mem.u i'.'.mii' miw-'"'i 'wiww"nwi.iMrw'iiiniu'miwiin.iMiiM , n vfm difc1IMhiWh.lllMll'nf H M MlHlhll'M.IIll I nm I ll l ltll IHiK Illill.-gW. " i, Htmit i.nnj- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN N- ii(.Win; iiigTiTiia L- David Bispham American Barltona OLIVER THEATRE Nov. 5 KLmaLaaaaaaaaB His lntolHgonco, his wondorful in torprotativo powor, liin wldo oxnori oncb, and his unflagging enthusiasm mark him as tho foromost Amorican vocalist. UNIVERSITY EXHIBIT OF INDUSTRIAL ARTS 8TATE SCHOOL WELL REPRE 8ENTED BY VARIED WORK. A FINE ARTS EXHIBITION ALSO IS ON Annual Display of Pictures Under Di rection of Nebraska Art Associ ation Promises to .Be Un usually Good. toy, fellows! A great many of the Suits and Overcoats - seen on the campus come from this Store Tho wise ono.s buy horo for loss. Yon can't toll theso llfi Suits from othor 125 onen. GET WIS1S. 925 Q"St,klneclr. Nell Tho unlvorslty Is to havo a prom inent placo In tho industrial oxhibit at tho Auditorium during tho mooting of tho teachers' association. Tho unl vorslty oxhibit will occupy tho entire north Bldo of tho Auditorium and it is intended to mako the oxhibit truly representative of tho industrial work boing dono at Nebraska. This is tho first timo that an indus trial oxhibit of this kind haB ovor boon hold during tho meeting of tho Stato Teachers' Association. Tho ox hibit is In charge of the stato depart ment of public instruction and will in cludo work dono along this lino by all of tho schools of tho Btato. Tho unl vorslty oxhibit will cover moro spaco than any other, it occupying the en tiro north wall of tho Auditorium, and as it Ih tho first time the unlvorslty has gono into anything of this kind on so largo a scale, it will afford an ex cellent opportunity for tho visiting teachers from over tho stato to ob tain a good idea of what tho univer sity Ib doing in tho lino of Industrial arts. Engineering Work. Tho engineering part of tho univer sity's oxhibit will includo as ono of Its features a number of lathes boing operated by students from that de partment. Tho drafting work will bo exhibited, both in tho designs and In their oxocutlon. Tho department of oloctrlcal engineering will put In a high potential electric sign. Another department which will bo well represented is that of homo economics. Thoy will give a largo dis play of sowing, cooking and othor formB of work by that department. Besides this tho exhibit made by the other departments of tho stato farm will bo especially interesting. Thoy will show a modol farm, with barns, houses, n-iils, granaries, and every thing that goes with afarn comploto In miniature, together with tho loca tion of tho samo'. Besides this they will Bhow a model barn complete, a modol school houso, and various other models, nil of which havo been do signed and constructed by tho stu dents. Tho dopartmont of geology and geography will also havo a rathor largo oxhibit. Tho art department of tho, unlvorslty will oxhibit a number of spocimons in practical designing. Thoro will also bo an oxhibit of tho application of theso .deisgns in cur tains, rugs and numerous articles of a similar description. Art Exhibit. Tho Nebraska Art Association has also announcod that their annual ex hibition of paintings will begin No vember 1. Tho Nebraska Teachers' Association paid in a lump Bum to tho art association for which tho teach ers will bo onnbled to attend tho ox hibit freo while in tho city. Tho oxhibit tills year promises to bo better than anything tho association has ever secured. It will ast through the month of November, which is ono weok longor than tho tlmo lnBt year. As tho exhibit comes considerably earlier this year it will enablo the stu dent body to tako advantage of it tho ontlro time during which it is open, 'instead of ub heretofore having tho tlmo of tho oxhibit fall largely within tho ChrlBtmas recess. Tho oxhibit comes to Nebraska from Kansas, where It has been on exhibi tion at tho university, and it will in cludo moro than a hundred original paintings by famous American nnd foreign artists. Tho pictures are se cured in tho enstern cities by Miss Cora Parker, acting aB the agent of tho NobraBka exhibit. Tho pictures are picked up directly from tho studios of tho artists, and includo many paintings of enormous value. Ono picture in tho oxhibit of last yoar was valued at four thousand dollars, and many of thorn run over ono thousand. NOTICE. All studont8 doslrlng to try out for the University TJramntlc Club will bo given an opportunity to do so on No vember 11 at 7 p. m. in tho Temple theater. A list of suitable selections will bo found pnBted In room U10G. Tho secretary of tho club, MIbs AHco Frum, will assign a time for each person or group of persons to try out If applications nro made out next Tuesday from 11 to 11:30 a. m. at U10C. I &X(r)&?JuF i " r' ' Fancy Vests Say, if some of you real thorough breds want to swell up some night and go to call on "her," we can sell you a fancy vest, that's very apt to u)in you a home. We' can sell it to you at half price too you can keep that other half and take her to the best show in town. Then if you happen to need a sweater coat or an overcoat or any other old coat, "You're On." In fact most anything you want from a cravenette to a pair of garters, we've got your order. Palace Clothing Co. 1419 O Street LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" 11THmDSFLooRT C. E. BULLARD, U. of N. '02, Manager We teach the fancy dances Rye Waltz, Cadets', Society Minuet, etc., on Saturday nights, and use the University Or chestra. This is your night, students; come and dance. . UNIVERSITY NIGHTS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Class Nights Wednesdays and Socials Mondays and Fridays Saturdays 8:00 to 10:00. AUTO 4477 8:00 to 12:00 Private Lessons by Appointment DELL A1311 dip We Specialize on voung men's clothes. Some " young men are particular, hard to please. They know just what they want and go where they can get it. We have studied this game out to the end. We know what the college fellows want; and make it a point to have it here. The full chested, broad shouldered athletic styles; long lapels, fronts; peg top trousers, the typical college styles priced from $10 to $40 -V" OUR STRONGEST LINES are $10-$15-$20-$25, every one of these garments are the very best values you can buy for the money any place; styles correct, tailoring perfect, in all the latest weaves and colors. I T Armstrong Clothing Company GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS Home of Hart, Schaf fner & Marx all wool clothes ' H j ''t r f