THE DAILY NEBRASKA! r OLIVER THEATRE TONIGHT AT 8:15 First Tlma In Any City fit These Prices $1.00 to 25c THREE WEEKS 8AT. MAT. AND NIGHT, NOV. 13 The Little Homestead Mat., 25c and 10c; Eve., 60c, 35c, 25c LYRIC THEATRE MATINEES WED. AND 8AT. Beginning Monday Night, Nov. 8 THE LYRIC STOCK CO. Will Present 44 f A 8trong Emotional Drama by J. Heartly Manners and Henry Miller PRICES Matinee, 15c and 25c Evenings, 15c, 25c and 35c NEXT WEEK "SAG HARBOR" ORPHEUM ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WEEK STARTING NOVEMBER 8 ELEANOR GORDON & CO. HAYES & JOHNSON "CHESTERFIELD" GORDON & MARX GROVER & RICHARDS BARRY & HALVERS M'GARRY & HARRIS MAT. (EXCEPT MON) 2:30 15c, 25c EVE. AT 8:30 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c Phones: Bell 936, Auto 1528. )ii Campus h wl Gleanings W I PssaM9Wall aaaaaaaavcjr l 9 JWaaaaaaereQyX Froy & Froy. SENIORS should order their capB and gowns at onco nt the Unl Book Store. Dr. J. R. Davis, Dentist. 1234 O St. TJio senior prom comniltteo will meet nt It o'clock this morning In U112. Have your clothes pressed nt Weber's Sultorlum. 12th and O. Professor Phillips of the department of forestry spent. Saturdny at the stato experiment station nt North Platte inspecting some trees which ho is con ducting experiments with there. Chnpin Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Chapter K, P. E. O.. will ho at homo to P. E. O.'s and their daughters at tending the university Snturday after noon, November 13, at 3 p. m., in the university Y. W. C. A. rooms. Rubbing won't stop It when eyes itch, burn, smnrt or ache. See Howe, Opnticlan, 319 No. 12th. ll-3t Mr. j. C. Miller of the United States department of forestry has been visit ing the university for the past few days. Mr. Miller spent Saturday and Sunday and Monday conferring with Professors Bessey and Phillips and Dean Burnett. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 115-119 So. 12th street. i Sigma Nu, the engineering frater nity, held an initiation Saturday. even- SOME MORE NEBRASKA 6RADS MAKING GOOD OLD UNIVER8ITY 8TUDENT8 MEET TOGETHER AT LEAD. REUNION-WAS A PLEASANT AfEAIR J. W. Thomas, 1908, Writes of the Af fairs of 8outh Dakota Alumni Who Gave a U. of N. Club. L. J. Herzo The University Man's Tailor Tho Finost Work Dono and Prices Right Call at Our Now Storo 1230 O St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS 1 All mnkos ronted with stand $3 R per Month. -Bargains in Robuilt Machines Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Auto 11C5. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th Underwood Typewriter Co. TYPEWRITERS SOLD AND RENTED That Nebraska grads are making good Ib the bcllof of a bunch of them who got together the othor day at Lead, S. D. The following lettor tells tho story: Kimbro So. Dak., Nov. &, 15)09. Editor Daily Nebraska: Tho fact that Nebraskans can "make good" out side of their own state was demon strated during the South Dakota State Teachers' Association held at Lead. So. Dak., from Nov. 1st to 3rd, 1909. Present nt that association were fif teen or eighteen teachers who were either graduates from U. of N. or had been students nt the grand old insti tution nt somo time. Besides the toacherB in Load wo mot several othor people who had been at Nebraska and on tho evening of tho last day of tho association we held n reunion at the Smend house and organized tho Nebraska Club. This organization has for its aim a plan to keep each Nobraskan In touch 'with every other Nobraskan In South Da kota. The ofllcers of the Nobraska organization are: Presidont, H Nion huls, 1)7, of Lead; secretary, J. W. Thomas, '08, of Kimbro, So. Dnk. At tho reunion tho old Nebraska FULK Some New Things in HATS and CAPS FURNISHER and HATTER Hats $2.50 Up Caps $2.50 Up 187 No. 18th. Boll 848. Auto 258tf Athletic Goods npto-Student atdO.perccent dis count if this ad is brought to our store LAWLOR CYCLp CQ. t .. 13m O -STRJ&ET Li . J -" Quality 'Counts: THAT'S WHY FRANKLIN'S , im CREAM IS SO POPULAR .Wp,pecialtv of lan cy creams, sherbets, Ices And punch for Fiat & Sorori- ' ty parties. "Whipping Cream ( alwuys on hand. Boll 205. Auto3jai. 1810 N St. 4 yiv UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN ; 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT? Your Pafroasf e Solicited $ lug at the Delta I'pailou houso. Tho men Initiated were .1. A. Baldwin, .J. II. Harpham, L. It. Ileggelund, J. P. Burke. J. A. Ryan. It. W. Queal. W. O. Fonnan, D. F. Smith and A. A. Dob son. Following tho initiation a ban quet was held at the Lincoln hotel In honor of the new members. ! Spalding gymnaslnm and basket-ball shoes, Swedish gymnasium shoos. Beckman Bros., 1107 O St. j Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. Frey & Frey, choice llowers. 1338 O St., north side. o Try a lunch at tho Y. M. ,0. A.: Spa. 13th and P Sts. 11 1 w WANT ADSr 1 Advertisements for the want ad col umn should be left at. the business of fice, basement Administration .'build ing, between 11 a. m. and 12 m., or betwQen 2 p. m,, and 5 p. m, Want ads will positively not be in serted unless paid in advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. For Sale No. 7 Remington typo writer. Used only two months. Call at Stenographic Bureau, second floor Administration building. 2G-5t Lost Lady's gold raatph, with fob. Finder please return to Room 40G, HayB Hall, and receive reward. 30-5t Lost Waterman fountain pen, at corner of 13th and Q. Finder please return to Nebraskan office at 5 p. m. and receive reward, 3t . Lost K. ,& E. slide rule. Finder pleAse return to P. H,' Pierce, or notify Auto, 1549. .33-2t . Found Lady's pure, containing money, Call at Nobraskan,, office and pay for ad, , ,. 33-3t spirit was present and manifested It self In tho form of giving tho "U-U-U-N-I.," etc. Everyone presout was made to express his filial devotion for his alma mater before he was al lowed to leave the meeting. Somo of thd Nebraska men hold po sitions of no little importance and every pno is making good in his place. The following nro tho names of thoso who wore present at Lead during the association and took part in the re-' union ut tho Smend: Supt. A. Hj.BIg elow, '87, of tho Lead city pchools; Principal II. Nlenhuis, '97, of the Load city schools; Miss Cora Wise, '03. Lead; B. C. Yates, '92, Lead, president of tho school board; Mrs. B. (.'. Yates, a former student; Miss Alma Wash- bumo, '07, Lead; Miss Mildred Slater, "00, Lead; Miss Stella Ducker, Lead; Josophlne Frassler, '07, Sheridan; Oshcr Schlaifor, '03, Lake Predion; Charlotte Mendo, '02, Edgemont; Pearl Stovenson, '04, Deadwood; J. H. Sher lock, '0(5, Terrysvlllo; Pearl Corner, ex '08, Deadwood; Georgia .Irwin, 'OC, Lead; Ethol Howie, '07, Spearflsh; F. J. Kelly, '02, Spparilsl; J. Llndberg, '05,' Spearflsh; Lota Adams. '00, Spear flBh; Mabel Toomey, 09, Sturgls; F. C. Williams, '00, with Silver, Burdette Co., Lincoln, Nob.; Hugh Piyor, ex-'08, Custer; Harry Minor, '11, Pluma; Les lie Hyde, '11, Lead; A. B. Rich, Do Smot; G. A. Fajlon, '95, proprietor of the Sniead, Lend. Tho ones whose nanios follow are located In tho Btato, but wero not pres ont at tho association: Carl Chris tophalsmelor, '02, Vermillion; Prof. Elliott, head of Grcqk department,. South Dakota Univorslty, Vermillion; Prof. Howard, head of Latin depart ment, South Dakota University, Ver million; Miss Griffith, ox-'lO, Rapid City; Laura Rhoades, '08, Belle Fourcho; Francis Morris, Rapid City; Blaino Johnson, '09. Rapid City; T. B. NelBon, ""Op, Rapid City; Hilond Whqeler. ox-!09, Sturgls; Wm. Thurs tqn, ox-'09, Sturgls. Thoso who belong to tho Nebraska Club will meet at Huron, So. Dak., In November, 1910, at the timo of tho Stato Teachers' Association. At that timo a formal meeting and banquet will bo held. Slncoroly, ' . J, WILUARD THQMAS, 508, Secy.. of IJ. ."of J. Club, WIREi.ESS I First arrival of North Pole Frozen Drinks, South Pole due $oon. Menu: Peary's Dream Eskimo ot (he MUitffet Sub with "Totcn Pole Frappe" . EsKlmo Frill 13C ix n irf Peary's UI VUUIv Delta Kappa Epsllon-A-La- C b.,- PAiDi!iinhnw ,. Cook Gold Brick" iL IIUW.I.V.M...--.n K 15c Sundae. Cook "Gold Brick" A HOT ONE Ths Drug Cutttr. Tii 1 1 I V HEW MODEL N917 I I Here la the cheapest .good gun yet made. By tlieomuiionof itieuledownfteiurs wehtvo been ble lo srcilly reduce the cotl ol production and at the unu time have kept the gun up to the lamoiu U111 sun UrrcU icro ib iiiocncipciiEDou gun yei maae. uy the omuuonot the Uke down feature we h able to 8Telly reduce the cott ol production and at the ume time have kept the gun up to I M Ki'th Uarfin itnclif(l of ttrenqth. tafety and dural)ility, Notice the clean lunplicity The woikmanihip and finuh are perfect. Tho weight U only 7 pounik The full choke MtitU are oneciaUy IwreU lor unokelru at well at black powder and to chambered that Z inch or i" ii ' i myi u,Mj' Several tmprovemenU in the operating parti make it tlu eaiieat. rnoit reliable and belt working gun in exklence. We are glad lo make it pomblo (or every lover of gum and bird ihooting to get thia I ish grade repealing ihot gun at o low price. He your dealer order it for you. Send far the 77arln Catalogue and Expttltn.ct Book to-dou- Free for 3 itampt. 7Ze Tftarii firearms d,42waiow street, New Haven, a. Shape emLWmm B iaBawaaafc aa Mil' tMK " Ngaiis":' -"Am immmm msm&imsmmm SwwW Pal up Compltlt with fool Bill Pump Ltilhtr Late. Lttlnu Nttdlt and Special Rubber Bladder V&rsity FOOT BALL l'.vcry Kc-rich " Vnrsity " l-'oot llnll id mndc of niieclnl Imported lenthcr, expreaity tunned, l'rom thin fine Imported Htoclc only the very tient oclcctloiiM nre used In tlii llnll. Perfect (juallty and perfect ulinpc arc aMurcd. l'.vcry Ilallgtinrantecd. Endorsed by Leading Universities, Colleges and Athletic Associations The Reach Guarantee. The Hcnch Trndc Mnrk guarantee perfect goods. Should defects appear vc will replace any article absolutely without coat (except imneunus, and imtH unucr jl.oo.) The Rench Ilnnebnll Ii the officlnl linll of the American League. It hould nlwnyH he used hy college teams In practice and match games, H'ntefortlie ooo Edition vf the Reach Fall and Winter Sports, A. J. REACH CO..I799Tulip St.. Philadelphia. Pa. aUaM3BknaaRJlaaaaaaBBai B I I IM OOUDie WANTED-A RIDER AGENT IH EACH TOWN and district to rifli mt1 rKtilLlt .1 cample Latest Model "Rancor" bicycle furnished by us. Our agents ev A here are making money lait. Writ for full particulars and tttcial efftr atone. C NU BIONEX KKQUIltUU until you receive and approve of your bicycle YVcslilp to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. without a ent dtfotii 'In advance, prtfay Jrtighi ', and allow I'KN UAYB' VUKE TRIAL during which time lou may ride the bicycle and put It to any test you with lceep the bicycle snip it bac riATABV nninr we lumisii the hisiiest arrade bicvi rfiuiun I rniUCtf at one small profit above actual factory cost. Vou cive tio to $$ middlemen's If you are ther. not perfectly satitficd or do not wish to m not e out on coil. cles it is possible to make ictorv cost. You cive iu rofits by buvinu direct of us and have the manufacturer's guar back to us at our expense aiidjvw will not b out on ctnt. we lurnisn tue Highest grade I pronts bv buvln antee bcliind your bicycle. DO HOT UU V a bicycle or a pair oj tires from nnyoit nt anv trie until VOU receive our ratalninir anrt lr.irn nnr unhnrrt nf fnrtaru prices and rcmarkobU tttcial ctfftr to rider agents. VflH llfll I RF MtTlillKliril wnen 'ou receive our beauUful catalopuo and IUI HILL DC MdlUHiailCD tudy our superb models at the viomitrully lowrtces we can make you this year. We sell the highest grade bicycles for less money titan any other factory. We are satisfied with Jr.oo rjrofit above factory cost. BICYCLE WKALKKS, you can sell our bicycles under your own name plate at our nrices. Urders hi led the day received. HKnINI HAND ItlfiYm.KH. We An not remhrlw hinrtla Brt-nnrf timrt MrvM hnf irr: -T" ." zz. ct.-ttl.z- t- . ,. . - .-. Tir.T'" ": : .. r .. -.- usuauy iutc a numocr on nana iikcu in iraoe uy our .mcago retail stores. promptly at prices ranging from sjj jo 8U or 810. Descriptive bargain lists AAiem vre amgle witecu. imported roller cliulns and ueoala. iVK9 1 tK-DnJIRxSf equipment ofall-kindU vXhalfth usual rttail fricn. These we clear out mailed tree, parts, repairs and 8 4" 0 HEDGETHORN PUNCTURE-PROOF SELF'ii EALING TIRES tosmtikduoemly Ttie reextlar retail brice of these tires ii S3 JO ier txiir. nut to introduce me will SCUyouasampiepairwrtJXJuunvunuTucTfMi, NO MORETROIILE FROM NNCTUES NAILS, Taoks or Class will not let the air out. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. Over two hundred thousand pairs now In use. nFAnfMfr7iftMadeinallsizes.Itislivelv audeasvridimr.vervdurableandliucdinsidewith a snecinlnuafitvof rubber, which never becomes norousnud which closes ud small nunctnrcs without allow. ng the ulr to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satis fled customers staling that their tires hnveonlybeen pumped upoiiceortwiccinawholcsea&ott. Th,ey weigh no more than anordiuary tire, the puncture reslstlngqualltlesbclngglven by several layers, of thin, opecially prepared fabric on the tread. Thercgularpriccof these tireals$8.$operpair,but for nrtwiHllnfriirrio".Mitvrnrr tiinVlncrnanrml fnrinrvnrirrlrt the rider of only I4.80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C O. D. on approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. We will allow a cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price Sa.05 per pair) if you send FULL OASU WITH OBDUil and enclose this advertisement. We wltl'also send one nickel plated brass band pump. Tires to be returned at OUlt expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as iua bank. If you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price.' We know that 'you will le to well pleased that wlien you want a bicycle you will give us your order. Wc want you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. rim issf rtnhVt don't buy any kind at.any price until you send for a pair of r WW fvaCaSaw aTffffaC3 HedgethoTn Puncture-Proof tires on approval and .tial at the special introductory price quoted aboye: or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue which describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. 1 '( b MMY - but write us a postal today. DO NOT THINK OF BOY1NQ a bicycle llw' fwCrsT wwMm . or a pair of tires frost, anyone until you know, the new and weadecful offers we arewaklng. It oaly costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NQ.. , ,y orq '-. . 4. L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL (fottoe the thick rubber tread 'A" and puncture strips "Ii" and !,"' also rlra atrip "II" to prevent rim cutting. This tiro will outlast any other make-aOFT. KLASTIO , ud KADV BIDING. . ' H - i A k S 'I s-K i