The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1909, Image 5

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, ' Continued from Pdgo" 1
- 4 tr- ij
fljjen In the wdatYet howmariy yards
ere gairfeVn5f&l$l footfiallpbn
fprward passes, and on tho onaldo
kicks? Tho flgureshpwhatf Minne
sota, the team thatjftayed tii$ "dpen"
game, made 491 yards from Bcrlm
mages (Chicago made 00); lfcl froni
forward passes (6hicago mado 30-;
and 25 yarda-from. onslde kicks (Chi
cago made nonoiT "The Gophers tried
the pass nine times and it was suc
cessful five of thoso. They attempted
tho onslde kick four timos and it
failed once.
That is tho modern, open gamo,
then, where only 121 yards is netfed
on the forward pass. Minnesota won
its game by battering down tho Ma
roon forwards with its powerful line,
gaining- 491 yards in that manner.
Nebraska 1b going to play against
Kansas tho game that Minnesota
played against Chicago. The line is
going to do the brunt of the work.
It was the line that fooled Minnesota
at Omaha, and only a few costly
fumbles permitted the Gophers to get
away with victory.
If the lino can perform as it did
against Minnesota, Kansas can hope
to score only on fumbles or a lucky
forward pass or onslde kick. With
the Nebraska forwards holding up the
.Tayhawkors will have to resort to the
two favorites tho pass and the short
kick. These are not dependable plays
and at their best are risky.
Johnson, the Kansas quarter, is an
excellent hooter of tho onslde kick
and he will make that play a danger
ous one that- tho Nebraska players
will have to watch very carefully.
Kennedy "has never Bhown much skill
In'iloveloplng forward passes and the
Cornhuskers ought to break up most
of thoso httohiptcd hero.
It is not to be presumed that Cole
is depending upon his line to do
everything. He will permit it to hold
the Kansas forwards and that will al
low the backs to fall to the rear to
catch tho passes and kicks tried by
tho Jay hawkers.
Then "King" Cole has some offen
sive tricks of his own. Ho has a for
ward pass and an onslde kick that
are Just about as good as any in tho
valley. One of these plays is almost
supe to prove an effective ground
Admitting Nebraska lias the supe
rior line, then, and barring fumbling
In the gamo tomorrow, it is pretty
8afo to predict that the Cornhuskers
will defeat Kansas not by, a large
Bcore, but by onough to causo tho
Scarlet and Cream rooters to "tear up
things In old Lincoln."
Before Going
. to the Game
Sec our
Sweater Coats
,Wc show a complete line of
Assorted Colors at 50c and up
to $5.00.
A great bunch o!
$3.00 and $3.50
They are worth more
95 "CrStltlneoltyWeh'
", III. r , - m "T
Ml It WW'' " nn'm,ry 4Mr-
! uhJ ft)fck
Gleanings w
Froy & Prey.
K. Tredefick.ll, Is 111 at his
homo in Sutton.
Dr. J. R. DavlB. Dentist. 1234 O St.
Kappa Kappa Gamma will give a
dancing party Saturday night.
Havo your' clothes preBsed at
Weber's Suitorium. 12th and O.
Roy M. Sunderland, editor of Mho
Dally Nebraskan In 1906, Is 'viBlting
in Lincoln.
Chapln Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th.
Miss Vita Lanhnm, who Is teaching
this year at Hebron, called at Tho
Nebraskan ofllco yesterday to sub
scribe for the "rag."
Remember Don Cameron, Ho is
issuing coupon books at a discount
this year, and has fitted up an ad
Joining room with tables. 116-119
So. 12th.
Miss Helen Gray, 1909, who Is
teaching In Fremont high school, is a
guest at Delta Delta Delta house.
Save the pieces. Broken lenses re
placed. See Hows, Optician, 319 No.
12th. 3t
R. R. Hill of tho law school has
been absent about two weeks In the
western part of the state, has re
turned to liis class work ngalp.
Spalding gymnasium and basketball
shoes, Swedish gymnasium shoes.
Beckmau Bros.. 1107 O St
Modern Methods in Eye Examinations
Remove all doubt as to results. No guess work now.
Dofocta of eyo sight corrected absolntoly by proporly
fitted glasses.
Subjectivo and Objective Test mado with each and ovory
Established 1871 HALLETT, Registered Optometrist 1143 O St.
.Miss Bertha Roach, ex-1911, of Clay
Center, Kan , is visiting frlendH In
Tonight David BIspham. greatest of
Almerlcan baritones, Oliver theater.
$1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. It
Green's Sanitary Barbor'Shop. 120
N. 11th.
Fred M. Hunter, 1905, Alpha Thota
'Chi, superintendent of "the Norfolk
schools, is one of the association
teachers. Mr. Hunter wns prominent
as a debater and football man whilo
In Ichool.
Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa.
13th and P Sts.
The freshman hop committee will
meet at 11 a m. today In U112.
F. Q. CLARK, Chairman.
Froy & Froy, choice flowers. 1338
A third delinquent student was sus
pended, yesterday " by tho committee
on student delinquency for 'failure to
answer notices requesting his appear
ance before the committed.
See our display ad. Lincoln Select
Dancing Academy, 1124 N.
Ross Bates, a member of the univer
sity debating squad last year, is in
town with the teachers. Ho Intends
to resume his work in the law school
next year, , v
i ' "
D.avid BJBnham ajngs .tonight. at tho
Oliver theater. $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c.
' '
Have your engraved- cards and in
vitations mado at Geonre Bros. Thov
have Jho only'engrovlng press in UnV
'coin,,', and kkti. 'handle' y6ur sdrdrs
on-your. next
AMVuf-c -r
In iiunttAii von ntfnnAHtci ''.
i latut Dance Ucfore th IHk Gniue.
, T lia N. Street, Third Flsor. - xU
w.4t-. . A- ...
uvtrMHinvuf" uy
" U11UH1Q'
a oitnincHTir a. f
Alt UutvcciHy
'"ThoCathdllbVstuaonCtlUb - will
hold a roceptlon on Saturday ovon
Ing at Knighta of Columbus hall, fpr
the delegates of tho Stato FodbYatlon
of Catholic Students' Clubs, who nr.0
attending tho convention. An infor
mal dance will follow tho rocoptlon.
The big night Students' night Sat
urday. Unl. Orchestra. Lincoln Danc
ing Academy. 8ee display ad.
Addlo Roynoldson, '04, is this yoar
principal of tho high Bchool at Soward.
Chris Bath House, 11th and P.
Turkish, shower and plain bathB.
F. L. Wolff, '04, Is a member of tho
law firm of Morlan, Ritchie & Wolff,
McCook, Neb.
E. Ruth Pyrtle, '04, spont tho sum
mer In Europe.
Clydo B. Toof, 09, is superintendent
of schools at Fairflold, Neb.
Samuel C. Stoner, '09, lias begun his
law course In tho university.
Walter L. Pope, '09, is a scholar in
American history, University of Ne
braska, Frank M. Weller, '09, Is engagod In
tho lumber business at West Point,
H. G. Langley, 03, is pastor of tho
Methodist Episcopal church at Ponca,
Four sophomores were suspended
for one year and thirty-one but on
probation at Oregon as tho result of
Apples will bo cheap this week at
tho University of Washington. The
Yakima, Idaho and California build
ings of tho Seattle Exposition nre
disposing of their exhibits.
Glenn S. Warner, head football
coach and physical director of tho
Carllslo Indian school, teaches foot
ball by correspondence ito tho men
In charge of the secondary school
Oxford University In England after
a thousand 'years' existence as an in
stitution for men alone, will admit
women horoaftor. Tho same condi
tions will bo required of .women as of
Advertisements for the want ad col.
umn should be left at the business of
flee, basement Administration build
ing, between 11 a. m. and 12 m., or
between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m.
Want ads will positively not be in
serted unless paid In advance, at the
rate of 10 cents per insertion for
every fifteen words or fraction there
of for the first insertion; three inser
tions 25 cents; five .insertions 40 cents.
Wanted Sophomore candidates for
the class football team to meet on tho
campus north of the -library, at 11
o'clock Tuesdays and Thursdays and 5
o'clock on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday., ....
' -"-
For Sale-r-Mechanlcal drawing set,
completo. Box-v1199, Station" 'A.".
' ' ' 2G-3t
For SaloNcr 7'uR'omIngton typo
writer. Used only two months. Call
at Stenographip Bureau, second floor
Administration building, 2G-5t
Lost Monday, on campus, or near
campus,. Sigma Nu fraternity pin. Re
turn to Nebraskan office. Reward.
Wanted Engineering students who
have taken M. E. 1 to volunteer their
services to do lathe work, during the
industrial exhibit which is to bo held
in the city Auditorium during the
meeting of the State Teachers' Asso
ciation, N6vembor 3, '4', 6. 'Any student
wno Is willing to give 'ono," twb or
three hours for his upiydrsity please
notify Professor Bunting, or 'George R,
Ghatburn, Chairman Committee on Ex
hlblL, , ..,,., ,,'
..m ..... ..
Htudeuta Iuvlied. Z
' - ! - L j '
mm no iKwlvi h. mm
If you are dressed right, she'll know it, so will you.
Lingor no longor Willlo
If you aren't dressed right she'll know it and you won't.
So when you go to call, if you stumble into some other
lobster trying to beat your time just be sure you're dressed
right and see if you don't beat the game. We'll guarantee
to sell a very snappy suit to any smart man for $25 instead
of $40..
Fooblo mindod not admitted
If you think this is hot air instead of plain untarnished
English yoU poke your head inside the front door and say
so. We'll show you from soup to desert.
Let Us Show You
Our exclusive line
of the famous
Society Brand
Clothes for Young Men
nil WF
i Y ifjii
-' finStf
We want to tell
you a fussy
little story
i id
, H
Sectional Bookcases
Kitchen Cabinets
Window Shades ''
MOOSE'S ,-f.x .;
., "Stoves and Ranges
. . i . M- t i -; H
. i
Jl -
' V r -r r -."lii1 '
aww in. t,,ufmmbi
- - -.--