .the title of head professor of applied mechanics and machine de sign. Dr. J. H. Gain was placed in charge of the department of animal pathology. Other minor appointments mado In tho- Interim since the last session' of the board were approved. As Harvard; man has ben arrested for selling fraudulent copies of exam ination questions.'-' , Baked beans, baked .on tho premises ai Ibi aa ,arY9uOT;imu:".aauciouir, Drown t ' ntfSS,tt.Trr,it o-KOrOfrAM?W'MWHH.-. mi- v -.'Mi - . . . vi.'yaBT .. WV,ffl -BJ.S ? JWJilt. v i ' C4?n6 i'r ,'.-, y I