Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1909)
1 'it '.. VoL IX. No. 32. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1909. Price 5 Cents. , - J , - ,'. xlm IFiebtaefean CORNHUSKER SQUAD IS , . RESTINGAFTER WORK VARSITY MEN TAKE IT EA8Y"FOR 8EVERAL DAY8. THE SCRUBS KEEP ON PRACTICING Coach Cole Devotes Some Time Second Team Which Trimmed Mornlngslde Last Saturday at 8loux City. to The Cornhuskers are enjoying a much needed rest this week after the seven long weeks of hard training since practice began. The season started late this year and with a big game on the schedule early In the year tho men had to go into the work with a rush. Every evening has seen them faithfully at work striving to get into condition and keep In condi tion for the big games. But this week will see a let-up in the strenuous training life. The next game is with Denver, and as that Is two weeks off, Cole feels that he can afford to give his men a little rest so that they will not go stale. , Nebraska's Good Physical Condition. The team has been carefully trained this year, as Saturday's contest proved. Not a man on tho team re ceived anything in tho nature of a serious Injury, and time was taken out for Nebraska but three times. Not a man was compelled to leave the Held on account of injuries, while on the other hand Kansas made three substitutes. There is something remarkable about the way the Nebraska. team has stood up to its standard this year. With but one full set of men and prac tically no substitutes the team has been frequently placed In a precarious position. The regulars havo had to stand the brunt of Iho battle until finally beaten down they have been compelled to give way. This has been the case in at least two big contests. Had Cole tho same reliable substi tutes that either tho Minnesota or Kansas coaches have, the story in both of those contests might have been different. But all the season through these eleven or twelve de pendable men have gone on and done the work of a score. They certainly deserve credit for what they have done and they have earned a rest. Another remarkable fact 1b the ab sence of any serious injuries In the Cprnhusker ranks either in any of tho big contests or In. scrimmage work. Tales of serious accidents are heard from other schools, but so far this year, Nebraska has gone through with a clean record. Much of tho credit for this state of affairs la due to the care ful training and coaching, tho train era and coaches taking a personal In terest in the welfare of every man. Cole Training 8orubsf Cole Is devoting most of his time this week to the scrubs. Several of these men are of varsity calibre, but they ar .Ineligible. They will be needed next year, however, to fill the void left by the passing of at least four of this year's regulars. Last year Cole was unable to devote sufficient time to the scrubs and the result was that he had an extra amount of work on his hands this year in developing his raw, material. That the scrubs are not a team to be despised Is shown by the way they walkod over Mornlngslde at Sioux City Saturday. The final score was 0 to 0, but this does not tell the tale. Throe times the scrubs pushed the ball over the MornlngBldo goal lino only to be. called back and penalized. One ot these penalties occurred after the ball bad been pushed over from Morning aide's two-yard' lino, The referee penalized Nebraska for ho$Ing, . But common aenso would acorn to dictate the scrubs were making from three to ten yards at every buck. Frank, Gibson, Wood, Potter and Hornburger all played stellar ball Tor tho Nebraskans, whlld the rest of the team were also in evidence. The BcrubB are not kicking so much over tho loss of the game, however, for they are not soreheads. What they do complain about is tho treat ment of the Mornlngslde management. After promising to keep the team un til they could return on Sunday noon's train the Mornlngslde manager went down to the hotel and paid the bill to 'Saturday night,' leaving the Ne braska boys to pay their own ex penses over night and up till noon the next day. ' PAINTS A BRILLIANT FUTURE FOR THE WEST PROFE880R HOWARD HA8 FAITH IN RACIAL CHARACTERI8TIC8. IS THE LEADER IN AMERICAN SOCIETY GAME ON NEBRA8KA FIELD. Already 8ome of the Greatest Ameri cans Have Been Produced as a Result-oMhe Western Condition. "Wo havo our plains, our mountains, our streams all tho necessities for tho groat art. Social problems will call for the heroes of the future, and thoro are to bo such men hero. They will bo men strong In their horolHiu for tho good of socloty, men well calculated to devolop a fine art of statuary. "1 am not excessively optimistic. I spoak merely of the Inevitable possi bilities of such a fusion of blood and environment as wo havo here. Wo have Just the right conditions, Just the right fusion." COACH HEWITTS MEN BEGIN SEASON'S WORK THIRTY MEN OUT FOR BA8KET BALL PRACTICE THI8 WEEK. SOME STRONG. NEW MEN TRY OUT Lincoln and Omaha High 'Schools to Play Annual Contest Saturday. The annual game between Lincoln and Omaha high schools will be played on Nebraska field at 2:30 next Satur day afternoon. Both teams regard the event as the crucial contest of the sea son and strenuous efforts are being made by each side. The Lincoln-Omaha gamo corre sponds In high school athletics to the Kansas-Nebraska collegiate event. In the last three years Omaha has been victorious. in each game, but this year Lincoln hopes to spring a few sur prises on the metropolitan crowd. Arrangements have been made whereby university students who buy their tickets before Friday noon may purchase tho pasteboards at 2B cents, which Is half tho price to be charged at the gate. Tickets are on sale at the University book store. . WISCONSIN TO BE COMPETITOR. Badger Representation in Cross country Run Is Now Assured. Madison, Wis., Nov. 9. Doubt that Wisconsin will enter the intercollegi ate cross-country run at Chicago No vember 20 changed to strong assurance when twenty-four men entered the first annual class run and made rec ords which prove tho possibilities for a good squad. All the, classes except 1910 were rep resented by five men. The juniors had tho strongest representation; fresh men came second and sophomores third. Captain Hover started the men at a rather fast pace, which soon Btrung out the crowd. He and Dohmen ran together practically all tho way, but In tho final sprint Hover won out by five yards In tho fast time of 28:25.2-5. ONLY 48, JUNIOR .TI.CKET8 LEFT, Re- Chalrman Lawrence Announces strlctlon of Hop Attendance. Only forty-eight tickets are still un sold of tho number of pasteboards la sued for the junior hop next Friday. When this number are disposed of no more will be allowed out, and the at tendance will bo strictly limited. This la the, statement made yester day by Chairman Lawrence. With Iobs than fifty tickets still out he has dOcided that no? more than the number necessary to pay put the dance shall be admitted. The hop will be held at the Lincoln and tho limit la such that there will be no overcrowding. holding-was not necessary when Dr.Angell of Michigan haB had conferred Upon hlni by the emperor ofj Japni the Order of the Sacred TreaBt ure. The emperor commended him as being useful in training Japanese stui dents, and as one of the greatest edu cators In the world, i A future brilliant In Its achlovomont in literature, Bclenco and art, brought about by the highest type of cosmopol itan manhood, was the prediction of Professor George Elliott Howard In a lectufo beforo his class In sociology lfi Monday. Professor Howard was speaking of the results of race intermingling. He dealt especially with the conditions in this country, which Is tho most cos mopolitan nation of the world. A vast per centage of the Inhabitants of tho United States nro born with a large strain of foreign blood. Tho good or evil to result from such a condition Is now a matter questioned by scien tific thinkers os well as by the com mon people. Professor Howard Is firm In this belief that in the central west at least the mixture will pro duce good results. West to the Front. "Tho Intermixture of blood In tho west Is that calculated to bring good," said Professor Howard. "A mixturo between two great extremes Is likely to result badly, but crossing In tho proper proportions cannot but result In great advantage by reason of the infusion of new blood into the old status. I believe that the conditions in the west are such that wo havo tho right mixture, the correct percentage of demotic population to produce great results. "Already the west is coming to tho front Its men are occupying leading places in this country. Is it possible for the west to produce tho literature, the paintings of tho future? I cannot seo why it is not. Men of ability in these branches havo already come from the wesL Of the men of litera ture, Howells is an eminent example. His story of his advent from Ohio to strive for a place with tho literary men of tho east is a most Interesting onot Ho met Lowell and others of the distinguished literary geniuses of the eastern civilization, and now he is ac corded the deanship of American lit erature. "The great -humorists have como' from the west. Of these ono of tho most noteworthy examples Is Carver, the groat economist of Harvard. Car ver is ono of tho most original economic thinkers in thla country, and ho is a man thoroughly western In his early development Is Making Good. "In litcraturp and In science tho west Is already making good. In art wo havo a future also. Chicago 1b not by any. -means "merely a packing con fer. It Is developing nn excellent art. Wo havo tho subjects for splendid art products. Art is not moro technique" It is tho reflex of the real llfo of tho people. . We havo a llfo In tho west actuated by tho most realistic motives and basic principles ot any civiliza tion and wlien wo havo tho mon and women who can see what Is horo to bo developed wo will havo a real art The herolBm of tho pfoneers, who labored unceasingly on these great prairies when the dug-out, was their only ahol ANNUAL ART EXHIBIT IN LIBRARY GALLERY NEBRA8KA ASSOCIATION 8ENT8 FINE PICTURES. PRE- With Good Number of Old Men Back, Chances for Good Corn husker Five Look Bright. SOME Of GREAT YALUE ARE SHOWN 80ME OF GREAT VALUE 8HOWN Lectures by Men of Ability on Art Subjects One of the Features of the 8esslon, Which Contin ues Three Weeks. At Minnesota, thomon of the Agrl cultural College held a aplrited meet Ing to protest against the disrespect! In thenamo "Aggies' which Is, com mon 'in that university. .- . . i1 v .'; - 'vw.' t Baked 'beans, baked on the premises and served hot with dellclouB brown ter in prder that? w great civilization might be given a foundation from whlck to grow, gjlves a subject full -of unending artistic theme. Jt la. not-necessary to go back td ancient fastory ,for. art; wo have It rlghf helrqi Rob ert Louis Stevenson, paw lt.Jn His, jour- noy! -through the weatnd can road Tho art exhibit In Library Hall is proving u success ngaln UiIb year. Tho exhibit, which Is brought here under the management of tho Nebraska Art Association, has been drawing largo crowds since It opened November 1. Tho people of Lincoln are patronizing it well and a large number of stu dents have been visiting tho pictures, but tho student attendance is smaller than the nature of the exhibit should warrant. This year there are 1011 pictures In all, besides a number of pieces of sculpture. The palntlngB are mostly oil, tho remainder being wntor color. Thoy aro from tho brushes of some of tho best living artiBts In Amorlca to day. No foreign pictures aro on ex hibition. Some of tho moro prom inent artists showing specimens are: Robort Henri, Charles Warren Eaton, Mary Cirssett, Bruco Crano, Gail Mel chors and Althea Hill Piatt Ono Lin coln artist, Sara S. Hayden, has a number of water colors on exhibition that aro attracting much fnvorablo comment. Valuable Pictures. Tho highest priced painting in tho collection is "Wood Pinks," by W. St. John Harpor, which Is valued at 8, 000. Another wonderful piece of work Is "Married," by Garl Molchors, val ued at 13.000. Tho total value of tho collection runs into many thousands of dollars. All of tho pictures aro for sale by their exhibitors. While there are a few less pictures this yoar than last,, they are in general of a bettor quality. There aro a number of largo sized oncB this year, Tho plan ot having a number of art lecturcB during two nights each week is being followed again this year. Dr. H. B. Lowrey introduced the plcturea last week. Monday night Professor William P. Dann of tho university Greek department talked to a largo audience on "Popularization of Art" Tho art association had as Its guest that evening Cheater French, tho sculptor, who la to create tho Lincoln stntuo for the city. Addresses Scheduled. The following are the different speakers scheduled and their dates during the remainder of the exhibit: November 12 -P. M. Hall, "Hours With Artists." . November 15 Mlsa Sara' S. Hayden, "Gallery Talk." p November 19 Mrs, Dean R. Loland, subject not announced. November 22 Rev.. S. Mllla Haya, "Impressionism." Whllo the season of football Is still progressing towards Ha "end, tho dawn of tho season of baakotball appears. Tho practlco of tho candidates for po sitions on tho university toam con tlnuo overy ovonlng and tho work that tho candidates aro doing Is of a qunllty thai prodlcts a winning five for tho varsity In tho conference schedule next Bprlng. At prosont there aro about thirty mon out overy ovonlng for practice on tho gymnasium floor, and under tho direction of Coach Hewitt and Captain Porry tho work of rounding out tho men who nro of possibility for tho CornhtiBker squad rocb mer rily on. Many Old Men. Tho chanco for a wlnnlng'tenm this year Is 'very bright In ono fact, and that Is tho number of old mon who aro out for practice and who 'nro eligible for positions on tho varsity flvo. Captain Perry, who has had two years' experience as guard on tho toam, Is practicing regularly overy ovonlng and ho Is ollglblo for any of tho games that Manngcr Eag'or 'maV schedule for next somestor. Wilbur Woods, who has played for two years on tho team, is out for his old posi tion, nnd ho la ollglblo for all gamoa In tho Missouri Valley conforonco, and all other games oxcopt those with toaniB of tho "Big Eight" circuit. Wnt tors, a sub on last yoar's toam, Is Illto wlso ollglblo for all tho games that Woods may play In. Theso mon nro kept from playing in games with teams like Minnesota of tho "Big Eight" on account of having received tholr Bach elor's degreo last Bprlng. Hutchinson, a sub on tho tonm last spring, and Jonea, a mombor of last year's squad, aro also out for prac tlco, and around this nucleus( of mon tho squad of men who may bo devel oped Into a fast toam is grouped. Strong New Men. Along with theso old men who are candidates for positions on tho toam is Hlltno'r, a sophomore, who was not allowed to play on last year's fresh man team because ho was considered to bo varsity material. Two other sophomores who aro out bid fair to becomo strong rivals of thot old men for positions. Theso aro Noff and Landers. Theso mon Bhowod remark able form last yoar for tho first year's toam, and with thoni on the squad tho hopes of tho coach for a winning team becomes much brighter. Some 'Not Out Some of tho members of the team of last year have, been unable to re port for practlco on account of con fllctlng study hours and a large amount of work. Three of theso men are men who won tho "N" last "yoa'r'on the team and their loss may he keenly felt They afo Petrashok, last year's center, and Ingdrsqll, a guard, and Schmidt, one of the,forwards.,,' Petra shek is out for prab'tlce only dn: three days of 'tho' week and thenift1 'Irregu lar hours,' 'Another handicap' to tho team this year will bo the loss tot Bell, tho aggresHlvo little guard ,ontp team nsi year. November 26 Carl P. Steckelberg, "Language and Music." The exhibit will close November 27. The proceeds above expenses are usu ally spent in purchasing new pictures Tho outlook, however, for 'a! winning team this year Is very bright 'as there Is a goodly supply of material out for practice every evening, and around the number of old men who are back for positions on tho team It Is hoped for tho association. Those are kept a five will bo developed rth'at- will d permanently m me an gauery in ino.ieat an comers in wi auuuun vuj, library building. , . - Kansas .included. ' breadMOc, at The Boston Luioh, Jty of it aa he belieVes It. . r -w won " that i v o Mauti,, ,k.'&.'