The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1909, Image 2

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Wiere College Men Buy Shoes
Men's Bootery
12th and P Street, Lincoln
Style -:- Neatnes -:- Comfort
The price is no criterion of the quality you ex
pect the very best of $5 and $6 quality and style
but you have only to pay $4 for a good shoe here.
Average 8tlpend of Professor Twenty
eight Years Old Is $1,250,
While Man of Thlrty-flve
Gets $2,500.
Ah a rule, westert institutions of
learning pay smaller salaries to pro
fessors and higher salaries to teach
ers in the public schools than those in
the oast. That Is accounted for by
the large endowments and revenues
of eastern institutions, no doubt.
The investigations of the Carnegie
foundation havo shown that tho aver
age salary recoived by college profes
sors and instructors 28 years of ago
is $1,260; 33 years old, $2,250, and 35
years old, $2,500. The averago re
muneration of ministers of those ages
throughout tho United States will be
less than half tho amount given teach
ers. Carnegie Investigation.
Tho investigation by tho Carnegie
foundation also show that tho larger
institutions in tho country devoto less
than one-half their Income to salaries
of the instructing staff: Michigan and
"Wisconsin, approximately 50 per cent;
Yale and tho University of, California,
40 per cent; Cornell, 47 per cent; Har
vard, 40 per cent; Stanford 43 per
cent; Illinois, 40 per cent, and bo on.
The ratio of the number of under
graduates and non-professional gradu
ate students to the number of profes
sors and Instructors for tho same insti
tutions is as follows: Harvard, 8.8;
Cornell, 10.3; Stanford, 10.7; Wiscon
sin, 11; Yale, 11.1; California, 11.2;
nilnofs, 12; Michigan, 14.6. The
smaller institutions fail on the whole
to show a moro favorable ratio. In
Dartmouth it is 16.5; Amherst, 13.5;
Oberlin, 18.2; Williams, 18.1, and
Princeton, 8.2.
Tho average salary of a full profes
sor in tho college of tho City of Now
York is $4,778; in Harvard, $4,413; in
Columbia, $4,289; In Stanford, $4,000;
in Chicago and Toronto, $3,600; in
Yale, $3,500; in Now York University,
3,466; in tho University of Califor
nia, $3,300; in Northwestern, $3,265;
in Johns Hopkins, $3,184; in Cornell,
i $3,135; in Princeton, $2,914, and in the
Universities of Illinois, Wisconsin nnd
Michigan, about $2,800.
Of tho 102 American Institutions ap
propriating $45,000 or moro annually
for salaries to their teaching staff,
eight pay full professors an averago
salary of $3,500 or more, eight an av
erago salary of less than $1,800, thirty-five
between $1,700 nnd $2,100 and
forty-seven between $2,100 and $3,200.
Half the institutions in tho country
pay less than $2,200. Tho avorage
throughout tho 102 institutions is ap
proximately $2,500.
German Incomes.
The Incomes of professors in Ger-
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1 ill I If i 1-ton v ,
limn Wmimk
Mi, Ummm mMMI
Z i WmwMr
If Not Convenient To Bring Goods, Call
J. C. WOOD & CO.
We Will Call
Bell 147 . The Standard
Auto 1292 In Cleaning
Cleansing and Dyeing
Corsets Cleaned, per pair 50c.
Any Sweater Cleaned or Dyed 50c.
Any Waist Cleaned 75c. Dyed $ 1 .00.
Any Skirt Cleaned $ 1 .00. Dyed $1.50.
Any Mans Suit Cleaned $1.50. Dyed $2.50.
Any Ladies Coat Suit Cleaned $1.50. Dyed
$2.50. .
CarpetSi Curtains, Heavy Draperys Dyed Beaut
1 iful.
There is a Reason for our Phenominal Growth.
And it is simple that WE KNOW HOW to
- do Cleaning and Dyeing. And are recog
nized headquarters for this class of work.
Eight and Ten Hour Service.
13J32 N Street
Lincoln, Nebr.
1521 Howard
Omaha, Nebr.
Expressage Paid One
, Way On All Orders
. i
. Write for' Oar Big Catalogue with List of Prices . . .
man universities show a much wider
range than tho American. To quote
tho report:
"In any largo German faculty somo
full professor will bo found who re
ceives for teaching an incomo two to
five times as large as somo of his col
leagues. "Both tho German and tho American
universities pay for merit. The dis
tinction between tho two countries Is
that tho Gorman universities pay an
unusual amount for unusual merit. In
America, on tho contrary, the unusual
man fares no better than his col
leagues of mediocre ability. Tho Ger
man income ranges from $1,000 to
over $10,000, with threo professors re
ceiving incomes abovo that figure. A
fourth aro below $2,1,00; a fourth
are over $3,200; a half aro over
$2,500; the average is $2,800. In
the faculties of law half are abovo
$3,300, a fourth aro above $4,900 and
there are as many abovo $7,400 as are
below $2,200. Tho largest Is six times
the smallest, and the average Income
is about $4,000.
"Tho limit of expectation for a
gifted teacher in Germany, notwith
standing tho difference in tho cost of
living, at least doubles tho American
limit. In only Ave institutions in
America is tho possibility for a profes
sor greater than $5,500. Four of the
institutions are universities located in
Now York, Boston, Chicago and Phil
adelphia. In these four cities a law
yer, a physician or an engineer does
not have to attain extraordinary em
inence to receive several times the
salary which is the utmost hope of the
college teacher. Good, plodding men,
who attend diligently to their profes
sion, but who are without unusual
ability, often obtain in middle life an
incomo considerably higher than a
man of tho highest genius can receive
in an American professor's chair."
Dr. James B. Angell, retiring
president of tho University of Michi
gan, says on tho completion of . his
long term as president: "Tho lesson
I have learned In my thirty-eight
years' service is that life-long asso
ciation with college students secures
one tho blessing of remaining optim
istic and youthful "in spirit."
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