The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 29, 1909, Image 1

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VoL IX. No. 24.
Price 5 Cents.
Well Prepared
Hard Contest Expected Between Sec
ond Team and Methodists York
High 8chool and Lincoln on
Nebraska Field.
The Cornhuskers have practically
recovered from all evil effects of the
last two contests with Minnesota and
Iowa and are regaining their old form.
Saturday they line up against tne
Doano Tigers. While this will be con
sidered moro In the nature of a prac
tlco game, still the Interest In the
game will be fair. Doano has a good
team this year and expects to win the
state championship. Of- course this
does not include tho State University.
The scrubs will probably play moBt of
tho game Saturday.
Secret practice -was continued yes
terday at the now field. For this part
of tho work the advantages of the now
field with the high fence incluosuro Is
very evident. LaBt year there was no
opportunity for secret practice with
out journeying out to the state farm,
but ,this necossity has been removed
and much better results are antici
pated. 8crimmaging Again.
Yesterday saw the hardest scrim
mage of the week. Tho first scrim
mage was between the varBity and the
scrubs, with tho honors about oven.
Several of the varsity men were ab
sent, neither Captain Beltzor nor
Ewlng showing up for practice.
After the varsity had fought tho
scrubs for a while they were sent
against tho second varsity for about
fifteen minutes of nard worK. un line
work tho first team had -tho advan
tage, but they made some costly fum
bles and twice tho second team men
got away for long gains, one of which
resulted in a touchdown.
Bentloy has just about fully recov
ered from his injuries of the Minne
sota game. Ho may not be used at
all In the Doane game, however, Cole
preferring to save him intact for tho
Kansas game.
High School Against York.
Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock the
Lincoln High School team play York
High on the university athletic field.
Lincoln has one of the best teams in
tho history of the high school and are
strong bidders for the state champion
ship. York always has a good team
and in years past has given Lincoln
all they cared to handle. Tomorrow's
contest ought to be a good one and It
Is expected a good many students will
Scrubs Go to Wesleyan.
The scrubs go to University Place
tomorrow afternoon to take on tho
MothodiBts In what is expected tp be
a bard contest. This will be the first
game of the season for tho freBhmen,
and they are expected to show the
Methodists some now tricks about the
game, WeBloyan has a strong team,
imvlnc hold both Peru and BelleVue to
a tie. If the freshmen can succeed In"
showing up tho wesjeyanitea tomor
" row, they will stand a good show of
beating Morningslde when they met
the latter team at Sioux City a week
from Saturday.
B..UIw Omntmmmn lifinlk On fiP-
man UnJVr(tles, .$
At five o'clock this afternoon me
third of tho series of graduate convo
cation exercises will be held in Me
morial Hall. Dr. George Elliott How
ard will speak on the Bubject, "The-
LeBBdn of tho German to he Amen
can University."
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Question: Who is tKe Prowle?
Five Thousand Emblems Bearing the
8logan of Loyalty to Nebraska
Will Be Distributed
Next Week.
Friday Afternoon Tea Today Espe
cially for Them.
By bulletins sent out yesterday to
graduate students, Miss Ensign, acting
adviser to women, makes an appeal
that these members of the student
body make an especial effort to be
present at the Friday afternoon tea in
lUemorial Hall from 3:30 to 5 p. m.
Tho tea today, as Is customary, Is
open to all university girls. It is
especially, however, for graduate stu
dents. Last week the seniors were
given a special day and turned out in
Tho faculty hostesses for today are
Mrs. L. A. Sherman, Mrs. Charles For
dyce, Mrs. C. It. Richards, Mrs. Paul
Grumann, and Dr. Luclllo Evans. Tho
city patronesses are Mrs. C. H. Gove,
Mrs. A. It. Mitchell, Mrs. T. F. A. Wil
liams, and Miss Anna Rodgers.
With the Appointment of Thirty Ser
geants and Thirty-six Corporals
Battalion is Equipped
for t'he Year.
Hard Work Is Being Done Preparing
I for the Intercollegiate Debates.
Profespor George O. Virtue, profes
sor of political economy, spoke before
the university debating squad Wednes
day afternoon.. This is the second of
b series of talks which the squad 'will
fecolvo from men (interested In the
question which they are working up.
'The first of these addresses was "given
jjy Professor Taylor of ther political
economy department The 'squad Is
putting in eyery moment of valuable
time in preparing for the try-outs to
'phoosp the men and In working up the
material for the debate! with Mlnne
,BOta and 'Iowa, which come In Decern
Members of the Second Year Class
Get Into Training for the Class
Yesterday morning, in response to
tho call of Manager Pearso, the mem
bers of the sophomore class Interested
in football met and began practice for
the coming series of games with the
other class teams for the inter-class
championship. The same rule will be
followed this year as has been in
vogue for the past few years, that the
winning class team be rewarded with
sweaters bearing their claBs numerals.
About twelve men were out for
praotlce for the sophomores, and all
able men of tho class are requested
to come out at regular practice Jn the
future. The, members of tho Junior
team' are indulging in daily practice
on tho athletic field and the coming
series of games are expected to bo
fought fiercely.
Paine; third sergeant, A. T. Newton;
fourth sergeant, W. C. Becker; fifth
sergeant, F. J. Clark; sixth sergeant,
E. Erlckson; corporalB, F. A. Wirt, E.
B. Ersklno, J. C. Watson, E. A. Root,
J. B. Spaulding, E. O. Rourko.
Company K Second sergeant, D. B.
Van Dusen; third Bergeant, C. W. Do
bry; fourth sergeant-, H. W. Elley;
fifth sergeant, A. C. Mungor; corporals,
H. B. Wright, E. C. Mageo, C. B. An
derson, A. D. Hall.
Hospital Corps Second sergeant,
W. A. Lotton; third sergeant, R. E.
U .. '. .
Members or tne senior mass t-ioia
Their First Social Function at
- College View.
The members 4of the senior class
meet tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock
at Eleventh and O streets to go to
College 'View to atterid the senior
breakfast. This Is tho first stunt 6f
the social season which the members
of the class have held and every Benipr
is oxpected to be present at this en
tertainment. The price of tho ticket
is 35 cents and may be purchased of
the committee of which 1. E. Morgan
is the chairman. The breakfast will
be hold In the grove, one mile south
of College View, and cars may bo
taken at Eleventh and O streets fpr
the trip out, The'commlttee promises
that there 111 be plenty to eat for all,
and 'that they have arranged a very
pleasing program for the morning's en
tertainment, , '
Baked beans, baked on the premises
and served hot with delicious brown
bread, 10c, atThe Boston Lunch.-
The cadet battalion Is complete.
With the appointments last evening
of the sergeants and corporals of the
different companies the last step In
the completion of tho cadet battalion
for the coming year was taken. Tho
battalion has been conducted so far
this year by the captains, lieutenants
and tho first sergeants. This has led
to the second year men of the different
companies working hard for the dif
ferent positions In tho various com
panies. The battalion as formed at the pres
ent time is comprised of six companies
of cadets, besides a hospital corpB de
tachment and a rifle range corps.
These companies and the various .de
tachments are composed of about four
hundred men, and is the largest bat
talion that has ever been assembled
at the university.
Tho work of the battalion has been
so far only In the school of tho com
pany and has been work In marchings
and facings. No guns have been is
sued as yet, but it is expected that
they will be issued to the members of
the battalion in the near future.
New Officers.
Laqt evening the appointments for
the sergeants and corporals of the six
companies was announced. They are
as follows:
Company D Second sergeant, C. L.
Fisher; third sergeant, M. Stelnhart;
fourth sergeant, IL E. Klplinger; fifth
sergeant, J. J. Keegan; corporals, R.
A. Haldorson, G. V. Tunks, P. B.
Rowen, B. H. Camming, A. P. Paul, D.
Company C Second sergeant, L, A.
Welch; third sergeant, C. O. Rost;
fourth sergeant, R G. Haggart; fifth
sergeant, L. R. Anderson; sixth ser
geant, G. C. Pouts';, corporals, F. E.
brown, C, W. Coryell, R, E. Rice, E,
Llonburger, J. W. Mallclc.
Company A Second "sergeant, K. F,
Warner; third sergeant, J. H..Kuony;
fourth sergeant, R. L. Ferguson; fifth
sergeant, J, K. Selllck; sixth sergeant,
0. It. Clark; corporals. R. E. Storm,
W. H. NoelUng, H, C. Blatter, G. W,
Nelson, G. W. Stewart, C. F, Moon.
Company B Second sergeant, R. T,
Gutnrie; tmra sergeant, w. J. Krug;
fourth sergeant, E. S. Frost; fifth ser-
geant, G. C. Klddoo; sixth sergeant,
G. R, Davis; corporals, B. R. Spauld
ing; C. L, Swanson, D.' R. Donlen, G. H,
Glade, J. R. Melons, Wr H. Blxby.
Company I Second sergeant, C. K
Mrs. Silence Dales-Knapp Entertained
With a Musical Program
"At convocation yesterday morning
Mrs. SItypnco Dales-Knapp gavo a violin
recital, accompanied by Miss Louise
Zumwinkel ns pianist. Tho program
consisted of Mozart's concerto in E
fiat, allegro modorato, adalgo, and
Organization of the Best Drilled Cadets
Hold Regular Weekly Business
Meeting Last Evening.
The members of the Pershing
Rifles met last evening in the armory
and transacted a largo amount of
business. Several of the committees
made reports regarding tho financial
standing of the organization and other
minor details.
The report of the Pershing hop
which was held last spring was read
and accepted and the, report of tho au
diting committee, favorably received.
Tho scarf committee reported and tho
members of the organization adopted
a light tan scarf as tho official desig
nation of the society. Plans were dis
cussed for the admission of new mem
bers ind the design of a new pin was
Woman's Dinner Club Held First Ban
quet of the Year and a Pleas
ant Evening Was Spent.
The members of the Faculty Wo
man's Dinner Club met last evening at
Dalrymple's at 6:30 and there held a
dinner In honor of Miss Alice Ensign,
the acting dean of a women. A series
of short 'toasts followed the banquet
and a general good time was spent by
all present In getting acquainted with
each other. k-
The members. of tho organization
expect to' hold a dinner of. this sort
at regular' intervals during the coming
year, and it Is hoped that the organi
zation may become a permanent one
In tho university, It had been hoped
by the members of the dinner, ciuo to
keep the organization of this club a
secret and the plan succeeded until a
few days ago, The secret leaked out
la some unaccountable manner aad It
was necessary to abandon this plan.
A Bolid gold football for each man
on tho team Is tho prize for which tho
CornhUBkor team may strlvo In tho
Kansas gamo. That is tho roward
which will possibly bo given to tho do
fenders of tho Scarlot and Cream
In case of their victory ovor tho Jay
hawkers. Tho proposition of awarding tho Ne
braska players gold trophies of tholr
victory over Kansas was brought up
by certain students yesterday, Tho
matter was laid beforo tho student
members of tho athletic board and a
canvass of tho board was at onco
taken. It was stated last evoning that
a majority of tho board wero commit
ted unofficially to tho award. In caso
theso men do not chango tholr minds
beforo tho board formally acts, tho
"N" men may be euro of their foot
balls. A meeting will bo held at 11
a. m. today to decide the question.
The footballs will bo made In tho
form of a watch cnarm. They will bo
solid gold and will bo appropriately
engraved with tho circumstances of
tho Kansas Victory. Only thoso mem
bers of tho team participating in tho
Kansas game will receive the tro
phies. Given Once Before.
Onco beforo In tho history of Ne
braska the gridiron heroes have boon
rewarded with gold footballs. That
was In 1002, when Nebraska turned
out her famous all-victorious team un
der Captain Westover. In that year
Nebraska trimmed Minnesota by a
score of 6 to 9 and Kansas lost 10 tq 0.
Other teams failed entirely to moot
tho defense of tho Cornhuskers, and
the season closed with Nebraska's goal
lino uncrossed.
In appreciation of the record mado
In that year tho Nebraska students
gave the team members gold footballs.
At no time since that year has the
custom been revived, With Nebraska
defeating KansaB, however, the Corn
huskers may onco moro receivo tho
prized trophies.
"We Must Beat Kansas."
"We Must Beat Kansas." That Is
tho slogan to, be printed on 5,000 but
tons which will be distributed on tho
campus early next week. Tho buttons
have beep ordered and tho shipment is
expected not later than Monday. They
will bo at onco scattered about among
students and alumni and 'the battle
cry which they carry will symbolize
the "Nebraska spirit" which is to
meet and conquer Kansas November 6.
The buttons will bo plain bits of
metal with the four words forming
tho motto of Nebraska printed in col
ors.' Every student in the university
and every alumni In the city, is ex-,
pected to appear next week wearing
tho sign of his loyalty to Nebraska.
Nebraska must beat Kansas and the
best way to insure that end.In the
opinion of the managers, is to make
victory certain by fostering the spirit
or aeierminaiion wmen auos no no-feat.
i 4
Annual Publication Board Met and De
cided on the Material to Be.
Tho members of tho Corohusker
staff mot In U106 last evening and
plans were outlined to them as to the
general contents of the Cornhusker
for 1910 by Editor Mosely. It Is
planned to have the book this year
of a departmental nature, and that tho
Joke department Is to be made larger
than it has been In the past. -v
1 a now lttHiuru ui mo uuun. iuib
year Is that it will contain a colored
supplement for each department in tho
annual. The book Is also to contain
other new features. The Cornhusker
this" year "Is to be the best volume
that' the students of ttie to 'upper
I classes have txetyproduced, acoordlag