The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1909, Image 1

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VoL IX. No. 26.
Price 5 Cents.
i i if v w,.. , ..-...k., tf ----- ..., , ,, l, T" " '
Swrg Iftebraekan
12 TO 0 8CORE.
Twenty-five Minute Halves Devoted to
Game In Which Doane Made
Distance Only Three
In a game almost dovold of fea
tures or Bpectacular playing the Corn
hUBkers defeated Doano Saturday by
the score of 12 to 0.
Tho afternoon was warm, almost
sultry, making tho work Blow and
Bluggisb. The Cornhuskors woro In
structed in the beginning to take no
chances in attempting to run up a
big score. Cole was content to win
tho game on a narrow margin in order
to savo his linoup intact for the Kan
sas game. Not a Nebraska man was
seriously Injured. Rathbono waB tho
only man who rocolved anything that
might bo called an injury. Early in
the flrst half ho hurt his shoulder
and was taken out nnd Hascall put in
his place at quarter. Rathbono's in
jury is slight, however, and ho will bo
in flno fettle for tho gamo next Sat
urday. Sub Back Field Used.
When tho game started the Nebras
ka regular line was UBed, but a substi
tute back field consisting of Elliott at
full and Sturtzonegger and McDonald
at halves, was sent in. Tho back Hold
subs were not vory well up on team
work. Their work was slow and they
could not act together. Tho inability
of the back field to deliver disconcert
ed the lino somewhat In tho flrst part
of the gamo and throw them off. They
showed Btondy Improvement as the
game progressed however, nnd were
going pretty good before time was
Tho halves woro short, being only
twonty-flvo minutes. ThiB fact, to
gethcr with tho sultriness, of the day
nnd tho icar of Injuries accounts fpr
the low score. Tho team omorged
from tho gamo in such good condition
that when timo was called for tho sec
ond half, Conch Colo Bent tho men
through Borne llast signal work to
warm them up before tholr bath.
About fifteen hundred spectators
saw tho gamp, a goodly number of
whom woro from Doane. Tho Doane
rooters occuplod tho west ond of tho
grand stand and- woro conspicuous by
their colors and their rooting. Somo
good-natured repartees wore ex
changed between tho Doano leader
and some of the Nebraska rooters.
Doane put up a good gamo oven if
they did not score. They have a
heavy team and a good lino. Twice
their line hold heroically' whon the
ball was on their throe-yard lino, but
thoy woro Anally beaten down and tho
ball shoved over for Nebraska's, first
Many Substitutes.
Many substitutes wefo made after
Nebraska' had scored. Wenstrand
went in for Wolcott, Spollmoyor for
Temple and Froltng for Shonka. In
tho last fow minutes Beltzer' and
FrAnck wont in to llvon up the back
Tho gamo was almost devoid of fea
tures. Somtf of Sturtzcncgger's re
turns of punts in the first half were
good one especially when he returned
for over thirty yards. "Stutts' " play
ing was hard at all times and ho suf
forod somo severe bruises in tho flrst
half. The feature of tho game how
over, was Captain Beltzor's groat run
towards tho close of tho second half.
He caught a short punt almost in the
middle of the field and by a fine exhi
bition of dodging, shifting the ball,
and stiff arming, he ran forty-five
yards diagonally across the field to
within five yards of Doano's goal line.
From here Harte carried tho ball over
for Nebraska's second touchdown.
The First Half.
Doane won tho toss' and chose to
defend the west goal. Sturtzenogger
kicked off for Nebraska', Tho ball was
worked sldwly back by Doano, but
they soon lost on a fumble which
enabled Elliott to fall tin the ball,
giving i to Nebraska in tho conter of
the field. A series of punt exchanges
followed, with tho result that tho play
worked Into Doane territory. Nebraska
followed with a touchback. A punt by
Doano brought tho ball to tho center
of tho field, where the Donne lino hold
well and Nebraska punted to their ton
yard lino. A good return was made,
but a fumble followed and Johnsqn
secured the ball.
A forward pass from Rathbono to
Magor made a gain of seventeen yards
for tho Cornhuskors and placed tho
ball on the three-yard lino. Horo tho
Doane lino again hold well, allowing
Harte to make only a single gain. On
the third down Temple carried the
ball for a touchdown, and Rathbono
kicked goal, making tho score six to
nothing for the Cornhuskers.
On the next kickoff Doane fumbled
but recovered, and tho play was soon
in the middle of tho field. Hartwell,
tho captain nnd right end of .the
Doane team, followed with a good end
run. making a five-yard gain. Doane
then punted and Nebraska returned
tho ball down tho field for Bteady
gains on line bucks. On a punt Donne
fumblod but regained the ball, re
punting and Hartwell capturing the
ball for Doano. Another punt fol
lowed and Sturtzenogger roturned the
ball to the same part of the field, tho
Interference of tho Cornhuskers being
good. But aftor a couple of downs
Nebraska lost tho ball on a fumble,
but soon regained it and it was
worked down tho field in the Doane
territory. Timo was called with the
play on the Doano olghteon-j'nrd line.
The 8econd Half.
At the beginning of the second half
Dutch went In for Hobort and Grif
fith for Arnold in tho Doano lineup,
and during tho remnlnder of tho play
a number of changes were made. Early
in the half Nebraska again used the
forwnrd paas for good gains and also
on side kicks. From tho thirty-yard
line in Nebraska torritory tho Corn
huskors carried the ball down tho field
to the Doano twenty-six-yard line, all
of the distance mndo on lino bucks,
with the exception of ono forward
pass. Doane punted on securing the
ball. The punt was taken in by Beltzer,
who made the sensational run of the
day, carrying tho ball from the middle
or the field to within a fow yards of
the goal, which was followed by the
second touchdown for the Cornhusk
ors. Once in the last half tho bull was on
tho Nobraska five-yard line. Doane
kicked a touchback, and while the play
was on the twenty-yard lino Nebraska
was penalized fifteen yards, but n kick
by Beltzer placed tho play well out In
tho field. Nebraska tried for a place
kick during the last half, but this was
blocked and tho Cornhuskors lost
about thirty yards as well as tho ball.
Tho game cloBed with a series of
punts and time was called with the
ball on the Nobraska forty-yard line.
Tho following was the lineup and
the officials:
Cornhuskors. Doane.
Johnson 1. e Griffith
Wolcott 1. 1 Perry
Wenstrand Harvey
Harte 1. g Bronson
Shonka c Luke
Ewlng r. g Sa wyer
Temple r. t Arnold
Spollmlor Griffith
Magor r! e Hartwell
Rathbono q. b Wilkinson
Sturtzonegger. . .1. h Enlow
Elliott f. b Wllhabor
McDonald r, h. , Holbert
Beltzer Duch-Wendlnnd
Timo of halves, 25 minutes.
Chorrlngton, referee; Cornell, um
pire; Plnneo, field Judge.
Former Chancellor Leaves Cape Town
In Improved Health.
Former Chancellor E. Benjamin An
drpws left .Cape Town, South' Africa.
November 1," according to private let
ters received In Lincoln, bound for
Calcutta, India, where he will remain
until March of next year. The chan
cellor emeritus writes from Cape Town
that both ho and Mrs. Andrews aro in
improved health.
After remaining in India during the
winter, Dr. and Mrs. Andrews will go
to Franco, visiting especially in Paris.
They vill, return to Lincoln about Oc
tober 1, unless their present plans
aro changed.
Your car fare would pay for a nice
lunch at the. Boston Lunch. Why go
' -
First Authentic Information as to
New Organization Was
Announced Last
Delta Chi has established a chapter
ut Nebraska. The fact that such an
organization had been established at
tho university wns not known until
yesterday evening whon tho member
ship roll of tho new, chapter wns made
public. Delta Chi is a national law
fraternity, and the establishing of a
chapter nt Nebraska comes ns a com
plete surprlso to the student body.
Tho members of the fraternity rent
ed at house at 2H7 North Sixtoenth
during the summer nnd have been oc
cupying it since tho beginning of
Bchool. Tho chapter wns organ Izod
last spring as the John Marshall Law
Club for the purpose of petitioning
One of Last Year's Heavy Line Men
Who Is Playing 8teady Ball
This Fall.
Delta Chi for a chapter, but owing to
the lateness of the season, tho char
tor was not granted until this fall.
Was Kept 8ecret.
The matter was kept remarkably se
cret throughout No reports of the
petition leaked out until a few days
ago, when a rumor to the effect that
a new law fraternity might be in
stalled at Nebraska was published in
one of tho state papers. Since then
several guesses have appeared, but
nothing approaching the facts was
known until last evening.
Tho now fraternity includes in its
membership roll some of the most
prominent men In tho law school. The
list of names as given out last even
ing follows;
Robert. rW. Devoe, Lincoln; Arthur
B. Boutbnj Bollwood; Roy B". Carlberg,
Bancroft; Oscar B. Clark, Lincoln;
Allyn Cole, Creto; G. A. Fitzslmmons,
Tecum8eh; W. H. ReynoldB, Nodaway,
Iowa; Dell D. Stull, Lincoln; Raymond
M. Tibbetts. Hastings; James M, Pat
ton, Dahinda, 111.; C. Petrus Peterson,
Stromsburg; M. E. Cornelius, Odoll;
James E. Bednar, Lincoln; Frank C.
Burke, Lincoln Frank A. Dutton, Lin
coln; Vancll KC Greer, Lincoln; Hienry
S. Lower, Lincoln; Milton H. Pilcher,
Custer, S. Dak.; Sylvester V. Shonka,
Alble; Ralph E. Waldo, South Omaha;
Ross W. Bates, Springfield; Robert R.
Hill, Geneva; W. K. Hqdgkin, O'Neill;
E. L. Powell;-Snilthfl61djGleniAHres.
ton. Fremont; S. C. Stoner. OBcoola;
A. E. Wan-on, Superior; Herbert J.
CurtlBs, Collogo Viow.
Somo of thcBo potltlonors woro
seniors Inst year and aro not In tho
university at tho present time, but
thoy nil oxpoct to bo back later In tho
yonr. Professor Maxoy and W. J.
Bryan aro both mombors of Delta Chi.
Tho petition for tho installation of a
chapter at Nebraska was strongly en
dorsed by Mr. Brynn, Professor Maxoy,
Governor Shallenberger, M. B. Rocbo,
chiof. Justice of tho supreme court of
Nebraska, once denn of the lnw
school; Chancellor Avery; Donn Hast
ings of tho law school; Goo. P. Costl
gnn, Into doan of tho law school; Pro
fessor ('. G. Vernier, nnd ProfeBBor
E. B. Cotinnt.
Will Have House.
The now fraternity Is barred from
taking into membership any Greek
lottor man, although Its members nro
permitted to join other fraternities.
Tho reaBon given for this Ih that It
prevonts the fraternity from bocomlng
an intorfratornlty organization. Among
other points in which it differs from
Phi Delta Phi, tho only other law fra
ternity at Nebraska, 1b that tho na
tional fraternity compolB its chaptorB
to maintain n house.
Delta Chi Is a strong fraternity na
tionally. It ranks second In point of
membership, and first In tho number
of houses maintained among law fra
ternities. Its membership may bo
roughly estimated at twenty-four 'hun
dred. It has twonty-four chapters
which aro located at thd leading law
schools of tho country. Among tho
chapters, tho more prominent aro lo
cated at Michigan, Minnesota. Chi
cago, Loland Stanford and Columbia.
Annual Tramp of Condra's Pupils to
Louisville and 8outh Bend Held
Last Friday and Saturday.
Last Friday and Saturday the stu
dents in Geology 21 took a two days'
trip to Louisville In order to study
the rock formntloiiB on tho Plntto
river. The class is composed of
eighteen boys nnd fifteen girls and
woro accompanied by Dr. and Mra.
Condra and Prof. BIngston.
The first stop made on tho trip was
nt South Bend, where tho party divid
ed. The girls, accompanied by Dr.
and Mtb. Condra, continued on tho
train to Louisville. Tho boys crossed
the river and made a visit to the state
fisheries. After a study of tho rocks
and springs there they proceeded to
tramp down tho river towards Louis
ville. Tho old abandoned quarries on
that side of tho river were visited
nnd tho formations studied.
About five o'clock in the afternoon
tho two parties mot at Louisville and
went Into camp north of tho village.
Aftor supper the party spent the
evening In sitting around a big bonfire
listening to stories and songs con
tributed by various members of the
The next day tho parties again
started out on their study. The Mur
phy quarries were flrst visited, then
the National Stone company quarries
and the Codar Creek quarries. At
four o'clock they returned to Lin
8tudents' Organization Hears Ad
dress and Picks Officers.
Tho Students' Agricultural Club met
last Saturday evening in tho Templo
and planned for the year's work. Af
ter a short address by "Prof. Pugsley
the club proceeded to elect officers.
C. A. Broderlck was elected president,
W. Forbes vice president. E. L. Cur
rier secretary, Mr. S. Jussel treasurer.
Good Program to Be Rendered Thle
Week at Noon Hour.
That tho noon meetings of tho Y.
W, C. A. are 'interesting is proven by
the fact that they aro so well attend
ed. Besides affording a recreation
during the noon, hour, they are Inter
esting and instructive. Tho follow'
ing is tho program for this week:
MondayClaire' McKlnnbn.
Tuesday Miss Scovllle. ' .
Wednesday Flofonco Parmelee.
Thursday Ida B, Vibbard.
'""Friday Professor Evea.
Jayhawkers' Offensive Machine Gives
Them the Edge Over Cornhusk
ers Cole May Upset
the Dope.
Who will bo tho 1909 champions of
tho Missouri Valloy conforonco?
Throe toams Nebraska, Kansas and
Missouri still aro ologiblo for tho
covoted honor, tho other members of
tho "Big Sovon" having boon removod
from tho rnco by tho provlouB gaihoB
of tho autumn.
Iowa, tho last of tho strong contend
ers for tho tltlo, was eliminated by
Missouri in tho 13 to 12 gamo at
Iowa City Saturday. Amos, in per
mitting Missouri to play it a tie ono
week ngo, had its hopes shattered.
Kansas disposed of Washington in
easy fashion on tho same aftornoon
tho "Show-Mo" contirigont was lower
ing tho colors of Clydo Williams' pu
pils at the Iowa agricultural collogo.
Jjraito, moeting only members of tho
Iowt state collogo loaguo, has no
claims on tho valloy prize.
Nebraska vs. Kansas.
Of tho trio remnlnlng in tho con
test, Nebraska and Kansas appear 'to
bo the teams that will really sottlo
the championship question. Missouri
ic strong this fall much stronger
than In any recent season but Its
rather poor ahowhig against Iowa
Saturday indicates that it will have
little chance of defeating tho Jayhawk
era In tho annual clash at Kansas
City on Turkey dny.
Coach Ropor has turned out a re
markably fine eleven for tho Columbia
Institution, and in ordinary seasons
probably would bo a stroncr favorlto
over Kansas. This' -fall, however,
coach Kennedy has dovelopod an
eleven that Is fully as powerful as
the aggregation that was "all-victorious"
last fall, and 'westorn football
critics can only see defeat for 'Mis
souri. Removing MlBBOurl from the
raco, ns tho "dope" demands It should
be, there nro loft tho two old rivals,
Nebraska and Kansns, to fight for the
conference supremacy.
In the showings up to the present
time tho Jayhawkers are favorltos
over the Cornhuskors. Men of tho
betting fraternity pick them to win
the annual clash on Nebraska field
next Saturdny.
Kansas Undefeated.
Kansns has come through its first
half of tho schedule without suffering
a single defeat. In several of Its
games It has been able to use substi
tutes. Even against Washburn Satur
day Kennedy did not permit tho Btar
back, Bond, to work.
Nebraska, on the other hand, hns
suffered ono defeat and has been tied
once. The gamo lost went to Minne
sota, a team that undoubtedly will be
the champions of tho west and ono
that Kansas could have held to no
lower scoro than 'the Cornhuskers did,
so that defeat Is indicative of nothing
that can be taken as "dopo" in com
paring Nebraska and Kansas.
With Iowa the Cornhuskers, of
course, were' handicapped by tho ab
sence of their regular quarter, whose
presence would undoubtedly havo
given thorn the game. Kansas could
have defeated Iowa easily. But
couldn't it have made a better show
ing against Iowa than even Nebraska
could, had Cole been blessed with for
tune and had his regular quarter in
the lineup?
Kansas''Good Offense.
Most answers .to this question must
bo in tho affirmative, for Kansas has
a .scoring, machine tho like of which
has not been developed at Nobraska
yet. . Kansas haska powerful back, field
and Nebraska's has not been prayed
very r strong.
In the Minnesota and Iowa .games
the CorahUBker offense was deplor
ably ' weak. It was only on tho de
fense, against tho Gophers thai; Cole's
men played well. On tho offense they
.Continued on Fape 4